Final Syllabus: Anatomy Upper and Lower Limb

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Upper and lower limb:

Introduction to Limbs
Clavicle Osteology
Clavicle Muscle Attachment
Sternoclavicular and acromoclavicular Joints
Embryology: Development of Paraxial Mesoderm
Muscles of Shoulder
Scapula Osteology
Humerus Osteology
Muscle attachment on Scapula
Attachment on Humerus
Development of Joints
Axilla, boundaries and contents
Pectoral Region
Shoulder joint & its Movements
Histology of Skeletal Muscle
Brachial Plexus
Cutaneous supply of Upper limb
Brachial plexus Injuries
Development of limbs & congenital anomalies.
Axillary artery & Veins
Muscles & Nerves of the Arm.
Anastomosis around Scapula
Posterior compartment of arm,
Muscles & Nerves
Osteology of Radius & attachments of Muscle.
Osteology of Ulna & Muscles Attachments
Muscles at the front of forearm
Osteology of Hand
Development of Muscles
Muscles of Back & Forearm
Elbow Joint
Blood vessels & Nerves of forearm
Ext. Retinaculam Dorsal Digital Expansion
Flexor Retinaculam
Cubital Fossa and Anastomosis around Elbow
Muscles & Spaces of Hand
Wrist Joints & Small joints of Hand
Blood Vessel & Nerves of hands
Superficial Veins & Lymphatics of Upper Limb
Surface Anatomy of Upper limb
Hip Bone
Femur Attachment
Femur Osteology
Muscles of Anterior compartment of thigh Femoral triangle, Femoral sheath,
Deep fascia of thigh, it’s modification.
Inguinal ligament
Nerves and vessels of anterior compartment of thigh
Medial compartment of thigh. Adductor canal & its contents,
Formation of lumbosacral plexus
Nerve and vessels of medial compartment thigh
Hip Joints & Movements, anastomoses around hip joint
Gluteal region
Muscles of Posterior compartment of Thigh.
Tibia Osteology
Fibula Osteology
Popliteal Fossa & Its conten
Anterior & lateral compartment of
Leg (muscles, nerves & Vessels)
Posterior compartment of Leg, Nerves & Vessels
Knee joint & Genicular Anastomosis
Foot Osteology & Arches of foot
Layers of Sole
Superficial veins of lower limb (small & Great sephanous Vein
Ankle joint,
Superior & Inferior
Tibiofibular Joint
Nerves and vessels of foot
Nerve Injuries of Lower Limb
Applied vascular anatomy of lower Limb
Surface Anatomy of Lower limb


Development of Mammary Gland

Overview of Thorax (skeleton, wall, outlet, inlet)
General description of upper respiratory Tract & Lower Respiratory Tract
Thoracic muscles, intercostal spaces
Thoracic Cavity Division & Boundaries of Mediastinum & Joints of thoracic cage
General Features + attachment of typical Ribs + Atypical Ribs
Diaphragm (Thoracic Outlet
Superior mediastinum and its contents (Arch of aorta, ligamentum arteiosum, Brachiocephalic
vein, Superior vena cava, Cardiac plexus, Trachea)
Vasculature of lungsbronchial & pulmonary + Lymphatic of thorax
Gross Feature of lungs & trachea
Respiratory Epithe;ium + histology of larynx and trachea
Contents of anterior Mediastinum (Thymus) + Posterior Mediastinum (Thoracic Aorta, Esophagus
Azygous System)
Development of respiratory System & Developmental anomalies of respiratory System
Thoracic inlet- Relations & Cross- Sectional Anatomy Thoracic sympathetic trunk, Phrenic and
vagus nerve, thoracic duct.
Development of body Cavities & Diaphragm
Development of ribs & vertebrae
General features of vertebra + Curvatures of vertebral column
Surface Anatomy of Thorax
Thoracic vertebrae
Overview of CVS of body (heart and vascular system)
Histology of cardiac muscles blood vessels
Overview of Coronary blood Vessels
Heart: covering (pericardium) and external features, heart position
Heart: gross features four chamber internalfeatures
Heart, (surface marking of heart and valves, great vessel)
Conducting system, Blood Supply, Nerve Supply
Overview of principle arteries of CVS
Overview of principle veins of CVS
Varicose vein overview of lymphatic channels of body including histology


Upper and lower limb:

Connective Tissues (Collagen)
Ca & PO4 Metabolism -I
Hormonal regulation of Ca and phosphate
Biochemistry of Connective Tissues (Glycosaminoglycan
Hypercalcemia and hypocalcemia
Rickets and osteomalacia

Phospholipids & its role in ARDS.
Oxidative Phosphorulation
Acid Base Regulation
Role of respiration Acid Base Balance
Respiratory Acidosis & Alkalosis.

