Annual Report 2016-17
Annual Report 2016-17
Annual Report 2016-17
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1. CS Dinesh Chandra Arora Secretary Secretariat
2. Dr. Amita Ahuja Joint Secretary Corporate Communication
3. Mr. Ankur Yadav Joint Secretary Student Services, Grievance Redressal Cell
(SG) and SMASH Project
4. Dr. Sudhir K. Dixit Joint Secretary Printing, Publication & Co-Ordination
5. CS Alka Kapoor Joint Secretary CEO Designate (ICSI- IPA)
6. Dr. Sanjay Pandey Joint Secretary Examination
7. Ms. Meenakshi Gupta Joint Secretary Discipline
8. CS Ashok Kumar Dixit Joint Secretary Membership, RTI, CSBF & Law
9. Mr. S K Nagar Joint Secretary Human Resource and Council Affairs
10. Mr. Sudipto Pal Joint Secretary Student Services
11. Mr. Sameer Gupta Joint Secretary Finance and Accounts
(Including Treasury Cell )
12. Mr. Bhubanananda Pradhan Director Infrastructure and Special Project (Noida)
13. Mr. M A Joseph Director Examination
14. CS Sonia Baijal Director Professional Development, Perspective
Planning & Academics (Including PMQ Cell)
15. Dr. Rajesh Kumar Agrawal Director ICSI-CCGRT
16. Dr. S K Jena Director Training and Placement (Including Industry
Interaction Cell)
17. Mr. A K Srivastava Director Administration & Purchase
18. Dr. Nikhat Khan Director Information Technology
19. Ms. Preeti Kaushik Banerjee Director Corporate Communication
20. Dr. Prasant Sarangi Director Research (ICSI-CCGRT)
21. Ms. Banu Dandona Joint Director Corporate Laws & Governance
22. Ms. Sarah Arokiaswamy Regional Director Southern India Regional Office
23. Mr. A K Rath Director Southern India Regional Office
24. Mr. DVNS Sarma Regional Director Eastern India Regional Office
25. Mr. K C Kaushik Regional Director Western India Regional Office
26. CS Alka Arora Regional Director Northern India Regional Office
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NEW DELHI- 110 001
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The relationship between Employees and Management remained major focus of the workshop was on regulatory expectations
cordial and harmonious during the year. of Secretarial Audit, issues and challenges in audit process and
4. CAPACITY BUILDING & KNOWLEDGE UPDATION to provide guidance on how to prepare for Secretarial Audit.
I. Companies Act, 2013 • NCLT & NCLAT
• “Enable, Evaluate, Excel”: ICSI has started a weekend webinar Institute organized several National seminars and webinars on
series “The Companies Act, 2013 – Enable, Evaluate, Excel” NCLT & NCLAT in order to equip the members in the emerging
for its members from first week of 2017 to revive, refresh professional areas.
their knowledge on the Companies Act, 2013 and providing • Joint Programmes with Professional Institutes
an opportunity for self-evaluation of their knowledge on the Institute as part of its continuous effort for capacity building
subject and to prepare them for future challenges focusing at of its members organized joint programmes with various
the practical insight, role and opportunities. chambers, professional institutes, these includes:
• ICSI-Quest Assist: An initiative to reply to the queries and o 4th National Conference on Corporate Compliance
clarify doubts of members pertaining to the Companies Act, Management - The Strategic Regulatory Remediation; and
2013, Rules and Notifications made there under including 5th and 6th National Summit on Merger and Acquisition
issues related to E-filing. The call-in facility by subject experts titled “The Catalyst to Economic Growth” and “Issues
remains open for two hours, twice a week. During the period and Challenges under present Regulatory Framework”in
from February to May, 2017, a total of 25 sessions were collaboration with ASSOCHAM.
o One day Seminar on ‘Board Diversity – Driving a
• ICSI Quest e-Assist: The Institute has also launched an Sustainable Organization through Board Diversity
e-version of its Quest Assist initiative titled ‘ICSI Quest-eAssist’, and Global Convention on Corporate Ethics & Risk
a 24-hour link available on the website of the Institute to cater Management, in collaboration with IOD.
to the queries of the members.
o Four Days workshop on Corporate Laws & Regulations,
• E-book on Companies Act, 2013: To bring about complete 2016 (Recent Amendments)and National Company Law
ease of reference to the Companies Act 2013, in its entirety, Tribunal – Challenges & The Way Forward Implications;
an e-book portal on the Companies Act, 2013 was launched by and Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 - Emerging
ICSI. The e-book remains well updated taking into account all Issues and Its Impact, in collaboration with PHD Chamber
amendments notified by the Ministry from time to time. The of Commerce.
e-book portal is hosted on website of MCA as well as on the
III) ICSI Suggestions on various draft Regulations
website of ICSI at -
The Institute submitted its suggestions to Regulatory
• Compliance Management and Auditing Configurator authorities as under:
(CMAC): The Secretarial Audit aids monitoring of compliances
(i) to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on the Draft Regulations
with the requirements of law through a formal compliance
titled Foreign Exchange Management (Cross Border
management programme to produce positive results to all
Merger) Regulations, 2017.
the stakeholders of a company. In line with this thought and
to facilitate the conduct of Secretarial Audit, the Institute has (ii) to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on:
entrusted an external expert to develop a tool “ Compliance o Desirability of publication of notice in newspapers
Management and Auditing Configurator (CMAC),” with detailed as required under the various provisions of the
checklist of applicable laws covering the Central and State Acts Companies Act, 2013 and Rules made thereunder;
for 35 Industry Verticals and 50 Industry sub-verticals approx. o Draft Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation)
• Secretarial Standards: The Secretarial Standard on Meeting Rules, 2017.
of Board of Directors and General Meetings (SS-1 & SS-2) as o Amendment to Companies(specification of definition
revised by the ICSI, received approval from the Ministry of details) Rules, 2014
Corporate Affairs under Section 118(10) of the Companies o Section 169 of the Companies Act, 2013 to provide
Act, 2013. The revised SS-1 and SS-2 will be effective from for removal of independent director by way of a
1st October 2017. special resolution.
II. Capacity Building Programmes on Companies Act, 2013 5. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE
• Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016: National Seminar i. 1st ICSI CSR Excellence Award & 16th ICSI National Awards
on ‘Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code’ was held at Hyderabad for Excellence in Corporate Governance
and Mumbai. The Institute jointly with Insolvency and
A. 1st ICSI CSR Excellence Awards:
Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) organised National Seminar
on Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 in Bhubaneswar. With a view to provide further impetus to the Government’s
efforts towards implementation of provisions relating to CSR
• Secretarial Audit: ICSI and NSE jointly conducted two
and to recognize the good practices undertaken by Corporates
workshops on Secretarial Audit in Kolkata and Bangalore
under the CSR umbrella, the Institute initiated the ‘ICSI CSR
on 10th March, 2017 and 24th March, 2017 respectively. The
Excellence Awards’.
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The Awards aim to promote the Corporate Social Responsibility • Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited
in the Indian corporates by: • Mindtree Limited
a. Acknowledging their unique and extraordinary • Reliance Industries Limited
contribution in CSR; C. Life Time Achievement Award
b. Recognising contribution of corporates in fuelling The ICSI Lifetime Achievement Award is also conferred every year
inclusive growth; and on one eminent personality for translating excellence in corporate
c. Recognising implementation of innovative practices in governance into reality. The ICSI Lifetime Achievement Award is
CSR. bestowed keeping in view the contribution under the following
All companies are mandatorily required to comply with heads :
Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 are eligible to apply for • Performance of Group/Company he/she has led;
the awards. The participating companies are evaluated on the
• Social Welfare;
basis of their responses to the questionnaires, media reports
as well as responses received from regulatory authorities. • Public Policy;
The Awardees of the 1st ICSI CSR Excellence Awards are as • Corporate Governance
under: ICSI Life Time Achievement Award for Translating Excellence in
• Bajaj Corp Limited –– Emerging Category Corporate Governance into Reality for the year 2016 was conferred
• ACC Limited –– Medium Category to Shri Babasaheb Neelkanth Kalyani of The Kalyani group.
• Reliance Industries Limited –– Large Category The Company Secretaries of two best governed companies were also
recognized on the occasion.
B. 16th ICSI National Awards for Excellence in Corporate
Governance The award presentation ceremony of 1st ICSI CSR Excellence
Awards and 16th ICSI National Awards for Excellence in
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has always been
Corporate Governance was organized on 24th December, 2016 at
forthright in promoting its vision to become a global leader in
Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, in the august presence of Chief Guest -
promoting good corporate governance and mission involving
Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, then Hon’ble Minister of State, Commerce
developing high caliber professionals facilitating good Corporate
& Industry.
The idea has always been to commend the commitment of the Indian
corporate sector in portraying their consciousness as regards good • Practice Manuals: With a view to make students conversant
governance. The multi-staged evaluation process and the extensive with the application of fundamental concepts and to guide
parameters forming the basis of such evaluation have paved the way them on practical aspects, the Institute released two Practice
in according pinnacle position to these awards. Manuals on the subjects (i) Cost and Management Accounting;
(ii) Advanced Tax laws and Practice.
In pursuance of its goal of catalyzing a pervasive consciousness
of the need for good governance in the Indian corporate sector, • Launch of E- learning Module on Banking Terminologies:
ICSI instituted the “ICSI NATIONAL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE The Institute launched a short term e-learning Module on
IN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE” in the year 2001. The underlying Banking Terminologies and also released a book on Banking
objectives of the Awards include: Terminologies.
• Recognizing leadership efforts of corporate boards in • Short term Course in International Business Taxation: The
practising good Corporate Governance principles in their Institute launched a 15 days Online Course on International
functioning; Business Taxation for its members and students to facilitate
• Recognizing implementation of innovative practices them to acquire specialized knowledge in the area of
promoting Corporate Governance; International Taxation.
• Enthusing focus on Corporate Governance practices in • Constitution of Syllabus Review Board
corporate functioning; and The Council at its 233rd meeting constituted Syllabus
• Implementation of best practices in Corporate Governance. Review Board. The Council notified New Syllabus (2017) for
The Awardees of the 16th ICSI National Awards for Excellence in Foundation Programme effective from April 01, 2017. The
Corporate Governance are as under: Board is working on the New Syllabus for Executive Programme
• Best Governed Companies (in alphabetical order) and Professional Programme of Company Secretaryship.
• Infosys Ltd. • ICSI FINANCS
• Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Under the perspective of our continuous efforts to stride
• Certificate of Recognition to other top 5 companies (in across professional discipline, gaze upon the efficacy and
alphabetic order) opportunities bestowed in the current economic and
• Bharti Airtel Limited legislative scenario, the ICSI has started a new initiative
“ICSI FinanCS – Financial Opportunities -The ICSIans
• Dabur India Limited
Way”. Through this interactive platform, identified
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opportunities and key developments in Financial Services and good governance in Capital Markets, the ICSI, observed
space alongwith an executive brief is communicated to Capital Markets Week from June 18-25, 2016 PAN-India, on the
the members of ICSI on weekly basis. theme ‘Transcending Horizons – Capital Market Way’. During
• Launch of Online Courses this week, 13 mega programmes in addition to a number of
Academic Development Programmes, Panel Discussions,
To enhance portfolio of its members, the Institute
Lectures, Interactive Meetings with Capital Market Regulators/
launched the two online Courses in association with
Stock Exchanges and Investor Awareness Programmes were
National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad
organized by the Regional Councils and Chapters.
