18 October News

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St Cuthbert’s is the Parish Church for the people of Coulby Newham, Easterside & Marton

St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes Weekly News
www. stcuthbertmarton.org.uk email: ask@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
St Cuthbert’s Parish Centre, Stokesley Road, Marton TS7 8JU 50p where sold
18th October 2020 FREE ISSUE

Luke 10:1-9

We all know that it’s been an unusual and a challenging year. One of the ways in which
this is manifesting itself at the moment is in the number of parishes currently holding their
APCM - something that would usually happen in April. We were given special permission
to delay the meeting until later in the year because of Covid, but now we’re reaching
deadlines and having to meet as safely as we can. For some parishes this will be by meet-
ing in the church building after the main service; for others, a meeting online. It’s an odd
way of doing business (although it’s something that we’ve all had to get used to) but it un-
derlines just how important our Annual Meeting is. We need people to take responsibil-
ity for being church officers and we need to make sure that each parish is well-run and accountable for the decisions
made and the actions taken. That’s why as well as appointing Churchwardens and PCC members, the meeting will look
at last year’s finances and hear reports about things that have happened.

The gospel reading set for the 19th Sunday after Trinity, Luke 10:1-9, might raise a wry smile from those who’ve encour-
aged people to stand for office. Jesus says to his disciples, ‘the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few.’ We’ve all
felt like that at times! But there is strong encouragement too. Jesus reminds those whom he is commissioning that
theirs is a valuable service. It’s God’s harvest that they are asked to gather in and huge responsibility is placed in each set
of shoulders. They are trusted by Jesus to go out and do wonderful things, and reminded that it is work that deserves
reward: ‘the labourer deserves to be paid.’

We can’t pay our PCC members and Churchwardens, I’m afraid, but I do hope that they know just how valuable they are
and what an important job they do. They are labouring in the harvest for Christ and they deserve our thanks.

The Ven. Amanda Bloor, Archdeacon of Cleveland

All Souls Service

Sunday 1st November 2020 at 6.30pm St Cuthbert’s Parish Centre
Our annual All Souls service will take place with prayers and the reading of names.
If you would like names of deceased loved ones read out during the service then please
email details to me alanp@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
or add them to the list available in the PARISH CENTRE on Sunday mornings.

Live Streaming of Worship at St Cuthbert’s

10.00am Holy Communion - Archdeacon The Ven. Amanda Bloor will preside at our service this week.
The next Night Prayer will be on Sunday 6th December. Our “All Souls” service will be held on Sunday 1st November
at 6.30pm in the parish centre
10.00am Morning Prayer and Thought for the Day


Next quiz on SUNDAY 25th October at 8.00pm. On the same format as the Alphabet Quiz.
E-mail Jackie to book a place (max 12 people) events@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Sylvia Swan was the lucky winner last week.

If you have any news to tell us please email to: news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk


Sunday 18th October Exodus 33.12-end Psalm 99 1 Thessalonians1.1-10 Matthew 22.15-22

