Bekokat: Catalytic Technology For Hydrocarbon-Free Compressed Air
Bekokat: Catalytic Technology For Hydrocarbon-Free Compressed Air
Bekokat: Catalytic Technology For Hydrocarbon-Free Compressed Air
Process technology
Systems | Process technology | BEKOKAT®
During the compression of air, cleanliness of the air becomes a of air quality can the contamination of processes and products be
critical factor since compressed air always absorbs a certain amount prevented. Here, the BEKOKAT® sets new standards with its trend-
of hydrocarbons from the intake air, from compressor oil, and from setting technology: with a residual oil content down to a barely
lubricated line-mounted valves in the compressed-air system. The measurable 0.001mg/m3 - and an absolute absence of biological
absence of oil needs to be systematically established in the course contaminants – air cleanliness is taken to a new level.
of downstream processing since only through constant monitoring
Germ-free compressed air Independent of the ambient tem- Certified reliably oil-free com-
perature, air humidity, and oil inlet pressed air in spite of oil-lubrica-
concentration ted compression or oil-contamina-
Partial-load operation without re- ted intake air
striction from 20 % to 100 %
Flexible installation in central
processing or at the terminal point Long service live
Environmentally friendly, no
hazardous waste, clean, and oil- Can also be retrofitted in existing Absolute safety through conti-
free condensate plants without replacing the nuous process monitoring
already available compressors
Ecological. Economical. Effective. For absolutely oil-free compressed air BEKOKAT® offers performance at the highest level.
Cost-efficient - right from the start
Compromises are often made during the planning of a In conventional positive displacement compressors, such as
compressed-air station in order to balance the needs for the best piston or screw compressors, gaps are sealed and return flows
possible and safest processing with an economically justifiable are prevented with lubricants in the compression chamber. The
investment cost. Oil-free compression is frequently shown to result is compression that is more energy-efficient. In most cases,
be disadvantageous in terms of significantly higher investment the combination of a BEKOKAT® with an energy-efficient and
and maintenance costs, whereas oil-lubricated compression conventionally oil-lubricated screw compressor offers increased
with a low-cost activated carbon solution does not guarantee energy-efficiency when compared with an oil-free screw-
constant process safety. The BEKOKAT® offers a solution that compressor: this is due to the superior overall system efficiency.
unites the advantages of both systems: low investment costs The air-air heat exchanger in the BEKOKAT® maintains average
through conventional oil-lubricated compression are combined power consumption at a very low level - down to 0.003kWh/m3.
with the highest process safety through the certified absence of This ensures the energy-efficient production of best quality
oil down to a value of 0.001mg/m3. This creates an unsurpassed compressed air, irrespective of the suction conditions. Therefore
price-performance ratio. The processing solution with BEKOKAT® with BEKOKAT®, completely reliable process monitoring is
offers cost-efficiency right from the start, providing top-quality available and which offers immediate competitive advantages to
compressed air – without compromises. your production processes.
Systems | Process technology | BEKOKAT®
Heating system
1 Compressed air inlet
containing oil and
ambient hydrocarbons
Phase into two constituent parts
in the catalytic convertor
3 Catalysis continues
4 Hydrocarbon molecules are
oxidised into H2O and CO2
Oil molecule (carbon and hydrogen) Catalytic converter N-nitrogen O2-oxygen CO2-carbon dioxide H2O-water
“We all need to understand that the employment of oil-free
compressors is not a guarantor of oil-free compressed air. With
the BEKOKAT® from BEKO TECHNOLOGIES has given us the
optimum solution for supplementary processing.”
The condensate fro the process is oil-free and can be introduced into the sewerage system without needing to be processed.
The solution for highly sensitive processes
The purity of compressed air dictates final product quality – ducts makes the highest demands on cleanliness: the oil introdu-
particularly where compressed air comes into direct contact with ced via compressed air could have severe consequences. Here, the
the products during processing and production. The manufacture BEKOKAT® offers the safety of oil and germ-free compressed air.
of highly sensitive products such as food or pharmaceutical pro-
Food industry
Perfect consistency:
compressed air makes ice cream enjoyable
Here, the compressed air comes very intensively into contact with
the ice cream. The lowest oil shares or only a few germs make the
ice cream inedible. Only the BEKOKAT® is capable of realising oil
and germ-free processing in a single step.
Pharmaceutical industry
Here, oil in compressed air is not only a hygienic problem but can
also lead to the swelling of the pressed tablets. Expensive rejects
would be the consequence. At this point, the BEKOKAT® assures
the quality of the products.
Systems | Process technology | BEKOKAT®
Automotive industry
Electronics industry
Paper industry Energy Enviroment Gas
Evidence furnished and validated by a complex test series: the BEKOKAT® produces absolutely germ-free compressed air.
Systems | Process technology | BEKOKAT®
Pressure (bar[g]) 16 16 16 16 16 11 **
Other voltages upon request. Other models upon request. From model CC-180 onwards without housing.
* related to +20°C and 1 bar(a)
** 16 bar(g) version upon request.
Systems | Process technology | BEKOKAT®
We at BEKO TECHNOLOGIES develop, manufacture, and distri- Since its founding in 1982, BEKO TECHNOLOGIES has conti-
bute products and systems for an optimised compressed-air and nuously given decisive impulses to compressed-air technology.
compressed gas quality throughout the world. From the proces- Our pathbreaking ideas have exerted considerable influence on
sing of compressed air and compressed gases through filtration the development. With this expertise and with our personal com-
and drying, via proven condensate technology, to instruments mitment, we at BEKO TECHNOLOGIES stand for trend-setting
for quality supervision and measurement. From the small com- technologies, products, and services.
pressed-air application to demanding process technologies.
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