Financial Statements 2015 PDF
Financial Statements 2015 PDF
Financial Statements 2015 PDF
The Financials
98 Group Corporate Structure
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
- Leading the Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
Real Estate
Infrastructure/Industrial Product
Financial Institutions
100% Pinggiran Ventures Sdn. Bhd.
100% Ekuiti Merdu Sdn. Bhd.
65.10% Malaysia Building Society Berhad 49% PLUS Malaysia Berhad
42.18% RHB Capital Berhad
20% HSBC Amanah Takaful (M) Berhad
29.72% Columbia Asia Sdn. Bhd.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading the Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
1. Companies not disclosed are dormant
company and under liquidation process.
2. Refer to Note 44 and 45 to the EPF Financial
Statement 2015 for the complete list of EPF
subsidiaries and associates.
100% KWASA Global (Jersey) Limited 100% KWASA Australia Pty Ltd. 99.5% Cengal Private Equity Investments (PLC)
100% KWASA Global 2 (Jersey) Limited 100% KWASA Europe S.A.R.L 99.34% Cengal Private Equity Investments II (PLC)
100% KWASA Invest Limited 100% KWASA Infrastructure 1 99.25% Meranti Fund L.P.
100% KWASA Singapore (Solo) Pte. Ltd. 100% KWASA Capital Limited 99% Merbau Investors Offshore II L.P.
100% KWASA Singapore (Duo) Pte. Ltd. 100% KWASA Asia 99% Jati Private Equity Fund L.P.
100% KWASA Singapore (Trio) Pte. Ltd. 100% KWASA Capital Partners Limited 99% Jati Private Equity Fund II L.P.
100% KWASA Australia Trust 99.5% Merbau Investors Offshore L.P.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading the Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
FINANCIAL RESULTS drop in Employee Benefits of RM33.73 million was a result of the revision made
on provision for medical and gratuity to retirees for CTP which partially offset
Gross Investment Income such increase.
The EPF recorded gross investment income of RM44.23 billion, RM5.15 billion Salaries, Allowances and Staff Costs
or 13.2% higher than RM39.08 billion posted in 2014. Out of this amount,
Capital Gain from Trading of Investment contributed RM11.39 billion or Staff costs increased 12.1% to RM915.77 million, compared with RM817.14
25.8%, a decrease of almost one-third compared to the amount recorded in million in 2014. This was due to the Career Transition Plan (CTP) payment made
2014. The amount attributed to the Internal Managers were RM6.94 billion to 176 employees in 2015. The increase was also contributed by the annual
while the External Managers realised RM4.46 billion during the year, and both salary increment, training cost as well as medical expenses.
managers shared the same year-on-year percentage drop of approximately
32.1%. The decrease in realised capital gain, which mostly contributed by listed Depreciation and Amortisation Charges
equity instruments, was reflective of both domestic and global equity market
conditions during the year. The worsening uncertainty and volatility in the Depreciation and amortisation charges comprise depreciation on property, plant
market was heightened in 2015 due to the drop in oil price and also slower and equipment, investment properties as well as amortisation of intangible
growth of China’s economy. assets and prepaid land lease. For the financial year ended 31 December 2015,
depreciation and amortisation charges decreased 2.6% to RM86.91 million,
Dividend on Investments on the other hand showed a decent growth year-on- compared with RM89.21 million in the previous year. This was attributed to the
year; increased by 5.1% or RM434.15 million to RM8.90 billion in 2015. Internal decrease in clearance of Work-In-Progress account by RM4.44 million which
Managers showed an increase of 2.5% to RM7.40 billion while External Managers partially offset against the rise in depreciation charge by RM1.89 million.
dividend income grew by 20.5% to RM1.50 billion in 2015. In total, Dividend on
Investments contributed 20.1% to the total gross investment income. Maintenance Costs
Returns from Interest and Profit from Investments recorded RM11.14 billion, Maintenance costs include maintenance on computer equipment and building,
a growth of 10.2% compared to the previous year, in line with EPF’s growth in cleaning costs as well as utility charges. For the financial year ended 31 December
asset size. This amount is equivalent to 25.2% of the total income, and is an 2015, maintenance charges increased 4.5% to RM72.84 million, compared with
important source for the EPF as a retirement savings fund that prioritises the RM69.70 million in 2014. The increase was primarily due to higher maintenance
capital preservation of members’ savings. cost on computer equipment by RM4.25 million, which partially offset by the
drop in electricity bills for owned premises by RM1.36 million.
During the year under review, the USD strengthened against major foreign
currencies, including Malaysia, and this had a significant impact to the Gross Statutory Charges
Investment Income through the Net Gain on Foreign Exchange, both realised
and unrealised. The realised gain grew by over tenfold or equivalent to an Statutory charges consist of payment of Death Benefits and Incapacitation
amount of RM8.27 billion to RM8.82 billion from the previous RM0.54 billion. Benefits to beneficiaries and members under Sections 58(1) and 58(2)
The unrealised gain amount also grew by 290.0% or RM1.84 billion to RM2.47 respectively as well as Invocation Cost under Section 50(3) of the EPF Act, 1991,
billion in 2015. Combined, the total amount was RM11.29 billion and this which was recognised during the year.
represented 25.5% out of the total Gross Investment Income recorded in 2015,
compared with just RM1.18 billion in 2014. FINANCIAL POSITION
Other Income increased by 39.7% to RM231.71 million from RM165.82 Total investment assets grew by RM48.00 billion or 7.5% from RM636.53 billion
million in 2014. Such increase was mainly due to higher Gain on Disposal of as at end 2014 to RM684.53 billion. The growth was mainly contributed by the
EPF’s properties as well as Interest and Dividend collected from employers on increase in Available-For-Sale (AFS) financial assets, which grew by RM43.78
Contributions late payment of RM59.11 million and RM4.26 million respectively. billion or 14.7% year-on-year. During the year, the relatively bearish equity
In addition, service fees imposed on the Fund Manager Institutions (FMIs) also market provides an opportunity for the managers to progressively increase
contributed to a higher income of RM2.28 million in line with the growth of their exposure within the tolerable limits through new injection and also
RM3.29 billion on the investment size managed by FMIs. reinvestment of proceeds. As at 31 December 2015, the values of AFS assets
were RM341.35 billion or 49.9% of the total investment assets.
Operating Expenditure
On the EPF’s exposure to low-risk and steady stream of income investment
In 2015, EPF’s Operating Expenditure increased 6.3% to RM1,193.11 million, assets, assets in Held To Maturity (HTM) and Loans, Advances and Financing
compared with RM1,122.33 million in 2014. The increase was primarily stood at RM220.42 billion (32.2%) and RM75.25 billion (11.0%) respectively.
contributed by Staff Costs, which rose by RM98.63 million mainly due to payment
for the Career Transition Plan (CTP) totalling RM74.02 million. Meanwhile, the
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading the Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
There was a 7.5% or RM6.06 billion decline in investments for Loans, Advance and In 2015, additional investments were also made in our subsidiaries and
Financing while HTM assets increased of RM20.70 billion or 10.4%. Combined, associated companies, particularly in the foreign inflation-linked asset class.
these investment assets increased RM14.64 billion or 5.2% compared to the Cumulatively, the holdings in both subsidiaries and associated companies stood
previous year. at RM29.13 billion or 4.3% of the total investments, an increase of RM3.07
billion or 11.8% from RM26.06 billion in 2014.
5% 2%
2% 3%
2% 2%
13% 11%
2014 2015
47% 50%
31% 32%
Available for Sale Held to Maturity Loans, Advances and Investment Investment Others
Financial Assets Investment Assets Financing in Associates in Subsidiaries
Total liabilities grew by 20.4% to RM7.82 billion from RM6.49 billion in 2014, In 2015, a total of RM59.98 billion was collected from employees and employers,
primarily due to higher accruals on the purchase of investment instruments as opposed to RM57.17 billion in the preceding year. This represented an
at close to year end for which settlements were made in the following month. increase of RM2.81 billion, or 4.9%, consistent with higher wages as well as
growth in the number of active members. On average, approximately RM5.00
Payables and Accrued Liabilities billion was collected per month in 2015.
As at 31 December 2015, the EPF’s payables and accrued liabilities of RM5.51 Withdrawals and Refunds During the Year
billion was up 10.3% compared with RM4.99 billion as of 31 December 2014.
The increase was a result of higher purchases of global bond and equities close Total withdrawals and refunds in 2015 amounted to RM44.25 billion, compared
to year end. with RM33.78 billion in the previous year. This was an increase of RM10.47
billion, or 40.0% mainly from Age 55 withdrawals (details of withdrawals
Contributions are provided in the Statistics section of this Annual Report). On average,
approximately RM3.69 billion was paid to members and beneficiaries per
Cumulative contributions stood at RM652.47 billion as at 31 December 2015, month in the current year.
indicating a growth of 9.0%, or RM53.90 billion, from the closing balance of
RM598.57 billion in 2014. Members’ cumulative savings in the Contribution Other Members’ Fund
Account, as reflected in the Statement of Financial Position, grew as employers’
contributions exceeded the total paid in withdrawals to members and Other Members’ Fund stood at RM35.82 billion as at 31 December 2015,
beneficiaries, resulting in a consistent net cash inflow throughout the year. comprising RM2.51 billion in Accumulated Surplus (distributable reserves)
and RM33.31 billion in Available-For-Sale (AFS) Financial Asset Reserves (non-
distributable reserves). This marked a decline of RM5.82 billion, or 14.0%,
from the Other Members’ Fund of RM41.64 billion in 2014, in line with the
declining balance in respect of AFS Reserves as at 31 December 2015 due to the
downtrend in the stock market performance.
epf properties in malaysia
No. Location Freehold Land Leasehold Land Net Book Value Net Book Value
of Land of Buildings
(RM Million) (RM Million)
Acreage Square Feet Acreage Square Feet
1. Federal Territory
c. Putrajaya - - - - - -
Statement By Chairman And A Board Member As Trustees
Declaration Of Principal Officer Responsible For The Financial
Management Of The Employees Provident Fund
Statements Of Financial Position
As At 31 December 2015
Statements Of Profit Or Loss
For The Year Ended 31 December 2015
Statements Of Comprehensive Income
For The Year Ended 31 December 2015
Statement Of Changes In Members Fund
For The Year Ended 31 December 2015
Statements Of Cash Flows
For The Year Ended 31 December 2015
Notes To The Financial Statements
For The Year Ended 31 December 2015
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
We, TAN SRI SAMSUDIN BIN OSMAN and DATUK THOMAS GEORGE A/L M.S. GEORGE as the Chairman and a member of the Board, as representatives of
the Trustee of the EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND, do hereby state that, in the opinion of the Board, the accompanying Financial Statements which includes
the Statements Of Financial Position, Statements Of Profit Or Loss, Statements Of Comprehensive Income, Statements Of Changes In Members Fund and
Statements Of Cash Flows, as follows together with the Notes To The Financial Statements are drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs
of the EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND as at 31 December 2015, the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year ended on that date.
DATE : 1 MARCH 2016 DATE : 1 MARCH 2016
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
I, NOR AZIAN BINTI MOHD NOOR, as a representative of the Trustee and officer primarily responsible for the financial management of the EMPLOYEES
PROVIDENT FUND do solemnly and sincerely declare that the accompanying Financial Statements which includes the Statements Of Financial Position,
Statements Of Profit Or Loss, Statements Of Comprehensive Income, Statements Of Changes In Members Fund and Statements of Cash Flows, in the following
financial position together with the Notes To The Financial Statements to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct and I make this solemn declaration
conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1960.
Subscribed and ]
solemnly declared by ]
the abovenamed in ]
on 1 March 2016 ]
Before me,
Lot 1.08, Tingkat 1,
Bangunan KWSP,
Jalan Raja Laut,
50350 Kuala Lumpur.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
2015 2014 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Deferred Tax Assets 4 532,585 3,523 11,596 - -
Property, Plant And Equipment 5 399,206 410,168 371,048 243,158 248,368
Investment Properties 6 22,276,698 19,039,757 16,703,242 1,070,980 1,153,444
Intangible Assets 7 38,877 48,567 48,425 10,198 12,438
Prepaid Land Lease 8 56,651 59,053 50,949 50,905 53,145
Assets Held For Sale 9 904,567 295,365 88,763 53,078 181,451
Property Development Costs 10 1,586,213 1,637,660 9,196 - -
Investment In Subsidiaries 11 - - - 18,114,177 15,167,532
Investment In Associates 12 14,513,517 14,402,426 13,431,978 11,013,041 10,893,535
Investment In Joint Ventures 13 2,310,632 1,390,905 1,262,746 - -
Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets 14 220,415,350 199,717,425 195,924,673 220,415,350 199,717,425
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets 15 342,599,812 297,569,480 270,959,105 341,352,504 297,568,660
Financial Assets At Fair Value Through Profit Or Loss 16 6,814,815 4,226,500 3,005,968 185,223 124,001
Loans, Advances And Financing 17 100,838,678 107,506,641 111,723,593 75,245,438 81,306,766
Inventories 18 103,396 103,849 29,588 - -
Receivables, Deposits And Prepayments 19 7,166,950 5,723,028 5,082,647 6,092,800 5,153,939
Deposits With Financial Institutions 20 17,795,374 36,220,311 20,096,291 17,296,539 30,623,574
Bank And Cash Balances 14,309,104 5,503,314 3,701,435 4,970,094 4,492,977
Total Assets 752,662,425 693,857,972 642,501,243 696,113,485 646,697,255
Deferred Tax Liabilities 4 22,554 32,968 35,914 - -
Employee Benefits 21 293,495 356,644 319,359 293,495 356,644
Provision For Taxation 30,237 73,653 91,734 - -
Loans And Overdrafts 22 17,560,225 12,217,646 11,176,558 - -
Contribution Withdrawal Payables 27,661 39,143 62,208 27,661 39,143
Financial Liabilities At Fair Value Through
Profit Or Loss 16 1,925,967 1,060,998 362,156 1,794,058 932,931
Deposits And Advances 23 28,829,456 27,738,682 28,369,800 195,806 166,353
Payables And Accrued Liabilities 24 7,635,312 6,572,581 4,870,395 5,507,916 4,994,761
Total Liabilities 56,324,907 48,092,315 45,288,124 7,818,936 6,489,832
NET ASSETS 696,337,518 645,765,657 597,213,119 688,294,549 640,207,423
Contributions 25 652,469,572 598,572,279 538,634,067 652,469,572 598,572,279
Reserves 26 36,346,867 40,795,549 53,726,767 33,313,721 40,184,546
Retained Profit 27 4,996,070 3,646,145 2,989,729 2,511,256 1,450,598
693,812,509 643,013,973 595,350,563 688,294,549 640,207,423
Non-Controlling Interests 28 2,525,009 2,751,684 1,862,556 - -
696,337,518 645,765,657 597,213,119 688,294,549 640,207,423
The notes set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Attributable To:
Contributors Of EPF 39,827,879 37,596,189
Non-Controlling Interests 28 470,553 412,249
40,298,432 38,008,438
The notes set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Net Profit After Tax And Zakat 40,298,432 38,008,438 39,687,074 36,814,844
Attributable To:
Contributors Of EPF 35,449,193 24,664,928 - -
Non-Controlling Interests 421,964 412,249 - -
Total Comprehensive Income 35,871,157 25,077,177 32,881,498 23,758,115
The notes set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
GROUP Non-Distributable Distributable
Contribution Available- Cash Flow Other Foreign Retained Total Non- Total
(Note 25) For-Sale Hedging Reserves Exchange Profit Controlling
Financial Reserve (Note 26) Reserve (Note 27) Interests
Assets (Note 26) (Note 26) (Note 28)
(Note 26)
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Employees Provident Fund Board
At 31 December 2013 538,634,067 53,241,275 - 25,090 460,402 3,031,709 595,392,543 1,862,556 597,255,099
Adjustments For Previous Year - - - - - (41,980) (41,980) - (41,980)
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
At 31 December 2013 (Restated) 538,634,067 53,241,275 - 25,090 460,402 2,989,729 595,350,563 1,862,556 597,213,119
Net Profit For The Financial Year - - - - - 37,596,189 37,596,189 412,249 38,008,438
Net Unrealised Loss On Revaluation During
The Financial Year - (2,112,656) - - - - (2,112,656) - (2,112,656)
Reclassification Adjustments For Gain
Recognised In Statement Of Profit Or Loss - (10,944,073) - - - - (10,944,073) - (10,944,073)
Unrealised Loss On Cash Flow Hedging
Derivatives - - (73,439) - - - (73,439) - (73,439)
Foreign Currency Translation - - - - 198,907 - 198,907 - 198,907
Annual Report 2015
Total Comprehensive Income - (13,056,729) (73,439) - 198,907 37,596,189 24,664,928 412,249 25,077,177
- The Financials - Additional Resources
- Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
The notes set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
GROUP Non-Distributable Distributable
Contribution Available- Cash Flow Other Foreign Retained Total Non- Total
(Note 25) For-Sale Hedging Reserves Exchange Profit Controlling
Financial Reserve (Note 26) Reserve (Note 27) Interests
Assets (Note 26) (Note 26) (Note 28)
(Note 26)
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Employees Provident Fund Board
At 31 December 2014 (Restated) 598,572,279 40,184,546 (73,439) 25,133 659,309 3,646,145 643,013,973 2,751,684 645,765,657
As Previously Stated By Subsidiaries - - - (7,909) (42) 148,462 140,511 (267,323) (126,812)
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
At 31 December 2014 (Restated) 598,572,279 40,184,546 (73,439) 17,224 659,267 3,794,607 643,154,484 2,484,361 645,638,845
Net Profit For The Financial Year - - - - - 39,827,879 39,827,879 470,553 40,298,432
Adjustment On Employee Benefit (MFRS 119)
During The Financial Year 21 - - - - - 65,249 65,249 - 65,249
Net Unrealised Loss On Revaluation During
The Financial Year - (676,690) - - - - (676,690) - (676,690)
Reclassification Adjustments For Gain Recognised
In Statements Of Profit Or Loss - (6,195,875) - - - - (6,195,875) - (6,195,875)
Unrealised Gain On Cash Flow Hedging Derivatives - - 20,680 - - - 20,680 - 20,680
Annual Report 2015
The notes set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
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Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
Contributions Received And Adjustments During The Financial Year 57,171,381 - - 57,171,381
2014 Dividend Credited To Members Accounts - 6.75% 36,656,463 - - 36,656,463
Adjustments On Dividend For Previous Year 7,484 - - 7,484
632,469,395 40,184,546 38,390,371 711,044,312
Contribution Withdrawals And Refunds (33,781,911) - - (33,781,911)
2014 Dividend Credited To Members Accounts - 6.75% - - (36,656,463) (36,656,463)
Dividend On Contribution Withdrawals - - (275,826) (275,826)
Adjustments Of Contributions With Incomplete Information (CTML) And
Reject Cases To Statements Of Profit Or Loss And Retained Profit (115,205) - - (115,205)
Adjustments On Dividend For Previous Year - - (7,484) (7,484)
As At 31 December 2014 598,572,279 40,184,546 1,450,598 640,207,423
Contributions Received And Adjustments During The Financial Year 59,977,632 - - 59,977,632
2015 Dividend Credited To Members Accounts - 6.40% 38,243,403 - - 38,243,403
Adjustments On Dividend For Previous Year 6,135 - - 6,135
696,799,449 33,313,721 41,202,921 771,316,091
Contribution Withdrawals And Refunds (44,248,107) - - (44,248,107)
2015 Dividend Credited To Members Accounts - 6.40% - - (38,243,403) (38,243,403)
Dividend On Contribution Withdrawal - - (442,127) (442,127)
Adjustments Of Contribution With Incomplete Information (CTML) And
Reject Cases To Statements Of Profit Or Loss And Retained Profit (81,770) - - (81,770)
Adjustments On Dividend For Previous Year - - (6,135) (6,135)
As At 31 December 2015 652,469,572 33,313,721 2,511,256 688,294,549
The notes set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
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Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Adjustments For:
Share Of Results From Associates (205,302) (1,334,562) - -
Unrealised Gain On Foreign Currency Exchange 29 (2,470,256) (633,356) (2,470,223) (633,356)
Net Unrealised Loss On Financial Assets At Fair Value Through Profit Or
Loss 29 1,621,224 589,338 1,703,763 951,045
Net Impairment Loss On Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets 31 (3,133) 13,684 (3,133) 13,684
Net Impairment Loss On Available-For-Sale Financial Assets 31 3,364,740 861,691 3,364,740 861,691
Net Impairment Loss On Loans, Advances And Financing 31 605,318 20,024 (11,601) (8,703)
Net Impairment Loss On Rent Receivables 31 3,186 1,593 3,186 (1,007)
Net Impairment Loss On Investments In Subsidiaries And Associates 32 - - (321,208) 23,463
(Gain)/Loss On Disposal Of Property, Plant And Equipment * 33 (43) 2,491 8 2,494
Gain On Disposal Of Assets Held For Sale 33 (72,951) (13,838) (72,951) (13,838)
Gain On Disposal Of Investment Property 33 (220) (246) - -
Gain On Disposal Of Inventories 33 - (4,479) - -
Employee Benefits 21, 34 8,100 41,828 8,100 41,828
Depreciation Of Property, Plant And Equipment 5, 34 67,575 69,489 47,076 49,436
Depreciation Of Investment Properties 6, 34 587,741 528,109 34,556 36,239
Amortisation Of Intangible Assets 7, 34 18,124 15,402 4,713 3,091
Amortisation Of Prepaid Land Lease 8, 34 728 600 566 440
Impairment Loss On Receivables From Subsidiaries 31 - - 40,537 -
Impairment Loss On Other Receivables 34 34,654 30,453 6 -
Write-Offs/Net Losses 34 18 4,714 18 38
43,979,164 38,494,725 42,015,227 38,141,389
* Included in (Gain)/Loss On Disposal Of Property, Plant And Equipment is the reclassification of Assets Under Work In Progress which is recognised as expenses
in the current financial year ended 31 December 2014 amounting to RM2.37 million. No reclassification of Assets Under Work In Progress which is recognised
as expenses in current financial year.