(NIFM), namely certificate Course in valuation and
Diploma in Internal Audit. • CS Day Celebrations
• E-library for ICSI Members The Institute celebrated its 48th CS day on October 4, across
the Regional Office(s) of ICSI and Chapter(s). A mega event
With a view to keep its members updated and to equip
was held at Kolkata. Mr. Derek O’ Brien, MP & Leader, All India
them with knowledge resource tools and to facilitate them
Trinamool Congress, Rajya Sabha, was the Chief Guest.
to carry out instant research, ICSI provided an e-library
on corporate laws to its members on complimentary • Celebration of PCS Day
basis. The Institute celebrated PCS Daywith full zest and vehemence
7. Professional Development Initiatives on 15 June to commemorate the historic day when the
Company Secretaries in Practice were accorded recognition
• 44th National Convention of Company Secretaries
for Certifying the Annual Returns in the year 1988 under the
The 44th National Convention of Company Secretaries was erstwhile Companies Act, 1956 and became the first premier
organised on the theme: “Powering Governance-Empowering mile stone in the development of the practising side of the
Stakeholders: The Role of CS Professionals” at Gandhinagar, profession of Company Secretaries in India.
Gujarat from November 17-19, 2016. This Convention
• Initiatives for MSME and Start-up India
witnessed immense participation of delegates.
The members of the Institute are actively engaged in the MSME
The Chief Guest of Inaugural Session was Hon’ble Chief Minister
sector and are rendering value added services to MSMEs. A
of Gujarat, Shri Vijaybhai R. Rupani, CS (Dr.) Madhusoodan
delegation of the Institute met Mr. K K Jalan, Secretary, Ministry
Sahoo, Chairman, The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of
of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to discuss the way
India; Shri Mrugank M. Paranjape, MD & CEO of MCX of India
forward in guiding the entrepreneurs and providing further
Limited and Shri Bimal Chaudhary, MD & CEO, Anmol Biscuits
support to the Ministry of MSME. The Institute also met Dr.
graced the event as the Guests of Honour.
Anup K. Pujari, IAS, the then Secretary, Ministry of Micro,
The Valedictory Session witnessed the gracious presence of Small and Medium Enterprises at Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi. A
Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, Hon’ble Union Minister for Textiles delegation of the Institute also met Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman,
as Chief Guest along with Shri Vinai Kumar Saxena, Chairman, then Hon’ble Minister of State for Commerce and Industry and
Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Guest of Honour. discussed the feasibility of setting up of incubation centres
• 17th National Conference of Practising Company providing platform to the entrepreneurs for converting
Secretaries their ideas into real businesses and organizing hand holding
The 17th National Conference of Practising Company camps for start-ups towards fostering the development of
Secretaries organised on August 12-13, 2016, at Kasauli, start- ups under the aegis of DIPP. The Institute organized the
Himachal Pradesh witnessed a congregation of members from 2nd National Seminar on Entrepreneurship, Skill Development
different parts of the country. Hon’ble Mr. A. R. Kohli, Former and Governance in MSMEs with Federation of Rajasthan Trade
Governor of Mizoram and Hon’ble Justice Mr. M. M. Kumar, & Industry as an associate partner at Hotel Hilton, Jaipur
President, NCLT, graced the occasion as the Chief Guests at on May 28, 2016. Shri Rao Rajendra Singh, Hon’ble Deputy
the Inaugural and Valedictory Sessions respectively. Further, Speaker, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly, graced the occasion.
Ms. Kiran Oberoi Vasudev, Chairperson, Quality Review Board, • ICSI National Seminar on Entrepreneurship, Skill
ICSI, was the Guest of Honour at the Valedictory Session. The Development and Governance in MSMEs
two day programme encapsulated technical sessions/panel The Institute in association with Ministry of Micro, Small
discussions on various contemporary themes like Startup and Medium Enterprises (MSME) organised a Seminar on
India, Goods and Services Tax, Financial Risk Management, ‘Entrepreneurship, Skill Development and Governance in
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws, Real Estate Act, Companies MSMEs’ at New Delhi on March 19, 2016.
(Amendment) Bill, 2016, National Company Law Tribunal,
• Recognition of Company Secretary under Guidelines for
Competition Law and Ease of Doing Business in India –
Grant of Unified License (Virtual Network Operators)
Facilitations and Obstructions etc. addressed by eminent
speakers from the Regulatory Bodies, Industry and Academia. The Guidelines for Grant of Unified License (Virtual Network
Operators) issued by the Ministry of Communication and
• Capital Markets Week
Information Technology authorise a Company Secretary
As part of incessant initiatives towards investors’ education professional to certify the Certificate of Registration along
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with Articles of Association, Memorandum of Understanding, Banking Reforms Conclave, 2016 organised at Mumbai
Details of Promoters/ Partner/Shareholder Foreign Direct on August 24, 2016, to deliberate on challenges faced by
Investment in the company for the purpose of Application Indian Banking Industry such as High Non-Performing
to Department of Telecommunications for Grant of Unified Assets, Governance, Risk Management, HR Challenges and
License (Virtual Network Operators)/Authorisation for Transformations though Information and Communication
Additional Services. Technologies.
• Recognition of Company Secretary for Third Party • Training of Peer Reviewers
Certification by Government of Haryana
During the year, training Programmes to empanel Peer
Department of Labour, Government of Haryana has brought Reviewers were conducted at Noida, Gurgaon, Chennai,
out a new comprehensive transparent inspection policy, under Nagpur, Vadodara, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Raipur and
which it recognizes Company Secretary to provide third party Kolhapur.
certification under the scheme.
• Dress Code for a CS appearing before Judicial/Quasi –
• ICSI Outreach Programmes with MoU partners Judicial bodies and Tribunals
ICSI has Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with various The Institute prescribed the Professional Dress Code for
celebrious Institutes including Government and higher Company Secretaries to appear before judicial /quasi-judicial
educational bodies, Chambers of Commerce, Stock Exchanges
bodies and tribunals like NCLT- NCLAT, SAT, etc.
etc. to create synergies for capacity building of its members and
students. With an objective to acknowledge and reiterate the 8. INITIATIVES UNDER GST
association and bondage with existing precious Memorandum • GST Master Classes
of Understanding partners of ICSI and to explore the avenues ICSI conducted a series of Master Classes on GST through
of new associations with them, ICSI organised ‘ICSI Outreach’ webinars. This online series encapsulates deliberations on
programmes. Input tax credit, Transitional provisions under GST, IGST,
ICSI signed a MoU with Bhawanipur Education Society College, Returns, Adjudication, Revision, Review & Appeals, TDS, TCS,
Kolkata and National Institute of Securities & Management Refund etc.
(NISM) to hold joint workshops, seminars, continuing
• National Symposium on GST
education and training programmes, exchange of journals,
course materials, case studies and to conduct joint research The Institute organized National Symposium on Good and
projects etc. The Institute also signed a MoU with Competition Services Tax at Bikaner on August 13, 2016. Shri Arjun Ram
Commission of India (CCI), New Delhi to collaborate in the Meghwal, then Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Finance and
areas of mutual interest which includes competition advocacy, Corporate Affairs was the Chief Guiest.
advancement of knowledge. • National GST Conclave
• Professional i-Tellect - Series of Webcasts and Webinars The Institute in association with PHD Chamber of Commerce
The Institute organised a series of webcasts ‘Professional organized National GST Conclave: One Nation, One Tax– Pivotal
iTellect’ to enrich the knowledge of members and students, on Tax Reform at New Delhi on February 9, 2017, to promote
Accounting Standards, Industrial Audit, Real Estate Act, Cyber an informed dialogue on the Goods & Services Tax in the
Laws, Brexit, Corporate Frauds etc. country with its sectoral implications and uniform taxability &
• 7th National Legal Submit, 2017 compliances across India under the tagline “India – Ek Bharat
Shreshtha Bharat”.
The Institute in collaboration with Indian Chamber of
Commerce (ICC) as Knowledge Partner organized 7th National • Meeting with the Empowered Committee of State Finance
Legal Summit, 2017 on March 18, 2017 at New Delhi, focussing Ministers
on issues related to improving the trade and commerce A delegation of the Institute met Empowered Committee of
ecosystem along with the converging on legal reforms. State Finance Ministers to discuss GST related matters at New
• Start-O-Vation Punjab Delhi on August 30, 2016.
The Institute collaborated with Indian Chamber of Commerce • National Seminar on GST and Insolvency & Bankruptcy
as Strategic Knowledge Partner in Startup and Innovation Code
Summit, 2016 titled “Start-O-Vation” organized on November The Institute in association with ICSI Insolvency Professional
29, 2016 at Chandigarh guiding entrepreneurs to build a strong Agency organized a National Seminar on GST and IBC –
base in terms of financing, leadership and strategies. The Culmination of Governance for Sustainable Tax Regime and
Ministry of Corporate Affairs also put up a big pavilion where Invigorating Balance in Corporate at Vijayawada, Andhra
the concepts of OPC, small company, SPICE, incorporated body Pradesh.
etc. were explained to the start-ups and reading material and
pamphlets were also distributed to the participants both in • GST Awareness Month
English and Hindi languages. The Institute commemorated August, 2016 as ‘GST Awareness
• India Banking Reforms Conclave 2016 - Mumbai Month’ and took various initiatives such as dedicating an
issue of Chartered Secretary to GST, creating a GST Corner at
The Institute associated as Institutional Partner at the India
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the theme “Empowering Boards to become Instruments of • President, ICSI elected as Secretary, CSIA
Innovation & Excellence” from 19-21 April, 2016, at Hotel The CS (Dr.) Shyam Agrawal, President, the Institute of Company
Meydan in Dubai. Secretaries of India (ICSI) was elected as the Secretary of
• Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA) the Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA)
Executive Committee Meeting during its Council Meeting held on March 15-16, 2017 at
ICSI representatives attended the CSIA Executive Meeting on Johannesburg, South Africa.
