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Determination of The Indices of The Coal Facies

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Kortenski J. et al.


50 years University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”
Annual, vol. 46, Part I, Geology and Geophysics, Sofia, 2003, pp.83-86



Jordan Kortenski Anton Sotirov

University of Mining and Geology Istitut für Geowissenschaften

“St. Ivan Rilski” Montanuniversität, A-8700
Sofia 1700, Bulgaria Leoben, Austria
E-mail: jordan_kortenski@hotmail.com E-mail: sotirov_anton@hotmail.com

Thirty samples from V and VII coal seam were studied. The maceral, mineral and chemical composition of the coal ash were established. The indices of the coal
facies were determined. Groundwater Influence Index (GWI) was 0.02 and Vegetation Index (VI) was 92.46. This had been determined the ancient peat bog as
“ombrotrophic bog forest”. According Tissue Preservation Index (TPI) (92.46) and Gelification Index (GI) (97.97) the coal seams of the Svoge anthracite basin had
been originated in a forested peatland. The SAL factor (68.7) was deternined the bog also as fen with forest vegetation. The environmental acidity was determined on
the diagram of the acidity. The pH value was from 3.5 to 6.2 (average 4.8). The Supply Index (SI) was determined. The supply of the peat bog was prevailing clastic
according SI=3.7 and peatdeposit was realized in the limnic bog. Only three macerals from the Vitrinite group and two macerals from the Inertinite group were
established in the coal. On the basis of the Vitrinite reflectance, the coal was determined as “Anthracite and Meta-Anthracite”.
Key words: anthracite, indices, macerals, chemical composition, type of the peat bog, environment conditions, Svoge basin.

INTRODUCTION West orientation. A number anticlines and synclines with south

spreading are established. After Тенчов (1966), Tenchov
The Svoge basin is situated about 30 km North from the city (1977) and Русанов и др. (1997) are established two systems
of Sofia. The basement of the coal-bearing sediments is of faults in the Svoge basin: Northeast-Southwest and
composed of Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian and Lower Northwest-Southeast. Petrographic investigations of the Svoge
Carboniferous rocks. Triassic and Quaternary sediments cover anthracite are reported from Константинова (1962), Пешева
the coal-bearing deposits. Six lithostratigraphic formations in (1971) and Майхерчик (1975). The main purpose of the study
the Carboniferous sediments was separated by Тенчов (1962, is to be determined on the basis of the petrographic and
1966). The Tsarichinska Formation (Namurian A, B) is chemical composition of the coal, the type of the peat bog, the
composed of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone type of supplying and the environment acidity during the peat
and thin coal seams (thickness 150-200 m). The Svidnenska genesis.
Formation (Namurian C) includes alternation of brecia-
conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone and coal layers,
with summary thickness about 260m. The Dramshanska MATERIAL AND METHODS
formation (Lower Westphalian A) is composed of sandstone,
siltstone and mudtstone (thickness about 200 m). The Svoge The present study is based on 20 samples from V and VII
formation (Westphalian A) (conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, coal seam of the Svoger basin. As a first step, the samples
mudtstone and coal) is thick 510 m. The Berovdolska formation were crushed to a maximum grain size of 3 mm. For
(Westphalian AB) is composed of sandstone, siltstone, petrographical investigations, a representative part of the
mudtstone, coal shale and coal. Its thickness is 220 m. The sample was mounted in epoxy resin, ground and polished. At
Chibaovska formation (unspecified Westphalian) contains least 400 points were counted on a Leitz microscope using
conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, mudtstone and coal seam reflected white (λ=546 nm) and fluorescent light to provide
with summary thickness 250m. Русанов, Попов (1987), data for maceral analyses. The oil immersion objectives
Русанов и др. (1997) determine the same boundaries of the 50x/0.85 and 100x/0.25 and the automatic counter “Prior-G”
Tsarichinska and Chibaovska formations. These authors are were used also. For each sample the relative amounts of
defined the Dramshanska formation as a second formation in maceral groups and their subgroups were calculated. The
the low Namurian A sediments. Русанов, Попов (1987) are vitrinite reflectance were measured in fifty points in each
separated a new formation (Drenovska formation with sample. Yttrium-alluminium-granat with reflectance 0.899%
Namurian C–Westphalian B age), which includes the was used as standard. The chemical composition of the ash is
sediments from the second to the fifth formations determined determined through ICP analysis.
by Тенчов (1966). Русанов и др. (1997) are separated three
members in the Drenovska formation and one more
(Radoglavski Member) into the Chibaovska formation. The
Svoge basin is located in the Svoge synclinorium with East-

