IV Concrete
IV Concrete
IV Concrete
Chapter III
A. Concrete Materials
A.1. Cement
a. Pozzolan Cement
b. Portland Cement
Argillaceous material
Calcareous material
- includes limestone, chalk, marl, marine shells and waste calcium carbonate
from industrial processes
- these materials contribute lime (CaO) to the clinker
It should be remembered that only a certain amount of water can be combined with the
cement, any excess dilutes the mixture and reduces the potential strength,
watertightness and durability of the mix.
Dehydration – drying out of the material by using intense heat in its manufacture
Hydration – the chemical reaction where cement combines chemically with water, then
hardens for an indefinite period (the cement-water paste becomes hard as rock)
Thirty kilograms of water are required to hydrate 100 kilograms of cement.
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Type I and IA* - for general use such as pavement, sidewalks, buildings, bridges, tanks,
water pipes, etc.
Type II and IIA* - for concrete construction exposed to moderate sulfate action. It
generates heat of hydration at slower rate than Type I. Used in large piers, heavy
abutments and retaining walls
Type III and IIIA* - for high early strength.
a. used if you are in a hurry to strip forms and use them again
b. used when you need to put concrete into service faster than normal
c. used in cold weather to reduce the protection period needed
Type IV - for low heat hydration. Used in massive structures such as large dams where the
temperature rise during hardening may cause serious problems
Type V - for high sulfate resistance. Used for structures exposed to coal mine drainage
Other types
*IA, IIA, IIIA – are air-entraining cements made by grinding small amount of air-
entraining materials with the clinker during their manufacture.
* Air-entraining cements are not as popular now as they used to be. It is easier to control
the air-content of concrete by using non-air-entraining cement and adding air-entraining
admixture when the concrete is batched.
- no testing on cement can be done in the field as all standard testing procedures require
special equipment and apparatus and certain controlled conditions under which the test
should be performed
- a knowledge of the important tests and their significance is useful for an intelligent
interpretation of test reports
1. Physical Test
- determines the amount of water required to prepare cement pastes for testing
Water used, ml
N.C., % = x 100%
wt of cement sample, g
Apparatus/Materials/tools needed:
a. Non-absorbent surface
b. rubber gloves
c. weighing scale
d. conical ring
e. glass plate
f. trowel–2 pieces – 6” length
g. vicat apparatus with plunger
h. Portland cement – 400 g
1. Take 400 g of cement and prepare a paste with about 28% (by weight of cement)
water by taking care that the gauging time is from 3 to 5 minutes. The gauging time
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is counted from the instant of adding of water to dry cement until the mould is
2. Fill the vicat mould by placing it on a non-porous plate with the cement paste
After completely filling the mould, smooth off the surface with a single movement
of the trowel, making it level with the top of the mould.
3. Shake the mould slightly to remove any air bubbles as their presence may affect the
penetration of the plunger.
4. Place the specimen along with the non-porous plate under the vicat plunger and
lower it gently so that it just touches the surface of the specimen.
5. Quickly release the plunger and allow it to sink. Note the reading.
Prepare the paste with varying percentages of water and repeat the experiment until
the plunger stops penetrating at a level 5 to 7 mm from bottom and tabulate the
Materials/apparatus/tools needed:
The Gillmore needle is applied at a certain time intervals on the surface of 76.2
mm diameter pat, 12.7 mm thick and tapering to a thin outer edge, made from a neat
cement paste of normal consistency.
initial set - Gillmore needle 2.12 mm , 114 g- bears without mark on the pat
final set - Gillmore needle 1.06 mm , 453.6 grams - fails to make mark
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a. Take the weighing scale and set to zero.
b. Take a pan and tare the instrument.
c. Measure 300 gram sample of cement.
d. Take the cylinder and measure 80 ml. of water.
e. Now start making the paste of cement. It should be taken care that the time of making
paste doesn’t exceed 1 minute. Also note the time of making paste.
h. Determine the Vicat final time of setting end point to be the first penetration measure
that does not mark the specimen surface with a complete circular impression.
i. Verify final set by performing two additional penetration measurements on different
areas of the specimen surface.
j. Obtain verification measurements within 90 s of the first “final set” measurement. The
elapsed time between the initial contact of cement and water and the end point
determination above is the Vicat final time of setting.
