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Web Usage Mining On Proxy Servers: A Case Study: January 2001

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Web Usage Mining on Proxy Servers: A Case Study

Article · January 2001


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3 authors, including:

Koen Vanhoof
Hasselt University


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Web Usage Mining on Proxy Servers:
A Case Study
Jan Kerkhofs Prof. Dr. Koen Vanhoof Danny Pannemans
Limburg University Centre
July 30, 2001

Web Usage Mining is an aspect of data mining that has received a lot of attention in
recent years. Commercial companies as well as academic researchers have developed an ex-
tensive array of tools that perform several data mining algorithms on log files coming from
web servers in order to identify user behaviour on a particular web site. Performing this kind
of investigation on your web site can provide information that can be used to better accom-
modate the user’s needs. An area that has received much less attention is the investigation of
user behaviour on proxy servers. Servers of Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) log traffic from
thousands of users to thousands of web sites. No doubt that web server administrators are
interested in comparing the performance of their own site with those of competitors. More-
over, this kind of research can give a general overview of user behaviour on the Internet or
an overview of behaviour within a specific sector.
It was a Belgian ISP that showed interest in the subject and consequently provided data
from one of their proxy servers for a thesis. This paper is a summary of that thesis and
lays an emphasis on the attained results. The ISP chose to remain anonymous because of

1 Introduction
The Internet is generally said to have become available to a large public around 1994–1995. Since
that time a great number of companies have thrown themselves on this new medium. In the
beginning many entrepreneurs saw great new opportunities to make money by setting up an
internet company. Later on, some of the so-called brick-and-mortar companies began to see a
need to go online. Some of those even changed their business so drastically that not much of the
original company was left. Every large company has spent a lot of effort and money to develop a
well-established web site. The ones that have not spent enough effort may find themselves faced
with strategic disadvantages in years to come.
In order to have a successful web site (and especially a successful e-commerce site) it is crucial
to know the users of that site. This need has given rise to a whole new field in research, called
Web Usage Mining. It is commonly seen as a subdivision of Web Mining, which implies that
data mining techniques are applied to data from the World Wide Web. When the data under
consideration emerges from web servers log files, we enter the field of web usage mining. It is
therefore the “automatic discovery of user access patterns from Web servers” [8].
Because it is so important to know one’s customers in order to better suit their needs, companies
are willing to spend money on the analysis of their log files. As a consequence, apart from tools
that were developed by academic researchers, there is simultaneously a significant number of
commercial tools that have been developed to meet these needs. Examples of academic tools
include WebSIFT [1] and Web Utilization Miner [10]. For a more extensive overview, see [3]. An
example of a commercial web usage mining tools is EasyMiner, developed by MINEit Software
Ltd. All of these tools are designed to understand the most common log file formats so that the
process requires very little preprocessing. Unfortunately, when analyzing a log file from a Web
server, one can only analyze browsing behaviour on a single site.
To perform research on a sector or even on general browsing behaviour, the log file data of a
proxy server are a lot more appropriate because of the many-to-many relationship between sites
and users. This topic will be further elaborated in the next sections. Section 2 will give a short
introduction to data collection, preprocessing and data mining techniques in web usage mining.
Section 3 will introduce the concept of e-metrics. These are metrics applied to web usage data that
attempt to quantify the performance of web sites. Section 4 will introduce the data that research
was executed on. After that, section 5 will describe the results of that research. Finally, in section
6 we will present a conclusion and some hints for future research.

2 Aspects of Web Usage Mining

As in other forms of data mining, in web usage mining it is equally important to pay attention to a
proper data collection, a thorough preprocessing phase and the data mining techniques themselves.
For a more general and extensive explanation of these topics, there are several other articles
commonly available. We will only introduce them, bearing in mind that our research will be on
data from a proxy server.

2.1 Data collection

Data for web usage mining can be collected at several levels. We may be faced with data from a
single user or a multitude of them on one hand and a single site or a multitude of sites. Combining
both factors offers four possibilities, illustrated in figure 1.

1 Site Multiple sites

1 user Java applets or Modified browser
Multiple Server level Proxy server level

Figure 1: Segments of web traffic

Data about behaviour of a single user on a single site can be collected by means of Javascripts
or Java applets. Both methods require user participation in the sense that the user has to enable
their functionality. An applet has the additional problem that it may take some time to load the
first time. However, it has the advantage that it can capture all clicks, including pressing the back
or reload buttons. A script can be loaded faster, but cannot capture all clicks.
A modified browser is situated in the second segment. It can capture behaviour of a single user
over all visited web sites. It’s advantages over Java applets and Javascripts are that it is much more
versatile and will allow data collection about a single user over multiple Web sites [3]. That is why
this kind of data collection is used reqularly by market research groups, e.g. Nielsen//Netratings,
in order to collect information on how certain user groups behave online.
The third way of data collection is on the Web server level. These servers explicitly log all
user behaviour in a more or less standardized fashion. It generates a chronological stream of
requests that come from multiple users visiting a specific site. Since Web servers keep record
of these requests anyhow, this information is readily available. Sometimes an analyst will use
some additional information to better identify users, such as information from cookies or socio-
demographic information about the users that may have been collected. This kind of data collection
also has a number of drawbacks. Like Javascripts, it cannot capture page views that were generated
by pressing back or reload buttons. Apart from that, it also cannot log page views generated by
a cache, either a local cache on the computer of the user, or a cache from an ISP’s proxy server.
The fourth level of data collection logs behaviour of multiple users visiting multiple Web sites.
This kind of information can be found in log files origination from proxy servers. These servers
are used by ISP’s to give customers access to the World Wide Web. They also function as a cache
server. This means that they will keep pages that were recently requested on this server and, if
the same request is made by another user shortly after that, they will send the cached page to
that user, instead of requesting it once more on the Web server were that page is located.