Isaiah 35.3-6 or Acts

Monday 19th October Psalm 147.1-7 2 Timothy 4.5-17 Luke 10.1-9

Tuesday 20th October Ephesians 2.12-end Psalm 85.7-end Luke 12.35-38

Wednesday 21st October Ephesians3.2-12 Psalm 98 Luke 12.39-48

Thursday 22nd October Ephesians 3.14-end Psalm 33.1-6 Luke 12.49-53

Friday 23rd October Ephesians 4.1-6 Psalm 24.1-6 Luke 12.54-end

Saturday 24th October Ephesians 4.7-16 Psalm 122 Luke 13.1-9

Church Open for Worship Regular Giving to St Cuthbert's

Holy Communion in the Parish Centre If you would like to contribute to the running of our
COVID-19 restrictions on safe distancing require that our
Church the easiest ways to donate are:
service of Holy Communion is now being held in the
James Cook Hall at the Parish Centre Direct Credit, and our bank details are as follows:
every Sunday at 10.00am. Name: PCC of Marton in Cleveland Church A/C
St Cuthbert’s Church is open for night prayer
(Compline) on the first Sunday of the month at Sort Code: 30-95-56 Account No.: 00274161
6.30pm, all our services will be live streamed on Facebook Our Facebook page now has a “Donate”
Facebook button. The donation can also be Gift Aided if the person
donating is a UK taxpayer boosting the donation by
Face coverings need to be worn and the one way system 25%. Facebook charges quite high fees for dona-
observed. Chairs are set out at safe distances and hand tions and only pay us quarterly so we would prefer
sanitiser is provided which all must use.
donation by cheque or direct credit please.
All need to sign in to comply with the governments Track
and Trace regulations. By Cheque - The Lloyds bank app allows us to credit
cheques to the Church account without visiting the bank.
If you wish to donate in this way you can post them to:
Mrs Linda Proudler (Treasurer), 6 Bramble Close, Stain-
Services at St. Cuthbert’s during our vacancy
The table below will be updated as we are notified of ton, Middlesbrough TS8 9FE.
clergy availability. Cheques should be made payable to:
St Cuthbert’s Marton PCC.
Rev’d Sam Tyndall will be presiding at one service per month and clergy
from St Barnabas will preside one per month as well.
Your financial support is greatly appreciated at all
Day Date Time Service Clergy Presiding times but particularly now during these unprece-
Sun. 04/10/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Sam Tyndall dented times.
Sun. 11/10/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Bishop Paul
Sun. 18/10/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Archdeacon Amanda SERVICE ROTA OCTOBER 2020
Sun. 25/10/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Lindsey Goodhew
Sun. 01/11/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Ray Morris
Date Sunday of the Reader Intercessions
Sun. 08/11/2020 10.00am Holy Communion David Goodhew
10am 10am
Sun. 15/11/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Sam Tyndall
Sun. 22/11/2020 10.00am Holy Communion 4 17th after Trinity AA BL
Sun. 29/11/2020 10.00am Holy Communion 11 18 after Trinity RP AP
Sun. 06/12/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Mark Walley
Sun. 13/12/2020 10.00am Holy Communion Archdeacon Amanda 18 19th after Trinity KM AP
Sun. 20/12/2020 10.00am Holy Communion 25 20th after Trinity GM MJ
Thur. 24/12/2020 11.30pm Midnight Mass
Sun. 27/12/2020 10.00am Holy Communion
Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011
Diocese of York
The benefice of Marton in Cleveland and the
benefice of Saint Agnes, Middlesbrough
Digital resources
A notice giving objects of proposed pastoral reor- Weekly service broadcasts-detailed on the front page
Live streaming services from St Cuthbert’s Church.
ganisation affecting this parish has been displayed on These are available through our Facebook page.
the notice board at the entrance to the James Cook Time to Pray app
Hall and on the Church of England website. The no-
Everything you need for Prayer During the Day, with varia-
tice includes the last date by which representations tions according to the day of the week and the season of the
regarding the proposed reorganisation may be made Church’s year. Download for free.
to the Church Commissioners.
Daytime prayer and Night prayer service audio
The draft scheme provide for: Building on the existing daily prayer feed, this includes daytime
· The union of the benefice of Marton in Cleveland prayer and night prayer for each day. It will be available as a
and the benefice of Saint Agnes, Middlesbrough and downloadable app in the coming weeks.
their constituent parishes in the diocese of York; The BBC's Daily Service and Sunday Worship
· For the selection of the first incumbent of the new Prayer for the day - each day the Church of Eng-
benefice land publishes audio and text of the Prayer for the Day.
· For his parsonage house to be that of the benefice
Mental health reflections – 13 daily reflections that seek
of Marton in Cleveland;
to provide hope, reassurance and comfort. We have al-
· For the transfer of the parsonage house of the ben-
so published five tips to help tackle loneliness and isolation.
efice of St Agnes, Middlesbrough to the York Dioc-
esan Board of Finance for diocesan purposes;
· For the future patronage arrangements for the new
benefice; and
· For the church of St Agnes, Middlesbrough to be
closed for regular public worship and be demol-
ished, the site vested in the York DBF for disposal.
· Full details of the Draft Pastoral Church Buildings
Scheme can be viewed on the Church of England
Wed Site; www.churchofengland.org/consultation

Pause for Prayer

God Will Take Care Of Me
God feeds the birds that sing from the treetops;
God feeds the birds that wade by the sea;
God feeds the birds that dart through the meadows;
So will Gad take care of me?