April 28-29, 2016 at London. The ICSI is one of the founding • 12th International professional Development Fellowship
members of Corporate Secretaries International Association programme and International Conference
(CSIA), which is an International Body of Institute of Company The Institute organised its 12th International Professional
Secretaries and Governance Professionals. In its Executive Development fellowship Programme (IPDFP) in Russia from
Committee, India holds the position of Secretary. One amongst Sunday, the 11th June, 2017 to Sunday, the 19th June 2017 for
many agenda was the point of inclusion of Secretarial Services its members and their families. Total number of participants of
in the list of services under WTO. IPDFP were 81 including family members of delegates. During
• Interactive Meeting with Delegation from Republic of the tour, Business Breakfast sessions on various relevant
Kenya topics were deliberated by the participants. The participating
An interactive meeting was organised with a high level Members were entitled to Ten Programme Credit Hours.
delegation from Homa Bay County, Republic of Kenya As part of fellowship Programme, 12th International
comprising of His Excellency Hon’ble Hamilton Onyango Conference on the theme “Strategic Leadership and Board
Orata - Deputy Governor, Homa Bay County and Hon’ble Responsibilities” was also organised on 12th June, 2017 at
Prof. Tom Peter Migun Ogada - County Minister for Trade, Hotel Hilton garden Inn Moscow. The deliberations at the
Industrialization, Investment. The delegation had an open conference were highly enriching covering the recent trends in
house session with the representatives from academia and governance and corporate governance. The conference aimed
industry and ICSI Senior officials. Addressing the august to converse the latest developments in the area of governance
gathering, Kenyan Delegation apprised that Kenya offers quite and inclusive economy at global platform. Along with the latest
attractive investment opportunities for Indian MSME sector developments, the premises of the conference focussed on
desirous of entering African Markets and the Government highlighting the prominent role, the Company Secretaries play
is planning to develop specific themes with special focus as strategic leaders in strengthening sustainable Corporate
on Cotton and Textile Industrial Park, Food Park, Leather Governance
Park etc. at present. He also invited the Indian Industry and
entrepreneurs to pay a visit to Kenya and explore investment • “Make in India” Initiative
opportunities in the MSME segment. ICSI delegation met Shri Naresh Kumar, Consul (HOC) and
• Meeting with Designated Non-Financial Business commercial representative, at Indian Consulate General in
Professions (DNFBP) Committee Johannesburg and deliberated on furthering the initiatives
taken by the Consulate in providing its services to South
The Institute represented at the Meeting of DNFBP Committee
African companies for setting up business in India under the
held at Lok Nayak, Bhawan, New Delhi on July 04, 2016. During
Make in India initiative of Government of India.
the meeting, deliberations were made on the Anti Money
Laundering Act and the threat and vulnerability assessment • Facilitating Least Developed Countries (LDCs) for
for National Risk Assessment (NRA) exercise to assess the Developing and Strengthening the Company Secretary
risks of various sectors for economy. Profession
• London Global Convention, 2016 An announcement for preferential treatment by India to LDCs
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) was was uploaded at ICSI website with caption ICSI facilitates LDCs
an Associate Partner with the Institute of Directors (IOD) at
in organizing its Annual ‘16th London Global Convention for%20LDCs.pdf. The web-link of ICSI has also been uploaded
2016’ on 17-19 October, 2016 at London. The theme of the at website of Ministry of Commerce at
convention was ‘Corporate Governance and Sustainability: writereaddata/uploadedfile/MOC_635963313403324681_
Board’s Oversight in a Challenging Global Economy’. Technical_Assistance_Capacity_Building.pdf
• CSIA Council Meeting 12. STAKEHOLDERS
ICSI representatives participated in the Council Meeting of I) MEMBERS
Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA) hosted During the financial year ended 31st March, 2017, 6284 and 619
by Thai Listed Company Association (TLCA) at Bangkok on members were admitted as Associates and Fellows, respectively. As
October 27, 2016 and the Stock Exchange of Thailand Office on 31st March, 2017, the Institute had 36928 Associate and 7655
on October 28, 2016. On October 27, 2016 a Corporate Fellow members aggregating to 44583 members on the Register
Governance roundtable was also organised which was of Members of which 392 are residing abroad. The names of 5614
attended by representatives from 15 member countries of members have so far been removed from the Register due to non-
CSIA. payment of membership fee. There were 9189 members who were
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holding Certificates of Practice as on March 31, 2017 and during the 4 ) TRAINING
financial year 2016-17, 2113 Certificates of Practice were issued. (i) Empanelment of Companies/Company Secretaries in
The Council regrets to report the sad demise of 32 members during Practice for imparting training.
the financial year 2016-2017. The Institute on continuous basis makes efforts to expand its
Know Your Member (KYM) proforma in digital mode became training base by empanelling more companies/other entities as
operational. Form-D for issue/renewal/restoration of Certificate well as Practicing Company Secretaries for providing training to
of Practice was digitized. The processing time for Associate students. During the year, 418 companies were empanelled for
Membership application has been shortened. The printing time for imparting 15 months /12 months/24 months/36 months training
Membership certificates has been shortened. Various Membership and 772 Practicing Company Secretaries were empanelled for
fees have been revised w.e.f. 1st April, 2017. Alignment of name of imparting training.
members as per their PAN details has been taken up. The bi-annual (ii) Executive Development Programme(EDP)
ICSI Convocations at four regions were successfully organized. The
During the year 64 Executive Development Programmes were
Revised Guidelines for the name of a proprietorship concern / firm
organized. 2564 students successfully completed EDP in classroom
/ trade was implemented. The Guidelines for change in name of
proprietorship concern / firm / trade was introduced. The SOP for
recording demise of a member was implemented. (iii) Management Skills Orientation Programme (MSOP)
1) List of Members (a) Regular MSOP
In Pursuance of section 19(3) of the Company Secretaries Act, 1980, 132 regular Management skills Orientation Programmes were
read with Regulation 161 of the Company Secretaries Regulations, organized by the Regional and Chapter offices in which 5770
1982, a list of Members as on April 1, 2017 has been made available students successfully completed MSOP during the year.
in CD. (b) Residential MSOP
2) Licentiateship During the year ICSI-CCGRT organized 13 residential MSOPs
During the year 2016-2017, 89 Final/Professional Examination and 531 students attended such programme.
passed Students of the Institute were admitted as Licentiate-ICSI. (c ) Weekend MSOP
The number of Licentiates as on March 31, 2017 stood at 304. In order to facilitate working students, the Institute has
3) Company Secretaries Benevolent Fund (CSBF) decided to allow conducting of MSOP on weekends also.
Three schemes were launched to augment enrolment to Life During the year, NIRC organized 1 weekend MSOPs and 18
Membership of CSBF. The financial assistance from CSBF to students attended the programme.
dependants of life members (till the age of 60 years) in case of (iv) Agencies authorized for Imparting 15 days Specialized
demise of the life member was enhanced from 5 lakh to 7.5 lakh w.e.f. raining
1st January, 2017. The financial assistance from CSBF to dependants The Institute authorised following few more agencies for
of life members (above 60 years) in case of demise of the life member imparting 15 days specialized training to CS students :
was enhanced from Rs. 2 lakh to Rs. 3 lakh w.e.f. 1st January, 2017, in
deserving cases. The subscription for life membership of CSBF was i) Export Promotion Council
increased from Rs. 7500 to Rs. 10,000 w.e.f. 1st January, 2017. There ii) Export Credit Guarantee Corporation
was a record increase in life membership of CSBF during the year. iii) Reputed NGOs (with specific approval of TEFC)
The CSBF month was organized in May, 2016. iv) International organisations like United Nations or UN
As on 31st March, 2017 CSBF had strength of 12401 Life Members affiliated offices
against 10845 as on 31st March, 2016. The region-wise break-up is v) Secretariat of Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha/ Assembly
as under:
vi) Bankruptcy Insolvency Board
REGION As on 31st March vii) Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA)
2016 2017 viii) Labour Department
EIRC 844 959 ix) Other statutory body or regulatory body.
NIRC 3795 4315 (v) 45 days residential Corporate Leadership Development
SIRC 3155 3593
The concept of introducing Residential Programme for
WIRC 3283 3785 Professional pass students before getting their Membership
FOREIGN 55 55 was considered a long back by the Institute. However, it
TOTAL 11132 12707 was approved by the current Council on 27th March, 2017
for introducing three months residential training program
SAD DEMISES 287 306 for our professional Pass out students. Accordingly, the
Total 10845 12401 Institute has launched its first ever residential programme
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on Corporate Leadership Development from 1st August, 2017 where the participants were trained on Interview Skill development
to 14th September, 2017 in collaboration with Lloyd Law Module followed by Group discussion and personal interview . A
College, Knowledge Park- II, Greater Noida, UP. Initially, it good number of leading organisations participated for recruitment
is being introduced for 45 days on Pilot basis. Based on the of Company Secretaries in all the four regions.
observations and actual feedback, it will be decided to make it II) STUDENTS
compulsory for all professional pass out students before they a) CS Regular Programme
get their membership.
During the year, 39975 students were registered in Executive
(5) PLACEMENT : Programme and 6624 students were registered in Professional
The Institute at its Headquarters, Regional/Chapters offices provides Programme. As on 31st March, 2017, there were 291560 students
placement assistance to its young members joining the profession. with valid registration in the regular programme.
The Regional/ Chapters offices also organize campus placement b) CS Foundation Programme
interviews time to time. During the year, campus interviews were During the year 26104 students were admitted to the Foundation
organized at New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangaluru, Programme and there were 42836 Foundation Programme students
and Hyderabad & Noida. with valid registration as on 31st March, 2017 .
(a) ICSI Weblink Facilities for Trainers and Trainees c) ICSI Students Education Fund Trust
The ICSI developed a weblink opportunities for trainers and trainees The Institute has created ‘ICSI Students Education Fund Trust’
at a single Platform. The Institute provided continuous services to to encourage and motivate both economically backward and
both trainers and trainees through its weblink throughout the year. academically bright students to pursue the Company Secretaryship
The ‘training opportunities for students’ and trainees requirement Course.
for trainers are updated continuously to facilitate the services. By
As per the guidelines of the of the Trust, eligible students are fully
visiting this weblink students can get information about various
exempted from paying the Registration / Admission Fee, Education
organizations/companies etc. where there is vacancy for CS trainees
Fee, Exemption Fee and other fees usually payable at the time of
and in turn they can apply for the same as per their suitability and
admission to Foundation / Executive Programmes. Based on their
performance in the examinations, such students are also exempted
From this portal, companies/PCS/other entities who are in from payment of all fee applicable at Executive Programme/
search of suitable candidates for engaging them as trainee in their Professional Programme stages.
organization, may search the e-mail ids of suitable candidates of
During the year, 205 and 515 students belonging to economically
their respective areas/locations, as per their preference and then
backward and academically bright category respectively got benefits
they may write them to submit their CVs to respective company/
from the Trust.