The notes set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
The notes as set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
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Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Net Increase In Cash And Cash Equivalents 3,229,594 2,787,409 427,225 1,696,787
Adjustments Of Foreign Currency Translation 106,062 92,507 - -
Cash And Cash Equivalents At 1 January 37 11,163,889 8,283,973 4,655,052 2,958,265
Cash And Cash Equivalents As At 31 December 37 14,499,545 11,163,889 5,082,277 4,655,052
The notes as set out form an integral part of, and should be read in conjunction with these Statements.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
The EPF was established under the EPF Ordinance 1951 in which later was amended to the EPF Act 1991 to act as the trustee of the Employees Provident
Fund, which is a defined contribution scheme.
The principal activities of the EPF are to receive and to collect contributions, to meet all withdrawals of savings and other benefits to members or their
beneficiaries upon satisfaction of any condition for withdrawals and to invest its monies for the benefits of its members. The principal activities of the
subsidiaries and associates are as stated in Notes 44 and 45 to the Financial Statements.
There have been no significant changes in the nature of these principal activities during the financial year.
The EPF headquarters is situated in EPF Building, Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur. As at 31 December 2015, the EPF operates 68 branches located at the
main cities all over Malaysia.
The Financial Statements of the Group and the EPF for the financial year ended 31 December 2015 have been accepted and approved by the EPF Board on
1 March 2016.
The EPF overall financial risk management policy is to optimise value creation for members while minimising the potential adverse impact arising from
fluctuation of the interest rates and the unpredictability of the financial markets.
The EPF is required to ensure that its investment activities are balanced between the targeted annual dividend and various financial risks.
The EPF’s overall risk management framework seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on its financial performance. The EPF invests based on broad asset
allocation strategy which determines the long term and strategically optimal allocation of funds across asset classes. The Strategic Asset Allocation or SAA is
typically based on the risk/return profile of a benchmark for each asset class. Varying the potential asset allocations will result in different magnitudes of risk.
Based on the returns and risks for each potential asset allocation, the Investment Panel will be able to adjust the allocations until the strategically optimal
allocation for the EPF is achieved.
The SAA is the highest level of investment decision-making and is the most important step in the investment process as it determines the majority of the risk
of its investments.
The SAA decision is subject to the EPF’s risk appetite statements as follows:
i. The EPF will not tolerate a greater than 10% chance of the dividend falling below 2.50% in any year over the next ten (10) years.
ii. The EPF will not tolerate a greater than one third chance of the annualised dividend falling below inflation +2% over any rolling three (3) years period.
iii. The EPF will not tolerate a greater than 10% chance of there being a negative value of Available-For-Sale Financial Assets at the end of any year that is
greater than 5% of the book value of assets.
Another decision in the investment process, the Tactical Asset Allocation (“TAA”), would allow the EPF to vary each asset class allocation from the strategic
allocation determined in the SAA and prevent excessive deviation from the SAA.
In order for the EPF to achieve its mission, it has to manage the various risks posed by ever changing business environment. These risks include operational
risk and financial risk.
Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failure of internal processes, people or systems, or from external events.
Operational Risk Management (“ORM”) is used to support and enhance its activities in all operational areas. ORM is an integral part of the EPF’s
decision making process and corporate culture.
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The Corporate Risk Scorecard (“CRS”) methodology, a risk management approach consistent with the MS ISO 31000:2010 Risk Management – Principles
and Guidelines, has been adopted in the implementation of operational risk management in the EPF. One of the key elements in the CRS methodology
is the Risk and Control Self-Assessment (“RCSA”) module which allows the EPF staff to self-assess and update their risk profiles.
Financial risks are risks associated with various changes in economic aspects which give impact to the EPF financial stability. There are three (3) types
of financial risks faced by the EPF as follows:
i. Market risk (which comprises of price risk, interest rate risk and foreign currency exchange risk).
Detailed policies pertaining to each type of financial risks as listed above are disclosed in Note 40.
Unless otherwise stated, the following accounting policies have been applied consistently in dealing with items that are considered material in relation to the
Financial Statements.
a. Statement Of Compliance
The Financial Statements of the Group and EPF have been prepared in accordance with the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (MFRSs),
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), EPF Act 1991 and the requirements of the Companies Act 1965 in Malaysia.
The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year except as follows:
On 1 January 2015, the Group and EPF adopted the following new and amended MFRSs and IC Interpretation mandatory for annual financial
periods beginning on or after 1 January 2015.
The nature and impact of the new and amended MFRSs and IC Interpretation are described below:
The amendments to MFRS 119 clarify how an entity should account for contributions made by employees or third parties to defined benefit
plans, based on whether those contributions are dependent on the number of years of service provided by the employee. For contributions that
are independent of the number of years of service, an entity is permitted to recognise such contributions as a reduction in the service cost in the
period in which the service is rendered, instead of allocating the contributions to the periods of service. For contributions that are dependent on
the number of years of service, the entity is required to attribute them to the employees’ periods of service.
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The nature and impact of the new and amended MFRSs and IC Interpretation are described below: (Cont’d.)
These amendments have been applied retrospectively. The application of these amendments has had no material impact on the disclosures or
the amounts recognised in the Group’s financial statements.
Followings are the MFRSs accounting standards, amendments and interpretations which have been issued by Malaysian Accounting Standard
Board (“MASB”) but not yet effective and have not been adopted by the Group and EPF:
The Annual Improvements to MFRSs 2010-2012 Cycle include a number of amendments to various MFRSs, which are summarised below.
Standards Descriptions
MFRS 2 Share-based Payment This improvement is effective for share-based payment transactions for which the grant date is
on or after 1 July 2014. The Group does not have any share based payment thus, this amendment
did not impact the Group.
MFRS 3 Business Combinations The amendments to MFRS 3 clarifies that contingent consideration classified as liabilities (or
assets) should be measured at fair value through profit or loss at each reporting date, irrespective
of whether the contingent consideration is a financial instrument within the scope of MFRS 9 or
MFRS 139. The amendments are effective for business combinations for which the acquisition
date is on or after 1 July 2014. This is consistent with the Group’s current accounting policy and
thus, this amendment did not impact the Group.
MFRS 8 Operating Segments The amendments are to be applied retrospectively and clarify that:
- An entity must disclose the judgements made by management in applying the aggregation
criteria in MFRS 8, including a brief description of operating segments that have been
aggregated and the economic characteristics used to assess whether the segments are similar;
- The reconciliation of segment assets to total assets is only required to be disclosed if the
reconciliation is reported to the chief operating decision maker.
The Group has not applied the aggregation criteria as mentioned above. The Group continues to
present the reconciliation of segment assets to total assets.
MFRS 116 Property, Plant and Equipment and The amendments remove inconsistencies in the accounting for accumulated depreciation or
MFRS 138 Intangible Assets amortisation when an item of property, plant and equipment or an intangible asset is revalued.
The amendments clarify that the asset may be revalued by reference to observable data by either
adjusting the gross carrying amount of the asset to market value or by determining the market
value of the carrying value and adjusting the gross carrying amount proportionately so that the
resulting carrying amount equals the market value. In addition, the accumulated depreciation or
amortisation is the difference between gross and carrying amounts of the asset. This amendment
did not have any impact on the Group.
MFRS 124 Related Party Disclosures The amendments clarify that a management entity providing key management personnel
services to a reporting entity is a related party of the reporting entity. The reporting entity should
disclose as related party transactions the amounts incurred for the service paid or payable to the
management entity for the provision of key management personnel services. This amendment is
not applicable to the Group as the Group does not receive any management services from other
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The Annual Improvements to MFRSs 2011-2013 Cycle include a number of amendments to various MFRSs, which are summarised below. The
Group has applied the amendments for the first time in the current year.
Standards Descriptions
MFRS 3 Business Combinations The amendments to MFRS 3 clarify that the standard does not apply to the accounting
for formation of all types of joint arrangement in the financial statements of the joint
arrangement itself. This amendment is to be applied prospectively. The Group is not a joint
arrangement and thus this arrangement is not relevant to the Group.
MFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement The amendments to MFRS 13 clarify that the portfolio exception in MFRS 13 can be applied
not only to financial assets and financial liabilities, but also to other contracts within the
scope of MFRS 9 (or MFRS 139 as applicable). The Group does not apply the portfolio
MFRS 140 Investment Property The amendments to MFRS 140 clarify that an entity acquiring investment property must
determine whether:
- The property meets the definition of investment property in terms of MFRS 140; and
- The transaction meets the definition of a business combination under MFRS 3, to
determine if the transaction is a purchase of an asset or is a business combination.
In previous financial years, the Group has applied MFRS 3 and not MFRS 140 in determining
whether an acquisition is of an asset or is a business combination. Accordingly, this
amendment did not have any impact to the Group.
The standards and interpretations that are issued but not yet effective up to the date of issuance of the Group’s and EPF’s financial statements
are disclosed below. The Group and EPF intend to adopt these standards, if applicable, when they become effective.
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The initial application of the abovementioned accounting standards, amendments or interpretations are not expected to have any material
impacts to the financial statements of the Group and EPF except as mentioned below:
MFRS 15 establishes a new five (5) step models that will apply to revenue arising from contracts with customers. MFRS 15 will supersede the
current revenue recognition guidance including MFR 118 Revenue, MFRS 111 Construction Contracts and the related interpretations when it
becomes effective.
The core principle of MFRS 15 is that an entity should recognise revenue which depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers
in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for those goods or services.
Under MFRS 15, an entity recognises revenue when (or as) a performance obligation is satisfied, that is when control of the goods or services
underlying the particular performance obligation is transferred to the customer.
Either a full or modified retrospective application is required for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2018 with early adoption
permitted. The Directors anticipate that the application of MFRS 15 will have a material impact on the amounts reported and disclosures made
in the Group’s and EPF’s financial statements. The Group is currently assessing the impact of MFRS 15 and plans to adopt the new standard on
the required effective date.
In November 2014, MASB issued the final version of MFRS 9 Financial Instruments which reflects all phases of the financial instruments project
and replaces MFRS 139 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement and all previous versions of MFRS 9. The standard introduces new
requirements for classification and measurement, impairment and hedge accounting. MFRS 9 is effective for annual periods beginning on or
after 1 January 2018, with early application permitted. Retrospective application is required, but comparative information is not compulsory. The
adoption of MFRS 9 will have an effect on the classification and measurement of the Group’s financial assets, but no impact on the classification
and measurement of the Group’s financial liabilities.
d. Basis Of Measurement
The financial statements of the Group and EPF have been prepared on the historical cost basis other than as disclosed in Note 3.
These financial statements are presented in Ringgit Malaysia (“RM”), which is the EPF’s functional currency. All financial information is presented
in “RM” and has been rounded to the nearest thousand, unless otherwise stated.
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The preparation of the Group’s consolidated financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the accompanying disclosures, and the disclosure of contingent
liabilities. Uncertainty about these assumptions and estimates could result in outcomes that require a material adjustment to the carrying
amount of assets or liabilities affected in future periods.
In the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies, management has made the following judgements, which have the most significant
effect on the amounts recognised in the consolidated financial statements:
The Group and EPF assess whether there is any indication that an investment in subsidiaries and interest in associates and joint ventures
may be impaired at each reporting date.
The Group determines whether its investments are impaired following certain indications of impairment such as, amongst others, prolonged
shortfall between market value and carrying amount, significant changes with adverse effects on the investment and deteriorating financial
performance of the investment due to observed changes in the economic environment.
The Group and EPF review their investment Assets Held-To-Maturity and Available-For-Sale at each reporting date to assess whether
there are any objective evidence that these investments are impaired. If there are indicators or objective evidence, these investments
are subjected to impairment review. In carrying out the impairment review, the following Group and EPF’s judgements are required.
Determination whether the investment is impaired based on certain indicators such as, amongst others, prolonged decline in fair value,
significant financial difficulties of the issuer or obligors, the disappearance of an active trading market and deterioration of the credit
quality of the issuers or obligors.
The Group and EPF review their investment in Loans, Advances and Financing individually at each reporting date to assess whether an
impairment loss should be recorded in the Statements of Profit or Loss. The judgment required include considerations of factors such as
credit quality, level of arrears, credit utilisation, loans to collateral ratios etc.
Deferred Tax Assets are recognised in respect of tax losses to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against
which the losses can be utilised. Judgement is required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognised, based on
the likely timing and extent of future taxable profits, together with future tax planning strategies.
The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date, that have a significant risk
of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets and liabilities within the next financial year, are described below. The Group
based its assumptions and estimates on parameters available when the consolidated financial statements were prepared. Existing circumstances
and assumptions about future developments, however, may change due to market changes or circumstances arising that are beyond the control
of the Group. Such changes are reflected in the assumptions when they occur.
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Should impairment indicators exist, these investments are subjected to impairment review. The impairment review comprises a comparison
between the carrying amount of the investment and the investment’s estimated recoverable amounts.
Depending on their nature and the location in which the investments relate to, the Group and EPF will select suitable valuation technique
such as, amongst others, discounted future cash flows or estimated fair value based on quoted market price of the most recent transactions.
Once a suitable valuation technique is selected, the Group and EPF will make certain assumptions concerning the future to estimate
the recoverable amount of the specific individual investment. These assumptions and other uncertain key sources of estimation at the
reporting date, may have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amount of the investments within the next
financial year. Depending on the specific individual investments, assumptions made by the Group and EPF may include, amongst others,
assumptions on expected future cash flows, revenue growth, terminal value, discount rate used for purpose of discounting future cash
flows which incorporates the relevant risks and expected future outcome based on certain past trend. The Group and EPF believe that no
reasonably expected possible changes in the key assumptions described above would cause the carrying amount of the investments to
materially exceed their recoverable amounts.
In estimating the impairment loss on Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets, the Group and EPF assess whether objective evidence of
impairment exist as a result of one or more events that occurred and that loss event has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of
the financial investments.
When there is objective evidence of impairment, an impairment loss is recognised as the difference between the acquisition cost and the
present value of the estimated future cash flows, less any impairment loss previously recognised.
Impairment Of Debt
A debt security is impaired if there is an indication that a loss event has occurred since the initial recognition. This normally has a negative
impact on the estimated future cash flows in relation to the repayment of the securities.
For equity investment, impairment is not identified based on analysis of projected cash flows similar to debt instrument above. It rises due
to establishment of significant decline in fair value of the securities below original cost or prolonged decline in fair value of the securities
below original cost.
In estimating the Impairment Loss on Loans, Advances And Financing, the Group and EPF are required to estimate the amount and timing
of future cash flows. In estimating these cash flows, the Group and EPF make judgement about the borrower’s or the customer’s financial
situation and the net realisable value of collateral.
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The measurement of the fair value for Investment Properties is arrived at by reference to market evidence of transaction prices for similar
properties and is performed by independent valuers who hold a recognised and relevant professional qualification and recent experience
in the locations and category of properties being valued.
The Group is subject to income taxes in many jurisdictions and significant judgement is required in estimating the provision for incomes
taxes. There are many transactions and interpretations of tax law for which the final outcome will not be established until sometime later.
Liabilities for taxation are recognised based on estimates of whether additional taxes will be payable. The estimation process includes
seeking advice on the tax treatments where appropriate. Where the final liability for taxation is different from the amounts that were
initially recorded, the differences will affect the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which the estimate is revised or the
final liability is established.
