Brocken 2017
Brocken 2017
Brocken 2017
Chemistry &
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Received 12th May 2017, The free radical polymerisation of aqueous solutions of acrylic acid (1) has been studied using a continuous
Accepted 14th July 2017
flow reactor to quickly screen reaction parameters such as temperature, residence time, monomer- and
Published on 14 July 2017. Downloaded on 7/5/2018 8:19:33 AM.
initiator concentration. The experimental data sets produced established a theoretical basis for conducting
DOI: 10.1039/c7re00063d
scale up processes to efficiently produce larger quantities of polyIJacrylic acid) delivered with good control over the molecular weight and dispersity.
662 | React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 662–668 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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acid monomer (1) is highly reactive,39 which raises two prob- channel A and B respectively. The flow rates on each channel
lems. First, due to the high polymerisation rate and exother- were always maintained at a 1 : 1 ratio and were adjusted to
mic nature of the process, heat evolution is an issue requir- produce different residence times for the reactions. A PEEK
ing careful regulation to control the reaction progress. This is cross assembly (1.30 mm thru hole and 22.8 μL swept volume
necessary for a safe synthesis and to avoid gel formation. Sec- fitted with a pressure transducer – obtained from Uniqsis
ondly the final product inherently has a very high molar Ltd., Shepreth, United Kingdom) was placed in-line to com-
mass. Indeed, to obtain polyIJacrylic acid) with a low molar bine the two flows into a single homogeneous stream. The
mass, a low concentration of acrylic acid (1) is prepared flow path was configured so that the channel A and B entered
which results in large batch volumes upon scale-up.40 Addi- laterally and the mixed flow exited at right angles, which then
tionally, diffusion is an important phenomenon in free radi- passed into a 52 mL FEP coil which could be heated at differ-
cal polymerisation.41 This aspect has different names in each ent temperatures. A back pressure regulator (BPR, 100 psi)
mechanistic step, such as the cage effect for the initiation, was placed at the exit to the coil reactor. The exiting solution
glass effect for propagation and Tromsdorff or gel effect for of polyIJacrylic acid) was collected in a stirred flask containing
termination, however at each stage good control over diffu- sodium selenite (0.005 mM) as a radical quencher to terminate
sion is necessary to achieve well defined polymers. It was any radical species and prevent further polymerisation (Fig. 1).
Published on 14 July 2017. Downloaded on 7/5/2018 8:19:33 AM.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 662–668 | 663
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to the monomer stock solution. The standard used to assess of elevated temperatures is however that extensive backbiting
the GPC system prior to each run was PEO (22 kDa, dn/dc within the polymer will occur.46 As can be seen from the plots
(ml g−1) 0.1320, dispersity 1.045). For the GPC data outlying (Fig. 2) a secondary contributing effect on conversion was the
values were eliminated based upon the processed data
(OmniSEC 4.7 software was used to build method and pro-
cess data). To determine the average molecular weight and
dispersity a minimum, of two measurements were used. Ex-
treme outlaying data points relating to molecular weight and
dispersity were removed from the data-set if these values de-
viated more than 10% from the mean value.
3.1 Initiator
At the conclusion of a conventional batch polymerisation of
acrylic acid (1) it is common to add an extra dose of initiator
to the reaction mixture to ensure any residual monomer is
fully consumed. This avoids the post reaction requirement
for expensive and time consuming sequestration of the
monomer from the polymer solution but inevitably leads to a
broadening of the dispersity. For this reason achieving full
conversion is an important aim with it being most desirable
to obtain full conversion of the monomer by exacting control
over the individual reaction parameters. In free radical poly-
merisation it is assumed that the initiator activation follows
first order kinetics. Therefore its half-life time is dependent
on the reaction temperature. High temperature will initialise
higher average radical concentrations. The higher the initia-
tor content, the shorter the polymers that will be formed as
the monomer concentration will not be sufficient to form
long chains. In our study three initiator concentrations were
selected; 1.25, 2.50 and 3.75 mol% of the monomer concen-
tration. The upper limit was fixed at 3.75 mol% to avoid any
potential problems resulting from clogging of the flow system
through gel formation. Conversely the lower limit was also
set as too low a value of initiator results in poor propagation
due to the cage effect. This would negatively affect the poly-
merisation as the initiator would not be consumed optimally.
This was considered particularly important for the short resi-
dence times we were targeting in this flow system.
3.2 Conversion
Both temperature and residence time contribute significantly
to the overall conversion of acrylic acid (1). In general a high
conversion could be reached at longer residence times Fig. 2 A plot of conversion (%) against temperature (°C) and residence
(Fig. 2). To obtain good conversion at shorter residence times time (min) at various initiator (2) concentrations, A: 1.25 mol% of
(i.e. 5 min) elevated temperatures were required. A drawback initiator (2), B: 2.50 mol% of initiator (2), C: 3.75 mol% of initiator (2).
664 | React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 662–668 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 662–668 | 665
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3.4 Dispersity
A narrow dispersity is generally desirable as it indicates a
more homogeneous polymeric sample. The major factors
influencing dispersity in our study were demonstrated to be
residence time and processing temperature. These two vari-
ables also strongly influence the overall conversion; a plot of
sample dispersity against conversion (%) is shown in Fig. 7.
As can be seen obtaining a high monomer conversion whilst
also maintaining a low dispersity is not readily achievable.
This is understandable when acknowledging that steady state
conditions for free radical polymerisation are arrived at very
rapidly, orders of magnitude below the residence times used
in this study. Therefore the rate of initiation will be equitable
to that of termination during the entire reaction; assuming
no limitation imposed by the initiator concentration or initia-
Published on 14 July 2017. Downloaded on 7/5/2018 8:19:33 AM.
666 | React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 662–668 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 662–668 | 667
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Published on 14 July 2017. Downloaded on 7/5/2018 8:19:33 AM.
668 | React. Chem. Eng., 2017, 2, 662–668 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017