2.2 Preprocessing
Preprocessing is an aspect of data mining of which the importance should not be underestimated.
If this phase is not performed adequately, it is not possible for the mining algorithms to provide
reliable results.

2.2.1 Data cleaning

First of all, irrelevant data should be removed to reduce the search space and to skew the result
space. Since the intention is to identify user sessions, build up out of page views, not all hits in a
log file are necessary. This is true for server logs as well as for proxy logs. A log file generates a hit
for every requested file. Since a HTML-page may consist of several files (text, pictures, sounds,
several frames) it would be useful if we could keep only a single hit for each page view. To get
an idea of user behaviour, it is only necessary to keep track of the files that the user specifically
requested. Very often, all hits with a suffix like .jpg, .gif, .wav, etc. are removed out of the log file.
Even though this will also be done in the research that will be described later on, it also has a
drawback. Sometimes users specifically want to see a picture on a separate page. This page view
will be deleted while it shouldn’t.

2.2.2 User and session identification

After the log file has been cleaned, the next step is to identify users. This very often poses a
serious problem. If every computer in the world had it’s own unique IP-address, there wouldn’t
be a problem. However, most ISP’s make use of dynamic IP-addresses. This means that every
time a user logs on to the Internet, he will be given a different address. This makes it impossible
to distinguish returning users. As a consequence, it is usually simply assumed that every new
IP-address represents a new user. Sometimes it is possible to identify a new user even when the
IP-address it the same. This occurs when the agent log shows a change in browser software or
operating system [6]. Some sites try to solve the problem of user identification through the use of
cookies that contain an identification number. However, users very often delete cookies or disable
their use, which makes that this technique is not always reliable either. Other sites try to identify
users by asking them for a login and password. It is clear, however, that not every site can do this
since it very often scares users away.
Assuming that users have been identified, the next step is to identify sessions. The goal of
session identification is to divide the page accesses of each user into individual sessions [9]. A rule
of thumb that is commonly used is that when there is an interval of 30 minutes between two page
views, the click stream should be divided in two sessions. This rule has been applied since Pitkow
[7] established a timeout of 25.5 minutes, based on empirical data. This is why, in the further
research in this paper, a timeout of 30 minutes has been adopted. After users and sessions have
been identified, the file under consideration will have additional fields that mention for each line
the number of the user and of the session.

2.3 Data mining techniques

For the actual pattern discovery in web usage mining, mostly the same techniques are employed
as in other forms of data mining. The most common ones will be briefly described.
2.3.1 Log file analysis
Even though this is not a data mining technique as such, it is probably the most widely used
technique to obtain structured information out of server logs. There is a large number of tools on
the market that will accept the most common log file formats as an input to answer some basic
questions that every Web site administrator has. It will provide information such as: the number of
hits and page views, the number of unique and returning users, the average length of a page view,
an overview of the browsers and operating systems that were used, an overview of keywords that
were used in search engines and that led to the Web site, etc. Despite lacking in the depth of its
analysis, this type of knowledge can be potentially useful for improving the system performance,
enhancing the security of the system, facilitating the site modification task, and providing support
for marketing decisions [3].

2.3.2 Association rules

In web usage mining, association rules are used to find out which pages are frequently visited
together. In the particular research carried out in this work, they will be used to find out which
Web sites and which sectors are frequently visited together. An association rule is usually presented
in the following syntax:
KetnetBe <= VtmBe & Tv1Be (15:2.788%, 0.27)
This rule means that out of the 15 instances (representing 2.788% of the database) that visited
the sites of www.vtm.be and www.tv1.be together, 27% also visited www.ketnet.be. The support
is 15, the confidence 27%.

2.3.3 Sequential patterns

This technique has some similarities with the association rules and will be used in this paper in
addition to those association rules. The difference is that it takes the time dimension into account.
The algorithm tries to find sequences in which a certain page (or Web site) usually comes before of
after another page (or Web site). In other words, it “attempts to find inter-session patterns such
that the presence of a set of items is followed by another item in a time-ordered set of sessions or
episodes” [3].

2.3.4 Clustering
In general, clustering is a process of creating a partition so that all the members of each set
of the partition are similar according to some metric [2]. In web usage mining, we can narrow
the definition to a technique to group users in clusters based on their common characteristics.
Clustering algorithms learn in an unsupervised way. They discover their own classes and subsets
of related objects in the training set. Then it has to find descriptions that describe each of these

2.3.5 Classification
Contrary to clustering, classification is a supervised way of learning. The database contains one
or more attributes that denote the class of a tuple and these are known as predicted attributes
whereas the remaining attributes are called predicting attributes. A combination of the predicted
attributes defines a class [2]. In the Web domain one is interested in developing a profile of users
belonging to a particular class or category. For example, 45% of users who visit two or more
sites of television stations in a single session, are younger than 21. The algorithms that perform
classification include decision tree classifiers, Bayesian classifiers, k-nearest neighbour classifiers,
3 E-metrics
E-metrics are based on statistics, which are one data mining technique. Therefore, they can be
considered to be a web usage mining method like any other. Moreover, they also try to gain insight
into browsing behaviour of users and performance of Web sites.
E-metrics are measures with which Web sites can be evaluated. They can be compared with
regular metrics and ratios as these are used in traditional industry, such as return on investment,
net profit, market share, rentability, etc. As Web sites gain a more important position in companies,
there emerges a need to evaluate these Web sites—that consume more and more money—and
quantify their performance. The intention is to give indications of how well the Web site performs
in order to investigate to what extent these measures change over time and how well they perform
compared to those of competitors.
Two kinds of e-metrics can be identified, those that can be applied to every Web site and those
that were designed for a specific kind of Web site, very often e-commerce sites.