The present value of Post-Retirement Medical Benefit Obligations depend on a number of factors that are determined on actuarial basis
using a number of assumptions. The assumptions used in determining the net cost for post-retirement medical include the discount rate
and the expected medical cost rate. Any changes in these assumptions will impact the carrying amount of Post-Retirement Medical Benefit
The Group determines appropriate discount rate at every three (3) years when the actuarial valuation is performed. The recent actuarial
valuation was done in year 2015. This interest rate was used to determine the present value of the estimated expected future cash
outflows required to settle the Post-Retirement Medical Benefit Obligations.
In determining appropriate discount rate, the Group considers the interest rates of high quality corporate bonds that are denominated in
the currency in which the benefits will be paid, and that have term to maturity approximating the terms of the related liability.
The medical cost rate is based on the average historical cost incurred by the EPF.
The present value of Post-Retirement Gratuity Benefit Obligation depends on a number of factors that are determined on actuarial basis
using a number of assumptions. The assumptions used in determining total amount of gratuities include the discount rate, expected
annual salary increment and salary revision rate. Any changes in these assumptions will impact the carrying amount of Post-Retirement
Gratuity Benefit Obligation.
The Group determines appropriate discount rate at every three (3) years when the actuarial valuation is performed. The recent actuarial
valuation was done in year 2015. This interest rate was used to determine the present value of the estimated expected future cash
outflows required to settle the Post-Retirement Gratuity Benefit Obligation.
In determining appropriate discount rate, the Group considers the interest rates of high quality corporate bonds that are denominated in
the currency in which the benefits will be paid, and that have term to maturity approximating the terms of the related liability.
Annual salary increment rate is based on the average of previous year salary increment incurred by the EPF.
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The Consolidated Financial Statements comprise of the Financial Statements of the EPF and its subsidiaries which have been prepared as at the
financial year end. The Financial Statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting date as the EPF, using consistent accounting
policies for transaction and events in similar circumstances.
Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the EPF obtains control and continue to be consolidated until
the date such control effectively ceased. All intra group balances, income and expenses and unrealised gain and losses resulting from intra group
transactions are eliminated in full.
Unrealised gains arising from intragroup transactions and joint ventures are eliminated to the extent of the Group’s interest in the investees. Unrealised
losses are eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains, but only to the extent that there is no evidence of impairment.
Subsidiaries are all entities (inclusive those incorporated for special purpose) of which the Group has the power to control. Control exists when the
Group is exposed, or has rights to variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power
over the entity. The financial results of the subsidiaries are included in the consolidated Financial Statements from the date the control is transferred
to the Group until the date that control ceases.
The quoted and unquoted investment in subsidiaries are stated at cost and thereafter adjusted to its recoverable value which take into consideration
the impairment loss in the said year, if any. The policy for the recognition and measurement of impairment loss is in accordance with Note 3.15.
Purchase method is used in accounting for the consolidation of subsidiaries. Under the purchase method, subsidiaries are consolidated from the date
of which control is transferred to the Group and are de-consolidated from the date that control ceases. Acquisition cost is measured at fair value of the
assets received, equity instruments issued and the existing outstanding liabilities or assumed at the date of exchange, plus direct costs attributable to
the acquisition.
Identifiable assets and liabilities acquired and contingent liabilities assumed in a business combination are measured initially at their fair values at the
acquisition date, irrespective of the extent of any Non-Controlling Interests. The excess of acquisition cost over the fair value of the Group’s share of the
identifiable net assets acquired at the date of acquisition is reflected as goodwill as per Note 3.10(b). If the acquisition cost is less than the fair value of
the net assets of the subsidiary acquired, the difference is recognised directly in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
Non-Controlling Interests represents the minority portion of the profit or loss and net assets of a subsidiary attributable to the equity interests that are
not owned directly or indirectly by the parent.
Non-Controlling Interests is measured in respect of it’s minority share of the subsidiaries’ identifiable assets and liabilities at fair value as at the
acquisition date and the minority share on changes in equity of the subsidiaries from this date.
Intragroup transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between companies of the Group are eliminated. Unrealised losses are also
eliminated but is considered as impairment indicator on the assets transferred.
Gain or loss on disposal of a subsidiary is the difference between net disposal proceeds and the Group’s share of its net assets as of the date of disposal
including the cumulative amount of any foreign exchange differences that relate to the subsidiary is recognised in the Consolidated Statements of Profit
or Loss.
Upon the loss of control, joint control or significant influence by the Group, such remaining interest in the EPF is derecognised at fair value and the
difference to the carrying amount is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss. This fair value is the initial fair value as financial assets in accordance
with MFRS 139. Any amount which has been recognised in the past in the Statements of Comprehensive Income with regard to the particular entity
will be treated as if the Group has disposed it’s assets or liabilities directly. Due to this, it will be accounted as investment based on equity or Available-
For-Sale Financial Assets depending on the quantum of interest retained.
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Associates are entities in which Group has significant influence in the financial and operating policy decisions. Significant influence is the power to
participate in the financial and operation of the associates but not in control or joint control over those policies.
The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Group has
significant influence over another entity.
Investment in associates is accounted for using the equity method of accounting and are initially stated at cost. The Group’s investment in associates
includes Goodwill identified on acquisition, net of any accumulated impairment loss.
The Group’s share of profits or losses in associates, are shown in the consolidated Statements of Profit or Loss and the Group’s interest in associates
are stated at cost with adjustments to show changes of the Group’s share of net assets in associates.
The quoted and unquoted investment in associates are stated at cost and thereafter adjusted to its recoverable value which take into consideration the
impairment loss in the said year, if any. The policy for the recognition and measurement of impairment loss is in accordance with Note 3.15.
Joint Arrangement under is determined based on the rights and obligations of the parties to the joint arrangements by considering the structure and
legal form. There are two (2) types of joint arrangements:
i. Joint Operations
Joint Operations arise when the joint operator has rights to the assets and obligations relating to the arrangement and hence accounts for its
interest in assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses.
Investment In Joint Ventures is stated at cost and thereafter adjusted to its recoverable value which takes into consideration the impairment loss in the
said year, if any. Policy for the recognition and measurement of impairment loss is in accordance with Note 3.15.
Transactions in foreign currencies are measured in the respective functional currencies of subsidiaries and are recorded on initial recognition in
the functional currencies at exchange rates approximating those ruling at the transaction dates. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in
foreign currencies are retranslated at the spot rate of exchange ruling at the reporting date.
Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical cost are translated using the spot exchange rates as
at the date of the initial transaction. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies measured at fair value are translated using the
exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined. Exchange differences arising from the settlement of monetary items or on
translating monetary items at the reporting date are recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss except for exchange differences arising on
monetary items that form part of the Group’s net investment in foreign operations, which are recognised initially in other comprehensive income
and accumulated under foreign currency translation reserve in Statement of Financial Position. Exchange differences arising on the translation of
non-monetary items carried at fair value are included in the Statements of Profit or Loss for the financial year except for the differences arising
on the translation of non-monetary items in respect of which gains and losses are recognised directly in the Statements of Financial Position.
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The results and financial position of foreign operations that have functional currency different from the presentation currency of Ringgit Malaysia
(“RM”) of the consolidated financial statements are translated into RM as follows:
i. Assets and liabilities of foreign operations are translated at the closing rate prevailing at the reporting date;
ii. Income and expenses for each Statements of Profit or Loss are translated at the average exchange rates for the year, which approximates
the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions; and
iii. All resulting exchange differences are taken directly to Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income through the Foreign
Currency and Translation Reserve.
A financial asset or financial liability is recognised in the Statement of Financial Position when, and only when, the Group or EPF becomes a party
to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
A financial instrument is recognised initially, at its fair value plus, in the case of a financial instrument not at fair value through Statement Profit
or Loss, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial instrument.
An embedded derivative is recognised separately from the host contract and accounted for as a derivative if, and only if, it is not closely related
to the economic characteristics and risks of the host contract and the host contract is not categorised as fair value through profit and loss. The
host contract, in the event an embedded derivative is recognised separately, is accounted for in accordance with policy applicable to the nature
of the host contract.
Financial Assets
The classification of financial assets based on MFRS 139 depends on the intention of each financial asset is invested by the Group and EPF.
The Group and EPF determines the classification of financial assets at initial recognition. Financial assets besides from the category of Loans,
Advances and Financing and Deposits with Financial Institution are shown separately in the Statements of Financial Position.
i. Purchase and sales of financial assets are recognised on the trade date, the date of which the Group and EPF commits to purchase or sell
the financial assets.
ii. Financial assets are initially recognised at fair value plus related transaction costs.
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Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities that the
Group and EPF have the positive intention and ability to hold these investment assets to maturity. If the instruments of investment assets
were sold other than insignificant amount, the whole category of this financial assets would be tainted and reclassified as Available-For-
Sale Financial Assets.
Investment instruments which have been classified as Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets are Fixed Income Investment Instruments such
as Malaysian Government Securities, Government Investment Issues, Bonds and Private Debt Securities.
Financial assets categorised as Held To Maturity Investments are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets are non-derivative financial assets in which the Group has designated to classify investment instrument
in this category upon initial recognition which the financial asset is or not classified in any of the other categories of the financial assets
under MFRS 139.
Investment instruments which have been classified as Available-For-Sale Financial Assets are domestic and global equity investment
instruments that include Quoted and Unquoted Equities regardless whether they are managed internally or through external fund managers
and domestic as well as global Fixed Income Investment Instruments which are managed internally or by external fund managers.
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in the fair value as well as changes in foreign
currency exchange rates for the global investment instruments are recognised in the Available-For-Sale Financial Assets reserve except for
impairment loss.
However, the foreign exchange gain or losses arising upon revaluation of global fixed income investment instruments are recognized in the
Statements of Profit or Loss.
Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss are financial assets Held-For-Trading. A financial asset is classified in this category if it
is acquired for trading purposes or repurchasing in the near term. Derivative financial assets are also classified as Financial Assets at Fair
Value Through Profit or Loss.
Investment instruments which have been classified as Financial Assets at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss are fixed income investment
instruments designated as trading portfolio and derivative instruments which are purchased directly or embedded in the contracts that
the Group has entered into as at the Statements of Financial Position.
Loans, Advances and Financing are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active
market. Loans, Advances and Financing are recognised on the trade date in which the Group commits to give out loans plus related
transaction costs, if any. The subsequent measurement of this financial asset is at amortised cost using the effective yield method.
Included in Loans, Advances and Financing are Staff Loans Financial Assets and Capital Advances to subsidiaries.
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Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
The accounting policies in respect of investment financial assets are as follows: (Cont’d.)
Staff Loans
There is no significant impact to state Staff Loan financial assets at fair value in the subsequent measurement. There are three (3) types of
loan schemes offered to the EPF’s staffs at the interest rate approved by the Board based on the terms and conditions of service as follows:
The fund used to finance staff loans for the above mentioned three (3) schemes is considered as EPF investments of which the fund
allocation usage is subject to the limit approved by the Board.
e. Receivables
Receivable financial assets are carried at invoice amount less allowance for impairment loss. There is no significant impact to state
receivable financial assets at fair value in the subsequent measurement. Allowance for impairment loss is made when there is a objective
evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amount due according to the original terms of Receivables as disclosed in Note 3.15.
All financial assets, except for those measured at fair value through Profit or Loss, are subject to review for impairment as stated at Note 3.15.
Financial Liabilities
All financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost other than those categorised as fair value through Profit or Loss.
Fair value through profit or loss category comprises financial liabilities that are derivatives (except for derivative that is a financial guarantee contract,
contingent consideration in a business combination or financial liabilities that are specifically designated into this category upon initial recognition.
Derivatives that are linked to and must be settled by delivery of equity instruments that do not have quoted price in an active market for identical
instrument whose fair values otherwise cannot be reliably measured are measured at cost.
Other financial liabilities categorised as fair value through Profit or Loss are subsequently measured at fair values with the gain or loss recognised
in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
Hedge Instruments
A Fair Value Hedge is a hedge of the exposure to changes in fair value of a recognised asset or liability or an unrecognised firm commitment, or
an identified portion of such an asset, liability or firm commitment, that is attributable to a particular risk and could affect the profit or loss.
In a Fair Value Hedge, the gain or loss from remeasuring the hedging instrument at fair value or the foreign currency component of its carrying
amount translated at the exchange rate prevailing at the end of the reporting period is recognised in profit or loss. The gain or loss on the hedged
item, except for hedge item categorised as Available-For-Sale, attributable to the hedged risk is adjusted to the carrying amount of the hedged
item and recognised in Statements of Profit & Loss. For a hedge item categorised as Available-For-Sale, the fair value gain or loss attributable to
the hedge risk is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
A Cash Flow Hedge is a hedge of the exposure to variability in cash flows that is attributable to a particular risk associated with a recognised asset
or liability or a highly probable forecast transaction and could affect the profit or loss.
The effective portion of gain and losses on derivatives used to manage cash flow interest rate risk are recognised in Statements of Other
Comprehensive Income and accumulated for in the Cash Flow Hedge Reserve. However, if the Group closes out its position early, the cumulative
gains and losses recognised in other comprehensive income are frozen and reclassified from the Cash Flow Hedging Reserves to the Statements
of Profit or Loss using the effective interest method. The ineffective portion of gain and loss on derivatives used to manage cash flow interest rate
risk are recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
iii. Derecognition
A financial asset or part of it is derecognised when, and only when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire or the
financial asset is transferred to another party without retaining control or substantially all risks and rewards of the asset. On derecognition of a
financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received (including any new asset obtained less
any new liability assumed) and any cumulative gain or loss that had been recognised in the Statements of Financial Position is recognised in the
Statements of Profit or Loss.
A financial liability or a part of it is derecognised when, and only when, the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or
expires. On derecognition of a financial liability, the difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability extinguished or transferred
to another party and the consideration paid, including any non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed, is recognised in the Statements of
Profit or Loss.
Property, Plant and Equipment are stated at cost after deducting accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment loss. Costs include
expenditures that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the items. Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised
as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the costs
of the item can be measured reliably.
The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to the Statements of Profit or Loss during the
financial year in which they are incurred.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
Freehold Land and Work-In-Progress are not depreciated. All other Property, Plant and Equipment are depreciated using straight line method based on
the following estimated useful life:
Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings and Office Equipment which costs below RM1,000 per unit is depreciated fully in the year of acquisition.
Office/Building Renovation valued at RM100 thousand and above is capitalised. For renovation of which the project cost is less than RM100 thousand, such
renovation cost is charged to current year expenses.
Residual values and useful lives of assets are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each Statements of Financial Position date. At each Statements of
Financial Position date, the Group assesses whether there is any indication of impairment. Revaluation on properties is made once every five (5) years,
to assess for any indication of impairment. If such indications exist, an analysis is performed to assess whether the carrying amount of the asset is fully
recoverable. Impairment loss is recognised if the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount as disclosed in Note 3.15.
The depreciation on the purchase of completed building of which the cost of land and building could not be specifically identified at the acquisition stage will
follow the depreciation method based on estimated useful life of a building which is 30 to 50 years.
Upon the disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment, the difference between net disposal proceeds and carrying amount is recognised in the Statements of
Profit or Loss. If changes occurred on the intention of utilisation of owned used property to investment property, such property will be revalued based on fair
value and thereafter reclassified as Investment Property.
Investment Properties comprise Land and Office Buildings, are held for long term rental yields or for capital appreciation or both, and are not fully or
insignificantly occupied by the Group. Investment Properties are stated at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment
losses. Investment properties are depreciated on a straight line basis to write-off the cost of the assets to their residual values over their estimated
useful life of 40 to 50 years. On disposal of an Investment Property, or when it is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are
expected from its disposal, it shall be eliminated from the Statements of Financial Position.
The difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss in the period of the
retirement or disposal.
The depreciation rate for building which has been classified as Investment Property is at 30 - 50 years as stated in Note 3.8. At each date of Statements
of Financial Position, the Group assesses whether there is any indication of impairment. Revaluation on Investment Properties is made once every five
(5) years, to assess for any indication of impairment. If such indications exist, an analysis is performed to assess whether the carrying amount of the
asset if fully recoverable. Impairment loss is recognised if the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount as disclosed in Note 3.15.
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Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
The expenditure arising from the specific Licence And Information Technology Software is measured at cost. Subsequent costs are included in
the intangible asset’s carrying amount after deduction of accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment loss. Intangible Assets are
amortised on a straight line basis over the estimated economic useful life for five (5) years and assessed for impairment whenever there is an
indication that the Intangible Assets may be impaired.
b. Goodwill
Goodwill is initially measured at cost, being the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred and the amount recognised for non-
controlling interests over the net identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed. If the fair value of the net assets acquired is in excess of the
aggregate consideration transferred, the gain is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss. After initial recognition, Goodwill is measured at
cost less accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill is reviewed for impairment annually, or more frequently, if events or changes in circumstances
indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. Impairment loss on Goodwill will not be written back. Policy associated with recognition and
measurement of impairment loss is in accordance with Note 3.15.
Prepaid Land Lease is stated at cost less any accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment loss. Prepaid Land Lease is amortised on straight
line method to write off the cost of the assets to its residual value over the lease period.
The difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss in the period of disposal.
At each date of Statements of Financial Position, the Group assesses whether there is any indication of impairment. Revaluation on Prepaid Land Lease
is made once every five (5) years, to assess for any indication of impairment. If such indications exist, an analysis is performed to assess whether the
carrying amount of the asset is fully recoverable. Impairment loss is provided if the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount as disclosed in
Note 3.15.
Non-current assets or disposal of Group comprising of assets and liabilities are classified as Assets Held For Sale, are measured at the lower of their
carrying amount and fair value less cost to sell, thereafter, if their carrying amounts are expected to be recovered primarily through sale rather than
continuing use.
Once classified as assets held for sale, non-current assets are not amortised or depreciated. Such assets will no longer be recognised upon disposal
and the differences between net sale proceeds and the carrying amount are recognised as realised gain/losses in the period in which the assets being
Assets which no longer classified as non-current assets held for sale are measured at the lower of their carrying amount before being reclassified as
non-current assets held for sale, adjusted for depreciation or revaluation that may have been recognised should such assets are not reclassified as non-
current assets held for sale and the recoverable amount at the date when decision not to sell is made.
Property Development Costs comprise of all costs that are directly attributable to development activities or that can be allocated on reasonable basis
to such activities. Property development costs of the Group are stated at the cost or net realisable value which ever is lower.
Cash And Cash Equivalents consist of cash on hand, balances with banks (including those managed by External Fund Managers), deposits with financial
institutions and highly liquid investment which have an insignificant risk of changes in fair value with original maturities of three (3) months or less, and
are used by the Group and EPF in the management of their short term commitments.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
3.15 Impairment
Non-Financial Assets
Non-financial assets that have indefinite useful life are not subject to amortisation and are assessed annually for impairment. Non-financial assets
that are subject to amortisation are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate the carrying value may not be
Impairment Loss is recognised when the carrying value of non-financial assets exceed its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher
of fair value of non-financial assets less costs to sell or value in use.