PCS/other entity directly for further screening/short listing at their
end. State-wise, Chapter-wise, Stage of examination-wise, gender- (d) Conduct of Examination
wise search facility has been created at this portal for making search During the period under report, Company Secretaries examinations
convenient & smooth for prospective trainers. for Executive Programme and Professional Programme (Old and
(b) Developed web link - Job opportunities for members on New Syllabus) as per syllabus prescribed in the Company Secretaries
ICSI website : Regulations, 1982 were held at 203 and 193 centres all over India
and one overseas centre at Dubai in June and December, 2016
The Institute is posting ‘Job opportunities for members’ on its website,
sessions of examinations respectively. A total number of 103231
received from various sources. By visiting this weblink students can
and 93561 candidates sought enrolment for appearing in June and
get information about various organizations/companies etc. where
December, 2016 sessions of examinations respectively. Further, the
there is Job vacancy for CS members and in turn they can apply for Computer Based Examinations for Foundation Programme were
the same as per their suitability and convenience. This facility of conducted at 109 and 115 Examination Centres all over India
the Institute is getting overwhelming response from both the Job including one overseas centre at Dubai in which 15696 and 13701
providers and job seekers. candidates sought enrolment for appearing in June and December,
(c ) Registration of FCS as Mentors for ICSI Mega Placement 2016 sessions of examinations respectively. Number of candidates
drive who completed various stages of examinations during the year
The Institute in the month of April 2017, launched a new initiative 2016-17 is tabulated below:
of registration of Fellow Company Secretaries to register as Mentors
Stage of Examination Examination Session
to facilitate in the placement drive of ICSI. Mentors were requested
to provide support in terms of knowledge sharing and providing June, 2016 December, 2016
guidance to the young members for getting job opportunities. Foundation Programme 9707 8465
(d) ICSI Mega Placement Drive :
Executive Programme 3503 3385
The Institute organised mega placement drive in the month of May
Professional Programme (N/S) 1082 2324
2017 in all four regions of ICSI. The first drive was conducted on 19-
20th May in WIRC and SIRC and on 26- 27th May at NIRC and EIRC Professional Programme (O/S) 4418 No Exam
37 th
List of cities for examinations and the statistics relating to I) New initiatives of the Institute
examination results are given in Appendix – ‘C’ and Appendix – ‘D’ (i) ICSI Signature Award
The ICSI Signature Award Scheme was introduced by the
e) Conduct of Post Membership Qualification (PMQ) Institute in furtherance of its objectives to nurture best talent
Examination available and facilitate meaningful collaborations between the
The Institute conducted the Post Membership Qualification (PMQ) institutions in the higher education sector for the benefit of
student community.
Course examination in (i) Corporate Governance; (ii) Corporate
Restructuring and Insolvency; and (iii) Competition Law in June, The initiative is expected to encourage competitive spirit
2016. Statistical details relating to Post Membership Qualification among the students studying in various colleges affiliated to
(PMQ) Examinations results are given in Appendix - ‘E’. the Universities. Under this Scheme, Top Rank Holder in the
B.Com. Examinations of respective Universities and topper of
f) All India Prize Awards selected programmes/ papers of IIMs / IITs shall be awarded
In order to inspire and recognise the brilliant performance of students a Gold Medal and Merit Certificate. Top three rank holders in
in Company Secretaries examinations, the Institute has instituted a the aforesaid examinations shall also be eligible for waiver
number of awards. The following students won the President’s All- of Registration Fee while registering for the CS Course in
India Awards for June and December, 2016 Examinations : Executive Programme.
The Institute has so far signed agreements/ MOUs with the
Medal/ Examination June, Centre December, Centre following Universities / IIMs :
2016 2016
1. Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Khanpur
President’s Gold Vivek Kolkata Suryanash Noida Kalan, Haryana;
Medal for Professional Choudhary Agarwal
Programme 2. Alagappa Univesity, Karaikudy, Tamilnadu;
3. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab;
President’s Silver Rishabh Kanpur Sachin Goel Delhi
Medal for Executive Hada (East) 4. Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand;
Programme 5. Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh;
Pt. Nehru Birth Centenary Annual Award was won by Ms. Mansi Jain 6. Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamundry, Andhra
of Jaipur. The particulars of other prize winners along with existing Pradesh;
all-India Prize Schemes, Regional and Chapter Prize Schemes were 7. Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh;
hosted on the Institute’s website: 8. IIM, Indore, Madhya Pradesh;
g) Merit Certificates/Merit Scholarships/Financial 9. SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, Maharashtra;
10. IIM, Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu;
Merit Certificates were awarded to first 25 top-ranked successful
11. Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab’;
students each in Foundation Programme, Executive Programme and
Professional Programme examinations held in June, 2016 as well as 12. IIM, Raipur, Chhattisgarh
in December, 2016. Gold Medals / Certificates were awarded to the toppers of the
following Universities/Institutes upto 31st March 2017.
Pursuant to Merit Scholarship Scheme, Scholarships were awarded to
first 25 toppers, who qualifying all papers of Foundation Programme 1. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (PB)
and Executive Programme in the first attempt in June, 2016 as well 2. Alagappa University, Tamilnadu (TN)
as in December, 2016 sessions of examinations for pursuing further 3. Kumaun University, Uttrakhand(UK)
studies for the Executive Programme and Professional Programme 4. Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli (TN)
of Company Secretaryship Course respectively. Likewise, under
5. Panjab University, Chandigarh (UT)
the Merit-cum-Means Assistance Scheme, financial assistance
were granted to eligible candidates considering their economic 6. Indian Institute of Management, Indore (MP)
background and meritorious performance in June, 2016 and (ii) CS Olympiad
December, 2016 examinations. The Institute has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
h) Re-Registration Policy with the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) for conducting the CS
Students who have passed the Intermediate Course / Executive Olympiad for students of Classes 11 and 12 in each academic year in
schools across India. The CS Olympiad was successfully conducted
Programme under any syllabus may directly register/ enroll for
in two phases i.e. on 15th September, 2016 and 4th October, 2016
Professional Programme Stage provided they are not eligible to
and it was conducted in 29 States/ Union Territories across about
seek Registration Denovo / Extension as per the regulations. During
400 Cities, about 1300 Schools and more than 36000 students were
the year, 33 students have sought re-registration to Professional enrolled. Besides, the CS Olympiad was also conducted in more than
Programme Stage. 10 Schools in Gulf Region, Bhutan, Srilanka, Singapore, Uganda,
37 th
etc. The result of Company Secretary Olympiad has also been SMASH (Student Member Application Software Hosting) Project.
declared. The ICSI SMASH Project on its completion, shall bring about major
(iii) CS Study Centre Scheme changes in the working of the Institute.
In order to augment the reach and level of services being provided The existing Grievance Portal has been transformed and upgraded
through its Regional Councils & Chapters, ‘ICSI Study Centre Scheme’ to next level and the improved version even allows uploading of
was launched on 2nd October, 2015. The objective of the Study supporting documents by the stakeholders while submitting their
Centre Scheme is to bridge the distance barrier between ICSI and feedback/ grievance. It shall contain a feature for Integrating /
its students. Under the Scheme, Study Centres are proposed to Monitoring the communications received through Grievance Portal /
be opened in areas / locations, wherein the Institute’s Regional/ Call Centre. The system will allow uploading of a repository of Topic-
Chapter Offices are not in existence. Nearly, all Smart Cities as wise Videos and Presentations with roll based access. There shall
proposed by the Government of India will be covered under the be many more improvements at the end of the user at micro level in
scheme. Apart from providing basic services, the Study Centres shall each and every process to be developed which shall ultimately result
also be imparting coaching to the students of various stages. During in improving the productivity.
the period upto 31st March, 2017, 39 Study Centres have been Grievance Solutions Cell
opened in association with reputed Colleges/ Universities located The Institute is a service oriented organization. The grievances,
throughout the length and breadth of the country. suggestions and queries received from the stakeholders enable the
(iv) Student Month Institute to improve constantly. For achieving this objective, the
The Institute came up with a new initiative to hold Student Month Institute has created a Grievance Solutions Cell which is monitoring
during July, 2016. A plethora of activities were organised during the communications received through the Grievance Portal at
the Student Month. The determination by the various Directorates, dedicated email id:,
/ Units in the HQ and the Regional& Chapter Offices in particular CS Touch Portal and the Ticket Management System of Call Centre.
in celebrating the Student Month has been unprecedented. The Services on Call Centre established by the Institute is available to
team work and selfless support at all levels have made easy the the stakeholders at Tel. Nos. 011-33132333 / 66204999 from 0700
organisational aspects of multiple events across India. The Student Hours to 2300 hours. The Grievance Solutions Cell is regularly
Month will be remembered for a long time by Team ICSI owing to the coordinating with the Service Departments for time-bound
massive team work and co-ordination involved. The slogan adopted resolution of such grievances apart from bringing in improvements
for the Student Month was “Udaan. We fuel your Growth” which is in existing procedures being followed by the Institute.
indicative of the Institute’s resolve to proactively back the growth of 13. BRAND BUILDING / MEDIA VISIBILITY
students as professionals. The Institute in its constant endeavor for brand building to enhance
(v) Felicitation of Rank Holders in June, 2016 Examinations the visibility of the Institute and the CS profession gained extensive
The Institute invited the Rank Holders of Foundation, Executive coverage in the Print and Electronic media throughout the year.
and Professional Examinations held in June, 2016 along with ICSI news and events were covered through Press coverage, Press
their parents to Kolkata to attend a felicitation function in their conferences, Media interaction, Live Panel discussions etc., ensuring
honour. The function was held as part of the ICSI Foundation Day all India visibility of the Institute.
Celebrations on 4th October, 2016. More than 40 rank holders with (i) Media Coverage in Newspapers / In-flight / Business
their parents attended the programme. Magazines/ TV & Radio Channels
(vi) Conduct of Webcast for CS Students To reach out to the masses through media, 25 Press Conferences
The Institute organized successfully the monthly webcast for were organised at various Regional Councils / Chapters. ICSI news/
students titled Precious ‘You’ to develop their general skills and events were covered by leading National and Business dailies across
knowledge in the core subject areas. The recorded webcasts were India. 28 Press Interviews, 16 Career Features, and more than 550
uploaded on the ‘Youtube’ for the convenience of students while news paper clippings were published. ICSI was also covered by 14
providing the requisite links on the Institute’s website. TV/Radio Channels viz. CNBC TV 18, India Today TV, Doordarshan
National, News Nation and All India Radio FM Rainbow.
(vii) Success Stories of top 10 rank holders
(ii) CS Course Display Advertisements on Executive and
The video bytes of the Top ten rank holders of the Institute in June
Foundation Programme
2016 examination have been made available on the website of the
Institute. Advertisements highlighting the Cut-off dates for registration for CS
Executive & Foundation Programme were released through DAVP
(viii) ICSI-SMASH Project
in National and Regional Newspapers during August 2016 and
The Institute’s activities have undergone a sea change over the years February 2017.
and its growth in terms of number of stakeholders and activities
(iii) Advertisement for Integrated Company Secretaryship
had made it absolutely essential to go for a complete transformation
of the service providing mechanism especially the technological
interface available with the users in the Institute as well as with Advertisement for “Integrated Company Secretaryship Course” was
the stakeholders. It was precisely for this purpose that the Council published in all Editions of Education Times, Hindu, Business Line,
through the Information Technology Committee had launched ICSI Telegraph and Business Standard.
