Lesson Plan in Physical Education and Health
Lesson Plan in Physical Education and Health
Lesson Plan in Physical Education and Health
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E. Discussing new Activity 3: Say What?
concepts and practicing The teacher will discuss how to assess HRF and the barriers that affects PA performance.
new skills #2
F. Developing Mastery Activity 4: Construction Time
(Leads to Formative The students will be group into 4. The group will create a presentation about the topic they
Assessment 3) have learned. The teacher will facilitate the work of the students. The students can use
different kinds of presentation, it could be concept map or Venn diagram.
G. Finding practical Activity 5: Let’s Watch This
applications of concepts The teacher will play a video clip about assessing one’s HRF and coping the barriers that
and skills in daily living affects PA performance and one’s diet.
H. Making
Generalizations and The students will fill the last column which is (what I learned). They will share their ideas
abstractions about the about assessing one’s HRF.
I. Application/ With the same grouping, the students will create a brochure on how to lessen the barriers
Evaluate Learning that affects the performance on physical activity. They will pass their work on the next day.
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