3.1 General e-metrics

In this section we will briefly describe a few general e-metrics. However, both stickiness and
average duration will be explained more in detail because of their importance in the undertaken

3.1.1 Stickiness
This is probably one of the most widely used e-metrics. It is a composite metric that indicates
the effectiveness with which the content of the page or the Web site can keep the attention of the
user. In general it is assumed that sticky sites are better than sites that are less sticky. A possible
formula is as follows:
Stickiness = Frequency ∗ Duration ∗ Total site reach

Number of visits in time period T

Frequency =
Number of unique users who visited in T

Total amount of time spent viewing all pages

Duration =
Number of visits in time period T

Number of unique users who visited in T

Total site reach =
Total number of unique users

This formula can be reduced to:

Total amount of time spent viewing all pages

Stickiness =
Total number of unique users

so that one doesn’t need to have all the data for the complete formula to calculate stickiness.
Usually stickiness is expressed in minutes per user.

3.1.2 Average duration

This is quite a simple e-metric with which several pages of a Web site (or complete Web sites)
can be compared to each other. The metric expresses how long users view a certain page or site
on average. In this work the following formula has been used:
Total duration of site (or page) X
Average duration =
Total number of page views

It is impossible to suggest an ideal value for this metric. For entire sites, the value should
usually be as high as possible. For individual pages, it depends on the nature of that page. A
navigation page should have a low value, which means that users easily find their way, while
content pages should have a higher value.

3.2 Specific e-metrics

Apart from a vast amount of possible general e-metrics, there is also a great number of metrics
specifically for e-commerce sites. These include:
Personalization index: This expresses to what extent data that were asked from the user to
fill in on a form, are used to offer a personalized service. This value should be greater than
Acquisition cost: This divides promotion costs (in the form of banners) by the number of click-
throughs so that the marketing team can discover to what extent the marketing efforts are
effective to acquire users.
Cost per conversion: This divides the promotion costs by the number of sales. It is the number
that marketing people use to determine the best investment of their promotional budget.
RMF-analysis: This is a special analysis in which customers are evaluated on three aspects:
Recency (when was the last time they purchased something?), Monetary Value (how much
money has he spent on our site already?) and Frequency (how frequent does the user purchase
a good on our site?). All users are then placed in this three-dimensional model to find possible
user segments.
An excellent white paper about e-metrics can be found on the Web site of Netgenesis [5].

4 The Data
The data used for research purposes in this work, were offered to us by a Belgian ISP, that chose
to remain anonymous because of privacy issues. The data used here come from a proxy server that
handles request of users that have a broadband internet connection.

4.1 The log file

To offer Internet access, this ISP makes use of six proxy servers, all located in Belgium. Every
user is assigned to one of those. As long as this user doesn’t change his installation settings, he
will always log on to the same server. This means that the log history of every user can always be
found on the same server. This is a clear advantage for data mining research.
Unfortunately, the ISP doesn’t make use of fixed IP-addresses. Like most other ISP’s, it uses
a pool of dynamic IP-addresses, which makes it more complicated to identify users. Fortunately,
on-the-fly IP-addresses—meaning that another address may be used for each file request—are not
used here, since it would make this research quite impossible.
At the end of a session, the user can explicitly release his IP-address so that it can be used for
another user. However, most people don’t do this and turn off their computer without doing so. In
this case, their address is automatically taken back after 30 minutes, which is convenient because
it is also the time interval that will be used to distinguish sessions with the same IP-address.
Luckily, there are no time zones in Belgium, because if this was so, it would have to be solved
somehow. Also, the server in this research is not load-balanced. This, too, would make matters
more complicated. As mentioned before, IPs that change within sessions would make it very
difficult, if not impossible, to conduct a research. All these problems could arise with other data
sets. In the framework of this article, there has not been looked for solutions for these problems.
It may be an opportunity for future research.

4.2 Preprocessing
Before any actual data mining algorithms can be applied on the data, the data needs to be
preprocessed so that it can serve as input of several algorithms. As mentioned in the introduction,
most tools that were designed for conventional Web Usage Mining on Web servers, perform this
preprocessing automatically. In this case, however, this part of the process will have to be executed
manually. The advantage of this is that we have more control over the way it is done.

4.2.1 Data Cleaning

First of all, all files with an extension .jpg, .gif, .wav, etc. have been removed from the log file, an
action which drastically reduced the size of the file. Secondly, all irrelevant fields were removed.
Only three fields were retained: IP-address, time stamp and URL. Finally, only the DNS-name in
the URL’s was kept, in the form of www.websitename.com (other prefixes and suffixes are possible
instead of www and com). This was done in order to facilitate the comparison of different lines in
the database, and because the exact pages that were visited are irrelevant in this research. After
this process of data cleaning, the original log file that comprised 600MB was reduced to 185MB.
The file contains 1,714,813 hits.

4.2.2 User and session identification

The only data that are at our disposal to identify users and sessions, are the time stamp and the
IP-address. To start with, every IP-address is seen as a different user. However, a different user
can represent several sessions. Within the series of lines that are linked to a certain IP-address,
different sessions are identified by using a time out of thirty minutes. This means that if there is
a time interval of more than thirty minutes between two consecutive clicks, two sessions will be
identified. The problem that we face by doing this, is that it is impossible to know whether it was
the same person who simply didn’t touch his computer for half an hour, or effectively a different
user that was assigned an IP-address because the previous user turned of his computer. However,
even if it was the same person, it is still useful to regard his click stream as two (or more) different
A problem here is that it is impossible to correctly identify the number of unique users, which is
needed to calculate stickiness. However, the most important aspect of stickiness will be to compare
the results of different sectors with each other. So, if the absolute values of stickiness are somewhat
incorrect, that will be be crucial. They should be seen relatively to one another.
Our file contained 7,287 different IP-addresses and 10,548 sessions were identified.