37 th
(iv) Publicity of ICSI Events • ICSI Events Advertisements: Quarter page Colour
Publicity were arranged throughout the year for the ICSI National Advertisements were released for major ICSI Events like
Seminars viz., 17th PCS Conference, ICSI Capital Market Week, Capital Markets Week, Opening of CS Acceleration Centres, ICSI
16th ICSI National Awards for Excellence in Corporate Governance and Convocations, Celebration of International Day of Yoga, 17th
1st ICSI CSR Excellence Awards, 44th National Convention of Company PCS Conference, ICSI-CCI Joint Seminar, Corporate Governance
Secretaries, 1st Global Congruence to Promulgate International Day, 44th National Convention of Company Secretaries, CG
Corporate Governance Day, ICSI Convocation, Inauguration of Awards (Invitation for participations), Ascentia (Training
New Buildings/ Chapters of ICSI, CS Day Celebration, Uday Divas Initiative), GST/ GST Symposium, Launch of 4 New Courses by
Celebration, Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, International Day of Yoga, ICSI, CS Day 2016 etc.,
Van Mahotsav, Student Month- Udaan, Earth Day, Ekta Divas, (vi) Publication of 48 Pages Booklet on CS Course and
International women’s Day etc., Profession “CAREER AS A COMPANY SECRETARY”
(v) Brand Building and Visibility: • An Informative and Attractive 48 Page Booklet on CS Course
• Registration Advertisements: Advertisements highlighting & Profession “Career As a Company Secretary” was published
the Cut-off dates for registration, for CS Executive & Foundation in association with Careers 360 (English) Magazine and was
Programme were released during August 2016 and February distributed alongwith their September 2016.
2017 in Newspapers through DAVP. • The Booklet published contained Introduction to the
• Magazine Advertisements: CS Course Registration ICSI course, Curriculum, time frames, fees, difficulty, pass
Advertisement were released in Education Special / B-School percentage, Employment potential, Placements, Interview
Special / leading Career Magazines viz., The Week , India with the President of ICSI, Interview with Secretary, ICSI ,
Today (English and Hindi), Harvard Business Review, Outlook, Aspirational stories of students & members, Good governance,
Rail Bandhu Magazine, Student Aid Publications, Careers transparency practice of Company secretaries, Success stories
360 Magazine, Free Press Journal (Special Supplement on of students.
Education), DAV United Magazine, Business World (B-School • The Booklet on “Career as a Company Secretary” was
Special) published and Circulated to over 15,000 Libraries of various
schools and Colleges across the Country and additional
• Employment News: Advertisements highlighting the Cut-
20,000 copies of the CS Booklet were distributed across major
off dates for registration, for CS Executive & Foundation
Schools & Colleges in the Hindi Belt (Covering States of Uttar
Programme were released in all 8 issues of Employment News
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Chandigarh Punjab, Haryana,
during August-September 2016 and February- March 2017.
Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh)
• Competition Magazine Advertisement: Advertisements • The ICSI Booklet published by Careers 360 Magazine was also
highlighting the Cut-off dates for registration, for CS Executive sent to the all the Regional Councils and Chapters.
& Foundation Programme were released in Pratiyogita Darpan
(English and Hindi), Competition Success Review (English and (vii) Publicity Campaign on All India Radio & FM Radio Channels
Hindi), MBA - A Comprehensive Guide, General Knowledge CS Radio Spots were broadcast during July-August 2016
Today and Engineering Success Review Competition Refresher, to coincide with the cut-off date (s) for admission to CS
Education Reckoner. Foundation Programme.
• ICSI Corporate Advertisements in In-flight / Business / (viii) Various Designing Assignments were undertaken by the
Career Magazines Directorates
Full page coloured “Corporate Advertisements” highlighting 4 Colour CS Pamphlet, CS Student Advertisements, CS Pamphlet
the “Role of CS” were released in – Airports India (Monthly in Hindi, CS Factsheet, ICSI Guidelines for appointment of ICSI
Magazine of Airports Authority of India), Business World Counsellors, 44th National Convention Brochure, CS Day
(B-School Special), Exotica (a home-grown travel, lifestyle and 2016, Corporate Governance Day, Swachhata Booklet, Yoga
wellness magazine), FICCI Digest (Higher Education Issue), Booklet, Udaan, ICSI Signature Award, Various Standees etc.,
Go Getter Magazine (In-flight Magazine of Go Airways), India Sponsorship for Mega Events : Organised for Advertising
Today Group Magazines- India Today, Business Today, Harvard / Sponsorship Support For Major ICSI Events Corporate
Business Review, Aspire, Jetwings and Jetwings International Membership of ICSI.
(In-flight Magazines of Jet Airways, Domestic and International (ix) Career Awareness
Operations respectively), Outlook, Shubh Yatra (In-flight 2550 Career Awareness Programmes were held across the
Magazine of Air India), Spice Route (In-flight Magazine of country with a view to attract best talent to the CS Course
Spice Jet), FE1000 ( An Indian Express Publication on Top 500 with a focus on cities and towns. Career Awareness Weeks I
Companies). & II were organised in coordination with Regional Councils
Tenders / Classified / Chapters throughout the length & breadth of the country.
• Various Tenders / Classified / Appointment Advertisements The Institute also participated in more than 90 Career Fairs /
were issued. Exhibitions across India.
37 th
To popularise CS Course and attract young talent from members of ICSI but also helps build their soft skills enabling them
Remote/Rural/Mouffissil areas of the country the Institute to be the governance leaders of tomorrow.
appointed 232 nos. of ICSI Counsellors. (iii) Residential Management Skills Orientation Programme
AND TRAINING (ICSI-CCGRT) An activity added to ICSI-CCGRT’s training initiatives for students
The primary objective of the Centre is to act as a catalyst organisation pursuing Company Secretaryship course is through the Residential
in the professional development of the Indian corporate sector Management Skills Orientation Programme. ICSI-CCGRT organizes
through qualitative research and high level corporate training Residential MSOPs where students from all over India, including from
with ‘Corporate Governance’ as the thrust area. Since its inception, non-metro cities and abroad participate and get the opportunity for
the Centre has undertaken a number of activities aimed towards interaction with erudite. In addition to the core subjects of MSOP,
fostering research. the participants are also exposed to topics on soft skills, general
management, human relations, financial markets etc. Students
(i) Professional Development Programmes
also get an opportunity to enhance their communication skills,
ICSI-CCGRT conducts Professional Development Programmes (PDPs) presentation skills and peer learning through presentation of group
for members, students, corporates and regulatory / government projects and case studies before a panel of experts. ICSI-CCGRT with
bodies. Apart from programmes for upgradation / updation of the its amenities, well designed programme schedule incorporating
knowledge base of Company Secretary functions, ICSI-CCGRT has varied topics, adept faculties possessing rich exposure and expertise
designed programmes for enabling Company Secretaries to venture in their related fields and placement assistance is playing a pivotal
more effectively into newer areas. role in comprehensive learning and professional growth.
ICSI-CCGRT provides reading material/backgrounders for these (iv) Research Related Activities
programmes, generally based on in-house research. Some of In order to foster research among Company Secretaries and other
these materials include Compliance with Listing Agreement, New researchers, ICSI-CCGRT was entrusted with the responsibility of
Takeover Code (With Checklists and Formats), Schedule III, Labour administering the ICSI Research Initiative. The basic idea has been to
Laws, Balance Sheet Analysis, Share holders’ Agreement, SMEs and develop sound information base and insights into corporate /related
Company Secretaries etc. laws, their delivery mechanism, need for harmonization / changes in
(ii) Integrated Company Secretaryship Course the light of emerging realities, corporate governance etc., and to use
the developed knowledge base for brand building and interacting
In order to groom the students of Company Secretaryship Course
with the Government, regulatory and international agencies. CCGRT
better to meet the challenges of today and build a niche cadre of
has, since inception, completed a number of commissioned research
governance professionals who can shoulder the responsibilities
projects for outside agencies/institutions.
assigned to them in an evolving business environment and
ensure governance in true letter and spirit, Centre for Corporate (v) Infrastructure facilities
Governance, Research & Training (CCGRT) of the Institute of CCGRT possess the state-of-the-art infrastructure with air-
Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is offering three years Integrated conditioned and wi-fi enabled lecture theatres, conference room,
Company Secretaryship Course (Full-Time). faculty room and a high seating capacity auditorium. Further, it
This Course is being delivered by CCGRT at its premises in CBD has twenty two well furnished air-conditioned rooms for stay
Belapur, Navi Mumbai through Academia, Industry Experts and arrangements of RMSOP and Research colloquium/workshop
Practitioners. The Course inter-alia covers the syllabus of the CS participants. CCGRT e-Bulletin ‘Chintanam’, which has been started
Course as notified by ICSI from time to time, focusing on experiential from April 2017, is the one of the significant steps taken in 2017
learning and, combining class room lectures, discussions, class towards wide dissemination of wisdom among governance
exercises, case studies, mock meetings, industrial visits etc. and professionals.
training in Soft skills, Leadership Traits and other Life Skills. Students CCGRT also started series called ‘Gyan Jyoti’, wherein, CCGRT provide
are exposed to real life organisational situations, professional write-ups and research articles on various contemporary topics.
dilemmas etc. to enable them to develop holistic perspective towards Nectar (AMRUT) of Governance - Governance is a part and parcel of
decision making and governance. In addition, CCGRT also facilitates our existence. The actual purpose of any governance is sustenance
the following for the students of this Course: and prosperity of the governed subjects. Self-governance, family
• Registration and Enrollment with ICSI governance, corporate governance, state governance or for that
• Educational Loans for the Course matter any type of governance is mainly aimed at welfare of the
human capital.
• Internship/Training
“Though human being or any living entity doesn’t want to be governed
• Hostel Assistance around CCGRT for outstation candidates on
by someone and wants to behave independently, only authentic and
time tested governance makes life sustainable and prosperous.
• Placement Assistance Thus, it can be termed as nectar, because it awards permanency to
This not only prepares the students to complete the Company the perishable or destructible systems. However, when the intended
Secretaryship course, thereby making them eligible to be the purpose of providing sustainability and prosperity by governance
37 th
is not achieved, it will be termed as poison, not nectar. This is the in the Institute’s website with the facility of receiving suggestions
general experience in autocratic governance. But, any governance / feedback system and testimonial form. An exclusive child portal
principle derived and implemented, based on Vedic scriptures, through a separate domain was launched for the Institute’s ‘CS
will be well accepted by one and all, irrespective of time and space, Olympiad’ initiative. A child portal in the Institute’s website
thus becoming truly the nectar.” Thus in order to create awareness for celebrating student month was launched. Financial service
among the stakeholders, CCGRT have taken innovative approach of e-helpdesk application to receive views, feedback, queries and
publishing Nectar. suggestions on the Institute’s website was implemented. Quick
Keeping this in view, CCGRT started the initiative named ‘Amrut Links to view credit hours, online membership fee payment and
Dhara’, on 12th May, 2017. In ‘Amrut Dhara’, we are publishing the e-cart services were implemented on the website of the Institute.
articles on Corporate Governance and Management from Ancient As a part of the initiative to bring in improvement in the internal
India & Indian Epic. working of the Institute, Visitor’s Entry Gate Pass System was
In order to create awareness among Governance Professionals, implemented for ICSI headquarter and ICSI Noida Office to address
Doyens of industry, Professionals representing various professional security concerns. A Data Extraction utility was developed and
bodies and students pursuing Company Secretary and other implemented to ensure the accuracy and timely delivery of member’s
professional courses regarding brief of ‘Premier on Company Law’, data to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
CCGRT have launched an initiative named “GEETA SAAR”. As a part of the new initiatives, Online Student Registration and
Recently ICSI-CCGRT conducted Research on a project titled “A Enrolment along with its associated activities, E-cart services and
Study on the Level of Compliance to Commodity Risk Disclosure additional payment gateway of Kotak Mahindra Bank were launched
Regulations in India & Abroad” given by Multi Commodity through ambitious SMASH project. ERP software was upgraded
Exchange of India Ltd and ICSI-CCGRT has successfully completed from Oracle Apps version 12.0.6 to version 12.1.3. Online booking
the research project. facility for CS Acceleration Centre (CSAC) was launched. A MOU
Management Application Software was developed and implemented
15. Report of Cases filed & their disposal under The Sexual
to bring in all MOUs of the Institute into a single platform and make
Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
them dynamically available to the stakeholders through the website.