1.d. Soundness
- implies the absence of those qualities which tend to destroy its strength and
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hours. Limitations: it determines unsoundness due to free lime but not due to hard-
burned calcium oxide, magnesia, and lime sulfate.
By Autoclave expansion:
Is carried out by measuring the change in length of a 24-hour old 25 x 25 x 254
mm (1" x 1" x 10") neat cement specimen, after placing in an autoclave with a steam
pressure of 2.067 MPa (300 psi) maintained for three (3) hours.
Le Chatelier method
1. Place the mould on a glass sheet and fill it with the cement paste formed by gauging
cement with 0.78 times the water required to give a paste of standard consistency.
2. Cover the mould with another piece of glass sheet, place a small weight on this covering
glass sheet and immediately submerge the whole assembly in water at a temperature of
27 ± 2oC and keep it there for 24hrs.
3. Measure the distance separating the indicator points to the nearest 0.5mm (say dl ).
4. Submerge the mould again in water at the temperature prescribed above. Bring the water
to boiling point in 25 to 30 minutes and keep it boiling for 3hrs.
5. Remove the mould from the water, allow it to cool and measure the distance between the
indicator points (say d2 ).
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6. (d2 – dl) represents the expansion of cement. The value should not go beyond 10mm.
Calculate the mean of the two values to the nearest 0.5mm to represent the expansion of
1. All the measurements should be done accurately.
2. Do not apply extra pressure while filling the moulds.
3. During boiling water level should not fall below the height of the mould.
1.e. Fineness
- determines how fine the cement is
- advantages of fine cement:
increases the rate at which cement hydrates and thus accelerates strength
it improves concrete workability and prevents excessive bleeding
it improves the appearance and durability of concrete
weight of residue
% Fineness = x 100% ≤ 10%
original weight of sample
A mortar is prepared using the 2.75 parts of graded sand, one part of cement and
enough water to give a flow of 100 - 115%. The 50 mm (2") cubes prepared from the
mortar mix are tested in the compression machine at the age of 3 days, 7 days and 28
days, with one (1) day curing in the molds and the remaining days under water.
Total Load, N
Compressive Strength, MPa =
Cross-sectional Area, mm2
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1. Take 420 of cement & 1440 g of standard sand and a trial percentage of water.
2. Mix all the ingredients mechanically with the help of a mixer.
3. Place all the mixing water in bowl.
4. Add the masonry cement to the water, then start the mixer and mix at the slow speed
(140±5 rev/min) for 30s.
5. Add the entire quantity of sand slowly over a period of 30 s, while mixing at slow speed.
6. Stop the mixer, change to medium speed (280±10 rev/min), and mix for 30 s.
7. Stop the mixer, and let the mortar stand for one and a half minutes. During the first the first
15 s of this interval, quickly scrap down into the batch any mortar that may have collected
on the side of the bowl, then for the remainder of this interval, cover the bowl with the lid.
8. Finish by mixing for one minute at medium speed. Incase requiring further remixing, any
mortar adhering to the side of the bowl shall be quickly scraped down into the batch with
scarper prior to remixing which is to be continued till a uniform mortar is obtained.
9. Upon the completion of mixing, shake the paddle to remove excess mortar into the mixing
10. Carefully wipe the flow table top clean, and dry and place the mould at the centre.
11. Place about 25 mm thick layer of mortar (mixed as above) in the mould and tamp 20 times
with tamping rod.
12. Then fill the mould with mortar and tamp as specified for the first layer.
13. Cut off the excess mortar by drawing the straight edge of a trowel with a sawing motion
across the top of the mould.
14. Lift the mould away from the mortar one minute after completion of the mixing operation.
15. Immediately drop the table through a height of 12.5 mm, 25 times in 15s.
The flow is the resulting increase in average base diameter of the mortar mass, measured on at least
four diameters at approximately equi-spaced intervals expressed as a percentage of the original
base diameter
Flow = [(Davg – Do) / Do]*100
Davg=Average base diameter
Do=Original base dia.
The material for moulding each batch of test specimen shall be mixed separately.
Tamping pressure must be sufficient to ensure uniform filling of the mould.