For the purposes of assessing impairment, non-financial assets are grouped at the lowest level for which cash flows (cash-generating units) can be
separately identified. Non-financial assets other than Goodwill that suffered an impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at
each reporting year.
Impairment loss is charged to the Statements of Profit or Loss. In respect of other non-financial assets, any subsequent increase in the recoverable
amount is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss except for the reversal of an impairment loss on a revalued non-financial assets in which it is
accounted for in the Revaluation Surplus Account.
Financial Assets
All financial assets (except for financial assets categorised as fair value through Statement of Profit or Loss) assessed at each reporting date for any
objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events having an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the asset. Losses expected
as a result of future events, no matter how likely, are not recognised. For an investment in an equity instrument, a significant or prolonged decline in
the fair value below its cost is an objective evidence of impairment. If any such objective evidence exits, then the impairment loss of the financial assets
is estimated.
The accounting policies in relation to recognition of impairment loss on financial assets during subsequent measurement are as follows:
i. Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets
The Group assesses whether there is any objective evidence that Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets are impaired on specific interval basis.
This financial asset is considered impaired when there is an objective evidence resulting from several triggers that occurred after the initial
recognition of the financial asset is made which has an impact to the estimated future cash flows of the financial assets that can be reliably
The criteria used by the Group to determine whether there is an objective evidence of impairment has occurred for Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets include the following triggers:
a. Decline in investment grade rating below the acceptable investment grade as at the Statements of Financial Position date;
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Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
The amount of impairment loss is measured as the difference between the carrying amount of the Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets and the
present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the financial asset’s original effective yield method. The carrying value of the Held-
To-Maturity Investment Assets is reduced and the amount of the impairment loss is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
If the revaluation made in the subsequent period reveals that the amount of impairment decreases and the decrease can be related objectively
to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the reversal of impairment loss is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
When the Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets is uncollectable, it is written off against the allowance for impairment loss account. Such assets
are written off after all the necessary procedures have been completed and the amount of the loss has been determined.
The Group assesses whether there is an objective evidence that Available-For-Sale Financial Assets are impaired on specific interval basis. The
assessment method used by the Group depends on the type of investment instrument which has been classified as Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets as follows:
Impairment loss is recognised when there is significant or prolonged decline in the fair value as compared to the original cost as at the
Statements of Financial Position date. If any such evidence exists, the cumulative unrealised loss that had been recognised directly in
the Available-For-Sale Financial Assets Reserve is removed and the impairment loss is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss. The
amount of impairment loss recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss is the difference between the acquisition cost and the current
fair value less any impairment loss that has been previously recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss. Any impairment loss recognised
in the Statements of Profit or Loss in the previous period with regard to equity investment instruments classified as Available-For-Sale
Financial Assets are not reversed through the Statements of Profit or Loss in the current period.
Impairment loss assessment on the Fixed Income Investment instruments classified as Available-For-Sale Financial Assets is consistent with
the method used for financial assets classified as Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets. The consistent criteria was also used by the EPF to
determine whether there is an objective evidence of impairment loss that has occurred as per the following triggers:
i. Decline in investment grade rating below the acceptable investment grade as at the Statements of Financial Position date;
The amount of impairment loss for Fixed Income Investment instrument which has been classified as Available-For-Sale Financial Assets
is measured as the difference between the carrying amount as at the Statements of Financial Position date and the present value of
estimated future cash flows discounted at the financial asset’s original effective yield method. The carrying value of this financial asset is
reduced and the amount of the impairment loss is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss. If the revaluation made in the subsequent
period reveals that the amount of impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related objectively to an event occurring after the
impairment was recognised, the reversal of the impairment loss is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
The Group and EPF has assessed whether there is an objective evidence that Loans, Advances and Financing are impaired on specific
interval basis. This financial asset is considered impaired when there is an objective evidence resulting from several triggers that occurred
after the initial recognition of the financial asset is made which has an impact to the estimated future cash flows of the financial assets that
can be reliably estimated.
The criteria used by the Group to determine whether there is an objective evidence of impairment loss has occurred for Loans, Advances
and Financing include the following triggers:
i. Decline in investment grade rating below the acceptable investment grade as at the Statements of Financial Position date;
The amount of impairment loss is measured as the difference between the carrying amount of the Loans, Advances and Financing and the
present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the financial asset’s original effective yield method. The carrying value of the
Loans, Advances and Financing is reduced through the use of an allowance account and the amount of the impairment loss is recognised
in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
If the revaluation made in the subsequent period reveals that the amount of impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related
objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the reversal of the previously recognised impairment loss is
recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
When the Loans, Advances and Financing is uncollectable, it is written off against the allowance for impairment loss account. Such assets
are written off after all the necessary procedures have been completed and the amount of the loss has been determined.
Allowance for impairment loss on Staff Loan is made when there is an objective evidence that the Group is unable to collect all outstanding
debts pursuant to the term and conditions of Staff Loan in accordance to impairment policy.
If the revaluation made in the subsequent period reveals that the amount of impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related
objectively, the impairment loss on Staff Loan is write back in the Statement of Profit or Loss.
d. Receivables
Impairment loss on Receivables is recognised when there is an objective evidence that the Group is unable to collect all outstanding debts
pursuant to the approved procedures.
If the revaluation made in the subsequent period reveals that the amount of impairment loss decreases and the decrease can be related
objectively, the impairment loss on Receivables is write back in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
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Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
3.16 Inventories
Inventories of the Group comprise of completed properties and hotel inventories which are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
The cost of inventories of completed properties is determined on specific identification basis. The cost included costs associated with the acquisition
of land, direct cost and appropriate development overheads.
The cost of hotel inventories is calculated using the “First-In First-Out” method and includes expenditure incurred in acquiring the inventories and other
costs incurred in bringing them to their existing location.
Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs
necessary to make the sale.
a. Taxation
The EPF is exempted from income tax on its income under paragraph 20 - Schedule 6, Part 1, Income Tax Act, 1967.
Income tax of the subsidiaries on the profit or loss for the year comprises of current and deferred tax. Current tax is the expected amount of
income taxes payable in respect of the taxable profit for the year and is measured using the tax rates that have been enacted at the Statements
of Financial Position date.
Deferred tax is provided for, using the liability method, on the temporary differences between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their
carrying amounts in the Statement of Financial Position. Principally, deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences
and deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits to the extent that it is
probable that taxable profit will be available against of which the temporary differences, unused tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilised.
Deferred tax is not recognised if the temporary differences arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is not
a business combination and at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit.
Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax
rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the Statements of Financial Position date. Deferred tax is recognised in the Statements
of Profit or Loss, except when it arises from a transaction which is recognised directly in the Statements of Financial Position, in which case the
deferred tax is also charged or credited directly in the Statements of Financial Position, or when it arises from a business combination that is an
acquisition, in which case the deferred tax is included in the resulting Goodwill or Negative Goodwill.
b. Zakat
This represent business Zakat payable by a subsidiary in compliance with Shariah principles and as approved by the Shariah Advisory Committee.
The Zakat is computed based on working capital method at a rate of 2.5%
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
Wages, salaries, bonuses, social security contributions and gratuity paid to contract staff are recognised as an expense in the year in which the
associated services are rendered by employees of the Group. Short term accumulating compensated absences such as paid annual leave are
recognised when services are rendered by employees. Short term non-accumulating compensated absences such as sick leave are recognised
when the absences occur.
Contribution is made to the EPF for employees who have elected to receive the EPF benefits or Government Pension Fund for those in the
pensionable scheme.
The Group adopted MFRS 119 (Revised) - Employee Benefits with effect from 1 January 2013. Based on the revised standard, gain or loss on the
actuarial valuation is fully recognised in Other Comprehensive Income in the financial period which they occur.
Payment of long term benefits after retirement and/or after the expiry of the contract, is recognised on an accrual basis in the current year of
Statements of Profit or Loss an employee benefits expenses, whereas in the Statements of Financial Position, such amount is recognised as
liability known as Employee Benefits. Types of long-term benefits which will be recognised on an accrual basis are as follows:
ii. Cash award in lieu of annual leave (inclusive of the employer share on contributions for such payments)
The computation of post retirement medical benefits and gratuity liability to retirees are determined by an actuarial valuation is made once
every three (3) years.
The computation of gratuity liability to contract staffs and cash award in lieu of annual leave to retirees is based on actual information available as
at the Statements of Financial Position and the eligibility is based on the term and condition of service. The current salary rate is used to compute
these liabilities.
d. Termination Benefits
Termination Benefits are payable whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits. The Group recognises
Termination Benefits when it is demonstrably committed to terminate the employment of current employees according to a detailed formal plan
without the intention to withdraw the plan.
Employee Share Option Scheme (ESOS) for the Group allows the staffs (including executive directors) other than employees in subsidiaries which
are dormant, to acquire ordinary shares of the subsidiary. No compensation cost or obligation is recognised. When the options are exercised,
equity is increased by the amount of the proceeds received.
Loans are initially recognised at fair value less transaction costs. Subsequently, loans are stated at amortised cost using the effective interest method.
The difference between collectable amount (less transaction costs) and redeemable value is recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss across
the tenure of the loans. Interest, dividend, losses and gains relating to the financial instruments or its component, classified as liability is reported as
investment expenses in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
Loans are classified as current liabilities except if the Group has unconditional rights to postpone the settlement of the liabilities to the minimum of
12 months after the date of Statements of Financial Position.
Fees incurred in obtaining the loan facility are recognised as transaction costs to the extent of partial or entire loan facility that may have been granted.
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Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
Provision For Liabilities are recognised when the Group has present obligation as a result of past event and it is probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made. Provisions are reviewed at
each Statements of Financial Position date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimation. Where the effect of the time value of money is material,
the amount of a provision is the present value of the expected expenditure to be required to settle the obligation.
Liability On Invocation Cost Under Section 50(3), EPF Act, 1991 is for the purpose of financing employee share of contribution as well as dividend
attributable on the said contribution for deduction that has been made on the employee salary should the employer fails to pay the share of such
contributions, is disclosed as Statutory Charges in the EPF’s Statements of Profit or Loss and under Payables And Accrued Liabilities in the Statements
of Financial Position.
Contingent Asset is a possible asset that arises from past events whose existence will be confirmed by the occurrence of one (1) or more uncertain
future events beyond the control of the Group. The Group does not recognise Contingent Assets but discloses its existence where inflows of economic
benefits are probable, but not virtually certain.
The Group does not recognise Contingent Liability but discloses its existence in the Financial Statements. Contingent Liability is a possible obligation
that arises from past events whose existence will be confirmed by the occurrence of one or more uncertain future events beyond the control of the
Group or a present obligation that is not recognised because it is not probable that outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation.
Contingent Liability also arises in the extremely rare case where there is a liability that cannot be recognised because it cannot be measured reliably.
Contributions are credited to members account following the contribution month based on cash received basis except for cases of which crediting is
based on Invocation of Section 50(3), EPF Act, 1991 is in accordance with Note 3.21.
Annual dividend is calculated on the opening balance as at 1 January (less withdrawals) and plus contribution following contribution month and
credited to the members account at the end of the financial year. Dividend on withdrawals is calculated from the beginning of the year in which the
withdrawal is made until the date the contribution account is debited. Income received in the current year is distributed to members to the maximum
after taking into account all expenditures incurred, based on the EPF accounting policies approved by the Board.
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets reserve has been established to account for the movement in change of fair value of financial asset which is
classified as Available-For-Sale Financial Assets. The Available-For-Sale Financial Assets Reserve Account is credited when there is a positive change in
the fair value of Available-For-Sale Financial Assets. On the contrary, this reserve account is debited when there is a negative change in the fair value
of Available-For-Sale Financial Assets or when there is a disposal of Available-For-Sale Financial Assets. When impairment loss occurred to any item
classified as Available-For-Sale Financial Assets, the whole balance which exists in the Available-For-Sale Financial Assets Reserve of the related items
will be recycled where the impairment loss is recognised in full in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
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Revenue comprises the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the sale of goods or services in the ordinary course of the Group’s
activities. Revenue is recognised as net value after tax, refunds, rebates and discounts and after eliminating sales within intra-Group.
Revenue is recognised when the amount can be measured reliably, and when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow in to the entity and
specific criteria have been met for each of the Group’s activities as described below.
The amount can only be measured reliably after taking into all considerations with regards sales. Estimation is done as the basis of past events,
customer classifications, types of transactions and business specifications.
Interest on income and expenses for all financial instruments are measured at amortised cost and for financial assets that generate income are
classified as Available-For-Sale Financial Assets and Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit or Loss is recognised as “interest income” and
“interest expenditure” in Statements of Profit or Loss using the effective interest rate.
Interest income on granting of loans and financing are recognised on accrual basis. When an account is classified as non-performing, the interest is
suspended with retrospective adjustments made to the date of first default until it is realised on cash basis. Customer account is classified as non-
performing where repayments are in arrears for six (6) months or more.
Loan arrangement fees and commissions are recognised as income based on contractual arrangements.
Dividend Income is recognised in Statements of Profit or Loss on accrual basis when the Group’s right to receive the payment is established.
Dividend from quoted equity the recognition is on the ex-dividend date.
Capital Gain arising from sales of investment instruments is also recognised on accrual basis and takes into account the effects of foreign exchange
for the global investment instruments. Capital gain is recognised when the risks and rewards of ownership of the investment instruments have
been significantly transferred to the buyers.
Revenue from sale of completed properties is recognised upon transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership to the buyer.
Interest And Dividend On Contributions Paid Late are accounted in the Statements of Profit or Loss on cash received basis.
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3.27 Leases
Leases of assets where a significant portion of the risks and rewards of ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases.
Payments made under operating lease (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are charged to the Statements of Profit or Loss on a
straight line basis over the period of the lease.
Up front payments made for leasehold land represent prepaid lease rentals and are amortised on straight line basis over the lease term.
Where an operating lease is terminated before the lease period expired, any payment required to be made to the lessor by way of penalty is
recognised as expenses in the period when termination takes place.
When assets are leased out under operating lease, the asset are included in the Statements of Financial Position based on the nature of the
assets. Lease income is recognised over the term of the lease on a straight line basis.
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Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
The components and movements in Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities during the financial year before adjustments comprise the followings:
Unutilised Fair Value Property, Others Total
Tax Adjustments Plant And
Losses From Business Equipment
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Unutilised Fair Value Property, Others Total
Tax Adjustments Plant And
Losses From Business Equipment
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 GROUP
Cost At Additions Sales Adjustments/ Write-Offs As At
1 January Reclassifications 31 December
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2014 Group
COST At Adjustments (Restated) Additions Sales Adjustments/ Write-Offs As At
1 January 1 January Reclassifications 31 December
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 EPF
COST At Additions Sales Adjustments/ Write-Offs As At
1 January Reclassifications 31 December
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Certain portion of Work In Progress is adjusted to Statements of Profit or Loss as expenses accordingly, if such amount is de-recognised as Property,
Plant and Equipment.
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2014 EPF
COST At Additions Sales Adjustments/ Write-Offs As At
1 January Reclassifications 31 December
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014 2014
(Restated) (Restated)
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014 2014 2015 2014
(Restated) (RESTATED)
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
At 1 January 20,435,063 17,570,548 13,387,354 1,516,447 1,638,313
Additions 4,197,753 4,586,226 4,217,853 3,496 -
Sales (966,307) (6,971) (1,729) - -
Reclassification To Assets Held-For-Sale 9 (804,457) (145,250) (20,399) (61,282) (139,650)
Reclassification From Assets Held-For-Sale 9 - 17,784 - - 17,784
Reclassification To Property Development Cost 10 9,313 (1,566,368) (12,431) - -
Foreign Currency Translation Differences 2,409,622 (59,606) - - -
Adjustment On Costs (1,031,120) 38,700 (100) - -
As At 31 December 24,249,867 20,435,063 17,570,548 1,458,661 1,516,447
Accumulated Depreciation:
At 1 January (1,384,108) (867,306) (502,952) (351,805) (326,873)
Current Year Depreciation 34 (587,741) (528,109) (373,406) (34,556) (36,239)
Adjustments Of Depreciation To Assets
Held-For-Sale 9 9,878 19,250 9,052 9,878 19,250
Adjustments Of Depreciation From Assets
Held-For-Sale 9 - (7,943) - - (7,943)
As At 31 December (1,961,971) (1,384,108) (867,306) (376,483) (351,805)
The Investment Properties of the Group are measured at cost, including transaction costs. The fair value of the Investment Properties as at the Statements of
Financial Position date is amounted at RM26,642.86 million (2014: RM20,293.56 million), which has been determined based on valuations during the year of
2011 to 2015. While, the fair value of the EPF’s Investment Properties as at 31 December 2015 amounted to RM1,802.68 million (2014: RM1,846.61 million).
The frequency of revaluations has been performed in accordance with the accounting policy adopted by the EPF. Valuations are performed by Accredited
Independent Valuers with recent experience in the location and category of properties being valued. The valuations are based on the comparison method
that involves the comparison of recent sales of similar properties in the area and factors which can influence the value or price of the said properties.
As at financial year ended 31 December 2015, the EPF subsidiaries in United Kingdom pledged the Group’s Investment Properties amounting RM14,514.91
million (2014: RM12,674.27 million) as collateral to a bank borrowing as disclosed in Note 22.1 and Note 22.2.
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2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Accumulated Amortisation:
At 1 January (119,493) (104,091) (83,779) (80,688)
Amortisation For Financial Year 34 (18,124) (15,402) (4,713) (3,091)
As At 31 December (137,617) (119,493) (88,492) (83,779)
Net Book Value As At 31 December 38,877 48,567 10,198 12,438
2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
At 1 January 70,707 59,016 62,279 50,588
Reclassification (To)/From Assets Held For Sale 9 (3,080) 11,691 (3,080) 11,691
As At 31 December 67,627 70,707 59,199 62,279
Accumulated Amortisation
At 1 January 11,654 8,067 9,134 5,707
Amortisation For Financial Year 34 728 600 566 440
Reclassification (To)/From Assets Held For Sale 9 (1,406) 2,987 (1,406) 2,987
As At 31 December 10,976 11,654 8,294 9,134
Net Book Value As At 31 December 56,651 59,053 50,905 53,145
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2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
The fair value of Assets Held For Sale of the Group as the date of Statements of Financial Position amounting to RM926.56 million (2014: RM342.12 million)
is based on valuation carried out in 2015. Inclusive is the fair value of Assets Held For Sale of the EPF as at 31 December 2015 amounting to RM75.07 million
(2014: RM228.20 million). Valuations were performed by accredited Independent Valuers with recent experience on the location and category of properties
being valued. The valuations were mainly based on comparison method that involves the analysis of recent sales of similar properties in the area.