& Redressal) Act, 2013 for the year 2016
Know Your Member (KYM) online Proforma was launched. Receipt
S. Description HQ NIRO EIRO& its WIRO& SIRO Accounting System (RAS) was upgraded to facilitate payment
No. & its Chapters its & its through Point of Sale (POS) swapping machines. Online Result
Chapters Chapters, Chapters for June, 2016 and December, 2016 examination sessions were
declared successfully. Members were facilitated to retrieve their
password in the form of SMS in their registered mobile number.
01 Number of 1 Nil Nil 1 Nil Online membership fee payment facility for the members under
concessional category and Online Form-D submission facility for the
of sexual
harassment Practising members were implemented.
received Online services for the students to submit request for training
02 Number of 1 Not Not 1 Nil and for the companies/PCS to select these trainees as per their
complaints Applicable Applicable requirements were developed as a part of celebrating training
disposed off month under the banner ASCENTIA 2016.
16 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Online validation for the members through Application Programming
The Institute has adopted Information Technology in a big way Interface (API) in respect of Compliance Management and Audit
in all spheres of its activities to cater to the growing number of Configurator (CMAC) Software was implemented. A separate cloud
stakeholders and bring in improvement in services. With this overall based mailing system under domain was facilitated
objective, Directorate of Information Technology has been entrusted for ICSIIPA. An exclusive website for ICSIIPA was developed and
with the responsibility of harnessing the potential of Information launched.
and Communication Technologies (ICT) and automating the ITIL (Information Technology and Infrastructure Library) Training
processes for the stakeholders so that the members and students for IT Officials was arranged to make them aware of the various
can avail the services anytime and anywhere. Since the Digital India standard practices in the IT sector.
programme is a flagship programme of the Government of India E-MSOP program had been launched with a facility to deliver it in
with a vision to transform India into a digitally empowered society a completely digital self-paced learning mode. E-magazine with
and knowledge economy, the Institutes has also been reinventing flappable pages for the Institute’s monthly Chartered Secretary
itself to provide enhanced services by taking initiatives like online magazine had been launched. ICSI had taken the initiative to start
training; e-learning, Video Conferencing & Webcasting solution, e-learning to provide students with multiple learning opportunities
Virtual Classroom, e-magazine, e-library etc. and services anytime, anywhere and in multiple modalities. These
Website and Mobile Apps are the face of the Website. Website services will include well defined educational pathways and student/
Home Page and ‘CS Touch’ Mobile Apps were revamped with an teacher’s systems that will help all students achieve their individual
impressive look and feel. President’s portal/Corner was launched academic goals. ICSI had taken an initiative of setting up Video
37 th
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37 th
37 th
37 th
Details of attendance of Members at the Council, Standing /Non- standing Committee and Boards Meetings
Financial Corporate Laws
Executive Finance Examination Disciplinary
Council/Committee Council Services and Governance
Committee Committee Committee Committee
Committee Committee
S. No. Name Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended
1 Dr. Shyam Agrawal 7 7 8 7 5 4 7 4 3 2
2 Mr. Makarand M Lele 7 7 2 2 5 4 1 1
3 Mr. Atul H Mehta 7 7 6 4 3 1
4 Mr.Amardeep Singh Bhatia 7 2 8 1
5 Mr. Ahalada Rao V 7 7 2 2 5 4 19 15 3 2
6 Mr. Ashish C Doshi 7 6 5 3 1 0 1 0
7 Mr. Ashish Garg 7 7 8 4 1 0 3 1
8 Mr. C Ramasubramaniam 7 7 6 5 7 6 1 1 4 2
9 Mr. Gopal Krishna Agarwal 7 2 7 0
10 Mr. Gopalakrishna Hegde 7 7 1 0 4 2
11 Mr. Mahavir Lunawat 7 5 6 0 1 1 1 1
12 Ms. Mamta Binani 7 7 8 7 3 3 6 6 16 15 1 0
13 Mr. Rajiv Bajaj 7 6 5 2 1 1
14 Mr. Rajesh Sharma 7 4
15 Mr. Ranjeet Kumar Pandey 7 7 2 2 7 7 4 3
16 Mr. Santosh Kumar Agrawala 7 7 2 1 7 4 19 13 1 0
17 Mr. Satwinder Singh 7 6 1 1
18 Mr. Vineet K. Chaudhary 7 7 6 6 4 4
19 Mr. Vijay Kumar Jhalani 7 6
20 Mr. Yamal A Vyas 7 7 5 1
21 Mr. Dinesh C Arora
22 Mr. Nalin Kohli 19 18
23 Ms. Meenakshi Datta Ghosh 19 19
24 Mr. Anil Murarka
25 Mr. Ashok Tyagi
26 Mr. Milind B Kasodekar
27 Ms. Savithri Parekh
28 Mr. Sudhir Babu C
29 Ms. Kiran Oberoi Vasudev
30 Mr. Vithayathil Kurian
31 Mr. IIam Kamboj
32 Mr. Navneet Chouhan
33 Mr. A M Bajaj
03.06.2016, 15.06.2016, 13.07.2016, 7-8.04.2016, 08.07.2016, 20.02.2017 26.05.2016,
16.06.2016, 27.08.2016, 31.08.2016, 23.06.2016, 09.07.2016, 13.10.2016,
17.09.2016(Adj.) 16.09.2016, 16.09.2016, 09.08.2016, 29.07.2016, 11.11.2016,
17.09.2016, 13.10.2016 18.02.2017, 30.09.2016 26.08.2016, 20.02.2017
20.11.2016, 20.11.2016, 21.03.2017 01.10.2016, 27.08.2016,
18.01.2017, 17.01.2017, 23.12.2016, 19.09.2016,
19.01.2017, 18.02.2017, 17.01.2017, 07.10.2016
27.03.2017 22.03.2017 17.02.2017 11.11.2016,
Dates of Meetings 19.11.2016,
Details of attendance of Members at the Council, Standing /Non- standing Committee and Boards Meetings
Peer Review Placement PMQ Course
Council/Committee PDC TEFC PCSC IT Committee
Board Committee Committee
S. No. Name Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended Held Attended
1 Dr. Shyam Agrawal 3 3 2 2
2 Mr. Makarand M Lele 2 0 1 1
3 Mr. Atul H Mehta 2 1 3 1 3 0
4 Mr.Amardeep Singh Bhatia 4 0
5 Mr. Ahalada Rao V 3 3 3 3 2 2
6 Mr. Ashish C Doshi 2 0 3 3 1 1 2 2
7 Mr. Ashish Garg 3 1 2 2 2 0 2 2 4 1
8 Mr. C Ramasubramaniam 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
9 Mr. Gopal Krishna Agarwal 4 0
10 Mr. Gopalakrishna Hegde 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 3 1
11 Mr. Mahavir Lunawat 4 1 2 0 2 1 1 1
12 Ms. Mamta Binani 2 2 1 1
13 Mr. Rajiv Bajaj 2 2 3 1 2 0 2 1 1 1
14 Mr. Rajesh Sharma 2 0 1 0
15 Mr. Ranjeet Kumar Pandey 4 3 3 2 2 1 4 4
16 Mr. Santosh Kumar Agrawala 3 2 3 3 1 0
17 Mr. Satwinder Singh 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 3
18 Mr. Vineet K. Chaudhary 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1
19 Mr. Vijay Kumar Jhalani 1 1
20 Mr. Yamal A Vyas 2 0
21 Mr. Dinesh C Arora
22 Mr. Nalin Kohli
23 Ms. Meenakshi Datta Ghosh
24 Mr. Anil Murarka 2 2
25 Mr. Ashok Tyagi 2 2
26 Mr. Milind B Kasodekar 2 1
27 Ms. Savithri Parekh 2 0
28 Mr. Sudhir Babu C 2 2
29 Ms. Kiran Oberoi Vasudev
30 Mr. Vithayathil Kurian
31 Mr. Ilam Kamboj
32 Mr. Navneet Chouhan
33 Mr. A M Bajaj
17 Mr. Satwinder Singh 2 0 2 2
18 Mr. Vineet K. Chaudhary 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
19 Mr. Vijay Kumar Jhalani
20 Mr. Yamal A Vyas
21 Mr. Dinesh C Arora 4 3
22 Mr. Nalin Kohli
23 Ms. Meenakshi Datta Ghosh
24 Mr. Anil Murarka
25 Mr. Ashok Tyagi
26 Mr. Milind B Kasodekar
27 Ms. Savitri Parekh
28 Mr. Sudhir Babu C
29 Ms. Kiran Oberoi Vasudev 2 2
30 Mr. Vithayathil Kurian 1 1
31 Mr. IIam Kamboj 2 2
32 Mr. Navneet Chouhan 2 2
33 Mr. A M Bajaj 1 0
Sl. No. Examination City Sl. No. Examination City Sl. No. Examination City
*Foundation Programme Examination only
37 th
37 th
MODULE-I 43690 32822 3617
MODULE-II 35337 25944 3494
MODULE-I 25026 19269 4076
MODULE-II 20770 15453 3365
MODULE-III 20212 15656 3197
* 20755 Candidates enrolled, 16982 Candidates appeared for Both Modules of Executive Programme out of
whom 817 candidates passed Both Modules.
# 8776 Candidates enrolled, 7581 Candidates appeared for All Modules of Professional Programme out of whom
310 candidates passed All Modules.
37 th
CA Bansal Sinha & Co. 18/19, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi-110060
Chartered Accountants Ph. No.: 011-25722270, 25853424
E-mail :
Website :
37 th
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion on the
consolidated financial statements.
Auditors’ Opinion
Subject to matters as reported hereinafter, we report that in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to
the explanations given to us and read with other notes on accounts and matters described in the emphasis of matter below, the
aforesaid consolidated financial statements give the information required by the Company Secretaries Act., 1980 in the manner
so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:
i. in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the ICSI as at 31st March 2017;
ii. in the case of Income and Expenditure Account, of the Surplus of the ICSI for the year ended on that date.
iii. in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the Cash Flow for the year ended on that date.