God clothes the flowers that bloom on the hillside;

God clothes the bloom that hangs from the tree;
As god cares so much for the birds and the flowers
Middlesbrough Council Advice & Support
I know God will take care of me.
Hotline: 01642 729777
A prayer based on Jesus sermon on the mount www.middlesbrough.gov.uk
Matthew 6
Email: helpboro@middlesbrough.gov.uk
Live With Less Twitter: @covid19boro Facebook: @covid19boro
Useful Telephone Numbers
Learn to lend the things you own, Age UK Teesside 01642 805 500
Learn to live with less, Citizens Advice 03444 111444
Debt Advice 0800 138 1111
Learn to look to a further shore
Universal Credit 0800 328 5644
And God your life will bless. EVA Women’s Aid 01642 490677
A treasury of prayers for now and always.
Foundation (Domestic Violence): 0300 4562214
St Cuthbert’s and St Agnes’
Intercession Prayers
Please Remember in your prayers
Long Term
Barrie Harvey and family, Dorothy Murrell, Sue Hanson, Tony Simms, Eileen, Margery Ormeston, Audrey Coulson,
Matthew Jacobs, Stan Harrison.
Medium Term
Libby, Charlotte, David, Jean Berry, Lydia, Gordon, Tom, John Shaw, Christine, Joyce Hodgson, Olwen, Mary Feath-
erstone, Hilary Clarke, Francis Iseton, Emma Smithson, Sarah Clayton, Pauline Howard, Ann Marie Dring, Brian Phillips,
Duncan, Baby George and family, Carol Wiberg-Redmond, Margaret Carrick and Theo Nicholson.
Pray for all who are suffering from Coronavirus, all who are self isolating, all, who are worried, the home-
less and all who are sick. If you would like us to pray for someone who is sick or prayers for yourself please email
your request to: pray@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

Pastoral Care
Weddings Baptisms and Funerals can now go ahead in Church providing strict guidelines are adhered too. No
more than 30 people are allowed in Church for funerals and 15 for weddings, this includes those officiating (vicar and ver-
ger). For Baptisms the limit is 6 people excluding officials and those working at the ceremony.
Strict two metre guidelines must be adhered too. If two metre distancing is not possible 1metre+ is allowed and the
wearing of face coverings will be required.
Pastoral Care List. Please contact the Churchwardens if you would like someone from our Church to stay in touch.


Vicar Vacancy
Associate Minister Rev’d Sam Tyndall 07562 593474 sam@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Churchwardens Alan Proudler 01642 975419 alanp@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Gordon Mallory 01642 313551 gordon@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Reader Sylvia Swan 01642 289592
Newsletter Editor Alan Proudler 01642 975419 news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
P.C.C. Officers
Secretary Carole Paylor 01642 316201 secretary@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Treasurer Linda Proudler 01642 975419 treasurer@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Electoral Roll Linda Proudler 01642 975419 treasurer@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Safeguarding Sue Neal 07710 584290 saferep@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Parish Office Answer machine only 01642 316201 ask@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk
Office Manager Carole Paylor 01642 316201 admin@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk

No new scams reported this week. If you think you have been a victim of fraud or cyber crime you should report
this to Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.uk or by calling 0300 123 2020

Rev’d Linda Shipp - It is with immense sadness that we announce the recent death of Rev’d Linda Shipp.
Since her retirement she and husband Peter became regular members of our 10.00am congregation. Her
funeral arrangements have yet to be confirmed but will be at Swainby and of course restricted by Covid-19
regulations. Our condolences have been sent to Peter on behalf of the Church family.