5 Research
To give an illustration of what is possible by examining ISP log files, we have decided to examine
browsing behaviour within a certain sector. The sector that was chosen to do this, is a collection of
several sub-sectors. In this sector, five different sub-sectors are distinguished: Newspapers, Banks,
Finance, Television and Radio. By Finance, we mean Web sites on which financial content (about
certain stocks and shares) can be found. Altogether this is a list of fifty Web sites: 7 newspaper
sites, 9 bank sites, 17 financial sites, 13 television sites and 4 radio sites. The Web sites are listed
per sector in figure 2. Only sites that produced a minimum of 120 hits in the original file, were
admitted in this list. If Web sites with a lower amount of total hits than 120 would be admitted,
this would probably have a negative influence on the reliability of the results. The reasons why
this sector was chosen are firstly, because it is diverse and secondly, because it is frequently visited.

Financial Newspaper Bank TV

biz.yahoo.com www.destandaard.be netbanking.dexia.be www.bbc.co.uk
cure.vms-keytrade.com:443 www.gva.be w.be.fortisbanking.com www.bigbrother.be
dynamic.nasdaq.com www.hbvl.be www.aslk.be www.canvas.be
dynamic.nasdaq-amex.com www.standaard.be www.bacob.be www.cnn.com
finance.yahoo.com www.tijd.be www.bbl.be www.kanaal2.be
forum.beleggers.net www.vacature.be www.cera.be www.ketnet.be
het.beleggers.net www.vacature.com www.dexia.be www.mtv.com
quote.yahoo.com www.fortisbank.be www.mtve.com
quotes.nasdaq.com www.kbc.be www.tmf.be
quotes.nasdaq-amex.com www.tv1.be
www.aex.nl Radio www.vrt.be
www.beurs.be www.donna.be www.vt4.be
www.easdaq.be www.radio2.be www.vtm.be
www.easdaq.com www.radiocontact.be
www.nasdaq.com www.topradio.be

Figure 2: Web sites per sector

Several data mining techniques will be used to discover interesting browsing patterns within this
sector. The actual data mining techniques are association rules, sequence analysis and clustering.
Apart from those we will start with a visualization technique and end with a few e-metrics that
will prove to be highly interesting.
Some of those techniques required some additional preprocessing. Therefore, we have created
a database in which each line represents a session. For each of the 50 Web sites, a column was
created. Every cell in this database accordingly expresses whether or not a specific Web site was
visited in a specific session. The other file (out of which the new file has been extracted and which
will be used for sequence analysis) lists a sequence of hits in which a certain Web site may appear
for a number of times, with only the time stamp changing.

5.1 Visualization
Several data mining tools offer the possibility to represent data in a visual manner. To get a visual
indication of strong relationships between several Web sites, this is a very good method. In this
work, we have made use of the visualization node in SPSS Clementine, the so-called web node.
It simply counts the number of times two Web sites appear together in the sessions. Then, it
generates a graphic that draws links between all the sites that appear together. The more two
sites appear together, the thicker the line between both. The overall picture looks like figure 3.
Not all the links are shown however. This is merely to lay the emphasis on the strongest links.
A number of these links can be identified as being not relevant. Visitors of www.aslk.be and
www.cera.be are automatically redirected to respectively www.fortisbank.com and www.kbc.be
because the two first banks have merged with the latter. Also the links between several Yahoo!
sites and several Nasdaq sites are predictable. A way of deleting these links is to replace one with
the other at the data cleansing stage. However, in the section about sequence analysis we will
see that some users also try to browse in the direction opposite of the redirect, which can be
interesting. For example, some users want to visit CERA after having visited KBC.
Tv1Be QuoteYahooCom

GvaBe BizYahooCom











Figure 3: The overall picture

Apart from those, some other links are indeed quite interesting. There are quite strong links be-
tween the Web sites of VTM, TV1, VRT and VT4. All of those are television stations. Apparently,
visitors often visit several TV-sites together. The same goes for the newspaper sector. www.gva.be
is frequently visited together with www.standaard.be and www.hbvl.be. Www.standaard.be also
shows a link with www.tijd.be. This last newspaper is a special case. It has more links with fi-
nancial Web sites than with newspapers. The reason for this is that this newspaper (De Financieel
Economische Tijd is comparable to the Financial Times) mainly offers financial news. Neverthe-
less, this is quite interesting information for this Web site. It should consider financial sites such
as Nasdaq and Easdaq as its competitors, rather than newspaper sites. Figure 4 focuses on the
links of this individual Web site and makes the observation even clearer.
As a conclusion, it can be stated that the visualization technique is a handy way of quickly
discerning strong links between Web sites.

5.2 Association rules

In this context, association rule algorithms will discover which Web sites are frequently visited
together. In the previous paragraph, an indication of this has already been offered by merely
counting the number of times sites were visited together. These algorithms however, will generate
rules such as the one in 2.3.2 with a level of support and confidence. Two algorithms were used:
Generalized Rule Induction (GRI) and the APRIORI algorithm. Figure 5 shows the results of the
StandaardBe QuoteYahooCom
GvaBe BizYahooCom

AexNl TijdBe


Figure 4: Financieel Economische Tijd

GRI algorithm. The results of APRIORI were mostly the same.

First of all, some obvious and less relevant rules were identified. Those are identical to the
links found by the web node in the previous paragraph, so they will not be explained further.
Contrary to the results of the web node, the association rule algorithms didn’t find a link
between De Tijd and other newspaper Web sites. There are a number of rules, though, in which
De Tijd appears with financial sites. The suspicion that De Tijd should be compared to financial
sites rather than to newspaper sites, which has already been mentioned before, is hereby strongly
Another important conclusion that can be drawn from these results is that they are all situated
within a single subsector, with the exception of the radio sector that mingles with the TV sector.
It should be noticed that a great number of the rules found deal with the TV and radio sector.
Apparently it occurs very frequently that users visit several TV Web sites in one session.

