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Course Work for Ph.D. – Mechanical Engineering

Paper Name of the Subject Examination Scheme Duration of

No. T/W Theor Oral Paper
Research Methodology & Information
I -- 100 -- 3 hrs
Communication Technology
Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering
II -- 100 -- 3 hrs
from Technology Management Perspective
Modern Topics in Mechanical Engineering
III from Performance Improvement -- 100 -- 3 hrs
IV Elective -- 100 -- 3 hrs

Following Elective are offered as recommended by Guide

Sr. Elective Subject
1 Advanced Developments in Industrial & Production Engineering
2 Advanced Developments in Mechanical Design Engineering
3 Advanced Developments in Thermal Engineering

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Paper-II

Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering from
Technology Management Perspective
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lecturers: 3 Hrs/ Week Theory: 100 Marks

Contents Remark
Name of the topic Hours
Concept and meaning of technology, Evolution
and growth of technology, role and significance
of management of technology, Impact of
technology on society and business, Forms of
technology: process technology and product
1. Introduction to technology
technology Product development –from scientific 10
management: breakthrough to marketable product-role of
government in technology development. Linkage
between technology, development and
competition, managing research and development
(R&D), Managing Intellectual Property.

Intuitive, Extrapolation, Growth Curves,

2. Technological Technology Monitoring, Normative: Relevance
Forecasting: Tree, Morphological Analysis, Mission Flow
Technology Choice, Technological Leadership
and Follower ship, Technology Acquisition.
3. Technology Meaning of Innovation and creativity, innovation
Assessment management
& Technology Concept, types, key principles, framework for 8
Strategy: formulating technology strategy, Technology
forecasting: techniques and application

Rate of diffusion; Innovation Time and

4. Technology
Innovation cost, Speed of Diffusion. Project
diffusion and 6
management in adoption and implementation of
new technologies.

5. Technology Technology transfer process; outsourcing

Transfer strategic issues; joint ventures, technology 6
management sourcing.
Integration of people and technology,
6. Human organizational and psychological factors,
Aspects & organizational structure.
Social Issues Technological change and Industrial Relations 8
in ,Technology Assessment and Environmental
Impact Analysis

Qualities of successful technical entrepreneurs

7.Technical Factors responsible for growth of technical

Entrepreneurshi entrepreneurship 6
Creation of companies with technology push
approach from academia

Total Hours 50

Books Recommended:
1. Strategic Technology Management- Betz .F.-McGraw-Hill.
2. Management of Technology-Tarek Khalli - McGraw-Hill.
3. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation- Schilling - McGraw-Hill,2nd ed.
4. Managing Technology and Innovation for Competitive Advantage-V.K.Narayanan-Pearson
Education Asia
5. Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation Burgelman , R.A., M.A .Madique,
and S.C.Wheelwright-Irwin.
6. Handbook of Technology Management –Gaynor- McGraw-Hill
7. Managing New Technology Development-Souder, W.C. and C.M. Crawford-McGraw-Hill.
8. Managing Technological Innovation- Twiss , B-Pitman.
9. Bringing New Technology to Market- Kathleen R Allen- Prentice Hall India
10. Management of New Technologies for Global Competitiveness-Christian N Madu-Jaico
Publishing House.
11. Industrial Engineering and Technology Management- Anand K Bewoor, TechMax

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Paper-III

Modern Topics in Mechanical Engineering from
Performance Improvement Perspective
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lecturers: 3 Hrs/ Week Theory: 100 Marks

Name of the topic Contents Hours Remarks

Product development cycle, Assessment of
customer’s needs, Formulation of design
specifications, Preliminary design, General
consideration for a good design, functional
1. Creating quality efficiency, safety, reliability, maintainability,
by design ease of production, standardization, review of
design, evaluation of prototype, preparation of
manufacturing drawings, formulation of
product specifications, design changes during
production, Economics of quality.
Introduction , Kano model of QUALITY ,
History of QFD, Components of QFD model
Steps of QFD.
2. Quantity Function Advantages , limitations of QFD ,
Deployment (QFD)
Successful cases of QFD

QFD and other tools , QFD in Service

Need , Application , classification ,

Statement formulation , stakeholders of

3. Design
Design parameters , Robust Design ,
Portfolio design

Optimization programming ,
optimization design of mechanical system
Quality planning for manufacturing, process
capability, process control & its techniques,
4. Quality Control
Statistical Process control techniques,
of manufacturing
Manufacturing Quality Control, Control of
Product during inspection & disposal of
rejected products.