Meanwhile in Assets Held For Sale of EPF, it represents one (1) unit of building and one (1) unit of freehold land. As at the date of Statements of Financial
Position, all units are still in the process for sale and expected to be sold completely in 2016.
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
At 1 January:
Freehold Land 1,637,660 9,196
Development Costs Sold - (1,262)
Adjustments On Development Costs (81,493) -
1,556,167 7,934
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31 DECEMBER 2015 31 DECEMBER 2014
Cost/ Recoverable Cost/ Recoverable
Book Value Amount Book Value Amount
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Disclosure on the recoverable amount for investment in subsidiaries is based on the valuation technique stated in EPF’s accounting policy which was approved
by the Board.
Details of new/additional capital injection and de-restructuring investment exercise via shares redemption or capital return which involve significant
transaction in the financial year of 2015 in the Investment In Subsidiaries are as follows:
As at 31 December 2015, the EPF has injected additional capital of 3,742,271 new shares of £100 each in KWASA Global (Jersey) Limited, a wholly
owned subsidiary, for a total consideration of £374.23 million or RM2,302.03 million. The purpose of capital injection is to fund the acquisition of five
(5) units of shopping complex which are Sainsbury’s Voyager Drive in Cannock, Morrisons Supermarket in Newcastle Upon Tyne, Leeds and Grantham
and Tesco Extra in Bursledon.
During the financial year 2015, the EPF has injected net capital of RM1,899.02 million to seven (7) wholly owned subsidiaries as to support private
equity fund in foreign countries subject to approved capital commitment. The proportions of capital injection by subsidiary are as follows:
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12.1 GROUP
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b. The following table summarises the information of the Group’s material significant influence associates, adjusted for any differences in accounting
policies (adjusted for the purpose of equity accounting) and reconciles the information to the carrying of the Group’s interest in associates:
Profit After Tax For The Financial Year 23,119 58,558 1,524,033 2,063,464 425,479 15,063
Other Comprehensive Income For
The Financial Year 2,713 - 510,739 217,928 950 -
Total Comprehensive Income For
The Financial Year 25,832 58,558 2,034,772 2,281,392 426,429 15,063
Dividends Received From Associates During
The Financial Year 399,350 269,500 64,039 108,842 17,137 6,854
c. The net assets of the associates in which of the Group has material significant influence, based on the percentage of non-controlling interest
ownership on voting rights are as follows:
Net Assets Of The Associates 647,462 1,457,844 23,109,411 18,894,086 2,060,664 1,758,550
Proportion Of The Group's Ownership Interest (%) 49.00 49.00 42.18 41.49 38.37 38.94
Proportion Of The Group's Net Assets 317,256 714,344 9,747,550 7,839,156 790,677 684,779
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d. Summarised of financial Information of the associates in which the Group has immaterial significant influence are as follows:
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
Dividends Received From Associates During The Financial Year 50,600 63,082
12.2 EPF
11,013,041 10,893,535
Disclosure on the recoverable amount for investment in associates is based on the valuation technique stated in EPF’s accounting policy which was
approved by the Board.
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a. The details in respect of the Group’s Investment In Joint Ventures are as follows:
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b. Summarised financial information as set out below represents the amount disclosed in the financial statements of the entities classified as Investment In
Joint Ventures that have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards (adjusted by the Group for the purpose of equity accounting):
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
The Group’s Proportion Attributable To Income, Profit After Tax, Assets And Liabilities Are
As Follows After Restated:
Income 63,853 160,593
Profit After Tax For The Financial Year 13,992 805
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14.1 GROUP
Details on Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015, are disclosed in Note 40.1a. Movement of
accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowances for Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
2015 2014 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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14.2 EPF
2015 2014
Amortised Cost Amortised Cost
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
Details on Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015, are disclosed in Note 40.1a. Movement of
accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowances for Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
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15.1 GROUP
Domestic Unquoted Equities 1,096,503 1,547,136 2,531,254
Global Unquoted Equities 7,135,218 4,644,203 2,970,088
8,231,721 6,191,339 5,501,342
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The maturity structure of the Available-For-Sale Financial Assets for Fixed Income Investment Instruments are as follows:
2015 2014 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Details on Available-For-Sale Financial Assets which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015, are disclosed in Note 40.1a. Movement of
accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowances For Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
15.2 EPF
2015 2014
Fair Value Fair Value
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
Domestic Unquoted Equities 1,096,503 1,547,136
Global Unquoted Equities 6,871,264 4,643,383
7,967,767 6,190,519
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The maturity structure of the Available-For-Sale Financial Assets for Fixed Income Investment Instruments are as follows:
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
Details on Available-For-Sale Financial Assets which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015, are disclosed in Note 40.1a. Movement of
accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowances For Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
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Hedging Instruments
- Forward Currency Translation Contract 23,746,761 66,297 1,637,080 15,366,101 579 919,238
- Cross Currency Swap 824,291 - 156,978 695,853 3,373 13,693
- Interest Rate Swap 43,925 216 - - - -
Embedded Derivative Financial Assets - - - - 5,904 -
Other Derivative Financial Assets - 118,710 - - 114,145 -
24,614,977 185,223 1,794,058 16,061,954 124,001 932,931
Nota 40.1a Nota 40.1a
* Hedging instruments are measured at fair value by the Group and EPF to secure from fair value changes due to fluctuation of market interest rate
and foreign currency exchange. Derivative with positive fair value is classified as an assets and vice versa. Any profit or loss on the revalued derivative
contracts is to be recognised in the Statements of Profit or Loss.
17.1 GROUP
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
Details on financial assets with regards to Loans, Advances and Financing which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015 are disclosed in Note
40.1a. Movement of accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowance for Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
17.2 EPF
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
a. Represents Islamic Financing granted to EPF’s domestic quoted subsidiaries, which are secured against the subsidiaries Personal Islamic Financing
Loan amounting to RM161.45 million (2014: RM455.53 million) and profit at a rate of 5.50% per annum and maturing within five (5) years.
b. Capital Advances to unquoted subsidiaries which are unsecured and bear interests ranging from 4.00% to 7.00% per annum, whereas the
advances to KWASA Properties Sdn Bhd, PPNK Harta Sdn Bhd, Pinggiran Ventures Sdn Bhd, Ekuiti Merdu Sdn Bhd, KWASA Invest Limited, KWASA
Asia and KWASA Capital Partners Limited bear no interest charges. All capital advances to subsidiaries has no repayment term except for KWASA
Europe S.A.R.L and KWASA Land Sdn Bhd which are repayable after the loan period, within seven (7) to eleven (11) years.
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2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
Details on financial assets with regards to Loans, Advances and Financing which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015 are disclosed in Note
40.1a. Movement of accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowance for Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
At Cost
Inventories 333 786
Cost of Inventories recognised as current year expense amounting RM453,000 (2014: Nil).
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Details on financial assets with regards to Receivables, Deposits and Prepayments which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015 are disclosed in
Note 40.1a. Movement of accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowance For Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
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2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
Details on financial assets with regards to receivables, deposits and prepayments which assessed as impaired as at 31 December 2015 are disclosed in
Note 40.1a. Movement of accumulated impairment loss which has been accounted as Allowance For Impairment Loss is disclosed in Note 40.1c.
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2015 2014 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
The liquidity of Bank of New York - Money Market account is less than three (3) months, therefore it is classified as cash and cash equivalents in the Group
and EPF Statements Of Cash Flow.
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b. The amounts recognised in the Statements Of Financial Position are analysed as follows:
c. The amounts recognised in the Statements Of Profit Or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income are analysed as follows:
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d. The amounts recognised in the Statements Of Financial Position are analysed as follows:
f. The sensitivity analysis below have been determined based on a method that extrapolates reasonable changes in key assumptions occuring at
the Statements of Financial Position holding other assumptions are constant:
Eventhough the analysis does not account full distribution of cash flows expected under the plan, it does provide approximation of sensitivity
assumptions used.
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b. The amounts recognised in the Statements Of Financial Position are analysed as follows:
c. The amounts recognised in the Statements Of Profit Or Loss And Other Comprehensive Income are analysed as follows:
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f. The sensitivity analysis below have been determined based on a method that extrapolates reasonable changes during the actuarial valuation at
the Statements of Financial Position holding other assumptions are constant:
Although the analysis does not account full distribution of cash flows expected under the plan, it does provide approximation of sensitivity
assumptions used.
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2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
The followings are details in respect of loans by the Group as reported in the Statements Of Financial Position:
a. On 14 January 2013, the global subsidiary entered into a (Senior Term Loan) Facility Agreement at maximum amount of £405 million. The loan
was assigned to direct subsidiary on 15 March 2013 with a maturity date on 17 July 2018. The loan bears interest margin of 1.85% per annum,
LIBOR rate plus any mandatory cost. The loan is secured against the Group’s investment properties.
b. On 12 April 2013, the global subsidiary entered into a loan agreement with amounting to £300 million, which is repayable after five (5) years and
secured against the Group’s investment properties. The loan bears interest at GBP one (1) month LIBOR rate plus 1.23% and any other mandatory
c. On 27 September 2013, the global subsidiary entered into a loan agreement of which the loan is repayable after five (5) years and secured against
the Group’s investment properties. The loan bears interest at GBP one (1) month LIBOR rate plus 1.375% and other mandatory costs.
d. MBSB loan amounting to RM1,645,772 represents revolving credit of which the loan bears interest at borrowing costs from commercial licensed
banks plus 0.5% to 1%.
e. The global subsidiary entered into a revolving loan agreement for three (3) years amounting to £185.70 million (AUD 322 million), which was
drawn an amount of £159.20 million (AUD 276 million) as at 31 December 2015. The loan bears interest at Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSY) plus 1.7%
margin. The loan is secured againts Australian Group’s investment properties.
a. In April 2015, a global subsidiary obtained external bank financing of EUR 128,862,000 from Deka Bank with an interest rate of 1.5%. The loan
will mature April 2022. The loan is secured by the global subsidiary’s property.
b. On 3 July 2015, a global subsidiary obtained external bank financing of EUR 188,320,000 from Deutsch Hypo with an interest rate of Libor 3
months plus liquidity costs plus a margin. On 30 June 2019, loan amount of EUR 28,000,000 will be matured and the remainder will mature on
22 June 2022. The loan is secured by the global subsidiary’s properties.
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2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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Withdrawals And Refunds
55 Years Withdrawal Scheme 21,400,282 14,090,666
50 Years Withdrawal Scheme 4,831,009 3,941,562
Incapacitation Withdrawal Scheme 331,060 275,351
Leaving Country Withdrawal Scheme 377,364 303,593
Housing Withdrawal Scheme 2,396,800 2,199,308
Reduction/Redemption Of Housing Loan/Monthly Housing Loan Withdrawal Scheme 3,587,826 2,900,440
Medical Withdrawal Scheme 51,766 46,057
Death Withdrawal Scheme 1,233,878 1,089,049
Periodical Payment Withdrawal Scheme 3,586 4,231
Member Investment Withdrawal Scheme 5,855,745 4,859,473
Pensionable Employee Withdrawal Scheme 1,972,704 2,520,564
Education Withdrawal Scheme 578,180 372,938
Monthly Payment Withdrawal Scheme 117 120
Saving Exceeding RM1 Million Withdrawal Scheme 1,390,500 999,278
Hajj Withdrawal Scheme 1,045 947
44,011,862 33,603,577
Refund To Employers/Members-Rule 33(1), EPF Regulations & Rules 1991 21,896 26,237
Refund Of Employers Share To Pension Trust Fund-Section 56, EPF Act 1991 214,349 152,097
236,245 178,334
44,248,107 33,781,911
Other Adjustments
Adjustments On Contribution With Incomplete Information (CTML) And Reject-No Further Action
(NFA) Cases To Statements Of Profit Or Loss And Retained Profit 81,770 115,205
As At 31 December 652,469,572 598,572,279
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The eligible contributions to be withdrawn by members under 50 Years and 55 Years Withdrawal Schemes are as follows:
The cumulative amount invested by the EPF members in the Fund Manager Institutions was not disclosed in the Statements Of Financial Position as the risk
and reward of the investment borne by the members.
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
(a) Represents the movement of net accumulated unrealised fair value gain/(loss) which is recognised from Available-For-Sale Financial Assets.
(b) Represents the movement of net accumulated gain/(loss) which is recognised from effective hedging derivatives.
(c) Includes goodwill reserve which arose from the excess of acquisition of subsidiaries over the Group’s share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets
including contingent liabilities of subsidiaries at the date of acquisition.
(d) Relates to exchange differences arising from foreign operations that have a functional currency different from the presentation currency of Ringgit
Malaysia (“RM”) by the EPF.
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The Retained Profit amounting of RM4,996.07 million is the balance of revenue reserve as at 31 December 2015 (2014: RM3,646.15 million) after recognition
of provision of annual dividend to members for the financial year. At 31 December 2015, provision of annual dividend is recognised at rate 6.40% amounting
to RM38,243.40 million, compared to RM36,656.46 million at rate 6.75% in 2014.
Included in the Retained Profit amounting RM2,511.26 million (2014: RM1,450.60 million) is unrealised gain generated from revaluation of financial asset
derivative instruments and movement of foreign exchange revaluation of financial asset hedges amounting RM860.90 million (2014: RM265.65 million). This
unrealised gain will only be reclassified as realised gain for the purpose of dividend distribution upon sale of the asset in the following year.
a. Set out below is summarised financial information for subsidiaries that EPF has Non-Controlling Interests:
1 Malaysia Building Society Berhad Granting of loans on the security of Malaysia 34.90 35.82
freehold and leasehold properties
2 YTR Harta Sdn Bhd Property development and Malaysia 19.00 19.00
3 PPNK Sdn Bhd Property development and Malaysia 15.00 15.00
4 KWASA Utama Sdn Bhd * Property development Malaysia 5.00 5.00
5 Jati Private Equity Fund L.P. Trust holding fund Cayman Island 1.00 1.00
6 Jati Private Equity Fund II L.P. Trust holding fund Cayman Island 1.00 1.00
7 Merbau Investors Offshore II L.P. Trust holding fund Cayman Island 1.00 1.00
8 Meranti Fund L.P Trust holding fund Cayman Island 0.75 0.75
9 Cengal Private Equity Investment II PLC Trust holding fund Dublin, Ireland 0.66 0.66
10 Merbau Investors Offshore L.P. Trust holding fund Cayman Island 0.50 0.50
11 Cengal Private Equity Investment PLC Trust holding fund Dublin, Ireland 0.50 0.50
* KWASA Utama Sdn Bhd formerly known as KWASA Development (1) Sdn Bhd.
b. Set out below is the movement in accumulated Non-Controlling Interests of the Group at Statements of Financial Position date:
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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c. Summarised financial information in respect of the Group’s subsidiary that has non-controlling interest before intragroup eleminations are as follows:
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
Profit Before Impairment Loss On Loans, Advances And Financing 1,043,409 1,058,731
Impairment Loss On Loans, Advances And Financing (616,919) (28,727)
Profit Before Tax And Zakat 426,490 1,030,004
Tax And Zakat (82,005) (270,585)
Profit After Tax And Zakat 344,485 759,419
Other Comprehensive Income - -
Total Comprehensive Income 344,485 759,419
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2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Interest Income From Loans, Advances And Financing 3,531,437 4,831,956 3,095,902 3,365,575
Rental Income 1,405,256 1,173,124 114,048 118,832
Net Gain On Foreign Exchange
- Realised 8,815,841 541,460 8,815,863 544,322
- Unrealised 2,470,256 633,356 2,470,223 633,356
Unrealised Loss From Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss (1,621,224) (589,338) (1,703,763) (951,045)
Interest/Profit From Bank Balances 52,197 486 364 462
Miscellaneous Income 1,452,746 73,881 8,916 23,007
46,224,997 41,028,674 44,234,034 39,076,481
a. Interest And Profit From Investments derived from certified fixed income investment instruments of the Group and EPF, inclusive discount/premium
amortisation using the effective yield method.
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2015 2014 2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014 2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014 2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Salaries, Allowances And Staff Costs 34a 1,104,779 1,027,590 915,770 817,139
Employee Benefits 21 8,100 41,828 8,100 41,828
Honorarium/Remuneration For Board Members And
Investment Panel 1,813 4,466 1,662 1,411
Technical Services 18,392 127,882 16,192 16,607
Fees And Professional Charges 193,782 132,071 20,872 22,754
Audit Fees 5,371 6,088 468 423
Maintenance On Property, Plant And Equipment 124,270 112,415 72,843 69,702
Postal And Telephone Charges 21,950 35,815 19,034 22,802
Rent And Assessments 30,746 46,365 12,829 12,238
Travelling And Transportation 10,465 10,031 10,220 9,945
Printing And Stationery 5,436 4,795 5,424 4,788
Advertisements And Publishing 37,796 30,313 9,951 6,338
Non-Capitalised Renovation 1,290 2,887 1,290 2,887
Insurance 1,418 1,506 1,238 1,234
Depreciation Of Property, Plant And Equipment 5 67,575 69,489 47,076 49,436
Depreciation Of Investment Properties 6 587,741 528,109 34,556 36,239
Amortisation Of Intangible Assets 7 18,124 15,402 4,713 3,091
Amortisation Of Prepaid Land Lease 8 728 600 566 440
Impairment Loss On Other Receivables 34,654 30,453 6 -
Write-Offs/Net Losses 18 4,714 18 38
Good And Service Tax (GST) On Operating Expenditure 7,503 - 7,502 -
Miscellanous Expenses 297,292 113,245 2,780 2,987
2,579,243 2,346,064 1,193,110 1,122,327
a. Included in Salaries, Allowances And EPF Staff Costs are employee benefits expenditures comprising of salary, bonus, socso and accumulating
compensated absences amounting to RM839.80 million (2014: RM755.70 million).
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Statutory charges are costs borne by EPF and in compliance with EPF Act, 1991 as follows:
Liability On Invocation Cost Under Section 50(3), EPF Act, 1991, is for the purpose of financing employee share of contribution as well as dividend
attributable on the said contribution for deduction that has been made on the employee salary should the employer fails to pay the share of such
b. Death Benefit Under Section 58(1) And Incapacitation Benefit Under Section 58(2)
Death Benefit Under Section 58(1) And Incapacitation Benefit Under Section 58(2) of EPF Act 1991 is paid to members whom apply for death and
incapacitation withdrawals and not from member’s credit account.
2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Zakat - 4,605 - -
121,229 293,352 - -
Income tax is calculated at the Malaysian statutory rate of 25% (2014: 25%) of the estimated assessable profit for the current year. The Malaysian statutory tax
rate reduce to 24% for year assessment 2016 and onwards. The Computation of Deferred Tax as at 31 December 2015 has been reflected these adjustment.