5.3 Sequence analysis

The algorithm that was used to perform this analysis is the Capri algorithm, developed by MINEit
Software. This algorithm is similar to the APRIORI algorithm but it has the extra feature of
integrating the time variable into the analysis. It will therefore be able to detect which Web sites
usually occur in the beginning or at the end of a session.
The syntax of a rule found by this algorithm is slightly different from the association rules. An
example here may be:
3 (2, 12, 2.23, 92.31) “www.cera.be” , “www.kbc.be”
The sequence number is 3 and it is 2 items long. The sequence occurred 12 times, which
represents 2.23% of the data set. In these 12 instances Cera was followed in 92.31% of the cases
by KBC. (see also [4]) The sequences in figure 6 should be interpreted accordingly.
A first remark is that all of the items in a sequence usually belong to the same subsector1 .
This is the third time that this conclusion is made.
A second remark is that a lot of the sequences that consist only out of two items, are present
in both directions. When this is the case, it is important to identify the strongest sequence (The
1 It is here assumed that the Web site of De Tijd is indeed a financial site, rather than a newspaper site.
Minimal confidence 50
Minimal support 0
Maximal number of rules 50
Maximal number of rule conditions 5
NetbankingDexiaBe ⇐ DexiaBe (30:5.576%, 0.97)
DexiaBe ⇐ NetbankingDexiaBe (33:6.134%, 0.88)
QuotesNasdaqCom ⇐ NasdaqCom (53:9.851%, 0.75)
NasdaqCom ⇐ QuotesNasdaqCom (58:10.781%, 0.69)
FinanceYahooCom ⇐ BizYahooCom (51:9.48%, 0.84)
AslkBe ⇐ FortisbankCom (20:3.717%, 0.9)
FortisbankCom ⇐ AslkBe (23:4.275%, 0.78)
Tv1Be ⇐ VrtBe (32:5.948%, 0.75)
BizYahooCom ⇐ FinanceYahooCom (98:18.216%, 0.44)
VrtBe ⇐ Tv1Be (47:8.736%, 0.51)
KbcBe ⇐ CeraBe (13:2.416%, 0.92)
CeraBe ⇐ KbcBe (31:5.762%, 0.39)
Tv1Be ⇐ VtmBe & VrtBe (11:2.045%, 0.91)
VrtBe ⇐ VtmBe & Tv1Be (15:2.788%, 0.67)
GvaBe ⇐ HbvlBe (19:3.532%, 0.68)
VtmBe ⇐ Vt4Be (43:7.993%, 0.4)
Vt4Be ⇐ VtmBe (46:8.55%, 0.37)
HbvlBe ⇐ GvaBe (55:10.223%, 0.24)
CanvasBe ⇐ Vt4Be & Tv1Be (10:1.859%, 0.5)
Tv1Be ⇐ Vt4Be & CanvasBe (5:0.929%, 1.0)
VrtBe ⇐ VtmBe & Vt4Be & Tv1Be (4:0.743%, 1.0)
FinanceYahooCom ⇐ TijdBe & BizYahooCom (9:1.673%, 0.89)
NasdaqCom ⇐ TijdBe & QuotesNasdaqCom (13:2.416%, 0.62)
MtvCom ⇐ MtveCom (4:0.743%, 0.75)
Tv1Be ⇐ VtmBe (46:8.55%, 0.33)
TopradioBe ⇐ VtmBe & Kanaal2Be (7:1.301%, 0.57)
ForumBeleggersNet ⇐ QuoteYahooCom & HetBeleggersNet (3:0.558%, 1.0)
MtveCom ⇐ MtvCom (8:1.487%, 0.38)
CanvasBe ⇐ VtmBe & Vt4Be & VrtBe (4:0.743%, 0.75)
CanvasBe ⇐ VtmBe & Vt4Be & Tv1Be & VrtBe (4:0.743%, 0.75)
CanvasBe ⇐ VtmBe & Vt4Be & Tv1Be (4:0.743%, 0.75)
QuotesNasdaqCom ⇐ TijdBe & NasdaqCom (14:2.602%, 0.57)
KetnetBe ⇐ VtmBe & Tv1Be (15:2.788%, 0.27)
GvaBe ⇐ StandaardBe (41:7.621%, 0.34)
QuotesNasdaqAmexCom ⇐ QuotesNasdaqCom & NasdaqCom (40:7.435%, 0.23)
StandaardBe ⇐ GvaBe (55:10.223%, 0.25)
Kanaal2Be ⇐ TopradioBe (15:2.788%, 0.33)
TopradioBe ⇐ Kanaal2Be (17:3.16%, 0.29)
VrtBe ⇐ VtmBe (46:8.55%, 0.24)
Kanaal2Be ⇐ VtmBe & TopradioBe (9:1.673%, 0.44)

