Our Parish Bulletin
Our Parish Bulletin
Our Parish Bulletin
Parish Committees
W al l y Berko
D on Cadeau
N estor Baryl i uk
Ray Bergi e
Joan D upui s
El ai ne Berner Our Lady of Mercy Church St. John the Baptist Church
M abel W i ese Honey Harbour Port Severn
L i nda L amoureaux
Screening: Our Lady of Mercy Parish
Pam Berko P.O. Box 126
Jenny L educ
El i zabeth Vi l l egas
2596 Honey Harbour Rd.
Honey Harbour, On P0E1E0
Honey Harbour
N estor Baryl i uk
Fr. Martin Dalida – Parish Priest
Bi l l M orton Tel. 705 756 2311
Port Severn Email: office@ladyofmercyhoneyharbour.ca
Syl vi a H ead
I ngri d D unbrook Website: https://ourladyofmercyparish.weebly.com
Sharon M acN ei ce- O rgani st
Weekend Masses
Port Severn: c/o T eri Restemayer Saturday 5 P.M. (May 1 to Oct 31 only) -Port Severn
Sunday 9 A.M. (all year) - Port Severn
Sacristan: Sunday 11 A.M. (all year) - Honey Harbour
Honey Harbour: M ark Vessai r
Gospel Today: Luke 17: 11:11-19 Summer Parishioners – While we bid goodbye to you, our dear summer parishioners,
Jesus heals all 10 lepers. However, only one returned we’d like you to know that your being with us and your gesture of generosity to our parish
to thank Jesus, and he is a Samaritan. All 10 of the during this summer has not gone unnoticed. We express our deepest thanks for the spiritual and
lepers were given the gift of healing, but in his financial support you have made towards our parish to keep it going. Again, thank you for
gratitude to God for this gift, the Samaritan found your kind support and for your loyalty to Our Lady of Mercy/St. John the Baptist parish. We wish
salvation. Our salvation is found in recognizing the you and your family safe, and we are looking forward to seeing you in the spring. God bless.
gifts we have been given and knowing to whom we
must offer our thanks.
Pre-authorized Payment Plan – A number of parishioners have already
signed up and find this service very convenient especially meeting their personal needs of
budgeting when receiving a monthly income. Those who signified to avail of this service,
kindly do it now so that I can set it up with the chancery office before I leave for my holiday.
Why Do You And The Parish Benefit It? 1) This allows easier and more accurate budgeting and
Weekday Masses planning for parish expenses. 2) This reduces the number of envelopes printed hence less
Wed Oct 16, 9am Mass - +Sergio expense. 3) This guarantees a monthly sufficient revenue to minister the parish. 4)There is a
Thurs Oct 17 9am Mass - +Claro reduced security risk as less cash is handled on the premises. 5) The privacy of donors is
Fri Oct 18, 8:30am - Adoration of Blessed Sacrament protected as money counters are not handling your envelope. 6) You may make regular
. 9am Mass – All souls donations for the other diocesan collections as well. 7) Parishioners who go south for the
winter can continue their support of the home parish. 8) Parishioners who come for the
Weekend Masses summer can support the parish year-round. Printed sign-up forms are available at the church
. ( 29th Sunday Ordinary Time ) entrance. After filling up the form, return it back and we will do the rest.
Saturday Oct 19, 5pm @ Port Severn Bingo-The bingo committee would like to take the opportunity to thank all who participated in making
Sunday Oct 20, 9am @ Port Severn - +Manly & Leona Cadeau by Cadeau family
our first year of bingo a wonderful success by volunteering and/or playing. We truly exceeded
11am @ Honey Harbour- For the people of the parish
our expectations with the fun and comradery this community event provided and the money we
were able to raise to help meet the needs of the church. The profit, after expenses and start up
$1, 007. 25 Last Sunday Offerings - Thank you for your costs, is $6,598.25. We look forward to our second season which will start May. See you there!
generous support.
Voting as Catholics 2019 Federal Elections (by Canadian Conference
Pray for Sick Members of our Parish Community: Maryrose of Catholic Bishops) Voting is a Right and Responsibility. Canadian Catholics are being called
Vessair, Clifford Legault, Gloria & Louis Cousineau, Edmond Corbier, Theresa
upon as citizens to exercise their right to vote. The Church encourages and reasserts its belief in
Phillips, Ernie Corbier, Derek Wiese (Call the office if you would like “the political freedom and responsibility of citizens.” By exercising their right to vote, citizens
someone placed on the prayer list). fulfill their duty of choosing a government and at the same time send a clear signal to the
Fr.Martin’s Holiday Nov 6 to Dec 6, 2019 I have not been back candidates being presented by their political parties for election.
home for quite sometime. After 2 of my brothers passed away in succession recently, my Knights of Columbus – On Sunday Oct 20, some KC officers from different places will
remaining 5 older siblings give me some pressure saying, “visit and see us while we are still be in our parish to do membership drive. We need more to sign up to complete the minimum of
alive.” I feel I need a break and reconnect with them and with my other relatives in 20 members to form a Council in our parish. If you consider signing up to be a member, call Ray
Philippines. Please pray for my safe travel as I always remember you in my prayers. Note Bergie for more information @ home tel #7052429653, cp #4169311232.
that only one weekend Mass is celebrated in the parish during these 4 weeks that I am away
and it will all be held in St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn at 9am. Thanks to Fr. Bill “In everything, give thanks, for this is
Swift of Waubashene and Jesuit Fathers of Martyrs’ Shrine Midland for covering me. God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” On
Nov 10 Sunday 9am – Fr. Bill Swift this day we are thankful to God for our
Nov 17 Sunday 9am– Martyrs’ Shrine priest common home earth, for our country, for
Nov 24 Sunday 9am - Martyrs’ Shrine priest the harvests, for the gift of life, for the
Dec 1 Sunday 9am - Martyrs’ Shrine priest family we love, and for all the blessings
After December 1st, weekend Masses will resume as winter schedule until April 30, 2020
which is: 9am Port Severn and 11am Honey Harbour.