Emphasis of Matter
a) Refer to note no. 10 of Note 21(B) Notes on Accounts regarding Standalone Financial Statements of WIRO.
b) Refer Note No. 6 of Note 21(B) w.r.t. balance of various parties and Inter Unit balances of HQ/RC/chapters are subject to
Reconciliation and their confirmations.
Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Further subject to matters under above para we report that:-
a. we have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for
the purpose of our audit;
b. the Balance Sheet, the Income and Expenditure Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are in
agreement with the books of account;
c. in our opinion proper books of accounts are maintained in conformity with requirement of the Company Secretaries Act,
1980 by all the units subject to observations as stated in note no. 10 of Note 21(B) Notes on Accounts regarding WIRO;
d. we have received the audited accounts of Centre for Corporate Governance Research and Training (CCGRT) and
consolidated audited accounts of Four Regional Councils and the same have been dealt with by us in our report;
e. in our opinion, the Balance Sheet, the Income and Expenditure Account and Cash Flow Statement comply with the
applicable Accounting Standards issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India;
f. The Institute did not have any long-term contracts including derivative contracts for which there were any material
foreseeable losses.
PLACE : New Delhi FRN With ICAI 006184N
DATE : 26th September, 2017
(Nishant Chaudhary)
M.No. 513802
37 th
37 th
37 th
37 th
37 th
2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16 2016-17 2015-16
As per last Balance Sheet 67,80,211 62,15,637 1,45,21,27,479 1,31,67,75,534 5,51,00,948 5,40,80,000 1,75,41,91,943 1,61,24,67,845
Add: Contribution during the year 77,21,000 75,00,000 1,00,00,000 25,83,23,000 - - 1,94,70,279 26,60,40,575
Transfer from Gen Reserve - - - - - - - -
Add: Receipts during the year - - - - - - 1,05,400 75,826
Add: Interest allocation 5,42,260 4,99,840 10,24,92,351 7,86,39,886 43,74,917 40,86,240 12,61,12,693 10,15,04,049
Sub-Total 1,50,43,471 1,42,15,477 1,56,46,19,830 1,65,37,38,420 5,94,75,865 5,81,66,240 1,89,98,80,315 1,98,00,88,295
Less: Transfer to GR on utilisation - - - 36,41,173 - - - 39,08,314
Less: Utilised during the year 77,24,915 74,35,266 12,00,134 - 8,28,967 30,65,292 2,05,91,494 2,40,18,270
Less : On acquisition of Land & Bldg 33,43,31,311 19,79,69,768 33,43,31,311 19,79,69,768
Balance as at the close of the year 73,18,556 67,80,211 1,22,90,88,385 1,45,21,27,479 5,86,46,898 5,51,00,948 1,54,49,57,510 1,75,41,91,943
37 th
37 th
Items Cost Additions Adjustment/ Total cost Total For the Adjustment/ Total as on as on
as on Transfer/Sale as on as on Year Transfer/ as on 31.3.2017 31.3.2016
1.4.2016 31.3.2017 1.4.2016 Sale 31.3.2017
(i) Tangible Assets
Land **
- Freehold 15,92,38,623 - 32,94,922 15,59,43,701$ - - - - 15,59,43,701 15,92,38,623
- Leasehold 74,05,389 29,50,45,413 - 30,24,50,802 24,28,687 39,20,701 - 63,49,388 29,61,01,414 49,76,702
Buildings 63,34,27,065 4,95,89,370* 18,34,66,671 49,95,49,764 # 12,41,49,697 2,56,73,786 - 14,98,23,483 34,97,26,281 50,92,76,976
Furniture & Fixtures 9,08,91,522 2,10,60,785 1,14,362 11,18,37,945 4,48,42,940 53,39,657 58,650 5,01,23,947 6,17,13,998 4,60,48,582
Computer Peripherals 8,41,45,668 1,13,33,073 20,11,374 9,34,67,367 5,81,15,665 1,25,83,190 14,34,515 6,92,64,340 2,42,03,027 2,60,30,003
Cooling Equipment 2,17,79,622 1,57,07,445 1,63,910 3,73,23,157 1,19,87,301 18,54,744 1,53,155 1,36,88,890 2,36,34,267 97,92,321
Electrical Equipment 3,50,80,796 10,13,128 1,02,493 3,59,91,431 2,25,94,169 19,85,364 24,812 2,45,54,721 1,14,36,710 1,24,86,627
Office Machines and
Communication 2,99,41,213 1,00,30,114 3,88,299 3,95,83,028 1,85,00,425 22,54,845 2,70,685 2,04,84,585 1,90,98,443 1,14,40,788
Other Equipment 70,14,615 4,85,329 19,735 74,80,209 44,63,483 4,44,851 14,902 48,93,432 25,86,777 25,51,132
Library Books 48,46,096 4,68,094 - 53,14,190 48,38,545 4,68,094 - 53,06,639 7,551 7,551
Vehicles 7,89,900 8,31,542 - 16,21,442 6,32,773 45,284 - 6,78,057 9,43,385 1,57,127
Current Year Total (i) 1,07,45,60,509 40,55,64,293 18,95,61,766 1,29,05,63,036 29,25,53,685 5,45,70,516 19,56,719 34,51,67,482 94,53,95,551 78,20,06,434
Previous Year Total (i) 83,56,66,638 24,04,25,791 22,01,030 1,07,38,91,399 25,11,06,148 4,15,27,328 9,61,213 29,16,72,263 78,22,19,130 58,45,60,490
(ii) Intangible Assets -
ERP Software 2,03,86,691 19,99,075 5,023 2,23,80,743 1,77,98,679 20,09,704 (4,182) 1,98,12,565 25,68,178 25,88,022
Current Year Total (ii) 2,03,86,691 19,99,075 5,023 2,23,80,743 1,77,98,679 20,09,704 (4,182) 1,98,12,565 25,68,178 25,88,022
Previous Year Total (ii) 1,81,11,231 22,84,882 - 2,03,96,113 1,57,05,984 21,01,137 3,736 1,78,03,385 25,92,728 24,05,247
* Depreciation include on ICSI-CCGRT assets amounting to ` 38.27lakh (PY ` 25.36 lakh) debited to Scientific Research Activities expenses-Refer Note 20.
** Cost of land includes land & building at COE- Hyderabad, Faridabad, Udaipur. COE-Ajmer and Jaipur for which lease deed is yet to be executed in the name of ICSI.
Original Title Deeds are not available for WIRO (Office No - 13), Dombivli and Indore Chapter.
# Building at COE Hyderabad, Noida, Guwahati, Udaipur, Indore & Faridabad are under construction.
$ Refer para no (B)11 of Note 21
37 th
(A) Fixed Deposits in Banks
Andhra Bank 4,28,683 62,14,833 - - 66,43,516
Bank of Maharashtra - 20,000 - - 20,000
BOB 13,50,00,000 - - - 13,50,00,000
Canara Bank 85,89,29,786 2,50,16,190 12,05,01,233 37,05,62,354 39,28,82,389
Central Bank of India 10,01,94,212 1,40,66,550 - 10,00,00,000 1,42,60,762
Corporation Bank 18,11,50,645 26,54,918 23,72,800 8,99,00,000 9,15,32,763
HDFC Bank 9,09,23,432 4,51,035 - - 9,13,74,467
ICICI Bank 8,10,376 1,699 7,88,725 - 23,350
Indian Bank 4,50,00,000 - - - 4,50,00,000
Indian Overseas Bank 24,83,556 1,20,00,000 24,83,556 - 1,20,00,000
Karnataka Bank 10,36,998 21,105 - - 10,58,103
LIC-HFL 35,00,00,000 - - - 35,00,00,000
OBC 4,57,67,039 - 4,67,039 4,53,00,000 -
Other Banks 2,57,61,231 2,93,75,088 2,41,96,054 6,849 3,09,33,416
PNB-HFL 27,00,00,000 - - - 27,00,00,000
SBH 2,43,58,500 23,323 46,00,000 67,77,997 1,30,03,826
SBI 70,72,063 10,71,402 32,83,235 (1,69,629 ) 50,29,859
UBI 19,51,69,102 15,23,891 17,48,19,116 - 2,18,73,877
Vijaya Bank 6,63,087 - 6,63,087 - -
SUB-TOTAL(IV-A) 2,33,47,48,710 9,24,40,034 33,41,74,845 61,23,77,571 1,48,06,36,328
37 th
NOTE - 7
(Amount in ` )
PARTICULARS 01.04.2016 from Current 31.03.2017
(B) Fixed Deposits with institutions
other than Banks
HUDCO 21,24,00,000 - - - 21,24,00,000
KTDFC 5,00,00,000 - - - 5,00,00,000
NHB 8,50,00,000 - - - 8,50,00,000
Deposit with LIC (Leave encashment) 2,78,07,721 3,29,95,612 74,69,945 - 5,33,33,388
TTDFCL 34,568 - - - 34,568
PNB Housing Finance 8,00,000 - - - 8,00,000
37 th
37 th
(Amount in ` )
PARTICULARS As at 31 March 2017
As at 31st March 2016
(i) Publications 21,07,873 53,37,598
(ii) Consumables, Stores & Others 13,75,941 10,62,083
Total 34,83,814 63,99,681
37 th
37 th
37 th
37 th
37 th
37 th
37 th
e. Fixed Assets costing ` 5,000 or less are fully depreciated b. Contribution to Pension Fund Trust are made based on
in the year of purchase. actuarial valuation and recognized as an expense as per
AS-15 (Revised).
f. Library books are depreciated at the rate of 100% in the
year of purchase. c. Provision for leave encashment is made on the basis of
actuarial valuation provided by LIC and recognized as an
g. Intangible Assets (Software) are amortized equally over expense as per AS-15 (Revised).
a period of three years.
10. Provisions
6. Impairment of Assets
A provision is recognized when an enterprise has a present
The carrying amounts of assets are reviewed at each Balance
obligation as a result of past events; it is probable that an
Sheet date if there is an indication of impairment based on
outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation,
internal / external factors. The impairment loss is recognized
in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. Provisions
wherever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its
are not discounted to its present value and are determined
recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is higher of
based on best estimate required to settle the obligations at
asset’s net selling price or value in use. In assessing the value
the Balance Sheet date. These are reviewed at each Balance
in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their
Sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates.
present value at the weighted cost of capital.
9. Employee Benefits
13. Old outstanding amounts under the heads of “Earnest
Defined Contribution Plan
Money Deposits, Retention Money, Security Deposits and
a. Contributions to Provident Fund Trust maintained by Stale Cheques”
the Institute are recognized as expenses. Undisputed amount outstanding for more than three years
under the head of Earnest Money Deposits, Retention Money,
Defined Benefit Plan Security Deposits and Stale Cheques remaining unpaid at the
end of F.Y. is being writing off and treated as Income for the
a. Amount payable/recoverable to/from Gratuity Fund
Trust are recognized as liability/assets in the balance year. Any subsequent claim out of the written off amount will
sheet based on the valuation report received from LIC be paid in the year of claim and will be booked expenses for
for present obligation of liability at the year end. the year accordingly.
