Petroleum Geochemistry: Essential Concepts and Methods For Exploration and Production

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Petroleum Geochemistry: Essential

Concepts and Methods for Exploration and

The Indonesian Association of Geophysicists (Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia –
HAGI) will presents the 5-day course on “Petroleum Geochemistry: Essential Concepts and
Methods for Exploration and Production” course with the following details :

Dates: 7 – 11 February 2011

Instructor: Awang H. Satyana (BPMIGAS)
Venue: Novotel Resort, Manado
Course fee: USD 2,250 (HAGI Member) USD 2,350 (Non-HAGI Member)

(Includes: hotel accommodation for 6 nights, lunch & coffee break, course material, course
kit, certificate, and photo group).


Today, people use concepts of petroleum system in evaluating petroleum potential and
exploration risks involved in area of investigation. We have seen that these concepts have
been successfully employed. Using this approach, new petroleum accumulations have been
discovered and significant reduction of exploration risks has taken place.

Petroleum system concept was developed through petroleum geochemistry. The ability to
identify petroleum system uniquely depends on geochemical techniques such as mapping
hydrocarbon shows and carrying out petroleum-petroleum and petroleum-source rock
correlations. However generally, one with strong interest and expertise in petroleum
geochemistry is seldom.

Most petroleum geologists know much about reservoirs and traps, little about seals, and
virtually nothing about source rocks and migration. This contrasts with the knowledge that if
we know where oils came from and how and where they migrate, we can better predict where
they can be found. Petroleum geochemistry could then be used to upgrade areas to
concentrate exploration activity and reducing risk. Petroleum geochemistry should not be
under-employed let alone ignored.

In this five day course, concepts of petroleum geochemistry will be discussed.

Methods/techniques usually used in petroleum geochemistry for interpreting source facies,
kerogen types, source maturation, oil classification, genetic gas types and many other things
will be discussed. Participants will also be introduced to biomarkers and isotopes, how to
interpret and use them for exploration and production. Migration concepts that are so far too
much oversimplified will be elaborated. Gas geochemistry will also be presented in detail
considering that gas resources are getting important.

Reservoir geochemistry, which can give solutions for field development and fluid problems,
will be discussed in detail. Classical petroleum geochemistry concepts and
methods/techniques which are useful for exploration geologists, would also be helpful for
reservoir/production geologist.

To make the course useful, the course will consist of: systematic discussions on concepts and
techniques/methods of petroleum geochemistry, a lot of exercises learning how to use the
techniques/methods, discussions on real cases of petroleum geochemistry in Indonesian
basins, and workshops seeking solutions for geochemical problems using real data the
participants may bring.

Day 1: Concepts and Methods

2.Geochemical Surveys and Analyses
3.Source Rocks
4.Petroleum Generation

Day 2: Concepts and Methods

1.Petroleum Migration
2.Oil Geochemistry
3.Gas Geochemistry
4.Oil/Gas to Source Correlation

Day 3: Concepts and Methods

1.Geochemistry in Petroleum System
2.Reservoir Geochemistry
3.Coal Bed Methane (CBM)
4.Oil Shale, Shale Gas and Shale Oil

Day 4: Case Studies

1.Regional oil geochemistry of Indonesia
2.Regional gas geochemistry of Indonesia
3.Geochemistry and hydrocarbon habitats of East Java Basin
4.Migration modeling of Salawati Basin
5.Using biomarkers for identifying new petroleum system
6.Oil biodegradation in Salawati Basin
7.Coals as source rocks for oil in Kalimantan Basins
8. Reservoir geochemistry of North Sea fields

Day 5: Workshop
Applying Petroleum Geochemistry in Your Area (seeking solutions for your real exploration
or production problems may be related to petroleum geochemistry)


Awang Harun Satyana is a Sr. Manager Exploration
Assessment and Resource Management of BPMIGAS (Government of Indonesia Executive
Body for Upstream Oil and Gas Business). He graduated (S1 degree) from the Geology
Department of the Uni-versity of Padjadjaran, Bandung in 1989.

He has been working for oil industry for 20 years. He worked for PERTAMINA from 1990-
2002, assigning various positions as Exploration Geologist and Regional Geologist. In 2002,
Awang joined BPMIGAS, Exploration Division.

Awang has actively serviced international and national geological societies by contributing
papers, articles, keynote talks, guest lectures and courses. There have been totally 204
publications he made (70 papers for conferences, 32 articles for journals, 78 invited
presentations, keynotes and guest lectures, 18 course manuals, 6 chapters in six books).
Several of his papers earned awards. In 2002, “Lasut Award” was awarded to Awang by the
IAGI for the best paper of the year. He was assigned by the AAPG (American Association of
Petroleum Geologists) from 2006-2007 as the Associate Editor of the AAPG Bulletin. In
2008, “HAGI Award” was awarded to Awang by the HAGI as an appreciation for his great
contribution and dedication to geosciences. Awang is an active member of IAGI (Indonesian
Association of Geologists), IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association), AAPG, HAGI
(Indonesian Association of Geophysicists), and GSA (Geological Society of America).