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1.g. Tension
- determines the tensile strength of cement briquette
- on the average the tensile strength should not be less than 25 kg/cm 2
A mortar is prepared using 3 parts of graded sand, one part of cement and enough
water. The test is done 7 days and 28 days thereafter, with one (1) day curing in the
molds and the remaining days under water.
Tensile Load, N
Tensile Strength, MPa =
Least Cross-sectional Area, mm2
2. Chemical Test
weight of sample
To determine the insoluble residue and the sulfur trioxide (from the gypsum) a
one- (1) gram sample of cement is dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The insoluble
portion is filtered off, ignited and weighed as insoluble residue.
To the filtrate is added the barium chloride to precipitate the sulfur trioxide as
barium sulfate from which SO3 is calculated.
W x 34.4
% SO3 =
weight of sample
Magnesia is determined from the acid soluble portion of a fresh 1/2 -gram sample
by precipitating it as magnesium pyrophosphate.
% MgO = W x 72.4
Water of convenience – extra water used ranging from 10 to 50 kg to satisfy the workability of
the concrete.
A good concrete practice: Keep the water of convenience as low as possible, but be
practical! Free water present in the aggregates is part of the “mixing water” so it must be
Test is done on a quart sample placed in a clean container only if the source is
questionable. A certification from the Project Engineer is acceptable as a requirement for water
to be used.
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Total Air – the sum of entrained and entrapped air. Experience indicates a total air of:
Concrete --- 6% ± 2%
Mortar fraction ------ 10% ± 3 ½%
Paste fraction -------- 17% ± 5%
A.4. Admixture
- are formulated products usually in liquid form added to concrete, mortars or grouts at a
dosage of less than 5% on cement to modify and/or improve the properties of concrete
or mortar in the wet and/or hardened state
- the term embraces all materials other than cement, water and aggregates that are added
just before or during mixing
A.5. Aggregate
1. Fine aggregates
- are materials smaller than 9.5 mm (3/8" sieve) which consist of natural and
manufacture sand, or of inert materials with similar characteristics, having clean,
hard and durable grains, free from organic matter or loam
- specification for grading requires that not less than 95 - 100% shall pass the # 4
(4.75 mm) sieve and not more than 30% nor less than 10% shall pass the # 50
(0.30 mm) sieve
2. Coarse aggregates
- are materials with diameter larger than 9.5 mm which include gravel, crushed
stone, slag or other inert materials
- in general, the sizes vary from 9.5 to 75 mm, but the maximum for reinforced
being 37.5 mm
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1. Unit Weight
- values of unit weight are used for computing quantities in batching by volume
- and in estimating quantities of materials
- unit weight test may either be compacted or loose weight
- test determines the silt and clay components which may weaken concrete if
adhering to the aggregate grains
- indicates how clean the aggregates are
Fine or coarse aggregates are weighed, soaked in water and washed on # 200 sieve.
3. Sieve Analysis
- this test controls the grading of aggregates which results to high density mix and
good workability
This test is made on materials coarser than the # 200 sieve after performance of
wash test. Sample is allowed to pass through a nested set of sieves and cumulative
percentage passing calculated.
Size and weight of sample as specified are alternately immersed and dried in the
solution of sodium or magnesium sulfate for 16 to 18 hours. After completion of
required cycles, wash samples, dry and sieve over the same sieve on which each was
originally retained. Compute % soundness loss on the weight of particles retained on
each sieve.
Weight of Test
Passing Sieve Retained on Sieve
Fraction, g
3/8" No. 4 100
No. 4 No. 8 100
No. 8 No. 16 100
No. 16 No. 30 100
No. 30 No. 50 100
Coarse Aggregate (Retained on No. 4 sieve)
Weight of Test
Passing Sieve Retained on Sieve
Fraction, g
2 1/2" 1 1/2" 3000
1 1/2" 3/4" 1500
3/4" 3/8" 1000
3/8" No. 4 300
- the values are used in the design of concrete and bituminous mixes
- a high value of absorption may indicate a doubtful quality of a material.