5. ISO 9000 ISO 9000 series of standards , Need ,

Principles of QMS , process approach ,
Requirements of ISO 9001 : 2008 , 6
Implementation , Evaluation of QMS ,
Continual improvement in ISO 9001
Changing business scenario , History of Six
Sigma , Success stories ,Management ,
Improvement strategies , Difference between
TQM and Six Sigma

Key process input variables , Key process

Output variables , concept of variation ,
Sigma conversion table , standard deviation
DMAIC model of Six Sigma , Six Sigma
roadmap , Six Sigma Infrastructure
(Champion, black belt etc. )

Measuring current performance , Data

collection , Sampling plans , baseline defects 14
,measures , identification of improvement
opportunities , Calculation of defects per
6. Six Sigma million opportunity (DPMO)

Six Sigma analysis and improvement , Six

Sigma tools , Root cause analysis , cause
and effect diagram , Pareto chart , time
series plot , run chart

Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) Do’s

and Don’ts of Six Sigma , Project selection
Introduction to Design Of Experiments (DOE)

Total Hours 50

1. Quality Handbook– Juran J.M. McGraw hill Publication.
2. Grant S.P. - Statistical Quality Control- Tata McGraw hill Publication.
3. Organizational excellence through Total Quality Management- H. Lal, New Age Intl.
Publishers, New Delhi.
4. Francis T. Farago, Mark A. Curtis- Handbook of dimensional measurement.
5. Harrison M., Wordsworth, Stefeen Godfrey-- Modern Methods for Quality Control and
Improvement, Wiely Publication.
6. Quality Control Kulkarni— V. A. and Bewoor A. K.John Wiley Publication, New Delhi.

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Paper-IV

Advanced Developments in Industrial & Production Engineering
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lecturers: 3 Hrs/ Week Theory: 100 Marks

Operations Strategy - Competitive priorities, strategic decisions in operations, strategy

deployment (2)
Forecasting - Casual and Time series models, Simple and weighted moving average, Exponential
smoothing, Trend and Seasonality. (4)
Layout - Designing process layouts, product layouts, service layouts, Line balancing. (6)
Aggregate Planning and Capacity Planning - Process of aggregation, Pure and mixed strategies,
Chase demand and levelling strategies, Techniques for aggregate planning, Defining and
measuring capacity, Tools for capacity planning. (6)
Inventory Management and Resource Planning - Inventory Costs, Functions, Inventory control
systems, How much to order – EOQ, EPQ, Quantity discounts, Overview of Material Requirement
Planning (MRP), Master production schedule (MPS), Inputs to MRP, The MRP process, Lot sizing
in MRP systems, MRP outputs, Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
Supply Chain Management - Management of supply chains, Distribution, Information
Technology – a supply chain enabler, measuring supply chain performances. (4)
Lean Production - Just in Time (JIT) and lean production, The basic elements of lean production
– Flexible resources, Cellular layouts, Pull system, KANBANs, Small lots, Quick setups, Uniform
production levels, Quality at Source (6)
Scheduling - Loading – Load profile, Gantt chart, Assignment method; Sequencing – Priority
sequencing rules, Johnson’s rule, other criteria; Scheduling – Gantt chart scheduling, Forward and
backward scheduling, Theory of constraints. (6)
References :
Operations Management – Krajewski and Ritzman
Operations Management – Russell and Taylor
Production planning and Inventory Control – Narsimnhan, Maleavey, and Billington.
Operations Management – Stevenson
Production and operation management – Adam and Ebert
Production and operation management – Martinich

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Paper-IV

Advanced Developments in Thermal Engineering (Elective)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lecturers: 3 Hrs/ Week Theory: 100 Marks

Unit 1:Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics, Entropy, Irreversibility and Availability,

Behaviour of ideal and real gases, Calculation of work and heat in ideal processes. Analysis of
thermodynamics cycles related to energy conversion.
Unit 2: Heat Transfer: Modes of heat transfer, Resistance concept, Unsteady heat conduction,
Fins,Effect of turbulence, Radiative heat transfer, black and grey sufaces shape factors, network
analysis, Heat exchangers.
Unit 3: Mass Transfer:
Mass transfer - 1, Droplet vaporization -1, Mass transfer-2, Droplet vaporization – 2,
Mass transfer- 3 (Any two)

Unit 4: Combustion:
Premixed and Diffusion flames

Unit 5: Computational Fluid Dynamics –

Finite volume algorithm, up-winding, Solution of pressure field on Cartesian meshes
Mesh generation technique

Unit 6: Turbulence
Governing equations, Free shear flows, Near wall behavior, Energy spectrum, Turbulence
Models Solution on Non-Cartesian meshes.

Unit 7: Advanced Topics in Refrigeration and Cryogenics

Refrigeration applications in preservation of Food, transport by trucks and containers;
Railway cars; Marine
Refrigeration; Fans and Blowers, Sound Control. Construction of psychrometric charts,
enthalpy deviation curves (Any two)

Unit 8:Energy Conversion System: Basic cycles related to energy conversion systems, Combined
cycle, Cogeneration system, Steam generator, Steam turbine, Gas turbines, Nuclear power plant,
Hydroelectric plant.