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A reconciliation of income tax expense applicable to profit before taxation at the statutory income tax rate of the Group and EPF are as follows:
2015 2014 2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Taxation At Malaysian Statutory Tax Rate Of 25% (2014: 25%) 10,040,894 9,482,522 9,921,769 9,203,711
Different Tax Rates In Other Countries 23,017 (15,253) - -
Income Not Subject To Tax (9,990,697) (9,203,990) (9,921,769) (9,203,711)
Expenses Not Deductible For Tax Purposes 54,481 37,129 - -
Utilisation Of Unabsorbed Tax Losses And Unutilised Capital Allowance
Previously Not Recognised 696 (161) - -
Recognition On Deferred Tax Assets Previously Not Recognised (17,914) (2,061) - -
Under/(Over) Provision In Tax Expense In Prior Years 10,752 (9,439) - -
Tax Expense For The Financial Year 121,229 288,747 - -
2015 2014 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000)
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2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
c. Operational Commitments
Loan Commitments Not Provided In The Financial
End Financing 251,351 314,516 - -
Bridging And Term Loans 7,614,958 7,250,837 - -
Islamic Loans 144,172 63,221 - -
8,010,481 7,628,574 - -
Property Development:
Approved And Contracted For 421,528 421,528 - -
d. Contingencies
Financial Guarantee To Secure Payments By Borrower
(Fully Secured) 38 ii 104,076 85,110 - -
39,471,660 23,745,466 29,478,722 13,633,383
i. Capital commitments for fund investment represent the remaining uncalled capital as at the Statements Of Financial Position date, of which investment
payments are released progressively based on notification received from fund managers or partners based on agreed investment term.
ii. The contingent liability is fully secured by way of fixed charge over the development project, and debenture creating a fixed and floating charge over
the entire assets of the borrower.
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This section of the Act requires the EPF to pay the employee’s share of the contributions for any deduction made from the wages of the employee
if the employer fails to pay the contributions. As at 31 December 2015, the amount of contingent liability estimated is RM7.50 million (2014:
RM7.50 million) excludes the accrued dividend from the time of deduction. This section is only invoked after all efforts to ensure the employers
to pay the contributions has failed.
b. Death Benefit And Incapacitation Benefit Under Section 58(1) and (2), EPF Act, 1991
Statutory charges comprising of Death Benefits under Section 58(1) and Incapacitation Benefits under Section 58(2), EPF Act, 1991 are paid to
member through death and incapacitation withdrawal, utilising the EPF revenue not the members credits. In the event a member or beneficiary
did not encash the payment made in a particular financial year, should such payment be claimed in the subsequent year, the repayment made
to such member or beneficiary would utilise the revenue in the year the said claim is made. As at 31 December 2015, contingent liabilities in
respect of Death Benefits amounted to RM11.59 million (2014: RM11.61 million) whereas Incapacitation Benefits amounted to RM6.44 million
(2014: RM6.44 million).
Credit risk is the risk of loss caused by a counterparty’s or an obligor’s failure to meet its payment obligations. Exposure to credit risk arises from
its lending, hedging, trading and investing activities. The maximum exposure to credit risk represented by the carrying amount in the Statements of
Financial Position.
The EPF maintains an average portfolio rating of AA for its debt securities and loans. As a matter of policy, the EPF invests only in debt securities with
minimum rating of A3/A- for domestic and BBB/ Baa2 for global investments. However, the EPF may also invest in unrated assets in which a rating is
assigned using internal rating model that is consistent with the approach used by external rating agency.
The counterparty credit risk which arises from deposit placement with a financial institution is managed by setting limits in which all deposits are to be
held by parties with a financial institution rating of A3/A- or better.
The purpose of credit risk management is to keep credit risk exposure within the EPF’s risk appetite statements and to ensure the returns commensurate
with the risk taken.
a. Credit Quality
The EPF has developed tools to measure credit risk such as the Credit Portfolio Management System which computes portfolio Credit Value at
Risk (CVaR) for credit related assets and various credit systems to evaluate the creditworthiness of corporate borrowers.
The EPF’s debt portfolios are managed by internal as well as external fund managers appointed by the Investment Panel. Both portfolios are
subject to maximum exposure to ensure the portfolios are diversified.
The EPF also invests in short-term papers and global bond/sukuk papers which are part of the approved universe. The Universe facilitates the
trading process and provides assurance to the EPF that the exposure to short-term papers and global bond/sukuk papers are only limited to rated
The EPF conducts regular review on the credit counterpaties and monitor the rating transition to ensure credit quality is within the EPF’s
investment parameters.
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The EPF classifies debt securities into internal rating scales which are consistent with domestic and foreign rating agencies. The credit quality
classification is as follows:
Quality Classification
ii. Short Term Rating For Payment Short Term Financial Obligations
This refers to financial assets such as receivables, deposits, accrued interest and dividend, and others which do not have credit rating.
Exposure assessed individually which is considered impaired based on the EPF’s accounting policies.
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Distribution of gross financial assets by credit quality as at 31 December 2015 are as follows:
GROUP 2015
Sovereign Strong Moderate Sub - Non - Impaired Total
Standard Rated
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 14.1 173,319,123 45,609,183 891,426 - 184,477 472,109 220,476,318
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets 15.1 16,697,152 29,588,598 10,971,277 4,396,226 744,618 860,034 63,257,905
Loans, Advances And Financing 17.1 36,451,820 32,300,638 25,027,868 - 9,102,968 43,476 102,926,770
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss 16 - 66,513 2,372 - 6,745,930 - 6,814,815
Deposits With Financial
Institutions And Bank Balances 112,183 21,348,102 1,119,156 - 9,525,037 - 32,104,478
Receivables, Deposits And
Prepayments 19 10 9,860 106,870 - 7,433,628 47,739 7,598,107
226,580,288 128,922,894 38,118,969 4,396,226 33,736,658 1,423,358 433,178,393
Distribution of gross financial assets by credit quality as at 31 December 2014 are as follows:
GROUP 2014
Sovereign Strong Moderate Sub - Non - Impaired Total
Standard Rated
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 14.1 153,363,722 41,955,309 645,220 443,725 3,025,516 360,103 199,793,595
Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets 15.1 10,564,085 27,634,440 7,624,472 3,615,114 614,915 860,106 50,913,132
Loans, Advances And Financing 17.1 19,587,562 49,919,148 27,195,597 - 10,207,519 2,200,331 109,110,157
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss 16 - 3,952 5,904 - 4,216,644 - 4,226,500
Deposits With Financial
Institutions And Bank Balances 162,075 41,057,473 488,301 - 15,776 - 41,723,625
Receivables, Deposits And
Prepayments 19 - - 99,173 - 5,623,855 345,754 6,068,782
183,677,444 160,570,322 36,058,667 4,058,839 23,704,255 3,766,294 411,835,791
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Distribution of gross financial assets by credit quality as at 31 December 2015 are as follows:
EPF 2015
Sovereign Strong Moderate Sub - Non - Impaired Total
Standard Rated
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 14.2 173,319,123 45,609,183 891,426 - 184,477 472,109 220,476,318
Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets 15.2 16,697,152 29,588,598 9,987,923 4,396,226 744,618 860,034 62,274,551
Loans, Advances And Financing 17.2 36,451,820 31,735,266 - - 7,057,819 43,476 75,288,381
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss 16 - 66,513 - - 118,710 - 185,223
Deposits With Financial
Institutions And Bank Balances 112,183 20,943,400 1,025,375 - 185,675 - 22,266,633
Receivables, Deposits And
Prepayments 19 - - - - 6,092,800 47,739 6,140,539
226,580,278 127,942,960 11,904,724 4,396,226 14,384,099 1,423,358 386,631,645
Distribution of gross financial assets by credit quality as at 31 December 2014 are as follows:
EPF 2014
Sovereign Strong Moderate Sub - Non - Impaired Total
Standard Rated
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 14.2 153,363,722 41,955,309 645,220 443,725 3,025,516 360,103 199,793,595
Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets 15.2 10,564,085 27,634,440 7,624,472 3,615,114 614,915 860,106 50,913,132
Loans, Advances And Financing 17.2 19,587,563 54,848,868 1,459,660 - 5,410,675 54,538 81,361,304
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss 16 - 3,952 5,904 - 114,145 - 124,001
Deposits With Financial
Institutions And Bank Balances 162,075 34,954,476 - - - - 35,116,551
Receivables, Deposits And
Prepayments 19 - - - - 5,153,939 4,014 5,157,953
183,677,445 159,397,045 9,735,256 4,058,839 14,319,190 1,278,761 372,466,536
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b. Aging Analysis
The amounts in the following table reflect exposure on gross financial assets designated as past due but not impaired:
GROUP 2015
Neither Past Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Total
Due Nor Up To 1 To 3 3 To 6 More Than
Impaired 1 Month Months Months 6 Months
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
GROUP 2014
Neither Past Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Total
Due Nor Up To 1 To 3 3 To 6 More Than
Impaired 1 Month Months Months 6 Months
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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The amounts in the following table reflect exposure on gross financial assets designated as past due but not impaired: (Cont’d.)
EPF 2015
Neither Past Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Total
Due Nor Up To 1 To 3 3 To 6 More Than
Impaired 1 Month Months Months 6 Months
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
EPF 2014
Neither Past Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Total
Due Nor Up To 1 To 3 3 To 6 More Than
Impaired 1 Month Months Months 6 Months
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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An analysis of financial assets individually assessed as impaired and the movements on the impairment allowance during the year are as follows:
GROUP 2015
Allowances Allowances Adjustments Recoveries/ Write-Offs Allowances
At Made During Written Back As At
1 January The Year 31 December
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Investment Assets 14.1 76,170 - - (3,133) (12,069) 60,968
Financial Assets 15.1 639,792 379 (4) (42,879) - 597,288
Loans, Advances And
Financing 17.1 1,603,516 496,180 6 (11,610) - 2,088,092
Receivables, Deposits
And Prepayments 19 345,754 86,230 - (827) - 431,157
2,665,232 582,789 2 (58,449) (12,069) 3,177,505
GROUP 2014
Allowances Allowances Adjustments Recoveries/ Write-Offs Allowances
At Made During Written Back As At
1 January The Year 31 December
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Investment Assets 14.1 62,487 13,683 - - - 76,170
Financial Assets 15.1 641,962 - (4) (2,166) - 639,792
Loans, Advances And
Financing 17.1 1,682,549 29,671 (99,057) (9,647) - 1,603,516
Receivables, Deposits
And Prepayments 19 305,041 37,137 22,234 (5,091) (13,567) 345,754
2,692,039 80,491 (76,827) (16,904) (13,567) 2,665,232
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An analysis of financial assets individually assessed as impaired and the movements on the impairment allowance during the year are as follows:
EPF 2015
Allowances Allowances Adjustments Recoveries/ Write-Offs Allowances
At Made During Written Back As At
1 January The Year 31 December
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Investment Assets 14.2 76,170 - - (3,133) (12,069) 60,968
Financial Assets 15.2 639,792 379 (4) (42,879) - 597,288
Loans, Advances And
Financing 17.2 54,538 9 6 (11,610) - 42,943
Receivables, Deposits
And Prepayments 19 4,014 44,552 - (827) - 47,739
774,514 44,940 2 (58,449) (12,069) 748,938
EPF 2014
Allowances Allowances Adjustments Recoveries/ Write-Offs Allowances
At Made During Written Back As At
1 January The Year 31 December
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Investment Assets 14.2 62,487 13,683 - - - 76,170
Financial Assets 15.2 641,962 - (4) (2,166) - 639,792
Loans, Advances And
Financing 17.2 63,241 - - (8,703) - 54,538
Receivables, Deposits
And Prepayments 19 18,587 3,413 1 (4,420) (13,567) 4,014
786,277 17,096 (3) (15,289) (13,567) 774,514
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d. Financial Effects Of The Collateral Held On Financial Assets Which Exposed To Credit Risk
The estimated financial effects of the collateral held on financial assets are as follows:
GROUP 2015
Carrying Carrying Financial
Amount Of Amount Of Effects Of
Sovereign Non-Sovereign Collateral
Financial Financial
Assets Assets
(RM’000) (RM’000) (%)
Financial Assets
Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets 173,319,123 47,157,195 24
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets 16,697,152 46,560,753 27
Loans, Advances And Financing 36,451,820 66,474,950 3
Financial Assets At Fair Value Through Profit Or Loss - 6,814,815 -
Deposits With Financial Institutions And Bank Balances 112,183 31,992,295 -
Receivables, Deposits And Prepayments 10 7,598,097 -
226,580,288 206,598,105 13
GROUP 2014
Carrying Carrying Financial
Amount Of Amount Of Effects Of
Sovereign Non-Sovereign Collateral
Financial Financial
Assets Assets
(RM’000) (RM’000) (%)
Financial Assets
Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets 153,363,722 46,429,873 25
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets 10,564,085 40,349,047 27
Loans, Advances And Financing 19,587,563 89,522,595 3
Financial Assets At Fair Value Through Profit Or Loss - 4,226,500 -
Deposits With Financial Institutions And Bank Balances 162,075 41,561,550 -
Receivables, Deposits And Prepayments - 6,068,782 -
183,677,445 228,158,347 13
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d. Financial Effects Of The Collateral Held On Financial Assets Which Exposed To Credit Risk (Cont’d.)
The estimated financial effects of the collateral held on financial assets are as follows: (Cont’d.)
EPF 2015
Carrying Carrying Financial
Amount Of Amount Of Effects Of
Sovereign Non-Sovereign Collateral
Financial Financial
Assets Assets
(RM’000) (RM’000) (%)
Financial Assets
Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets 173,319,123 47,157,195 24
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets 16,697,152 45,577,399 11
Loans, Advances And Financing 36,451,820 38,836,561 4
Financial Assets At Fair Value Through Profit Or Loss - 185,223 -
Deposits With Financial Institutions And Bank Balances 112,183 22,154,450 -
Receivables, Deposits And Prepayments - 6,140,539 -
226,580,278 160,051,367 14
EPF 2014
Carrying Carrying Financial
Amount Of Amount Of Effects Of
Sovereign Non-Sovereign Collateral
Financial Financial
Assets Assets
(RM’000) (RM’000) (%)
Financial Assets
Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets 153,363,722 46,429,873 25
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets 10,564,085 40,349,047 27
Loans, Advances And Financing 19,587,563 61,773,741 3
Financial Assets At Fair Value Through Profit Or Loss - 124,001 -
Deposits With Financial Institutions And Bank Balances 162,075 34,954,476 -
Receivables, Deposits And Prepayments - 5,157,953 -
183,677,445 188,789,091 13
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Liquidity risk relates to the inability of the EPF to meet its financial commitments and obligations when they fall due. The EPF liquidity risk is limited as
all contributions are mandated by the EPF Act 1991 through deduction of salaries and members are allowed to make withdrawal under pre-retirement
and retirement schemes (Refer To Statistic On Withdrawal by Schemes). The EPF manages its liquidity requirements through:
* Monitoring of its daily cash flow and projecting monthly cash flow for a rolling 12 month basis;
* Allocating 3% of its EPF asset’s value for short term instruments in the form of cash and placements in financial institutions in order to meet
members’ withdrawals and other financial commitments and obligations; and
* Diversifying its investment portfolio by setting the concentration limits on name, sector and asset type.
Over the medium and longer term, the EPF is able to meet its liquidity requirements through its holdings of liquid investments such as publicly traded
equities and available for sale fixed income securities. The maturity profile of the EPF assets and liabilities is also monitored within a stipulated level.
The Group’s and the EPF’s financial liabilities are categorised into relevant maturity groupings based on the remaining period at the Statement Of Fi-
nancial Position date to the contractual maturity date.
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a. The table set below represents the cash flows payable for financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities as at the Statement of
Financial Position date:
GROUP 2015
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Non-Derivative Liabilities
Derivative Liabilities
GROUP 2014
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Non-Derivative Liabilities
Derivative Liabilities
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b. The table set below represents the cash flows payable by under financial liabilities by remaining contractual maturities as at the Statement of
Financial Position date: (Cont’d.)
EPF 2015
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Non-Derivative Liabilities
Derivative Liabilities
EPF 2014
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Non-Derivative Liabilities
Derivative Liabilities
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c. The table set below analyses the derivative financial liabilities that will be settled on a net basis into relevant maturity groupings by remaining
contractual maturities as at the Statement of Financial Position date. The amount disclosed in the table is the contractual undiscounted cash flows:
GROUP 2015
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
GROUP 2014
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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d. The table set below analyses derivative financial liabilities that will be settled on a net basis into relevant maturity groupings by remaining
contractual maturities as at Statement Of Financial Position date. The amount disclosed in the contractual undiscounted cash flows: (Cont’d.)
EPF 2015
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
EPF 2014
Contractual Cash Flows
On Demand One To Over Total
Or Within Five Years Five Years
One Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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Market risk is the risk of loss arising from changes in the value of portfolios and financial instruments due to the movements in equity prices, interest
rates and foreign exchange rate.
The objective of market risk management is to ensure that risk exposures undertaken by the EPF is within the risk appetite. This is done through an
annual review of various policies and limits, periodic reports to monitor market risk at portfolio level for each asset class and independent validation
performed on the underlying risk methodology.
The EPF adopts the following risk measurements to manage its market risk:
i. Name, ownership, country and sector concentration limits- to ensure appropriate diversification of risk exposures.
ii. Value at Risk (“VaR”) a statistical measure of the potential losses that could occur as a result of movements in market rates and prices over a
specified time horizon within a given confidence level.
iii. Duration to manage the sensitivity of the price of a fixed income investment arising from interest rate movement.
iv. Tracking Error a standard deviation of the portfolio’s excess returns relative to a benchmark in measuring and benchmarking the performance
of the portfolio.
v. Stress Testing an exercise conducted to capture the potential market risk exposure of ‘what-if’ scenarios. It incorporates factors such as
correlation, volatility and returns at different levels.
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a. Price Risk
Price risk arises from the movements in the price of equities, both domestic and global. The EPF identifies acceptable benchmarks for each
respective portfolio and measures the deviation from these benchmarks to ensure that each portfolio is within the EPF investment parameter.
The EPF manages its price risk through diversification and prudent selection of equities as approved by the Investment Panel Committee.
The table set out below summarises the impact on the carrying amount of equity positions as at Statements of Financial Position date arising
from the changes in equity prices. The analysis is based on the assumption that the market index components increase or decrease by a
reasonable shift, with all other variables remain constant and that the fair value of the equities move according to the historical correlation with
the market index.
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The Group and the EPF are exposed to various risks associated with the fluctuations in the prevailing levels of interest rate on its Statements of
Financial Position and Statements of Cash Flows. The following table indicates the EPF’s financial assets and financial liabilities at their effective
interest rate and carrying amount, analysed by the maturity dates.