S.G. bulk saturated surface dry =
W1 + W2 - W3
W1 - Wo
Absorption, % = x 100%
Pass 5 kg sample on a 3/8" sieve. Wash portion retained in water and soak for 24
hours. Dry the surface with absorbent cloth and weigh. Place sample in wire basket and
get its weight in water. Dry the sample to constant weight and compute the specific
gravity and absorption.
S.G. bulk saturated surface dry =
W1 - W2
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W1 - Wo
Absorption, % = x 100%
a) oven-dry - all moisture, external and internal, driven off by heating at 100 oC
b) air-dry - no surface moisture on the particles, some internal moisture but not
c) saturated surface-dry - no free or surface moisture on the particles, but all voids
within the particles filled with water
d) damp, or wet-saturated - with free or surface moisture on the particles
7. Mortar Strength
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Place test sample that shall conform to one of the gradings given below in the Los
Angeles abrasion machine. After the required revolutions remove material and
separate on # 12 sieve. Materials coarser on # 12 shall be dried to constant weight, then
weighed accurately. Calculate % abrasion loss.
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The abrasive charge shall consist of cast-iron spheres or steel spheres approximately 1 7/8" in diameter and
each weighing between 390 and 445 grams. The charge depending upon grading of test sample shall be as follows:
B. Concrete
- the finished product of mixing aggregates with cement and water together with the
necessary manipulations of placing same and observing curing requirements
- concrete consists of the following by absolute volume
7 - 14% of cement / 15 - 20% water / 66 - 78% aggregates
1.a. Workability
- the ease with which a uniform mass of freshly mixed concrete can be moved
without segregation into final position in which it is allowed to harden.
- the minimum degree of workability should be maintained at all times without
sacrificing strength and economy.
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1.b. Strength
- in order to be useful as a construction product, it has to meet a minimum
strength requirement for compression, flexure, shear and bond on the basis of
intended use
- strength of concrete is principally dependent on the water-cement ratio
- the compressive strength of concrete as well as tensile, flexural and bond
strengths, increases with age as long as moisture and temperature conditions
are favorable
- rate of increase in strength is higher at high temperature than at low
1.c. Durability
- is the ability of concrete to withstand deterioration due to exposure to
weathering action
- Factors affecting durability
the water-cement ratio
type of aggregate - certain aggregates may contain reactive materials such
as opaline silica which react with the alkali in the cement and cause
excessive expansion and shattering of the concrete
high magnesia content of cement - causes expansion of concrete that
results to cracks in the structure.
1.d. Impermeability
- an essential requirement of concrete exposed to weather
- less water in the mixture renders the concrete product dense and contributes to
water tightness
Class Uses
All superstructures and heavily reinforced substructures. For slabs, beams,
Class A girders, columns, arch ribs, box culverts, reinforced abutments, retaining
walls, reinforced footings, precast piles and cribbing
Footings, pedestals, massive pier shafts, pipe bedding, and gravity walls,
Class B
unreinforced or with only a small amount of reinforcement
Class C Thin reinforced sections, railings, and for filler in steel grid floors
Class P Prestressed concrete structures and members
Seal Concrete deposited in water
1. Slump Test
The freshly mixed concrete is placed in the slump cone apparatus in 3 layers. Each
layer is tamped 25 times. After the last layer has been placed the slump cone is lifted
vertically up. Slump is measured from the difference in height of cone and the height of the
slumped specimen.
2. Strength Test
a. Compression Test
The 6” Φ x 12” cylindrical mold is used to form the freshly mixed concrete in
three layers. After it has hardened and been cured. The cylindrical specimen is
subjected to compressive load to determine its strength.
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Maximum Load, N
Compressive Strength, MPa = ≥ 20.7 MPa (28 day old)
Cross-sectional Area, mm2
b. Flexure Test
The 6” x 6” x 21” beam mold is used to shape the freshly mixed concrete in 2
layers. Each layer is tamped 1 tamp/2in2/layer. The beam sample is subjected to the
third-point loading test.
b.1. If the fracture is within the middle third, calculate modulus of rupture by the
b.2. If the fracture is outside of the middle third of the span length by not more
than 5% of the span length, calculate modulus of rupture by the formula:
b.3. If the fracture is outside of cases (b.1) and (b.2), discard the results of the test.