Figure 5: Results GRI algorithm

1 (2, 7, 1.30, 63.64) dynamic.nasdaq.com , quotes.nasdaq.com
2 (2, 9, 1.67, 81.82) dynamic.nasdaq.com , www.nasdaq.com
3 (2, 12, 2.23, 92.31) www.cera.be , www.kbc.be
4 (2, 9, 1.67, 32.14) het.beleggers.net , www.tijd.be
5 (2, 6, 1.11, 35.29) www.aex.nl , www.tijd.be
6 (2, 6, 1.11, 35.29) www.aex.nl , finance.yahoo.com
7 (2, 6, 1.11, 11.54) biz.yahoo.com , quote.yahoo.com
8 (2, 42, 7.79, 80.77) biz.yahoo.com , finance.yahoo.com
9 (2, 8, 1.48, 14.55) www.gva.be , www.hbvl.be
10 (2, 8, 1.48, 14.55) www.gva.be , www.tijd.be
11 (2, 7, 1.30, 12.73) www.gva.be , www.standaard.be
12 (2, 6, 1.11, 18.75) www.vrt.be , www.tv1.be
13 (2, 6, 1.11, 12.77) www.tv1.be , www.kanaal2.be
14 (2, 7, 1.30, 14.89) www.tv1.be , www.vt4.be
15 (2, 10, 1.86, 21.28) www.tv1.be , www.vtm.be
16 (2, 6, 1.11, 27.27) forum.beleggers.net , quote.yahoo.com
17 (2, 6, 1.11, 27.27) forum.beleggers.net , het.beleggers.net
18 (2, 8, 1.48, 36.36) forum.beleggers.net , finance.yahoo.com
19 (2, 6, 1.11, 6.00) finance.yahoo.com , www.aex.nl
20 (2, 9, 1.67, 9.00) finance.yahoo.com , quote.yahoo.com
21 (2, 6, 1.11, 16.67) quote.yahoo.com , biz.yahoo.com
22 (2, 6, 1.11, 16.67) quote.yahoo.com , www.tijd.be
23 (2, 9, 1.67, 25.00) quote.yahoo.com , finance.yahoo.com
24 (2, 12, 2.23, 38.71) www.kbc.be , www.cera.be
25 (2, 7, 1.30, 22.58) www.kbc.be , www.tijd.be
26 (2, 13, 2.41, 30.23) www.vt4.be , www.vtm.be
27 (2, 6, 1.11, 13.33) www.vtm.be , www.bigbrother.be
28 (2, 6, 1.11, 13.33) www.vtm.be , www.topradio.be
29 (2, 11, 2.04, 24.44) www.vtm.be , www.vt4.be
30 (2, 11, 2.04, 57.89) www.hbvl.be , www.gva.be
31 (2, 6, 1.11, 35.29) www.kanaal2.be , www.vtm.be
32 (2, 7, 1.30, 46.67) www.topradio.be , www.vtm.be
33 (2, 6, 1.11, 17.65) www.donna.be , www.tijd.be
34 (2, 9, 1.67, 21.95) www.standaard.be , www.tijd.be
35 (2, 10, 1.86, 24.39) www.standaard.be , www.gva.be
36 (2, 6, 1.11, 5.77) www.tijd.be , quote.yahoo.com
37 (2, 6, 1.11, 5.77) www.tijd.be , www.beurs.be
38 (2, 6, 1.11, 5.77) www.tijd.be , www.standaard.be
39 (2, 17, 3.15, 85.00) www.fortisbank.com , www.aslk.be
40 (2, 15, 2.78, 65.22) www.aslk.be , www.fortisbank.com
41 (2, 29, 5.38, 96.67) www.dexia.be , netbanking.dexia.be
42 (2, 26, 4.82, 78.79) netbanking.dexia.be , www.dexia.be
43 (3, 8, 1.48, 80.00) quotes.nasdaq-amex.com , quotes.nasdaq.com, www.nasdaq.com
44 (3, 7, 1.30, 87.50) quotes.nasdaq-amex.com , www.nasdaq.com , quotes.nasdaq.com
45 (3, 7, 1.30, 87.50) www.nasdaq.com , quotes.nasdaq-amex.com , quotes.nasdaq.com
46 (3, 6, 1.11, 66.67) quotes.nasdaq.com , quotes.nasdaq-amex.com , www.nasdaq.com
47 (3, 7, 1.30, 18.92) quotes.nasdaq.com , www.nasdaq.com , www.tijd.be
48 (3, 7, 1.30, 18.92) quotes.nasdaq.com , www.nasdaq.com , quotes.nasdaq-amex.com
49 (3, 7, 1.30, 17.07) finance.yahoo.com , biz.yahoo.com , www.tijd.be
50 (3, 7, 1.30, 87.50) www.vtm.be , www.tv1.be , www.vrt.be
51 (3, 6, 1.11, 66.67) www.tijd.be , quotes.nasdaq.com , www.nasdaq.com
52 (3, 6, 1.11, 46.15) www.tijd.be , finance.yahoo.com , biz.yahoo.com

Figure 6: Results Capri algorithm

one with the highest support and the highest confidence).
In the paragraph about visualization, it was argued that a few strong links exist merely because
of redirects from old Web sites that don’t exist anymore, to their new address. This analysis
confirms this observation. Let’s take the example of www.cera.be and www.kbc.be. There are
two sequences that contain those two sites, namely sequences number 3 and number 24, both
containing 12 instances. However, the first sequence (from Cera to KBC) has a confidence level
of 92.31% against 38.71% for the opposite sequence. Apparently, a number of people that have
already visited www.kbc.be still try to go to www.cera.be, even though the site doesn’t exist
any longer. The same reasoning can be made for the strong sequence from biz.yahoo.com to
finance.yahoo.com (number 8) since there exists an automatic redirect from the former to the
The Dutch Web site of AEX usually comes first in a sequence (see sequence number 5 and 6).
Only once it appears at the end (number 19), but this sequence has such a low level of support
and confidence, that it can be neglected.
Also in the TV sector, a few observations can be made. When TV1 is visited with one of its
direct competitors, it is usually visited first. It should be noted, however, that the levels of support
and confidence are relatively low. The cache server that placed these data at our disposal, could
perform the same research with more data to verify the reliability of these results.
Next to the TV sector, there are also some interesting sequences in the newspaper sector,
mainly between www.gva.be, www.standaard.be and www.hbvl.be. Interesting here is that there
are sequences between Gazet van Antwerpen en Het Belang Van Limburg at one hand and between
Gazet van Antwerpen and De Standaard on the other hand, but not between De Standaard and
Het Belang Van Limburg. Possibly, the readers of both newspapers differ too much from one
another while the readers of Gazet van Antwerpen are a bit in between the other two groups.
In the previous section, the Web site of De Tijd received some special attention because of
its special nature2 . Here, we find De Tijd in 10 different sequences, of which we don’t take the
last three (36–38) into account because of their low level of support and confidence. In the other
seven sequences, De Tijd appears invariably at the end of the sequence. It may be interesting for
the management of this Web site to know that visitors who are looking for financial information
usually end their session by visiting this site.
We can conclude this paragraph by stating that a sequence analysis can result in interesting
observations, especially when combined with the results of an association rule algorithm. Even
though the results suffered a bit from low levels of support, we were nevertheless able to distinguish
a number of interesting trends.