ANNUAL University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, vol. 46 (2003), part I GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION origin corresponds with the determined type (limnic) of the peat
bog by Calder et al. (1991).
Average Vitrinite reflectance was measured Ro=4.89%,
(Rmin= 4.50% and Rmax=5.64%) with standard deviation
±0.2756. According to the Vitrinite reflectance the coal was Silica-aluminum (SAL) factor after Diessel (1992):
determined as “Anthracite” and “Meta-Anthracite A”. SAL=SiO2x100/SiO2+Al2O3

Petrographic composition The SAL factor was calculated with value 68.7, which
Vitrinite group. The submaceral telinite 1 have amount supposes that the peat bog was “fen” with limited forest plants
10.14% (10.30% from the organic matter). The submaceral (Diessel, 1992).
telocollinite predominate (81.32% from the organic matter).
The third observed maceral is Vitrodetrinite with amount 5.51% Acidity of the environment (pH).
(7.68% from the organic matter). The environmental acidity in the ancient peat bog is
determined through the chemical composition of the coal ash
Inertinite group. Fusinite and inertodetrinite were established on the diagram of the acidity after Kortenski (1986). It was
in some samples with amount below 1%. established that the samples are located in the interval of
acidity from 3.5 to 6.2. Most of the samples are located in the
The macerals from the Liptinite group were not established interval from 4 to 6. The average value of pH is 4.8. The
because of the very high rank of the coal. established pH corresponds very well with the already
established TPI as suggests well-preserved plant tissue and
Minerals. Euhedral pyrite, framboidal pyrite and massive the data of Calder et al. (1991) for low values of pH.
pyrite (~1%), clay minerals (1.74%) and calcite (0.29%) were
observed in the samples.

Indices of coal facies.

On the basis of the macerals content, the indices of the coal
facies were calculated. For that purpose the maceral contents
on the basis of all matter were used.

Groundwater Influence Index by Calder et al. (1991):

GWI = gelocollinite+corpocollinite+mineral matter / tellinite+
telocollinite+desmocollinite = 0.02

Vegetation Index by Calder et al. (1991):

VI = tellinite+telocollinite+fusinite+semipyrofusinite+suberinite+
resinite / desmocollinite+inertodetrinite+alginite+liptodetrinite+
sporinite+cutinite = 92.46

According to above-mentioned indices the peat bog was

determined as “limnic ombrotrophic forest swamp”. Calder et
al. (1991) determined the conditions in the peat bog, which are
characterized with low ground supplying, low values of the pH,
higher degree of tissue preservation (tellinite/telocollinite),
lower value of the ratio biological matter/time, lower amount of Figure 1. Diagram of environment acidity in the ancient peat
the sulphur. bog (after Кортенски, 1985).
KA – coefficient of acidity;
Tissue Preservation Index by Diessel (1992): КА = (SiO2+Al2O3+SO3+P2O5)/
TPI = tellinite+telocollinite+semipyrofusinite+fusinite+ (CaO+MgO+Fe2O3+K2O+Na2O+MnO+TiO2);
rootletvitrinite+phylovitrinite / desmocollinite+macrinite+ 1 – sample from the coal seam; 2 – average sample
inertodetrinite = 92.46
Supplying Index (SI)
Gelification Index by Diessel (1992): This index is determined on the basis of the chemical
GI = vitrinite+macrinite / semifusinite+fusinite+ inertodetrinite composition of the coal ash:
= 97.97 SI = SiO2+Al2O3+TiO2 / CaO+MgO+Fe2O3+SO3+MnO+K2O+
According to the TPI and GI, the peat bog is originated in a
“forested peatland”. Two types of origin, according to the Six type of supplying may be divided, according to the
conditions are possible: 1) in forested peatland (telmatic supplying index:
swamps), when the coal ash is high and/or there are epiclastic - SI below 0.1 shows marine facies. The rocks from the
bounds. 2) in forested, wet raised bog, when low in ash. The coastal zone are mainly carbonates. The ground water
humification is mild and gelification of plant tissues is strong. In supplying is predominated. The surface water supplying
present study the peat bog have the second type of origin, with clastic matter from the carbonate rocks is very
because of the low ash and inertinite content. This type of slight. SiO2+Al2O3+TiO2 is up to 10%. The presence of