Investment In Associates - - - - - 14,513,517 - 14,513,517 5.00-5.75
Investment In Joint Ventures - - - - - 2,310,632 - 2,310,632 -
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 1,634,016 3,825,810 66,304,473 99,244,304 49,406,747 - - 220,415,350 3.17-9.00
Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets 67,348 152,560 1,862,617 24,939,271 36,658,304 278,919,712 - 342,599,812 1.00-22.18
Financial Asset At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss - 66,297 - - - 6,748,518 - 6,814,815 3.31-5.20
Loans, Advances And
Financing 8,000,980 - 5,285,738 25,014,577 32,049,068 30,488,315 - 100,838,678 2.02-8.00
Deposits With Financial
Institutions 16,396,609 975,299 18,779 - - 404,687 - 17,795,374 0.05-4.09
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Assets - - - - - 47,374,247 - 47,374,247 -
Total Assets 26,098,953 5,019,966 73,471,607 149,198,152 118,114,119 380,759,628 - 752,662,425 -
Loans And Overdrafts 1,645,591 - - 1,772,294 8,542,643 - - 11,960,528 3.50-5.50
Deposits And Advances - - - 3,364 44,993 28,585,293 - 28,633,650 3.59
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Liabilities - - - - - 15,730,729 - 15,730,729 -
Total Liabilities 1,645,591 - - 1,775,658 8,587,636 44,316,022 - 56,324,907
Contribution - - - - - 652,469,572 - 652,469,572 -
Reserve - - - - - 36,346,867 - 36,346,867 -
Retained Profit - - - - - 4,996,070 - 4,996,070 -
Non-Controlling Interests - - - - - 2,525,009 - 2,525,009 -
Total Members Fund And
Liabilities 1,645,591 - - 1,775,658 8,587,636 740,653,540 - 752,662,425
On Statement Of
Financial Position
Interest Sensitivity Gap 24,453,362 5,019,966 73,471,607 147,422,494 109,526,483 (359,893,912) - - -
Total Interest Sensitivity Gap 24,453,362 5,019,966 73,471,607 147,422,494 109,526,483 (359,893,912) - - -
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Investment In Associates - - - - - 14,402,426 - 14,402,426 5.00-5.75
Investment In Joint Ventures - - - - 1,390,905 - - 1,390,905 -
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 2,994,069 2,429,378 10,880,041 72,736,364 110,003,561 - - 199,043,413 3.17-9.00
Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets 463,693 56,090 2,194,563 18,959,207 29,285,399 247,294,540 - 298,253,492 1.00-22.18
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss - - 2,055 4,428 3,356,942 863,075 - 4,226,500 3.31-5.20
Loans, Advances And Financing 688,691 3,008,279 7,191,271 45,785,708 25,042,520 25,790,172 - 107,506,641 2.02-8.00
Deposits With Financial
Institutions 32,763,373 3,281,518 175,420 - - - - 36,220,311 0.05-4.09
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Assets - - - - - 32,814,284 - 32,814,284 -
Total Assets 36,909,826 8,775,265 20,443,350 137,485,707 169,079,327 321,164,497 - 693,857,972 -
Loans And Overdrafts - 1,154,624 614,734 6,322,853 3,789,583 335,852 - 12,217,646 3.50-5.50
Deposits And Advances 11,949,763 6,551,199 6,504,574 2,363,199 68,940 301,007 - 27,738,682 3.59
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Liabilities - - - - - 8,135,987 - 8,135,987 -
Total Liabilities 11,949,763 7,705,823 7,119,308 8,686,052 3,858,523 8,772,846 - 48,092,315 -
Contribution - - - - - 598,572,279 - 598,572,279 -
Reserve - - - - - 40,795,549 - 40,795,549 -
Retained Profit - - - - - 3,646,145 - 3,646,145 -
Non-Controlling Interests - - - - - 2,751,684 - 2,751,684 -
Total Members Fund And
Liabilities 11,949,763 7,705,823 7,119,308 8,686,052 3,858,523 654,538,503 - 693,857,972 -
On Statement Of
Financial Position
Interest Sensitivity Gap 24,960,063 1,069,442 13,324,042 128,799,655 165,220,804 (333,374,006) - - -
Total Interest Sensitivity Gap 24,960,063 1,069,442 13,324,042 128,799,655 165,220,804 (333,374,006) - - -
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Investment In Subsidiaries - - - 400,000 - 17,714,177 - 18,114,177 -
Investment In Associates - - - - - 11,013,041 - 11,013,041 -
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 1,634,016 3,825,810 66,304,473 99,244,304 49,406,747 - - 220,415,350 3.17-9.00
Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets 67,348 152,560 1,862,617 24,939,271 35,674,950 278,655,758 - 341,352,504 1.00-22.18
Financial Asset At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss - 66,297 - - - 118,926 - 185,223 3.31-5.20
Loans, Advances And
Financing - - 5,285,738 25,014,577 38,321,116 6,624,007 - 75,245,438 2.02-8.00
Deposits With Financial
Institutions 16,302,461 975,299 18,779 - - - - 17,296,539 0.05-4.09
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Assets - - - - - 12,491,213 - 12,491,213 -
Total Assets 18,003,825 5,019,966 73,471,607 149,598,152 123,402,813 326,617,122 - 696,113,485
Deposits And Advances - - - - - 195,806 - 195,806 -
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Liabilities - - - - - 7,623,130 - 7,623,130 -
Total Liabilities - - - - - 7,818,936 - 7,818,936
Contribution - - - - - 652,469,572 - 652,469,572 -
Reserve - - - - - 33,313,721 - 33,313,721 -
Retained Profit - - - - - 2,511,256 - 2,511,256 -
Total Members Fund And
Liabilities - - - - - 696,113,485 - 696,113,485
On Statement Of
Financial Position
Interest Sensitivity Gap 18,003,825 5,019,966 73,471,607 149,598,152 123,402,813 (369,496,363) - - -
Total Interest Sensitivity Gap 18,003,825 5,019,966 73,471,607 149,598,152 123,402,813 (369,496,363) - -
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Investment In Subsidiaries - - - 400,000 - 14,767,532 - 15,167,532 -
Investment In Associates - - - - - 10,893,535 - 10,893,535 -
Held-To-Maturity Investment
Assets 2,994,069 2,429,377 11,033,041 72,309,604 110,951,334 - - 199,717,425 3.17-9.00
Available-For-Sale Financial
Assets 573,720 56,092 2,347,563 18,849,181 28,446,785 247,295,319 - 297,568,660 1.00-22.18
Financial Asset At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss - - 2,055 4,428 - 117,518 - 124,001 3.31-5.20
Loans, Advances And
Financing 688,692 3,008,279 7,191,271 45,785,708 24,632,816 - - 81,306,766 2.02-8.00
Deposits With Financial
Institutions 27,166,637 3,281,514 175,423 - - - - 30,623,574 0.05-4.09
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Assets - - - - - 11,295,762 - 11,295,762 -
Total Assets 31,423,118 8,775,262 20,749,353 137,348,921 164,030,935 284,369,666 - 646,697,255
Deposits And Advances - - - - - 166,353 - 166,353 -
Other Non-Interest Sensitive
Liabilities - - - - - 6,323,479 - 6,323,479 -
Total Liabilities - - - - - 6,489,832 - 6,489,832 -
Contribution - - - - - 598,572,279 - 598,572,279 -
Reserve - - - - - 40,184,546 - 40,184,546 -
Retained Profit - - - - - 1,450,598 - 1,450,598 -
Total Members Fund And
Liabilities - - - - - 646,697,255 - 646,697,255 -
On Statement Of
Financial Position
Interest Sensitivity Gap 31,423,118 8,775,262 20,749,353 137,348,921 164,030,935 (362,327,589) - - -
Total Interest Sensitivity Gap 31,423,118 8,775,262 20,749,353 137,348,921 164,030,935 (362,327,589) - - -
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Interest rate risk arises from investments in floating interest rate instruments classified as loans and receivables, and fixed interest rate
instruments classified as Available-For-Sale and fair value through profit or loss.
The EPF has put in place an interest rate hedging policy for its fixed income portfolios classified as Available-For-Sale.
The objective of the policy is to mitigate the net changes in the fair value of assets arising from interest rate movements.
The table below summarises the impact on the interest income from fixed income instruments as Statements of Financial Position date arising
from changes in the interest rates by 100 basis points based on unhedged positions:
GROUP Sensitivity Impact To Statements of Sensitivity Impact
Profit or Loss To Available-For-Sale
When Interest Rates Change Financial Assets Reserve
± 100 Basis Points When Interest Rates Change
± 100 Basis Points
Increase/(Decrease) Increase/(Decrease)
(RM’000) (RM’000)
GROUP Sensitivity Impact To Statements of Sensitivity Impact
Profit or Loss To Available-For-Sale
When Interest Rates Change Financial Assets Reserve
± 100 Basis Points When Interest Rates Change
± 100 Basis Points
Increase/(Decrease) Increase/(Decrease)
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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EPF Sensitivity Impact To Statements of Sensitivity Impact
Profit or Loss To Available-For-Sale
When Interest Rates Change Financial Assets Reserve
± 100 Basis Points When Interest Rates Change
± 100 Basis Points
Increase/(Decrease) Increase/(Decrease)
(RM’000) (RM’000)
EPF Sensitivity Impact To Statements of Sensitivity Impact
Profit or Loss To Available-For-Sale
When Interest Rates Change Financial Assets Reserve
± 100 Basis Points When Interest Rates Change
± 100 Basis Points
Increase/(Decrease) Increase/(Decrease)
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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The EPF invests globally and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from various foreign currency exposures other than Ringgit Malaysia.
The EPF has put in place a foreign exchange hedging policy to protect its global investment assets against the adverse movement in foreign
exchange rate. The global fixed income exposures are hedged with a minimum ratio of 50% whereas global equities and other global exposures
are hedged where appropriate. Derivatives include forward and cross currency swap are used strictly to hedge foreign exchange risk in global
The following table summarises the carrying amount of global investments of the Group and the EPF by currencies as at the Statements of
Financial Position date:
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Foreign exchange risk arises from the reasonable shifts in exchange rates that adversely affect the revaluation of the Group and the EPF global
investments. Considering that other risk variables remain constant, the foreign currency revaluation sensitivity for the Group and the EPF on
unhedged positions are as follows:
+ 3% - 3% + 3% - 3%
United States Dollars 516,211 (516,211) 919,418 (919,418)
Hong Kong Dollars 5,078 (5,078) 464,933 (464,933)
Singapore Dollars 18,756 (18,756) 419,101 (419,101)
Euro 47,926 (47,926) 347,296 (347,296)
Great Britain Pound Sterling 12,549 (12,549) 328,655 (328,655)
Japanese Yen 10,141 (10,141) 245,316 (245,316)
Taiwan Dollars - - 181,227 (181,227)
Indonesian Rupiah - - 221,770 (221,770)
Thai Baht 656 (656) 218,620 (218,620)
South Korean Won 673 (673) 210,878 (210,878)
Australian Dollars 108,355 (108,355) 102,575 (102,575)
Others 62,355 (62,355) 367,313 (367,313)
782,700 (782,700) 4,027,102 (4,027,102)
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Interpretation of Impact
The Group and the EPF measure the foreign exchange sensitivity based on the foreign exchange net open positions under an adverse movement
in all foreign currencies against (“RM”). The result implies that the Group and the EPF may be subject to additional translation gain/(loss) in the
event (“RM”) strengthen/weaken against other currencies and vice versa.
From 1 January 2013, the Group and EPF adopted MFRS 13, Fair Value Measurement defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an
asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
The measurement assumes that the transaction to sell the asset or transfer the liability takes place either in the principal market or in the absence of
a principal market, in the most advantageous market.
i. Level 1
Level 1 fair value is derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the
measurement date.
ii. Level 2
Level 2 fair value is estimated using inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the assets or liabilities, either
directly or indirectly.
iii. Level 3
Level 3 fair value is estimated using unobservable inputs for the assets and liabilities.
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a. The following table summarises the financial instruments carried at fair value and those not carried at fair value for which fair value is disclosed, together
with their fair values and carrying amounts as shown in the Statements of Financial Position:
GROUP 2015
Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Total Carrying
Carried At Fair Value Not Carried At Fair Value Fair Value Amount
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Recurring Fair Value
Financial Assets 271,707,474 62,660,617 8,231,721 342,599,812 - - - - 342,599,812 342,599,812
Financial Assets
At Fair Value
Through Profit
Or Loss - - 4,804,175 4,804,175 - - 1,823,109 1,823,109 6,627,284 6,627,284
Financial Assets 118,710 68,821 - 187,531 - - - - 187,531 187,531
Fair Value
Investment Property - - - - - - 26,642,867 26,642,867 26,642,867 22,276,698
Assets Held For Sale - - - - - 926,554 - 926,554 926,554 904,567
Assets - - - - 173,289,708 47,936,523 725 221,226,956 221,226,956 220,415,350
Loans, Advances
And Financing - - - - - 100,618,971 219,707 100,838,678 100,838,678 100,838,678
Deposits With
Institutions - - - - - - 17,795,374 17,795,374 17,795,374 17,795,374
Deposits And
Prepayments - - - - - - 7,166,950 7,166,950 7,166,950 7,166,950
Recurring Fair Value
Derivative Liabilities - (1,925,967) - (1,925,967) - - - - (1,925,967) (1,925,967)
Fair Value
Deposits And
Advances - - - - - - (28,829,456) (28,829,456) (28,829,456) (28,829,456)
Payables And
Liabilities - - - - - - (7,635,312) (7,635,312) (7,635,312) (7,635,312)
271,826,184 60,803,471 13,035,896 345,665,551 173,289,708 149,482,048 17,183,964 339,955,720 685,621,271 680,421,509
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a. The following table summarises the financial instruments carried at fair value and those not carried at fair value for which fair value is disclosed,
together with their fair values and carrying amounts as shown in the Statements of Financial Position: (Cont’d.)
GROUP 2014
Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Total Carrying
Carried At Fair Value Not Carried At Fair Value Fair Value Amount
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Recurring Fair Value
Financial Assets 241,104,801 50,273,340 6,191,339 297,569,480 - - - - 297,569,480 297,569,480
Financial Assets
At Fair Value
Through Profit
Or Loss - - 4,102,499 4,102,499 - - - - 4,102,499 4,102,499
Financial Assets 114,145 9,856 - 124,001 - - - - 124,001 124,001
Fair Value
Investment Property - - - - - - 20,293,563 20,293,563 20,293,563 19,039,757
Assets Held For Sale - - - - - 342,116 - 342,116 342,116 295,365
Assets - - - - 162,465,801 37,610,426 381,700 200,457,927 200,457,927 199,717,425
Loans, Advances
And Financing - - - - - 107,239,482 267,159 107,506,641 107,506,641 107,506,641
Deposits With
Institutions - - - - - - 36,220,311 36,220,311 36,220,311 36,220,311
Deposits And
Prepayments - - - - - - 5,723,078 5,723,078 5,723,078 5,723,078
Recurring Fair Value
Derivative Liabilities - (1,060,998) - (1,060,998) - - - - (1,060,998) (1,060,998)
Fair Value
Deposits And
Advances - - - - - - (27,738,682) (27,738,682) (27,738,682) (27,738,682)
Payables And
Liabilities - - - - - - (6,572,581) (6,572,581) (6,572,581) (6,572,581)
241,218,946 49,222,198 10,293,838 300,734,982 162,465,801 145,192,024 28,574,548 336,232,373 636,967,355 634,926,296
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a. The following table summarises the financial instruments carried at fair value and those not carried at fair value for which fair value is disclosed,
together with their fair values and carrying amounts as shown in the Statements of Financial Position: (Cont’d.)
EPF 2015
Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Fair Value Of Financial Instruments Total Carrying
Carried At Fair Value Not Carried At Fair Value Fair Value Amount
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Recurring Fair Value
Financial Assets 271,707,474 61,677,263 7,967,767 341,352,504 - - - - 341,352,504 341,352,504
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss 118,710 66,513 - 185,223 - - - - 185,223 185,223
Non-Recurring Fair Value
Investment Property - - - - - - 1,802,679 1,802,679 1,802,679 1,070,980
Assets Held For Sale - - - - - 75,065 - 75,065 75,065 53,078
Investment Assets - - - - 173,289,708 47,936,523 725 221,226,956 221,226,956 220,415,350
Loans, Advances And
Financing - - - - - 68,187,844 7,057,594 75,245,438 75,245,438 75,245,438
Deposits With Financial
Institutions - - - - - - 17,296,539 17,296,539 17,296,539 17,296,539
Receivables, Deposits And
Prepayments - - - - - - 6,092,800 6,092,800 6,092,800 6,092,800
Recurring Fair Value
Financial Liabilities At Fair
Value Through Profit Or
Loss - (1,794,058) - (1,794,058) - - - - (1,794,058) (1,794,058)
Non-Recurring Fair Value
Deposits And Advances - - - - - - (195,806) (195,806) (195,806) (195,806)
Payables And Accrued
Liabilities - - - - - - (5,507,916) (5,507,916) (5,507,916) (5,507,916)
271,826,184 59,949,718 7,967,767 339,743,669 173,289,708 116,199,432 26,546,615 316,035,755 655,779,424 654,214,132
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a. The following table summarises the financial instruments carried at fair value and those not carried at fair value for which fair value is disclosed,
together with their fair values and carrying amounts as shown in the Statements of Financial Position: (Cont’d.)
Recurring Fair Value
Financial Assets 241,104,801 50,273,340 6,190,519 297,568,660 - - - - 297,568,660 297,568,660
Financial Assets At Fair
Value Through Profit Or
Loss 114,145 9,856 - 124,001 - - - - 124,001 124,001
Non-Recurring Fair Value
Investment Property - - - - - - 1,846,610 1,846,610 1,846,610 1,153,444
Assets Held For Sale - - - - - 228,200 - 228,200 228,200 181,451
Investment Assets - - - - 162,465,801 37,610,426 381,700 200,457,927 200,457,927 199,717,425
Loans, Advances And
Financing - - - - - 75,745,547 5,561,219 81,306,766 81,306,766 81,306,766
Deposits With Financial
Institutions - - - - - - 30,623,574 30,623,574 30,623,574 30,623,574
Receivables, Deposits And
Prepayments - - - - - - 5,153,939 5,153,939 5,153,939 5,153,939
Recurring Fair Value
Financial Liabilities At Fair
Value Through Profit Or
Loss - (932,931) - (932,931) - - - - (932,931) (932,931)
Non-Recurring Fair Value
Deposits And Advances - - - - - - (166,353) (166,353) (166,353) (166,353)
Payables And Accrued
Liabilities - - - - - - (4,994,761) (4,994,761) (4,994,761) (4,994,761)
241,218,946 49,350,265 6,190,519 296,759,730 162,465,801 113,584,173 38,405,928 314,455,902 611,215,631 609,735,214
The fair value of an asset to be transferred between levels is determined by the Group and EPF as of the date of the event or change in
circumstances that caused the transfer. There has been no transfer between Level 1 and 2 during the financial year.
