Session Guide On Difficulty in Seeing: I. Greetings

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A bless day everyone. I will be facilitating for the session about Learners with Difficulty
in Seeing. I am ____________________.


Learners with difficulty in seeing are as unique and diverse as any other learner. They
come from every background, with the full range of academic and other abilities and a wide
variety of challenges. They may or may not have additional difficulties. Just as you get to know
the personalities, strengths, and needs of the other learners in the class, a teacher will have the
chance to become aware of and sensitive to the individual needs and abilities of the learners who
have difficulty in seeing. So just as with academic abilities, it is also important to get to know a
student’s unique visual abilities and needs.

In general education class, careful consideration for the needs of learners with difficulty
in seeing has to be given to ensure the learner can function both academically and socially
alongside with his or her sighted classmates.

As the classroom teacher of a learner with difficulty in seeing, you are in charge of the
overall academic program for your learner. This training will provide you with the basic
knowhow in dealing with learners with difficulty in seeing in your classroom but as you get to
know your learner, you will learn his or her ways of working and what changes or adaptations in
the classroom or in your own teaching procedures will help the learner to become fully
integrated into your class.


After the session, participants are expected to:

1. Define and describe difficulty in seeing, low vision/partially sighted and blindness.

2. Cite the characteristics of learners with difficulty in seeing:

a. low vision/partially sighted

b. blindness

3. Discuss the types of accommodations to support learners with difficulty in seeing.

4. Identify teaching strategies in educating the learners with difficulty in seeing.


A. Session: 4 hours

B. Videos: 30 minutes


A. Powerpoint Presentations

B. Videos:

 What It’s Like To Be Visually Impaired?

 Philippines Blind Education Vignette
 Teacher and Learner

C. paper, pencil/pen, manila papers, marker, scissors, simulation masks,

sleeping eye pads, large print books, braille books, slate and stylus, headphone

and white cane


A. Priming Activity (Gallery Walk) (30 minutes)

Group the participants into 6 groups:

 All the needed materials are already prepared in every station

 Each group is given 5 minutes to do activity in each station. After 5
minutes they move to the next station.
 In all the activities participants are wearing simulation mask
Station 1 - Orientation and Mobility Activities

 Walking around the hall with white cane

Station 2 - Language and Literacy Activities

 Reading words and phrases with Braille books and big books with
large print

Station 3 – Writing Activities

 Using slate and stylus in writing words

Station 4 – Numeracy Activity

 Using abacus in counting

Station 5 – Auditory

 Listening story books using headphones

Station 6 – Art Activities

 Beading and lacing

B. Analysis and Discussion Questions (15 minutes)

Play the video: What It’s Like To Be Visually Impaired?

Ask: 1. In the video, how is it like to have difficulty in seeing?

2. What difficulties have you encountered during your group activity?

3. Given the chance what assistance will you provide as a teacher towards
these learners with difficulty in seeing.

C. Abstraction (120 minutes)

Say: Let us watch this video (Philippines Blind Education Vignette). While
watching the video, please take note of the following (to be shown to the participants).

a. What difficulties were encountered by the learners with difficulty in seeing? by

the parents? by the school?

b. How did the community extend assistance to the learners?

(Publish all the responses to be used during the discussion)

Topic 1 – Description, Characteristics and Accommodations to Support Learners

with Difficulty in Seeing

Topic 2 - Teaching Strategies and Considerations to Remember in Teaching

Learners with Difficulty in Seeing

A. Video Showing ( The Teacher and The Learner)

B. Focus Questions:

1. As you have seen in the video, what behavioral challenges were shown by the

2. How did the teacher deal with the learner?

3. What teaching strategies were used by the teacher to keep the learner engaged
in the activity?

VI. APPLICATION Video Showing: Roselle Ambubuyog Story

List down all the strategies mentioned by Roselle Ambubuyog that will help you address the
learning needs of learners with seeing difficulty.


The less we see with our eyes the more we see with our hearts.


Group 6:

Janet L. Alibin
SPED Teacher I
Albay Division

Virginia N. Nadayag
Education Program Supervisor
Iligan City Division

Carlyn D. Flores
SPED Teacher II
Baybay City Divison

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