5.4 Clustering
The fourth technique is the one that tries to group sessions into clusters in such a way that the
clusters have as much intra-cluster similarities, and as little inter-cluster similarities as possible.
To do this, we made use of the Kohonen algorithm in SPSS Clementine. The best results were
generated when both the X and the Y axis were set to 3, so that the algorithm identified 9 clusters.
The file that was used as an input for the algorithm, is the same file that was used for the
visualization technique and the association rule algorithms. Based on their X and Y coordinates,
the results were divided in nine tables to get an overview of the clusters. After that, the tables
were transformed into tables that only indicate for each session how many Web sites of a certain
subsector were visited. For each cluster, column totals were calculated to easily see how many
times a certain sector was visited in a cluster. This made it possible to compare each cluster with
the others. Because a full list of each cluster is too extensive, we have included in figure 7 the
totals of each cluster.
We will now briefly describe each cluster (not in the same order as in figure 7 though). Cluster
0–2 is quite large and the emphasis is evidently on the TV sector. Hits in other sectors are merely
2 It is a newspaper, but the Web site has more similarities with financial Web sites.
Cluster Financial Bank TV Radio News # of sessions
0–0 30 143 25 5 93 157
0–1 1 5 25 18 9 32
0–2 1 3 223 23 8 108
1–0 13 0 1 0 0 7
1–1 23 0 0 0 0 11
1–2 9 2 6 1 3 9
2–0 164 1 9 2 17 80
2–1 38 3 1 0 19 19
2–2 170 14 9 8 100 114

Figure 7: Results Clustering

present because some users visit other sectors apart from this one. We will therefore call this
cluster the TV cluster.
Cluster 0–1 is a lot smaller than the previous cluster but is also very much focused on the TV
sector. However, in contrast to 0–2, this cluster has a relatively high number of radio hits since
the radio sector is by far the smallest in the original file. Here, however, it is almost as important
as the TV sector. We will therefore call this cluster the Radio cluster. The reason for the large
amount of TV-hits in this cluster is that many radio sites are visited in sessions in which also one
or more TV stations are visited.
Cluster 1–0 is very limited in number of sessions and is completely focused on financial sites. If
we take a look at the full table of this cluster, we can see that this cluster groups sessions in which
the emphasis lays on biz.yahoo.com and quotes.yahoo.com. Each session contains at least one
of both and 4 out of the 7 sessions even contain both. Cluster 1–1 is similar to this cluster and is
concentrated on the financial Web sites forum.beleggers.net and het.beleggers.net. 10 out
of 11 sessions contain both Web sites.
Cluster 2–0 is again quite large (80 sessions). It is very clear that this cluster is a cluster of
sessions that were focused on financial Web sites. Apart from visiting several financial sites, some
users also visited a Web site from another sector, which explains the other hits. We can safely call
this cluster the financial cluster.
Cluster 2–1 is very special in the sense that it groups 19 sessions that all contain www.tijd.be
and finance.yahoo.com (with only one exception). Apparently the relationship between those
two sites is so strong that the algorithm found a separate cluster for them.
Cluster 2–2 is related to the previous one because here the Web site of De Tijd plays once more
a special role. Each of the 114 session in this cluster contains this Web site, together with one or
more financial sites. Clearly, the Kohonen algorithm has divided the sessions in which De Tijd is
visited with another financial site into two separate clusters: one in which it occurs together with
Yahoo! and one in which it occurs with other financial Web sites.
The reason why cluster 1–2 was created is not very clear. It contains 9 sessions in which all
subsector are more or less proportionally represented. It is probably not even a real cluster, but a
small group of sessions that the Kohonen algorithm didn’t assign to any cluster.
Cluster 0–0 is the largest cluster and contains both a lot of bank-hits and newspaper-hits.
While analyzing the full table of this cluster, we were able to discover that hardly any of these
sessions contain Web sites of both sectors. It is therefore slightly strange that the algorithm hasn’t
created two clusters instead of one since there is hardly a link between the two sectors that are so
strongly represented in this cluster.
Even though the last cluster groups sessions that were focused on newspapers, it doesn’t contain
even once the Web site of De Tijd, which confirms the previously made conclusion that this site
is a financial, rather than a newspaper site.
It is remarkable that each cluster is focused on a specific subsector. With the exception of the
bank sector. Cluster 0–0 indeed groups sessions that contained two or more bank sites, but if we
take a look at the details of these sessions, it becomes apparent that they were either generated
by redirects from one bank site to another, or because a user wanted to perform some on-line
transactions and entered a specific Web site for that purpose after having visited the general Web
site of his bank. We can conclude that several competing banks are virtually never visited together
in a site. Users stick to their own bank.

5.5 E-metrics
The emphasis in this section will be on the measurement of stickiness and Average duration. By
computing both measures for each Web site, we will be able to give an indication of user behaviour
on that particular Web site. Then, we will also find out whether or not there are differences in
behaviour among the subsectors.
Stickiness was calculated by dividing the total number of seconds that a Web site has been
visited by the total number of users. Average duration was calculated by dividing the total number
of seconds that a Web site has been visited by the total number of page views of that site. After
having computed these measures for each individual Web site, we calculated the average value for
each sector. The results of this can be found in table 1.
Sector Stickiness Average duration
Newspaper 3’ 9” 10.67 sec.
Financial 5’ 16” 6.18 sec.
Bank 6’ 01” 13.01 sec.
Television 2’ 10” 7.91 sec.
Radio 2’ 21” 5.78 sec.
Overall avg. 4’ 10” 8.66 sec.