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3. Tension Test
The quality control measures in concrete construction that are necessary for its production
that will satisfy service requirements are:
1. Selection of materials
2. Design of the concrete mixture
3. Aggregate production control
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C.1.1. Aggregates
a. The grading should be uniform throughout its period of use and should
conform to specifications
b. An aggregate with unfavorable shape should not be necessarily be rejected if
other alternatives are very costly
c. An aggregate that contains appreciable amount of organic materials which may
interfere materially with the setting time of the cement should not be used.
d. An aggregate that will not produce concrete of the required strength should not
be used.
e. An aggregate exposed to severe weathering should be essentially free of
particles that are soft or friable, or highly absorptive.
f. An aggregate containing substances that could react with alkalies in the cement
to cause excessive expansion should not be used in concrete exposed to
wetting unless it is required that low-alkali cement is used.
C.1.2. Cement
Sample Size: A minimum of 10 kg sample shall be taken from each 2000 bags or fraction
thereof. The 10 kg sample shall be a composite obtained by combining the samples taken
from each 50 bags by means of a cement sampler.
Sample Storage: Samples shall be shipped and stored in an airtight and moisture proof
containers and accompanied by a sample card.
Storage at Jobsite:
a. A warehouse or shed should be as airtight as possible. No cracks or opening between
walls and roof should be tolerated.
b. Flooring of shed should be well above the ground
c. Cement sacks should be stacked close together to reduce circulation of air but should
not be stacked against outside walls
d. Warehouse doors and windows should be kept closed except when cement is taken out
for use.
Cement which has been in storage for so long a period that there is already doubt as to its
quality should be retested prior to use
Main objective: To determine the proportion of the ingredients that will produce concrete
of proper workability when fresh and the desired durability and strength after it has
Starting mix – is proportioned in testing laboratory after preliminary quality tests on the
ingredients have been done
Final proportions – are established from laboratory trial mixes, subject to adjustments due
to field conditions
Quality control should be at the plant site if aggregates are obtained from crushing and
screening plants to insure that only those materials conforming to the grading tolerances
are delivered at the jobsite.
Particle size and shape, and maximum size of aggregate are important because of their
effect on relative proportions, workability, economy, porosity and shrinkage
- use of very fine sand is uneconomical and use of coarse sands result in coarse,
unworkable mixes.
- desirable range of fineness modulus should be 2.5 to 3.00
- the maximum size of aggregates that can be used will depend on the size and shape
of concrete members and the amount and distribution of reinforcing steel.
Aggregates should be clean and free from objectionable fines (see fig. III – 1 for method of
washing sand)
Blending of aggregates may be tried if the aggregate from one source does not meet
grading specification (see fig III – 2, for the graphical method of blending aggregates)
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As a general rule, all concrete ingredients should be mixed thoroughly and uniformly
distributed until the appearance of the mix is uniform
Mixing time , rather than speed of rotation has greater influence on the strength and quality
of the concrete
- 1 ½ minutes of mixing all the ingredients is necessary for mixer of 1.5 cubic meter
or less, and ½ minute is added for every 0.75 cubic meter excess
Excessive mixing may result in grinding action on the aggregates causing degradation to
finer particles
Increase/decrease of slump over the required may have the following damaging effects:
- the increase in water-cement ratio is about 0.4 L per bag and potential loss in
strength is about 0.6894 MPa
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Concrete should be vibrated to permit the satisfactory placing of denser and stronger
mixes. Vibration is considered sufficient when decrease in volume is no longer apparent
(see fig. III – 6)
Should be checked frequently by the slump test. The slump test is simple but very
important, since it is an indicator of water content or water-cement ratio.
If there is a necessity of increasing the water content for better placeability, water should
not be added, instead the mixture should be redesigned
Sampling should not be delegated to ordinary laborers or others who have no prior training
in materials quality control(MQC)
Attention should be given to the protection and curing of molded specimen for strength
test. Samples should be sent to laboratory without delay so that required tests can be done
at the required age.