Reference Books :
1. ASHRAE HANDBOOKS (i) Fundamentals (ii) Refrigeration
2. Threlkeld J.L., “Thermal Environmental Engineering”, Prentice Hall
3. Dossat R.J., Principles of Refrigeration, Pearson Education Asia

Reference Books:
1. W.M Kays and M.E. Crawford, “Convective Heat and Mass Transfer”, McGraw Hill Intl.
2. T Cebeci, “Convective Heat Transfer”, Springer
1. W.M Kays and M.E. Crawford, “Convective Heat and Mass Transfer”, McGraw Hill Intl.
2. D. Brian Spalding, “Combustion and mass Transfer’, 1st edition, Pergamon Press, 1979
1. Kenneth K.Kuo, “ Principles of Combustion”, John Wiley and sons. Inc, 2005
2. Irvin Glassman, “Combustion”, Academic Press, 1987
3. Turns,S.R., “An Introduction to Combustion, Concepts and Applications”, Mc-Graw Hill, 2000
4. Williams,F.A., “Combustion Theory” The Benjamin and Cummings Publishing Company
5. Law,C.K., “Combustion Physics”, Cambridge University Press,2006
1. Wesseling P, “Principles of Computational fluid dynamics”, Springer
2. Ferziger J.H., “Computational methods for fluid dynamics”, Springer 27
3. Anderson, J.D. ”Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with Applications”, McGraw Hill,
4. Ferziger,J.H. and Peric,M., “Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics”, Springer, 1999
5. Patankar,S.V., “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, Narosa Publishing House, USA, 1980
6. Date,A.W., “Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Cambridge University Press, 2005
7. Wilcox,D.C., “Turbulence Modelling for CFD”, DCW Industries Inc.,1994
8. Chunng,T.J., “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Cambridge University Press, 2002
9. Thompson,J.F., Warsi,Z.U.A. and C.W. Mastin, “Numerical Grid Generation-Foundations and
Applications” North Holland, 1985
1. Stephen B. Pope, “Turbulent flows”, Cambridge Univ. Press
2. Hinze J.O., “Turbulence”, McGraw Hill

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Paper-IV

Advanced Developments in Design Engineering (Elective)
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lecturers: 3 Hrs/ Week Theory: 100 Marks

Unit 1: Mechanical Engineering Design: Load analysis; modes of failure; theories of failure;
safety factors; reliability; selection of materials; design of machine elements subjected to static &
fatigue loading; shafts; gears; bearings, etc.; design against creep & fracture; Tribological system

Unit 2: Advanced Theory of Elasticity (3-dimensional problems):

Theories of Stress and strain, Transformation of stress and strain, Linear stress-strain –temperature
relations, Applications of energy methods, Torsion, Bending, Plates

Unit 3: Vibrations
Multi-degree freedom systems, Approximate and numerical methods, Continuous systems, Nonlinear

Unit 4: Fracture Mechanics

Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics,Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics, Fracture Mechanisms in Metals

Unit 5: Finite Element Methods

Thermal analysis (temperature effects), 2D, 3D elements,Contact analysis, Non-linear static analysis

Unit 6: Reliability Engineering:

Reliability evaluation of complex systems, Safeties and certifications, Terro technological Aspects

Unit 7: Theoretical & Experimental Stress Analysis: Analysis of three-dimensional state of

stress and strain; experimental stress analysis tools like photo-elasticity; strain rosettes; brittle
coating; oiré fringes.

Reference Books
1. Boresi A.D., Schmidt R.J, and Sidebottom O.M, “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”, Wiley
2. Richard Budynas, “Advanced strength of applied stress analysis”, McGraw Hill
3. Cook R.D., Young W.C., “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”, Prentice Hall
4. Timoshenko and Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw-Hill Publications
5. M/c standard 8005

6. Kapur K.C., and Lamberson L.R., “Reliability in Engineering Design”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.,
7. Bathe K J “Finite Element Procedures”, Cambridge, MA 2007
8. Sequerlind L J, “Finite Element Analysis”, Wiley, 2nd edition, 1984
9. Reddy J.N., “An Introduction to Finite Element Method”, McGraw Hill
Balakumar Balachandran and Edward Magrab, “Vibrations”, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2004.
10. Kelly S.G., “Mechanical vibrations”, McGraw-Hill, 2007. T L Anderson, Fracture Mechanics-
Fundamentals and Applications, CRC Publishers, 2nd edition, 1995
11. Ashok Saxena, Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics for Engineers, CRC Publications
12. Hertzberg R.W., Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials, Wiley, 4th
edition, 1996.
13. Handbook of air-conditioning system design, Carrier Incorporation,McGraw Hill Book Co.,
14. Hainer R.W. ‘Control Systems for Heating, Ventilation and Air – Conditioning’, Van Nastrand
Reinhold Co., New York, 1984.
15. Ugural and Fenster, “Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity”, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall, PTR,
16. Srinath L.S, “Advanced Mechanics of Solids”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2003.

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