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c. This note provides information on how the Group determine fair values of various financial assets and financial liabilities:
GROUP Fair Value As At Fair Valuation Technique Used And Key Inputs
2015 2014 Value
(RM’000) (RM’000) Hierarchy
Financial Assets:
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets
Quoted Equities 271,707,474 241,104,801 Level 1 Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Bonds 28,666,818 24,751,983 Level 2
Valued by referencing to observable quoted prices with prices
Sukuk 13,413,988 9,683,607 Level 2
represented on arms-length basis for identical assets and liabilities.
Private Debt Securities 20,579,811 15,837,750 Level 2
Unquoted Equities 8,231,721 6,191,339 Level 3 Net Assets Value (NAV) of the investments where the prorated
underlying investment equity portion is being utilised as the
fair value due to unavailability of observable comparison as
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Through Profit Or Loss
Held For Trade Investment Assets 4,804,175 4,102,499 Level 3 Net Assets Value (NAV) of the investments where the prorated
underlying investment equity portion is being utilised as the
fair value due to unavailability of observable comparison as
Derivative Financial Assets:
Warrants 47,107 32,265 Level 1
Rights 1,021 1,215 Level 1 Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Irredeemable Convertible 70,582 80,666 Level 1
Preference Shares
Forward Contracts 68,605 579 Level 2 Price reference using observable exchange rates from publicly
available sources and through extrapolation and interpolation
Cross Currency Swaps - 3,372 Level 2 Valued by discounting anticipated future cash flows using standard
Interest Rate Swaps 216 - Level 2 market interest rate yield curves developed from observable and
publicity available quoted rates.
Embedded Derivatives - 5,904 Level 2 Valued by referencing to observable quoted prices with prices
represented on arms-length basis for identical assets.
Total Financial Assets 347,591,518 301,795,980
Financial Liabilities:
Derivative Financial Liabilities:
Forward Contracts (1,637,080) (919,237) Level 2 Price reference using observable exchange rates from publicly
available sources and through extrapolation and interpolation
Cross Currency Swaps (156,978) (13,694) Level 2 Valued by discounting anticipated future cash flows using standard
Interest Rate Swaps (131,909) (128,067) Level 2 market interest rate yield curves developed from observable and
publicity available quoted rates.
Total Financial Liabilities (1,925,967) (1,060,998)
Total 345,665,551 300,734,982
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c. This note provides information on how the Group determine fair values of various financial assets and financial liablities: (Cont’d.)
GROUP Fair Value As At Fair Valuation Technique Used And Key Inputs
2015 2014 Value
(RM’000) (RM’000) Hierarchy
Financial Assets:
Available-For-Sale Financial Assets
Unquoted Equities - - Level 3 Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Financial Assets At Fair Value Through
Profit Or Loss
Held For Trade Investment Assets 1,823,109 - Level 3
Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Investment Property 26,642,867 20,293,563 Level 3
Assets Held For Sale 926,554 342,116 Level 2 Frequency of revaluation performed in accordance with the accounting
policy adopted by the EPF, and by accredited independent valuers with
experience in property valuation.
Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets
Malaysian Government Securities 89,425,987 87,222,962 Level 1
Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Government Investment Issues 75,392,165 57,511,321 Level 1
Private Debt Securities 47,936,523 37,422,467 Level 2 Valued by referring to observable quoted prices other than quoted prices
which included in Level 1 for assets and liabilities directly or indirectly.
Commercial Papers 435,000 123,257 Level 1
Cagamas Securities 7,039,636 3,416,312 Level 1
Conventional Bonds 45,188 105,892 Level 1
Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Islamic Bonds - 11,337,410 Level 1
Negotiable Certificates 150,838 300,372 Level 1
Negotiable Islamic Certificates 800,894 2,448,276 Level 1
Bond Swaps - 187,959 Level 2 Net Assets Value (NAV) of the investments where the prorated underlying
Convertible Preference Share 725 381,700 Level 3 investment equity portion is being utilised as the fair value due to
unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Loans, Advances And Financing
Guaranteed Loan 68,187,844 75,745,547 Level 2 Valued by referring to observable quoted prices with prices represented on
aims-length basis for identical assets and liabilities.
Corporate Loan 32,431,127 31,493,935 Level 2 Fair values are estimated based on expected future cash flows of contractual
instalment payments, discounted at prevailing rates offered for similar
loans to new borrowers with similar credit profiles as at the reporting
Loans To Staff 219,707 267,159 Level 3
Deposits With Financial Institutions 17,795,374 36,220,311 Level 3 Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Receivables, Deposits And 7,166,950 5,723,078 Level 3
Total Financial Assets 376,420,488 370,543,636
Financial Liabilities:
Deposits And Advances (28,829,456) (27,738,682) Level 3
Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Payables And Accrued Liabilities (7,635,312) (6,572,581) Level 3
Total Financial Liabilities (36,464,768) (34,311,263)
Total 339,955,720 336,232,373
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c. This note provides information on how EPF determines fair values of various financial assets and financial liabilities: (Cont’d.)
EPF Fair Value As At Fair Valuation Technique Used And Key Inputs
2015 2014 Value
(RM’000) (RM’000) Hierarchy
Financial Assets:
Available-For-Sales Financial Assets
Quoted Equities 271,707,474 241,104,801 Level 1 Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Bonds 27,683,464 24,912,597 Level 2
Valued by referencing to observable quoted prices with prices
Sukuk 13,413,988 9,522,994 Level 2
represented on arms-length basis for identical assets and liabilities.
Private Debt Securities 20,579,811 15,837,749 Level 2
Unquoted Equities 7,967,767 6,190,519 Level 3 Net Assets Value (NAV) of the investments where the prorated
underlying investment equity portion is being utilised as the fair
value due to unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Derivative Financial Assets:
Warrants 47,107 32,265 Level 1
Rights 1,021 1,215 Level 1 Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Irredeemable Convertible 70,582 80,665 Level 1
Preference Shares
Forward Contracts 66,297 579 Level 2 Price reference using observable exchange rates from publicly available
sources and through extrapolation and interpolation techniques.
Cross Currency Swaps - 3,373 Level 2 Valued by discounting anticipated future cash flows using standard
market interest rate yield curves developed from observable and
publicly available quoted rates.
Embedded Derivatives - 5,904 Level 2 Valued by referencing to observable quoted prices with prices
represented on arms-length basis for identical assets.
Interest Rate Swap 216 - Level 2 Price reference using observable exchange rates from publicly available
sources and through extrapolation and interpolation techniques.
Total Financial Assets 341,537,727 297,692,661
Financial Liabilities:
Derivative Financial Liabilities:
Forward Contracts (1,637,080) (919,238) Level 2 Price reference using observable exchange rates from publicly available
sources and through extrapolation and interpolation techniques.
Cross Currency Swaps (156,978) (13,693) Level 2 Valued by discounting anticipated future cash flows using standard
market interest rate yield curves developed from observable and
publicly available quoted rates.
Total Financial Liabilities (1,794,058) (932,931)
Total 339,743,669 296,759,730
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c. This note provides information on how EPF determines fair values of various financial assets and financial liabilities: (Cont’d.)
EPF Fair Value As At Fair Valuation Technique Used And Key Inputs
2015 2014 Value
(RM’000) (RM’000) Hierarchy
Financial Assets:
Investment Property 1,802,679 1,846,610 Level 3 Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Assets Held For Sale 75,065 228,200 Level 2 Frequency of revaluation is performed in accordance with the
accounting policy adopted by the EPF and by accredited independent
valuers with experience in property valuation.
Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets
Malaysian Government Securities 89,425,987 87,222,962 Level 1
Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Government Investment Issues 75,392,165 57,511,321 Level 1
Private Debt Securities 47,936,523 37,422,467 Level 2 Valued by referring to observable quoted prices other than quoted
prices which included in Level 1 for assets and liabilities directly or
Commercial Papers 435,000 123,257 Level 1
Cagamas Securities 7,039,636 3,416,312 Level 1
Conventional Bonds 45,188 105,892 Level 1
Quoted bid prices in an active market.
Islamic Bonds - 11,337,410 Level 1
Negotiable Certificates 150,838 300,372 Level 1
Negotiable Islamic Certificates 800,894 2,448,275 Level 1
Bond Swaps - 187,959 Level 2 Net Assets Value (NAV) of the investments where the prorated
Convertible Preference Shares 725 381,700 Level 3 underlying investment equity portion is being utilised as the fair
value due to unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Loans, Advances And Financing
Guaranteed Loan 68,187,844 75,745,547 Level 2 Valued by referring to observable quoted prices with prices represented
on aims-length basis for identical assets and liabilities.
Loans To Subsidiaries, Associates 7,057,594 5,561,219 Level 3 Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
And Staffs
Deposits With Financial Institutions 17,296,539 30,623,574 Level 3
Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Receivables, Deposits And 6,092,800 5,153,939 Level 3
Total Financial Assets 321,739,477 319,617,015
Financial Liabilities:
Deposits And Advances (195,806) (166,353) Level 3
Unavailability of observable comparison as benchmark.
Payables And Accrued Liabilities (5,507,916) (4,994,761) Level 3
Total Financial Liabilities (5,703,722) (5,161,114)
Total 316,035,755 314,455,901
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GROUP 2015
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Financial Assets Financial Assets
Available-For-Sale At Fair Value
Through Profit
Or Loss
(RM’000) (RM’000)
GROUP 2014
Financial Assets At Fair Value
Financial Assets Financial Assets
Available-For-Sale At Fair Value
Through Profit
Or Loss
(RM’000) (RM’000)
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(RM’000) (RM’000)
GROUP 2015
Fair Value Reasonable Sensitivity Impact Sensitivity Impact
Shift To Available-For- To Statements Of
Sale Reserves Profit Or Loss
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
GROUP 2014
Fair Value Reasonable Sensitivity Impact Sensitivity Impact
Shift To Available-For- To Statements Of
Sale Reserves Profit Or Loss
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
EPF 2015
Fair Value Reasonable Sensitivity Impact Sensitivity Impact
Shift To Available-For- To Statements Of
Sale Reserves Profit Or Loss
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
EPF 2014
Fair Value Reasonable Sensitivity Impact Sensitivity Impact
Shift To Available-For- To Statements Of
Sale Reserves Profit Or Loss
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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The related parties and their relationship with the EPF are as follows:
Subsidiaries And Associates A subsidiary of Subsidiaries consistency of the above is part of the EPF subsidiaries and associates, as
disclosed in Notes 44 and 45.
Key Management Personnel Key management personnel consists of the EPF’s Board of Directors and its Key Management Personnels.
Related Parties Of Key Management Personnel i. Close family members and dependents of Key Management Personnels.
ii. Entities of which significant voting power in such entity resides with the Key Management Personnels
or its close family members.
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Subsidiaries Associates Key Management Personnels
2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014
Note (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
As At 31 December
Net Income
Interest On Loans And Advances 255,654 160,907 - - - -
Rental Income 4,944 12,275 - - - -
Dividend On Investments 800,416 792,560 501,125 449,302 - -
Investment Expenditure (3,517) - - - - -
1,057,497 965,742 501,125 449,302 - -
Amount Due To
Deposits And Advances 23 94 - - - - -
Payables And Accrued Liabilities 24 3,560 3,053 - - - -
EPF Contributions * - - - - 59,034 45,285
3,654 3,053 - - 59,034 45,285
* The EPF contribution balances are for Key Management Personnels, which has a significant balance.
2015 2014 2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
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c. Between The EPF And The Government Of Malaysia And Entities Related To The Government Of Malaysia
The EPF is an agency under the Ministry Of Finance that reports directly to the Federal Government Of Malaysia.
The significant transactions between the EPF and the Government of Malaysia and other entities controlled by the Government are as follows:
2015 2014
(RM’000) (RM’000)
The Group and EPF leases a number of premises under operating lease. The leases typically run for an initial period of three (3) years, with an option
to renew the leases. None of the leases include contingent rentals. The future minimum lease payments under these non-cancellable operating leases
are as follows:
The Group and EPF leases out its investment properties under operating leases with lease term in ranging between three (3) to five (5) years. None of
these leases include contingent rentals. The future minimum lease payments under these non-cancellable operating leases are as follows:
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As at 31 December 2014, the EPF holding in Common Icon Sdn Bhd (“CISB”) which is classified as Financial Asset Available-For-Sale amounting to
RM400.00 million and Investment Asset Held-To-Maturity of RM1.60 million in the EPF Financial Statement.
CISB is a special-purpose vehicle incorporated to acquire Axiata Tower (formerly known as Quill 7) via issuance of Medium Term Notes (“MTN”)
and Redeemable Preference Share (“RPS”), of which on 18 October 2010, the EPF has acquired MTN (Senior A, Senior B and Subordinate C) as
well RPS with total purchase consideration of RM401.6 million. With respect of this purchase, the EPF is the sole investor of MTN and RPS issued
by CISB.
Reanalysis control over CISB, based on MRFS 10 - Consolidation Financial Statement resulted EPF has full control over CISB in term of power for
decision-making, exposure and ability to use the power over investment returns.
Hence, adjustments being made for CISB to reclassify from Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets and Available-For-Sale Financial Assets to
Investment in Subsidiaries inclusive of allowance for impairment and accrued interest. The CISB Financial Statements is now consolidated at
Group level.
43.2 Table below illustrates comparative figures for 2014 (inclusive Note 43.1a) which was restated in the Financial Year of 2015 in order to present the
adjustments and reclassification of such items in the current year:
Restated As Stated Restated As Stated
Previous Previous
Year Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Payables And Accrued Liabilities 6,572,581 6,562,820 - -
Members Fund
Retained Profits 3,646,145 3,642,503 - -
574,402,209 574,375,404 517,607,556 517,607,556
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43.2 Table below illustrates comparative figures for 2014 (inclusive Note 43.1a) which was restated in the Financial Statement of 2015 in order to present
the movements and reclassification of such items in the current year: (Cont’d.)
Restated As Stated Restated As Stated
Previous Previous
Year Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Restated As Stated Restated As Stated
Previous Previous
Year Year
(RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000) (RM’000)
Cash Flow
Net Profit Before Taxation And Zakat 38,301,790 38,256,168 - -
Adjustments For:
Depreciation On Investment Properties 528,109 523,390 - -
Net Impairment Loss On Held-To-Maturity Investment Assets Written Back - - 13,684 76,618
Net Impairment Loss On Investments In Subsidiaries And Associates - - 23,463 (39,471)
38,829,899 38,779,558 37,147 37,147
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Direct Holding-EPF
Malaysia Building Society Berhad Malaysia 65.10 64.18 Operating of loans on the security of
freehold and leasehold properties.
Affordable Homes Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 100.00 Property development.
KWASA Properties Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 100.00 Property investment.
KWASA Land Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 100.00 Property investment.
KWASA Global (Jersey) Limited Jersey 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
KWASA Global 2 (Jersey) Limited Jersey 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
KWASA Invest Ltd United Kingdom 100.00 100.00 Development and management.
KWASA Singapore (Solo) Pte Ltd Singapore 100.00 100.00 Property development.
KWASA Singapore (Duo) Pte Ltd Singapore 100.00 100.00 Property development.
KWASA Singapore (Trio) Pte Ltd Singapore 100.00 100.00 Property development.
KWASA Australia Pty Ltd Australia 100.00 100.00 Trust holding.
KWASA Australia Trust Australia 100.00 100.00 Trust company.
KWASA Capital Limited Cayman Island 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
KWASA Europe S.A.R.L Luxembourg 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
KWASA Infrastructure 1 Cayman Island 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
Pinggiran Ventures Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
Symphony Insight Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
Ekuiti Merdu Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 100.00 Investment holding.
KWASA Capital Partners Limited Cayman Island 100.00 - Investment holding.
Naungan Sentosa Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 - Investment holding.
KWASA Asia Cayman Island 100.00 - Investment holding.
KWASA Logistics Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 - Investment holding.
Common Icon Sdn Bhd Malaysia 100.00 100.00 Property investment.
Merbau Investors Offshore LP Cayman Island 99.50 99.50 Investment holding fund.
Merbau Investors Offshore II LP Cayman Island 99.00 99.00 Investment holding fund.
Cengal Private Equity Investments (PLC) Dublin, Ireland 99.50 99.50 Investment holding fund.
Cengal Private Equity Investments II (PLC) Dublin, Ireland 99.34 99.34 Investment holding fund.
Meranti Fund LP Cayman Island 99.25 99.25 Investment holding fund.
Jati Private Equity Fund LP Cayman Island 99.00 99.00 Investment holding fund.
Jati Private Equity Fund II LP Cayman Island 99.00 99.00 Investment holding fund.
KWASA Utama Sdn Bhd (Formerly Known As Malaysia 95.00 95.00 Development and management.
Kwasa Development (1) Sdn Bhd)
PPNK – Harta Sdn Bhd Malaysia 85.00 85.00 Development and management.
YTR Harta Sdn Bhd Malaysia 81.00 81.00 Property development and management.
Rashid Hussain Berhad # Malaysia 98.33 98.33 Investment holding.
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KWASA UK Limited
KWASA UK Solo Limited Jersey 100.00 100.00 Property investment.
KWASA Arena Limited Jersey 100.00 100.00 Property investment.
KWASA UK Duo Limited Jersey 100.00 100.00 Property investment.
KWASA UK Trio Limited Jersey 100.00 - Property investment.
KWASA UK Quattro Limited Jersey 100.00 - Property investment.
KWASA Super Ashton Limited Jersey 100.00 - Property investment.
KWASA Super Cannock Limited Jersey 100.00 - Property investment.
Bridge Unit Limited Isle of Man 100.00 100.00 Property investment.
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KWASA Infrastructure 1
Macquarie Hyperion Ltd. Cayman Island 60.01 60.01 Investment holding.
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Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
KWASA China Cayman Island 100.00 - Investment holding.
All the above EPF subsidiaries are not audited by the Auditor General.
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
KWASA Infrastructure 1
Macquarie Hyperion Ltd.
Macquarie Helios Holding Ltd.
Chemoil Storage Limited Singapore 45.00 45.00 Investment holding.
* Sale of units in Malakoff Corporation Berhad has changed the company status from associate (30%) to available-for-sale financial asset (18.83%).
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
The Guardian of Retirement - Integrity and Governance
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja - Leading The Way - Giving Value Back - Check and Balance
Employees Provident Fund Board Annual Report 2015 - The Financials - Additional Resources
List of Top 30 Equity Holdings By Percentage
Of Issued Shares As At 31 December 2015