ANNUAL University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, vol. 46 (2003), part I GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS
SiO2 is a result of the slight surface water supplying, peat bog is limnic-telmatic or limnic or with Ca-reach
when the epigenetic quartz is not established in the facies.
coal. - SI from 1.2 to 4. The surface water supplying is prevailing
- SI from 0.1 to 0.25. The marine or calcium-rich facies and the groundwater supplying is low and insignificant.
are typical. The groundwater supplying is prevailing with CaO+MgO+Fe2O3+SO3+MnO+K2O+Na2O+P2O5 is
participation of surface water supplying with clastic from 20 to 45% and it is a result mainly of groundwater
matter. SiO2+Al2O3+TiO2 is from 10 to 20%. The coastal supplying and one part of the elements is transported with
zone is composed of different rocks. It is possible the the clastic material. Probably some rocks from the coastal
marine transgression bring one part of the clastic zone are carbonates. It is possible marine transgression if
matter. Possible the surface water supplying is very the carbonate rocks absence. The presence of the
slight if the epigenetic quartz (a part from SiO2) present. epigenetic quartz mineralization show than the ground
The presence of epigenetic carbonate and pyrite show, water supplying is not so low. The increasing of the CaO,
that the clastic matter amount is relatively big, because MgO, Fe2O3 and SO3 content is a result of the presence of
a part from CaO, MgO, Fe2O3 and SO3 is connected epigenetic carbotes and/or sulphides and testify to the
with this mineralization. ground water supplying is lower. The peat bog is limnic,
possible telmatic-limnic.
- SI more than 4. The supplying is mainly surface water,
which transport clastic material. In the coastal zone
CaO+MgO+Fe2O3+SO3+MnO+K2O+Na2O+P2O5 is up
to 20%, but it is a result of participation of these element
in the igneous rocks from the coastal zone of the peat
bog. The very low ground water supplying (low ash coal)
is possible if the carbonate rocks (limestone, dolomite,
marble etc.) in the coastal zone absence or the epigenetic
quartz present in the coal. The peat bog is limnic.

The calculated index of supplying with value 3.7 determine

prevailing supplying of the peat bog with clastic material as the
carbonate rocks from the coastal zone are almost absent. The
peat bog is limnic. That conclusion correlates with the
determined above acidity of the environment. The value of the
pH from 4.8 supposes limited groundwater supplying and
relatively well preserved plant tissues. Everything corresponds
well with the results for GWI and GI after Calder et al. (1991).
The received values for the SI corresponds well with the data
Figure 2. Diagram of the Supplying Index (SI) of the peat bog. of Diessel (1991) for low gelification.
The point of the diagram is the SI value in the studied coal.
A=SiO2+Al2O3+ TiO2, %;

- SI from 0.25 to 0.8 is a sigh for mixed supplying, but the As a result of the present investigations was established that
groundwater is prevailing. SiO2+Al2O3+TiO2 is from 20 to the prevailing maceral is telocollinite, followed by telnet and
45% and it is a result of clastic supplying through surface vitrodetrinite. The coal ash is reach of SiO2 and Al2O3. The
water. The coastal zone is composed of different types of acidity of the environment is from 3.5 to 6.2 (average 4.8), SAL
rocks. Very high ground water supplying (low ash content) factor = 68.7, GWI = 0.02, VI = 12.06, TPI = 92.46 and GI =
or marine transgression (high ash content) is possible 97.97. The chemical data was used for the calculations of the
when the carbonate rocks absence. The surface supplying index (SI), which determines the type of supplying
supplying is low when the high SiO2 content as a result and the facies. The value of the SI=3.7.
from epigenetic quartz mineralization. If the presence of
carbonate or/and sulphide epigenetic mineralization in the Summary data of indices, petrography and chemical
coal is a reason of the high CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, SO3 and composition of the coal determine type of the peat bog, where
MnO content, ground water supplying is not very high. the plant tissues created the coal seams number V and VII of
The peat bog is telmatic, limnic-telmatic, or with Ca-reach the Svoge basin, as limnic with prevailing forest plants and
facies. prevailing ombrotrophic character. The environment at the time
- SI from 0.8 to 1.2. The surface supplying is equal to the of pet-genesis is characterize by wetness of the peat bog
groundwater supplying. The coastal zone is composed of (probably low values of the Eh), pH of the environment from
different type rocks. Very high ground water supplying 3.5 to 6.2, relatively low humification, high penetrating of the
(low ash content) or marine transgression (high ash clastic material, limited groundwater supplying with limited
content) is possible when the carbonate rocks absence. presentation of carbonate rocks in the ancient coastal zone.
The presence in the coal of epigenetic quartz The plant tissues are well preserved, but the Vitrinite macerals
mineralization indicate higher fround water supplying and are prevailing and the Inertinite macerals are insignificant.
the presence in the coal of epigetic carbonates and/or
sulphides indicate higher surface water supplying. The

ANNUAL University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, vol. 46 (2003), part I GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS

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