Insight Into Program Execution: By-Neha Tyagi PGT Cs KV 5 Jaipur II Shift, Jaipur Region
Insight Into Program Execution: By-Neha Tyagi PGT Cs KV 5 Jaipur II Shift, Jaipur Region
Insight Into Program Execution: By-Neha Tyagi PGT Cs KV 5 Jaipur II Shift, Jaipur Region
Neha Tyagi
KV 5 Jaipur II Shift, Jaipur Region
1. Processing
This stage removes code other than source code like comments
and adds the code which is necessary for the execution of a
Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift
2. Compilation
Compilation phase has two sub stages-
1. Analysis [ front end phase ]
I. Synthesis [ back end phase ]
(i) Analysis Phase : Analysis phase develops a symbol table by
all the tokens of source code.
(ii) Synthesis Phase: This phase creates a syntax tree after
parsing the source code. A syntax tree is a syntactic tree of
source code.
For ex- syntax tree of 4 * 5 + 9 will be like as -
Input It takes the whole program for It takes one line as input.
Output It develops a middle object code It does not create middle object
of the program. code.
Memory This process requires much This process does not require much
memory. memory.
Errors It shows all errors together with It continues by showing error from
line number. one line at a time.
Always After sucessful compilation of a For every run of the prgram
Required program, compiler is not further interpreter is needed even after
needed. successful interpretation.
Workload It decreases workload because It’s continues requirement increases
compiler is not needed again workload.
and again for a program.