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Fig. 2 Single-line diagram of the micro-grid used for small- Fig. 3 Global and local rotating reference frames of the study
signal analysis system of Fig. 2
where f g ¼ [ fqg fdg]T is the vector of components of vari- is the vector of state variables of DG1 in which DiG1
q and
able f in the global d – q frame, f n ¼ [ fqn fdn]T is the vector DiG1
d are the current components of the stator windings in
of components of variable f in the nth subsystem dn– qn the global reference frame. In (8)
frame. Transformation matrix Tn is [10]
h iT
cos dn sin dn DvG1 ¼ DvG1 q Dv G1
Tn ¼ ð4Þ
sin dn cos dn
is the voltage vector representing the transformed and line-
dn is the angle between the d-axis of the global reference arised stator voltages in the global d – q frame, and
frame and the d-axis of the nth subsystem reference h iT
frame. Then, the transformed equations are linearised DuG1 ¼ Dvfd1 DTm
about an operating point and combined in the general state-
space form of (1). A systematic procedure to develop (1) is the vector of input control signals Dvfd1 and DTm provided
from the overall system equations is described in Parniani by the excitation system and the governor, respectively. The
[12] and Undrill [13]. state matrix AG1 , voltage coefficient matrix BvG1 and matrix
of gain factors for the input control signals, BuG1 , can also be
4.1 Dynamic model of DG1 found in Krause [10].
d2 d
J ðd1Þ þ D ðd1 Þ ¼ Tm Te ð6Þ
dt2 dt
Te ¼ ðv i þ vd1 id1 Þ ð7Þ Fig. 4 Electronically interfaced DG2 unit
2vr q1 q1
372 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 1, No. 3, May 2007
ac-side is represented by series connected R and L elements.
R includes the on-state switch resistances, resistance of the
series ac-side filter and the resistance of the interface trans-
former. L represents the inductance of the series filter and
the leakage of the interface transformer. The dynamic
model of the power circuit, in the ac-side abc frame, is
obtained from the ODEs of the three phases as
d G2
vabc ¼ RiG2
abc L ði Þ þ vG2 ð9Þ
dt abc abc
limiter. The design criteria for the real power controller are D x_ G2 ¼ AG2 D xG2 þ BvG2 Dv0 þ BvG2 DvG2 þ BvG2 Dvs ð13Þ
DuG2 ¼ ½DP ref DVrms T Block diagram of Fig. 7 illustrates the input – output
relations among the subsystems of the micro-grid, that is
The detailed definition of coefficient matrices in (14) is DG units and the network. on the basis of Fig. 7, the line-
given in Katiraei [11]. arised models of DG1 and DG2, given by (8) and (13),
The method for selecting an independent set of state vari- respectively, are combined with the model of the network
ables to fully represent the control system of DG2 is given by (17). The output current components of the DG
described in Appendix A. units, represented by the vectors DiG1 and DiG2, are inputs
374 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 1, No. 3, May 2007
Table 1: Eigenvalues of the micro-grid system
The system state matrix A and the coefficient matrix B of grid-connected mode. Subsequent to an islanding process,
input signals are constructed from the coefficient matrices this mode dominates the system dynamics.
of the state-space models of the subsystems [11, 12]. Table 1 also shows that in the autonomous micro-grid
mode, the system exhibits another oscillatory mode,
which is represented by eigenvalues 17 and 18. The
5 Small-signal dynamic analysis source of this oscillatory mode is the PLL of DG2 and is
in response to the changes in the system frequency owing
The linearised model of the system, that is (1), is used to to the mechanical mode of DG1. Proper selection of the
investigate small-signal dynamic behaviour of the micro-grid PLL parameters ensures that this mode is highly damped
system and design control parameters for the optimum per- [17]. In the grid-connected mode, the eigenvalues associ-
formance. The linearised model is used for (i) eigenvalue ated with the PLL appear as two real eigenvalues, Table 1.
analysis, (ii) frequency analysis through determination of Fig. 8 shows loci of the eigenvalues of the mechanical
the system transfer functions and (iii) step response analysis mode of DG1 when the output power of DG2 is changed
of the control systems. The small-signal model is also vali- from 2.1 to 0.3 MW in steps of 0.6 MW, and for each
dated using a time-domain model of the system developed amount of real power the ratio k ¼ QDG2/QL3 is changed
in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment. from 1.1 to 0.1. When k ¼ 0.1, the reactive power of
Load-3 is mostly supplied by the system, and when
k ¼ 1.1, DG2 supplies the reactive power of Load-3 and
5.1 Eigen analysis
also dispatches reactive power to the network. Fig. 8 indi-
Table 1 shows the eigenvalues of the system corresponding cates that reducing real power decreases the damping of
to an autonomous microgrid mode and a grid-connected the mechanical mode.