Biological Oxidation
Structure and Chemistry of fatty acids and compound lipids related to CVS
Overview of Lipid Metabolism
Chemistry, synthesis and functions of Lipoproteins-I (Cholesterol)
Chemistry synthesis and functions of Lipoproteins-II (CM, VLDL, LDL & HDL)
Oxidants and their role in CVS diseases
Role of Nutrition and antioxidants in CVS Disorders
Role of minerals in Hypertension

Upper and lower limb:

Bone infections (Osteomyleitis)
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Bone Tumors
Fractures and repair of bone

Define asthma, Pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, Define bronchiactasis, its etiology and
pathogenesis of bronchiactasis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Describe pathogenesis of bronchitis and emphysema
Infectious diseases of respiratory system:
Classification of PNEUMONIA Commun, typical, pneu Commun atypical pneum, Aspiration
Pulmonary Vascular Disorders Define Pulmonary embolism + V/Q Scan

Basic of Patho Atherosclerosis
Ischemic Heart Diseases
Cardiac Failure
Hypertensive heart disease and Hypertensive vascular disease

Upper and lower limb:
Drugs used in osteoporosis
Drugs use for arthritis,
Non- Narcotic Analgesic NSAIDs
Drugs used for arthritis NSAIDs-II (other drugs including Acetaminophen)
Management of rheumatoid arthritis DMARDs
Immuno-suppressants, Glucorticosteroids
Pain management: Narcotic Analgesics

Drugs used in Asthma and COPD-I
Drugs used for community acquired pneumonia-I (Penicillins)
Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs

Drugs Used In Cardiac Failure
Drugs used in arrythmias
Anti Anginal drugs.

Upper and lower limb:
Electrical properties of Neurons (RMP)
Functional classification of Nerve fibers
Action potential generation & Propagation
Skeletal Miscle contraction Mechanism
Neuromuscular junction / Transmission
Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission
Muscle adaptation to Exercise/ Muscle metabolism

Functional organization of respiratory system + innervations
Mechanics of respiration
Lung Compliance
Pulmonary volume and capacities
Signs & symptoms of respiratory disorders and Clinical Examination of respiratory
Pulmonary circulation V/Q Relationship
Diffusion of gases
Transport of Gases (O2-Hb dissociation curve)
Transport of CO2 in relation to physiology
Hypoxia & its types regulation of respiration (Chemical+ Neural)
Respiratory adjustment to exercise, high altitude and deep sea regulation of respiration
(Chemical+ Neural

Properties of Cardiac Muscle
Excitatory + conduction system of heart
Action Potential in CARDIAC muscle
Cardiac Cycle/ Heart Sounds
ECG: 1
Lead system
ECG 2: Normal
ECG recording + Rate & Rhythm
Vector analysis
Cardiac output and its regulation
Homodynamic i & ii (blood flow, pressure, resistance,)
Local control of blood flow
Nervous regulation of circulation and rapid control of B.P Long term regulation of arterial pressure
Micro circulation lymphatic system and oedema
Circulatory Shock

Community medicine

Introduction to Epidemiology
Introduction to Bio-stats.
Introduction to Demography
Health Education / Promotion
Good practices for maintaining bone health,
Diet, Role of exercise & Sun exposure
Introduction to Respiratory Diseases of Medical Importance and Their Prevention
Occupational Pneumoconiosis & their Prevention
Asthma and Prevention
Tuberculosis and Prevention
Effects of smoking on the community


Common Pathogens causing Community

Acquired Pneumonias (typical and atypical)
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis


Examination of Upper Limb
Neuromuscular disorder


Soft tissue injuries of upper limp

Trauma of upper limb (fractures and dislocation)
Soft tissue disorder of Upper Limb.
Deformities of Skeleton of Lower limb

Normal radiology of Upper Limb

Cross section of Upper Limb
Normal X-Rays of Lower Limb
Cross Section of lower limb
Recognize the normal respiratory structure on chest radiograph.
Identify nasal structure on Radiograph
CT scan
X-ray chest in relation to CVS


Imaging techniques (Echo, Angiography, Thallium scanning)

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