Table 1: Average Stickiness (in minutes and seconds) and Average duration per sector (in seconds)

As explained before, stickiness is a measure that indicates to what extent a Web site (or a
whole sector) is able to keep the attention of its users. The higher the value, the better. Average
duration is the average amount of time with which a page on that Web site is viewed. Not each
page should have a high average duration, but we can safely assume that an overall average should
be as high as possible as well.
To obtain a better overview of the meaning of these figures, a graphic (figure 8) was constructed
that has Stickiness on its X-axis and Average Duration on its Y-axis.
The bank sector scores best on both e-metrics. One reason for this may be that among these
Web sites there are a few with which clients can perform on-line transactions. Since users always
do this with only one bank and because they take their time in doing so, both stickiness and
average duration are high.
Newspapers have a high average duration but a relatively low stickiness. The results of financial
sites are the opposite: a high stickiness but a low average duration. The differences in average
duration are easy to explain. While a user will take his time to read an article on a newspaper
site, on a financial site he will very often simply request a page to see the changes concerning
certain shares, which takes very little time. On the other hand, a financial site can hold the
attention of its users quite well. Even though they watch each page only for a limited amount of
time, they stick to the site for a relatively long time. This is not so in the newspaper sector. Here,
users watch a page for a long time, but in the end they only watch a few pages and leave early.
Both the TV and radio sector show low scores on both measures. Uses don’t stay long on
one site and quickly jump from one to the other. This was also shown in the great number of
association rules in this sector.
It is useless for an individual Web site to compare itself with overall averages. It should take
the averages of its own sector into account when evaluating its performance. Unfortunately, these
Figure 8: Stickiness — Average Duration

averages are not readily available and therefore, Web sites can usually only evaluate themselves
by examining their e-metrics throughout time.
Knowing that previous data mining methods showed that the Web site of De Tijd is usually
visited together with financial sites instead of newspapers, it would be interesting to know which
sector its browsing behaviour resembles most. Its stickiness is 3.01 minutes and its average duration
is 8.86 seconds. Remarkably, this resembles much more the averages of newspapers than those of
financial Web sites. The conclusion we can make for De Tijd is: It is almost invariably visited
together with financial Web sites but shows the browsing behaviour of a newspaper Web site.

6 Further research
Even though section 5 showed some of the possibilities of Web Usage Mining on proxy servers and
offered some very interesting conclusions, much more is possible if we dispose over the necessary
First of all, the ISP that owns this data, could do this kind of research on a regular basis to
investigate possible changes over time. The data that was researched here, was spread only over
a time period of three hours. It was therefore impossible to search for any evolutions in time.
Proper user identification was very difficult in this work. However, this could be made much
easier if these data are linked to customer data. Each ISP knows which customer used which
IP-address at each given time. Using these data, users can be perfectly identified. Unfortunately,
because of privacy matters, it was impossible for us to obtain these data.
Most ISP also have a more or less extensive database with socio-demographic data about their
customers, for example the address of the customer, profession, age, number of family members,
etc. This can add a whole new dimension to this research. We could then define classes of users
based on one or more of these socio-demographic data and analyze differences in behaviour between
those classes. We would also be able to find out which kind of users visit certain Web sites or
Another way of using an additional demographical attribute in the data without requiring
access to the user information is using a specific set of IP numbers for certain dial-in numbers.
This way, we can compare different areas (for example provinces) with one another. T-online in
Germany is an ISP that uses this technique.

7 Conclusion
Very little research has been done about the possibilities of Web Usage Mining on proxy servers
(or cache servers). The intention of this work was to give an indication of what kind of information
can be extracted from the log files of these servers. Using several data mining and other techniques,
we have been able to draw a number of conclusions that could not have been found on another
level of data collection.
Every technique showed that it is useful to make a distinction between several sectors. Users
who visit several Web sites in a single session, very often visit Web sites that can be considered
direct competitors. This statement is especially applicable in the TV, radio, newspaper and finan-
cial sector. Not in the bank sector though. Users are only interested in the Web site of their own
Despite the clear distinction between sectors, the sectors that the data mining techniques
found, were slightly different from the ones that we defined before the actual research. First of
all, it could be said that the TV and radio sectors are in fact only one sector. There is hardly
a difference between the browsing behaviour of users who visit these sites. Also, the association
rule algorithms made no difference between them. Only the clustering algorithm made a slight
distinction. It created one cluster that was completely focused on the TV sector, and another one
that contained a relatively high number of radio sites. Yet, even here the distinction was not very
Secondly, the Web site of De Financieel Economische Tijd was allocated at first to the news-
paper sector. All techniques except e-metrics showed that this site should be considered to be a
financial rather than a newspaper site. Nonetheless, the e-metrics (stickiness and average duration)
demonstrated that user behaviour on this Web site strongly resembles that of other newspaper
The combination of association rules and sequence analysis led to a number of interesting
conclusions for specific Web sites. Knowing which sites are usually visited together with your
own (and therefore are competitors) and whether the visit to your site comes first or last, can be
interesting information for the designers of a specific Web site and is information that can only
be deducted from this kind of log files.
Also, the comparison of sectors by means of e-metrics proved to be very useful. There are clear
differences in browsing behaviour between several sectors.
We can conclude that proxy servers contain much information that can be of considerable
interest to specific Web sites. Unfortunately, the administrators of these Web sites have no access to
this information. Moreover, ISP’s have little personal interest in this information and are therefore
not very inclined to perform such (expensive) research. We feel that there must be a way so that
individual companies can obtain this information from an ISP in such a way that the privacy of
the customer is not violated. We hope that this paper may be an inducement for further discussion
about this issue.

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