mode of operation. The total steady-state power gener- Fig. 8 also shows that for a specified output real power of
ation/consumption of the system, in the autonomous micro- DG2, reducing the output reactive power of DG2 increases
grid mode, is given in Table 2. DG2 operates under voltage the damping of the mechanical mode of DG1. Fig. 8 reveals
control mode and its terminal voltage is adjusted to 1.0 per that the mechanical mode is highly damped when DG2 pri-
unit. Terminal voltage of DG1 is also regulated at 1.0 per marily injects real power in the system. This concludes that
unit by its excitation system. subsequent to disturbances, for example islanding, DG2 can
In the autonomous micro-grid mode, the system has
nine pairs of complex – conjugate eigenvalues, Table 1. Table 2: Steady-state power generation/consumption
Eigenvalues 1 – 14 represent seven oscillatory modes, in the autonomous micro-grid mode of operation (Fig. 2)
which correspond to the electrical interactions between (i)
the DG units and (ii) the DG units and the network. Generation Consumption
For the given operating condition and the system par-
DG1 3.23 MW/0.28 MV —
ameters, these modes are highly damped. Eigenvalues 15
and 16 represent mechanical oscillatory mode of the rotor DG2 1.5 MVA/1.84 MVAr —
of DG1 with respect to the system. The frequency of this Load 1 — 2.31 MW/1.49 MVAr
mode varies between 1 and 3 Hz depending on the operating Load 2 — 0.6 MW/0.3 MVAr
point of the system. This oscillatory mode has a low Load 3 — 1.8 MW/1.82 MVAr
damping, and Table 1 indicates that the damping is less in Capacitor Cp 1.5 MVAr —
the autonomous micro-grid mode as compared with the
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 1, No. 3, May 2007 375
15 1500
5 500
Imag. (rad/sec)
Im (rad/s)
0 0
−15 −300 −250 −200 −150 −100 −50 0 50
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 Real (1/sec)
Real (1/s)
effectively mitigate the mechanical oscillations of DG1 to the new set-point by injecting more reactive power into
through its real power control loop (Fig. 5a). the system by an increase in the q2-axis current component
The eigen analysis approach is also used to perform sen- of DG2 (Fig. 11b). Variations in the d2-axis current
sitivity analysis and determine the ranges and/or optimum (Fig. 11c), is because of the coupling between the two con-
values of the control parameters for the micro-grid auton- trollers and also the changes in the reactive-power flow of
omous operation. Fig. 9 shows loci of conjugate pairs of the system as a result of an increase in Bus-3 voltage.
eigenvalues (3,4) and (5,6) (Table 1) when the controller Fig. 11 clearly shows the impact of the mechanical oscil-
gain Kpd , that is the proportional gain of the real power con- latory mode of DG1 on the system response.
troller of DG2 in Fig. 5a, assumes different values. Fig. 9
shows that the increasing Kpd from 0.001 to 0.2 results in
departure of the pair of eigenvalue (3,4) from the left-hand 5.3 Validation of linear model
plane to the right-hand plane (RHP). Thus, the correspond-
The PSCAD/EMTDC software package is used to develop
ing oscillatory mode which is associated with the fixed-
the detail model of the system (Fig. 1) for time-domain
capacitor (Fig. 2) becomes unstable. In contrast, these
simulation studies. Then, the results from the time-domain
changes of Kpd enhance the damping of the mode associated
simulation studies have been compared with the corre-
with the pair of eigenvalues (5,6).
sponding results obtained from the linear model, for
Fig. 10 illustrates loci of eigenvalue pairs (3,4), (5,6) and
example Fig. 11, to establish the validity of the linear
(7,8) when the proportional gain Kp of the voltage control of
model. The operating point of the system is the same as
DG2 in Fig. 5a is changed from 0.001 to 0.09. Fig. 10 indicates
given in Table 2.
that the variations of Kp results in departure of eigenvalues (5,6)
Fig. 12 shows the system response, on the basis of the
to the RHP. The other two modes remain stable, whereas
PSCAD/EMTDC model, to 1% increase in the voltage set-
changes in Kp reduce the damping of the mode associated
point of Bus-3. The voltage increase requires that DG2
with (7,8). On the basis of the results presented in Figs. 9 and
needs to inject more reactive power by increasing the
10, Kpd and Kp are selected at 0.1 and 0.01, respectively.
x 10
point v G2
rms on Bus-3 voltage. The Bus-3 voltage is regulated −5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
∆ iG2 (p.u)
0.001 15
∆ id
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (s)
−1000 c
x 10
−3 a
10 6 Conclusions
∆ vG2 (pu)
This paper presents a small-signal dynamic model of a
micro-grid system in a rotating dq0 frame. The DG units
0 of the micro-grid comprise a synchronous generator and
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 an electronically interfaced DG unit. The paper also
describes and formulates the controllers of the DG units.
The control strategies for various modes of operation of
the micro-grid are also presented. The mathematical
∆ iG2 (pu)
unit with the network frequency. Frequency restoration is
carried out by the governor of the synchronous machine.
Applications of the model to (i) investigate dynamics of
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
the micro-grid and (ii) design/optimise controllers of the
Time (s) electronically interfaced DG unit during grid-connected
d and islanded modes of operation are presented. These
studies show that the fast control action of the electronically
Fig. 12 System responses to 1% step change in the voltage of interfaced DG unit can be exploited to meet changes in
Bus-3 vG2
rms (PSCAD/EMTDC results) power demand, maintain angle/voltage stability and
a DG1 speed enhance voltage quality during the grid-connected and the
b Bus-3 voltage
c q2-axis current autonomous micro-grid modes of operation. The study
d d2-axis current results of the linearised model have been qualitatively vali-
dated on the basis of the comparison with the results from
time-domain simulation of the micro-grid in the PSCAD/
EMTDC software environment.
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