St. John Vianney Church: West Green
St. John Vianney Church: West Green
St. John Vianney Church: West Green
One of the most striking facts of the Gospel is how WE PRAY FOR THOSE
members of both groups are surprised is that the ON OUR INTENTIONS BOARD
Judge-King is the one who has been the object of ...our beloved deceased and their families
our concern or neglect. i.e. “I was hungry, thirsty, a ...those who are ill
stranger, naked, sick and in prison and you came to ...those with birthdays and anniversaries
my help!” So what we traditionally call – the
...and all other special intentions.
Corporal works of Mercy – are central to our
Christian way of life. Jesus himself, the Servant-
King spent his life and ministry, seeking out the sick THE SICK & RETIRED PRIESTS’ COLLECTION
and those on the fringe of society. This task is clear Thank you
for us too. Thank you for so generously supporting the Sick & Retired
Priests’ Fund collection last weekend. Our priests give us
COVID-19: We don’t know what the 2nd December years of dedicated service and it is only right that,
will bring. During the coming days, instructions will together, we ensure they live out their days with the care
emerge. In the meantime we need to be as vigilant they need. If you didn’t get the chance to donate, it’s not
as ever. The Coronavirus is very much with us. Who too late. Envelopes are still available in the back of the
knows how the vaccine will help us cope. Try to church or from the parish office and you can give online at
keep safe for the sake of our common good. Thank you again. Please
keep our sick and retired priests in your prayers.
Every blessing for the coming week, Fr Joe