For more information please contact the following address:

Patra Office Tower, 20th Floor (Suite 2045)
Jln. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34 – Jakarta 12950 – Indonesia
T/F: (+62-21) 525-0040
Contact Persons: Katrin Leksandri / Riky Hendrawan
Email: / /

Sincerely yours,
On Behalf Roy Baroes
VP PIT & Special Event
Petroleum Geochemistry and Petroleum System Analysis: The Most Essential Concepts
and Methods...


November 7, 2011 - November 11, 2011


Sheraton Senggigi Beach Resort Lombok, Indonesia



Awang Harun Satyana - BPMIGAS




US$ 2,250 (IPA Prof. Div. Member)

US$ 2,350 (Non IPA Prof. Div. Member)
(Includes: course manual & material, hotel accommodation for 6 (six) nights (room and breakfast
only), working lunches and refreshments)


Petroleum Geochemistry and Petroleum Ssystem Analysis: The Most Essential

Concepts and Methods for Exploration and Production


Petroleum system is a natural system consists of geologic elements (source, reservoir, seal,
overburden rocks) and processes (trap formation, hydrocarbon generation-migration-
accumulation, preservation) needed to exist and related to each other spatially and temporally
for petroleum accumulation to exist. Today, people use concepts and methods of petroleum
system in evaluating petroleum potential and exploration risks in area of investigation. Using
petroleum system analyses, new petroleum accumulations have been discovered and
significant reduction of exploration risks has taken place.

Petroleum system concept is developed through petroleum geochemistry. The ability to

identify number of petroleum system in sedimentary basin uniquely depends on geochemical
techniques such as petroleum-petroleum and petroleum-source rock correlations. Detailed
reservoir geochemistry has also contributed significant solutions for problems related to field
development and production.

Most petroleum geologists know a lot about reservoirs and traps, little about seals, and
minimum about source rocks and migration. This contrasts with the knowledge that if we
know where oils came from and how and to where they migrate, we can better predict where
they will be found. Variable petroleum characteristics across field and good in-field well
location also will get explanation and benefit from petroleum geochemistry.

In this five-day course, the most essential concepts and methods of petroleum geochemistry
and petroleum system analyses will be discussed through lectures, exercises and workshops.
Participants of the course will obtain condensed knowledge of concepts and methods of
petroleum geochemistry and petroleum system analyses important for exploring and
producing hydrocarbons. Geoscientists and reservoir engineers, both fresh and experienced
professionals will get benefit from the course.



1. Introducing Petroleum System Analyses

2. Introducing Petroleum Geochemistry
3. Geochemical Surveys
4. Geochemical Laboratory Analyses
5. Source Rocks: Sedimentology & Geochemistry
6. Source Maturation & Variable Maturity Parameters
7. Expulsion & Migration of Petroleum
8. Carrier Bed & Regional Sealing as Media & Roof of Migration
9. Reservoirs: Siliciclastic, Carbonate, Volcaniclastic, Basement
10. Sealing Rocks: Roles, Characteristics, Potential, Capacity
11. Traps: Structural, Stratigraphic, Hydrodynamic
12. Oil & Gas Geochemistry
13. Oil & Gas to Source Rocks Correlation
14. Preservation of Accumulation
15. Reservoir Geochemistry for Field Development
16. Petroleum System Risk Analysis
17. Petroleum Systems & Play Types of Indonesian Basins


Awang H. Satyana is a Sr. Manager Exploration Assessment and Resource Management of

BPMIGAS (Government of Indonesia Executive Body for Upstream Oil and Gas Business).
He graduated from the Geology Department of the University of Padjadjaran, Bandung in
1989. He has been working for oil industry for 21 years. He worked for PERTAMINA from
1990-2002, assigning various positions as Exploration Geologist and Regional Geologist.

In 2002, Awang joined BPMIGAS assigning various technical and managerial positions.

Awang has actively serviced international and national geological and petroleum societies by
contributing papers, articles, keynote talks, guest lectures and courses. Until March 2011,
there have been totally 215 publications he made (73 papers for conferences, 33 articles for
journals, 84 invited presentations, keynotes and guest lectures, 19 course manuals, and 6
chapters in six books). Several of his papers were appreciated by awards.
Awang was assigned by the AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists) from
2006-2007 as the Editor of the AAPG Bulletin. Awang is an active member of IAGI
(Indonesian Association of Geologists), IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association), AAPG,
HAGI (Indonesian Association of Geophysicists), and GSA (Geological Society of America).

Awang has actively learned, researched, published, supervised and taught students and
professionals on petroleum geochemistry and petroleum system analyses for the last 15 years.
Strong knowledge on the subjects and wide experience on many basins in Indonesia and SE
Asia will provide him a good command of teaching the course.

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