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C.9. Curing
a. evaporation
b. absorption by the aggregates, forms or underlying base
a. drying shrinkage
b. development of cracks in the paste
C.9.2. Three principal methods or procedures for the protection and curing of concrete
D. Concrete Products:
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- For projects far away from Manila, pipe samples should be sent to the Regional Offices
or any private testing laboratories accredited by the DPWH
- All materials used in the manufacture of pipes shall be tested for quality
- In such cases that the Engineer shall in lieu of sending pipe samples, submit a field
Inspection Report and a set of three concrete cylinders for every 25 pipes casted
D.2. Hollow Blocks - made from Portland Cement, water and mineral aggregates with or without
inclusion of other materials
Significant Tests
1. Strength test
1.a. as a quality control test to establish that the finished, shippable pipe has
sufficient strength to withstand the crushing loads stated in the specification
1.b. as proof of design test performed to prove the adequacy of design
a. Concrete Pipes
The specimen's thickness and length recorded. The three-edge bearing strength test
is performed (see fig.III - 7). Load to produce a 2.5 mm crack is noted (crack is
measured using the gage leaf (see fig. III - 8)
Length, m
b. Hollow blocks
The specimens' dimensions are measured. Capped by either cement gypsum or
sulfur-filler, it is placed in the compressive testing machine; its position the same as in
service. Load is applied until failure occurs. Record the maximum load.
Maximum Load, N
Compressive Strength, MPa =
Gross cross-sectional area, mm
a. Concrete Pipes - absorption is a quality control test performed to establish the fact that
the finished, shippable pipe meets the absorption limits stated in the specification
Dry specimen that has passed the strength requirements to a constant heat at a
temperature of about 110 o F. Place dried specimen in a suitable container and cover
with clean water. Heat continuously for 5 hours and cool for 16 hours. Remove
specimen and drain for not more than 1 minute. Superficial water may be remove by
wiping with absorbent cloth. Weigh immediately.
b. Masonry Units - absorption and moisture content tests are performed to determine the
actual percentage of water and the absorption characteristics of the concrete when
subjected to saturated condition.
Dry specimen in a ventilated oven to a temperature of 110 to 115 oC for not less
than 24 hours and obtain dry mass. Immerse test specimen in water at room
temperature for 24 hours. Weigh while submerged in water. Remove from water and
drain for 1 minute. Wipe visible surface water with damp cloth and immediately
Purposes of test
1. to assure uniformity of quality
2. to check compliance with design and other specification requirements
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1. Air-entraining admixtures
- to entrain microscopic air bubbles in concrete
- the primary active ingredients are alkylbenzene sulfonate or polyethylene oxide, detergents, or salts
of fatty acids
Effects of entraining air bubbles:
improve the durability of concrete’s resistance to surface scaling that may result in the use of
improve workability and reduces or eliminates segregation and bleeding
2. Water-reducing admixtures
- reduces the quantity of water to produce concrete of a given consistency or to increase the slump of
the concrete for a given water content.
- can also retard the setting time of concrete and entrain air
- increases strength since water is reduced provided cement content and slump are kept the same
Side effect:
increases the drying shrinkage
3. Retarding admixtures
- used to retard the rate of setting of concrete due to high temperature
High temperature can be reduced by cooling mixing water or the aggregates or both
Purposes of retarders:
To offset the accelerating effect of hot weather on the setting of concrete
To delay the initial set of concrete or grout when difficult or unusual conditions of placement
Placing concrete in large piers and foundation
Cementing oil wells
Pumping grout or concrete over considerable distances
To reduce water
To entrain some air in concrete
Side effect:
Reduces strength at early age
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4. Accelerating admixtures
- used to accelerate strength development of concrete at an early age
- calcium chloride is the most commonly used accelerating admixture; it is added in solution form as
part of the mixing water to be assured of complete mixing
- amount added should be no more than 2% by weight of cement
5. Pozzolans
- a siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material, which in itself possesses little or no cohesion or no
cementitious values but will, in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react
with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperature to form compounds possessing cementitious
- used in concrete to help reduce internal temperatures like in massive structures
- used to reduce or eliminate potential expansion from alkali-reactive aggregates
- improves the sulfate resistance to concrete
Side effects:
substantially reduce the 28-day strength of concrete thus requiring longer curing period in