37 th
1. These Consolidated Financial Statements include the The Leave Encashment Fund Scheme managed by the Life
accounts of Head Quarter (including CCGRT), consolidated Insurance Corporation of India is a ‘Defined Benefit Plan’.
accounts of 4 Regional Councils named Northern India The present value of obligation is determined by LIC based
Regional Council (NIRC), Eastern India Regional Council on actuarial valuation using Projected Unit Credit (P.U.C.)
(EIRC), Western India Regional Council (WIRC) & Southern method as defined in the Accounting Standard-15.
India Regional Council (SIRC).
(iii) Pension
5. Employee Benefits II. Table showing changes in fair value of Plan Assets
The disclosure of ‘Employee Benefits’ as defined in the Fig.: ` lakh
Accounting Standard-15 are as under:- Gratuity Pension Leave Encashment
Funded Funded Funded with LIC &
Defined Contribution Plan Fair value of Plan 834.42 4085.99 903.90
Employer’s contribution to Defined Contribution Plan Assets at beginning of
such as Provident Fund is charged off during the financial the year
year. Employee’s Provident Fund is administered by ‘ICSI Actual return on Plan 61.78 326.88 * 68.86
Employee’s Provident Fund Trust’. Assets
Contributions -- 540.19 17.49
Benefits paid (86.79) (158.52) * (86.35)
Defined Benefit Plan Actuarial Gain/(Loss) Nil (6.62) Nil
(i) Gratuity on Plan Assets
Fund Management Nil Nil Nil
The Employer’s Gratuity Fund Scheme managed by the Life Charges
Insurance Corporation of India is a ‘Defined Benefit Plan’. Fair value of Plan 809.41 4787.92 * 903.90
The present value of obligation is determined by LIC based Assets at the end of
on actuarial valuation using Projected Unit Credit (P.U.C.) the year
method as defined in the Accounting Standard-15. *As per Schedule-3. Interest allocated on Earmarked Funds.
37 th
37 th
Fig.: ` lakh b) Further last financial year, i.e. F.Y. 2015-16 auditor has given
Expenditure FY 2016-17 FY 2015-16 the adverse opinion for not true and fair view of the financial
Election Expenses 0.09 statements of WIRO and some specific observations were
Examination Expenses (Casual Salary) 2.28 made w.r.t. booking of excess income of ` 15.00 lakhs for
House Keeping 0.03 sponsorship and booking of lesser expenses of ` 8.32 lakhs
Internet/Website 0.27 for different vendors and non booking of expenses of ` 4.28
Legal Expenses 0.83 0.16 lakhs for foundation day celebration which was shown as
Miscellaneous Expenses 12.78 8.66
National Seminar 0.02 recoverable from HQ and Non confirmation of balances of
Newspapers 0.12 0.01 Inter Units and various parties. Some of the entries have
Prepaid Expenses 1.52 been rectified during the year 2016-17. The Council had
Programs Abroad 0.05 constituted an Investigation Committee and suitable action
Staff Welfare 1.76 0.19 is being taken in the matter. Further, during the current year
Security Services 0.41 an amount of ` 2.70 lakhs was unauthorized withdrawn
Call Centre Services 4.08 by one of the Regional Council Member towards alleged
Staff Training 0.43 0.14 payment of legal and professional fees. An amount of ` 0.45
TDS 1.63 lakhs was incurred against submission of suspicious bills
Telecast of Radio Spots 0.45 and non-booking of pending bills of ` 7.38 lakhs for various
Travel International 4.49
vendors which were not accounted for in the year ended
Vehicle Repair 0.40
Internal Audit Fee 0.72 31-03-2016.
Telephone 0.08 c) During the current financial year, i.e. F.Y. 2016-17, consolidated
Translation Charge 0.04 audited financial statements of WIRC for F.Y. 2015-16 &
HR Conclave 0.91
2016-17 are considered for consolidation of financial
Company Law Committee 1.12
Career Awareness Week 0.05 statement of Institute and accordingly previous year figures
Insurance Claim 2.83 has also been restated/regrouped/rearranged / recast to make
Udai Divas 2.40 it comparable with the current year figures.
Reimbursement to WIRC 2.89
d) The Books of Accounts of WIRO were maintained in ERP
Total 91.51 78.95
Net Income / (Expenditure) (91.25) (48.12) System till 30-09-2016. However, after 1st October 2016 the
same was migrated to tally ERP 9.0. The closing balance as on
9. Income Tax 30-09-2016 as per the ERP System was taken as opening
(i) The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has been balance as on 01-10-2016 in Tally ERP 9.0. The data entry in
registered u/s 12A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Income Tax Tally ERP 9.0 has not been made on regular basis. Entries in
returns has been filed u/s 11/12 of the Income Tax Act. Tally ERP 9.0 has been made based on available vouchers, bills
and records which was relied upon for preparation of financial
(ii) The assessment for AY 2014-15 has been completed u/s statements.
143(3) of the Income Tax Act 1961 for the return filed under
11. Allotment of land includes an amount of ` 288,56,250/-
section 11/12 of the Income Tax Act accepting the returned
paid to APIIC (now TSIIC) for cost of land at IP-Uppal,
income. Further assessment for the AY 2015-16 has been made
Hyderabad comprising total area of 4918 sq meter out
u/s 143(1)(a) of the I. T, Act and a demand of ` 18.00 Lakh
of which Sale Deed for 4052 sq. meter has already been
was reflected in the tax computation sheet. An application for
executed and Agreement to Sale for balance area of
rectification u/s 154 has been filed to withdraw the demand
866 sq. meter against which ` 50,82,500/- has been paid to
and refund the due amount. The same has been corrected and
APIIC (now TSIIC) is yet to be executed since the matter is
rectified and ` 1,34,68,919/- has been refunded with interest
under subjudice.
vide Order No. CPC/1516/A7/1600333115 dated 24.12.2016
12. Previous year building includes a land and building at C-36,
10. a) In previous year consolidated accounts, figures of WIRO Sector-62, Noida comprises total leasehold land area of
standalone financial statements was not incorporated as 1375 Sq Meters and 4538.16 Sq Meters of semi constructed
the same was not received till the finalization of accounts of building structure (Basement plus 7 floors) and boundary
Institute and only total assets and liabilities as per audited wall, which was purchased for ` 18.34 Crores inclusive of `
financial statements as on 31-03-2015 of ` 5.45 Crores and 4.34 Crores Stamp Duty and Registration Charges. In current
`5.45 Crores respectively was incorporated. Thereafter year value of land and value of semi constructed structure
audited standalone financial statements was received, which as per sale deed has been bifurcated and an amount of
reflected total assets and liabilities of ` 5.69 Crores and ` 5.69 ` 9.01 Crores transferred to in lease hold land and balance
Crores respectively and total revenue of ` 2.30 Crores and amount of ` 9.33 Crores transferred to in CWIP as completion
total expenses including depreciation of ` 2.12 Crores and net of semi constructed building and renovation work was under
income of ` 0.18 Crore, which was not been incorporated in progress. Further during the year total amount of ` 9.68
previous year consolidated financial statement.
37 th
Crores out of total budgeted value of ` 13.00 Crores for the 15. As per the Notification No. GSR 308(E) dated 30th March 2017,
completion/modification and renovation has been incurred for the disclosure regarding details of Specified Bank Notes (SBNs)
the said building. During the year some part of the building (2 held and transacted during the period from 8th November 2016
floors) was put to use and capitalized accordingly at the end to 30th December 2016 has been tabulated below Region-wise:
of the year based on the certificate obtained by the architect.
Total value capitalized during the year out of amount lying in ICSI HQ (Including CCGRT):
CWIP for the said building and other assets is as follows:- Specified Other Total (`)
A. Value of Semi Finished Structure ` 2.33 Crores Particulars Bank Notes Denomination
purchased (2 Floors) :- (SBNs) Notes
Closing Cash in hand as on 44,500 14,842 59,342
B. Value of Completed Air Conditioner ` 1.42 Crores 8.11.2016
Plant :- (+) Permitted Receipts -- 5,98,327 5,98,327
C. Value of Completed Furnishing (Glazing) ` 0.89 Crores (+) Cash withdrawal from Bank -- 6,64,000 6,64,000
Work :- (-) Permitted Payments -- 11,77,045 11,77,045
D. Value of Audio Visual Equipments :- ` 0.87 Crores (-) Amount Deposited in Banks 44,500 -- 44,500
E. Value of CD Compactors :- ` 0.29 Crores Closing cash in hand as on -- 1,00,124 1,00,124
F. Furniture and Fixtures :- ` 0.70 Crores
G. Interior and Civil Work (2 Floors) :- ` 2.61 Crores EIRC:
Total ` 9.11 Crores Specified Other Total (`)
100% Completion of building is expected in the year of 2017-18 and Particulars Bank Notes Denomination
(SBNs) Notes
balance amount lying under CWIP of ` 9.90 Crores at the end of the
Closing Cash in hand as on 70,500 9,991 80,941
year plus amount incurred during the 2017-18 will be capitalized 8.11.2016
accordingly. (+) Permitted Receipts -- 10,90,720 10,90,720
(-) Permitted Payments 5,000 1,55,784 1,60,784
13. The ICSI has constituted an internal committee to assess the
(-) Amount Deposited in Banks 65,500 8,26,730 8,92,230
possibility and viability of adoption of 7th pay commission Closing cash in hand as on -- 1,18,197 1,18,197
recommendations. No provisions/ contingent liability has been 30.12.2016
made in the current financial year as adoption of the same is
under discretion of the Council and the Council of ICSI is yet to NIRC:
decide for the same.
Specified Other Total (`)
Particulars Bank Notes Denomination
14. The details of Income & Expenditure in foreign currency: (SBNs) Notes
(` lakh) Closing Cash in hand as on 1,03,748 1,65,674 2,69,422
a. Earnings in Foreign Currency Current Previous 8.11.2016
Year Year (+) Permitted Receipts -- 19,03,110 19,03,110
- Fees from overseas members -- 0.06 (-) Permitted Payments 452 3,08,028 3,08,480
- Convention Stalls -- 0.73 (-) Amount Deposited in Banks 1,02,000 16,75,816 17,77,816
b. Expenditure in foreign currency Closing cash in hand as on 1,296 84,940 86,236
- Membership fee 5.15 7.00 30.12.2016
- International Workshop 2.84 5.02
- Travelling Expenses 0.18 10.35 16. Previous year’s figures have been regrouped/rearranged/
- Miscellaneous Expenses 1.60 -- recast wherever considered necessary to make it comparable
Total b. 9.77 22.37 with new format with those of the current year.
As per our report of even date. For and on behalf of the Council
Chartered Accountants
FRN 006184N CA Sameer Gupta CS Dinesh C Arora
Joint Secretary (F&A) Secretary
M No. 513802
CS Makarand Lele CS (Dr.) Shyam Agrawal
Vice President President
Place: New Delhi
Date: 26th September, 2017
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The List of Recognitions Secured for Company Secretaries are available on the Website of the Institute at
link :
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