Reverse Advent Calendar Following the success of last year’s event Jackie is running it again this year. During No-
vember please place one item per day in a box and then bring the boxes to our service on 6th December, we will ask
Rev Mark Walley to bless the donations, then we will deliver to Middlesbrough Foodbank for distribution for Christmas.
If donating Mince Pies/Stollen etc. please ensure that use by or best before dates extend over the Christmas period?
If you would like to fill a box with someone else and share the cost, they can email Jackie at
events@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk and she will pair you up.
Please get in touch with anything you want to tell
your friends either by email:
news@stcuthbertmarton.org.uk or by telephone:
07488 347708
Alan would love to hear from you.

The live streaming worked OK on Sunday so I think we are on top of it again! It was great to have Bishop Paul lead our
worship and we hope he can come again during our vacancy.
Jackie Simmonds emailed to say that the Henry cleaner which Andy “blew up “ during his last week with
us has been partly recycled? How things have changed! Bill and Ben were flowerpot men in my day, no
mention of Henry !
You may have seen on Middlesbrough Foodbank website that we are looking to recruit a new project
manager, this is because Soroush will be leaving us in March to take up a new ministry in his Church.
He has been a magnificent project leader will miss him, his generous good humoured nature and his
dedication to helping the needy. We wish him well in his new ministry.
Had an email from Christine Pointer this week, she writes: We had much belated APCM last Thursday via ZOOM
What an experience, must be some 40+ years when I have been attending such meetings and at most had a role to play either as
Church Warden, Secretary, Reader. It was strange to sit there listening watching people, not voting, couldn't really contribute. Still
it was interesting to watch people. I wonder if they realised that we could all see their every movement and facial expression.
Application for PTO as reader is slow it's almost three weeks since I last contacted the person on charge of people moving into the
diocese. Never mind, although church is open for services I don't feel confident to go. The Parish is not as fortunate as At C's we
only have a small hall. Church itself about the same size. Love and prayers for you and the congregation Christine xx
Good to hear Christine is doing well and true to form you cant keep a good man or woman down! As she points out,
we should count our blessings that we have the James Cook Hall where we can meet for worship in safety. Belated
birthday wishes to Sylvia Murray who celebrated her birthday last weekend.
Such a pity that we are seeing a rise in Covid-19 again but inevitable when you see how some are disregarding the advice
on social distancing and the number of people that wear masks but don’t cover their noses is astounding!
According to www.gov.uk this is the most up to date ruling on religious services in our area. You may attend a mosque,
church, synagogue, temple or other place or worship for a service, but you must not mix with anyone you do not live
with (unless you have formed a support bubble with them).

Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal 2020

Please get in touch with Pam Martin, tel: 01642 325604, to request a leaflet.
She can offer wrapped boxes again which she can deliver on request.
Filled boxes can be brought to the service on any Sunday up to 1st November.
If packing a shoe box is difficult this year you can donate a shoebox online, visit
shoeboxonline.org.uk for details.
Prayer During the Day in Ordinary Time
Prayer During the Day in
Ordinary Time
O God, make speed to save us.
All O Lord, make haste to help us.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation

of my heart
All be acceptable in your sight, O Lord,
my strength and my redeemer

You, Christ, are the King of glory,

the eternal Son of the Father.
When you took our flesh to set us free
you humbly chose the Virgin’s womb.
You overcame the sting of death
and opened the kingdom of heaven to all believ-
You are seated at God’s right hand in glory.

Sunday Psalm 48
Monday Psalm 2
Tuesday Psalm 44
Wednesday Psalm 45
Thursday Psalm 39
Friday Psalm 139
Saturday Psalm 140

All Glory to the Father and to the Son

and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning is now
and shall be for ever. Amen.

Silence, study, music, or words from Scripture, such as

Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
All No one comes to the Father except
through me. Copyright © The Archbishop’s Council 2006

Stay safe, His spirit is with us!

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