favorable curing temperature
use of fly ash with excess amounts of carbon, silica, alkalis, sulfur, etc. can adversely affect the
strength, air content and durability of concrete
6. Workability agents
- usual practice to increase workability is by increasing cement content or the amount of fine
- the best workability agent is entrained air, it acts like a lubricant
- organic materials like algintes and cellulose derivatives when added to concrete with a given water
content will increase slump; it also serves as water-reducer, retarder and air-entraining admixtures
- finely divided materials is used if mixture is deficient in material passing the #50 and #100 sieves like
fly ash and natural pozzolans
7. Superplasticizers
9. Bonding admixtures
- are water emulsions of any several organic materials including rubber, polyvinyl chloride, polyvinyl
acetate, acrylics and butadiene-styrene copolymers
- are either added to the Portland cement mixtures or applied to the surface of the old concrete to
increase the bond strength between old and new concrete
- added to mixture in proportions equivalent to 5% to 20% by weight of cement
- prior to application, the surface must be dry, clean, sound, free of dirt, dust, paint and grease and at
proper temperature to achieve ultimate result
1. Methods that maintain the presence of mixing water in the concrete during early hardening period
a. Ponding or Immersion
- applied on flat surfaces like pavement, sidewalks, floor slabs
- used only on small jobs where earth or sand dikes are placed around the perimeter of the
concrete surface will hold a pond of water within the contained area
Caution: water used for curing by ponding or immersion must be free of substances that will stain or
discolor concrete if appearance is important
b. Spraying or Fogging
- application of fine mist continuously through the system of nozzles or sprays
- Ample water supply and careful supervision are required
concrete must be prevented from alternate cycles of drying and wetting since it causes
crazing or cracking
concrete erosion must not occur for newly finished concrete
c. Wet Coverings
c.1. Burlap (Coarse cloth woven from jute, hemp or similar rough thread used for making sack or
- must be free of any substance that is harmful to concrete or may cause discoloration
c.2. Wet, moisture-containing fabrics
- placed as soon as concrete has sufficiently hardened to prevent surface damage
- coverings should be kept moist throughout the curing period
- entire surface should be covered including edges of slab
c.3. Wet coverings of sand, earth or sawdust
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- placed in layer of 2 in (50 mm) thick and evenly distributed over the previously
moistened surface of concrete
- useful on small jobs, an effective method in keeping surface continuously wet
2. Methods that prevent loss of mixing water from the concrete by sealing the surface
a. Impervious paper
- consists of two sheets of kraft paper cemented together by a bituminous adhesive with fiber
- applicable to horizontal surfaces and structural concrete of relatively simple shapes
- does not require periodic addition of water
applied as soon as concrete has hardened and thoroughly wetted
edges of adjacent sheets should be overlapped several inches and tightly sealed with
pressure-sensitive tape or bituminous cement
sheets must be weighted to maintain close contact with concrete surface
paper can be reused if it effectively retains moisture
- provides protection to the concrete against damage from subsequent construction activity
b. Plastic sheets
- use of polyethylene film which is lightweight and effective moisture barriers
- easily applied to complex as well as simple shapes similar to that of impervious paper
- causes discoloration
- available in clear and white opaque film, however black is available and satisfactory under some
- includes a sheet material consisting of burlap impregnated on one side with white opaque
polyethylene film
c.1. clear or translucent – contains fugitive dye to assure complete coverage of the concrete surface
by visual check
c.2. white-pigmented – reduces solar-heat gain, reducing the concrete temperature
3. Methods that accelerate strength gain by supplying heat and moisture to concrete
a. Steam curing
- advantageous where early strength gain is important or where additional heat is required to
accomplish hydration, as in cold weather
Two methods:
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a.1. curing in live steam at atmospheric pressure – for enclosed cast-in-place structures and precast
concrete units
tarpaulins are frequently used to form enclosure
steam curing temperature above 180 oF (82 oC) should be avoided. This is uneconomical
and may result in undue reduction in ultimate strength
excessive rates of heating and cooling should be avoided to prevent volume changes
from damaging the concrete
a.2. high-pressure-steam-autoclaves – for small manufactured units
temperature ranges from 165 oC to 190 oC with corresponding pressure of 550 to 1170
hydration is highly accelerated and the elevated temperatures and pressures can produce
additional beneficial chemical reaction between aggregates and cementitious materials
(this does not occur under normal steam curing)
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