ITC Green Centre, Gurgaon: General Information

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ITC Green Centre, Gurgaon

General Information:
City: Gurgaon
Climate: Composite
Architect: Rajender Kumar & Associates, New Delhi, India
Year: 2004
Operational schedule: Day time, 5 working days in a week
Area of the building: 15,799 m²
(9294 m² - Air conditioned area and 6505 m² Non-Air conditioned area)
Significance: Platinum Rated green building by USGBC-LEED (US Green
Building Council)

The ITC Green Centre Project:

The ITC Green Centre houses the headquarters of ITC’s Hotels Business and
was declared the world’s largest Platinum rated Green Building when it was
certified in 2004.
• The project was conceived to be a “Green building” in sync with ITC’s
commitment towards a “Greener” tomorrow.
• Unique character to the building is that it got the Platinum rating at a time
when the rating was not customized to suit Indian condition and
• Since most of their projects were rated Gold, ITC decided to go a step
ahead and try for the platinum rating. It may sound like a short step
forward, but it took the company a lot of time and effort to get all the
tag of a platinum-rated green building.
Building Design:
By giving the ‘L’shape configuration the width of the floor Plate is reduced for
the same amount of floor plate area thereby allowing natural light to
penetrate deep into the ‘interior spaces.
The building is a composition of three parts.

• Two office wings are held together by a central atrium that as an ensemble
creates a large L-shaped figure focused on an exterior landscaped court.
• The L-shape blocking ensures that part of the façade is always shaded.
• The L-shape office wings end into hexagonal ends that make a very strong
presence on the approach roads.
• The atrium joins the different
functions of the building and
connects them into an
ensemble encouraging a sense
of community and interaction.
• The octagonal atrium has side
light from the top to provide a
glare – free natural lighting in
the interior without allowing
direct heat gain from the roof.
• Interior roller shades to reduce
Heat gain

The massive ceiling of the building allows

adequate amount of natural light deep
into the interior spaces. The central atrium allows a column of glare-free natural light to
form in the heart of the building, thereby reducing the use of artificial light.
Sustainable Site
1. Alternative Transportation: Parking, shower & changing facilities for
bicyclists, pool cars with charging facility.
2. Storm Water Management: Rainwater recharge pits to ensure zero
discharge into municipal drainage.
3. Heat Island Effect: 80% underground parking. More than 75% of the
terrace has been insulated and coated with the reflective high albedo
roof paint.
4. Light Pollution Reduction: Minimum exterior lighting to limit night sky

Water Efficiency
1. ITC Green Center harvest 100% of the rain that falls on the building, and
recycle 100% of all the water used in the building including waste water to
tertiary standards through our sewage treatment plant.
2. Along with the rainwater
harvesting at ITC Green Centre,
there are interlocking tiles
placed across the landscape of
our building to harvest rain
water through the grass that
grows between the tiles while
ensuring 0% surface run-off.
3. The Green Centre has reduced water consumption by 40 percent of
standard usage for a structure of this size.

Energy & Atmosphere

1. Envelope: External wall of 250mm thickness. Autoclaved Aerated
Concrete Blocks, double glazed windows, 75mm-thick extruded
polystyrene roof insulation. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) is a type of
insulation material with a high R-value, good moisture resistance, high
structural strength and low weight. Extruded polystyrene is used
extensively as thermal insulation in industrial, commercial and
residential construction
2. Double glazing window (6-12-6). The glazing for the building has been
designed to maximize the effect of
natural light, largely eliminating the
need for artificial light during day time.
The high performance window glass,
while allowing light inside, does not
allow heat and also keeps office cool
from inside during the day
decreasing the load on HVAC
systems. Higher light transmission
glass on North orientation for
better day light integration.
3. Ozone Depletion: All HVAC
equipment are free from CFC / HCFC / Halons.

Materials and Resource

1. Storage and Collection of Recyclables: Separate storage bins provided
at each floor level for different recyclable materials such as paper,
cardboard, glass, plastic and metals.
2. Resource Reuse: More than 10% of the building materials are
refurbished / salvaged from other sites.
3. Recycled Content: Fly ash based cement; Fly ash based AAC Blocks,
acoustic ceiling, glass, ceramic tile, MDF cabinets, etc.
4. Regional Materials: More than 40% of the building materials are from
within 500 miles of the project site.
5. Rapidly Renewable
Materials: Such as
medium density fibre
6. Certified Wood: New
woods used are
certified under the Forest Stewardship Council, US.

Indoor Environmental Quality

1. Environment Tobacco Smoke Control: Designated smoking rooms are
provided at convenient locations with separate exhausts.
2. CO2 Monitoring: Sensors at various locations monitor CO2 levels.
3. Low Emitting Materials: Low
VOC levels of adhesives /
sealants used for carpets
/composite woods / paints.
4. Daylight and views: Views to
external glazing from at least
90% of regularly occupied areas.
Highlights of the building
 Use of glass which has 19% recycled content helped ITC to get points in
recycle content.
 Use of other recycled and recyclable resources, with materials like fly ash
based cement etc. More than 10% of the building materials used are
recycled, refurbished or salvaged from other sites
 40% of the total raw materials used were procured within 500 miles of the
project site such as double glazed glass façade and window framing,
250mm thick auto-claved and aerated concrete block wall
 Daylight and views: Views to external glazing from at least 90% of regularly
occupied areas
 Use of solar photo voltaic for emergency lighting
 Use of green material to reduce heat gain from rooftop / building envelope
with high performance glazing and proper insulation material
 CFC/HCFC free HVAC equipment is used to combat ozone depletion.
 Installation of solar hot water system and solar concentrator for kitchen
 Use of green material to reduce heat gain from rooftop / side walls. Low
cost version of this idea is to paint the rooftop white or roll out gunny bags
in summer


1) Fly Ash based cement used
2) Autoclave Aerated Concrete (AAC) Blocks
3) Double glazed windows with low-e coating
4) Rain water harvesting
5) Water saving techniques
6) CFC, HCFC & Halon free air- conditioning
7) Rooftop solar panels provide energy for hot water within the building and
for all the neon signs and some of the night lighting.
8) Energy efficient lighting (T5 lamps with electronic ballast, high efficient
9) Water efficient landscaping .
10) Sewage treatment plant and waste water recycling.
11) Optimized energy performance through efficient designs light pollution
reduction ozone protection
12) Use of recycled materials
13) CO2 monitoring systems in AHU (operates when internal co2 is 530ppm
Or more than external atmosphere)

Submitted by:
Ankurdeep Chetia (42)
Girindra Narayan Konwar (48)

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