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Insight Into Program Execution: By-Neha Tyagi PGT Cs KV 5 Jaipur II Shift, Jaipur Region

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Insight into Program execution

Based on CBSE curriculum

Class 11

Neha Tyagi
KV 5 Jaipur II Shift, Jaipur Region

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

– As we know that computer works on machine level language
which is not understandable to a programmer, similarly
programmer works with a languagae which is not
understandable by a computer system.
– Programmer uses a specific language to write a program like –
C, C++, Java etc. These languages are not directly
understandable by computer system.
– Therefore, it is required to convert the instructions written in
programmer’s language into machine level language.
– In this chapter, we will have a look of internal processing of a
program code, how a program reaches to execution state and
what are the contributions of an operating system in all these

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Basic Flow of Compilation
– Program written in a language is known as source code.
– Source code is to be written as per the rules of a programming
– This souce code is then converted to machine level language ,
known as binary code , in order to understand by a computer.
– We can say that a programmer develops a source code which
is later converted in to binary code so that it can be executed
by computer.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

– A special software is needed to convert a Source Code into
binary code which are as under-
• Compiler
• Interpreter
– Both these software converts source code into binary code but
their way of working is different.
– Compiler works in exactly opposite manner from interpreter.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Compiler takes source code and in few stages generates low-
level-code. Compilation process stages are-
1. Processing
2. Compilation
I. Analysis [ front end phase ]
II. Synthesis [ back end phase ]
3. Assembly
4. Linking
5. Loader

1. Processing
This stage removes code other than source code like comments
and adds the code which is necessary for the execution of a
Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift
2. Compilation
Compilation phase has two sub stages-
1. Analysis [ front end phase ]
I. Synthesis [ back end phase ]
(i) Analysis Phase : Analysis phase develops a symbol table by
all the tokens of source code.
(ii) Synthesis Phase: This phase creates a syntax tree after
parsing the source code. A syntax tree is a syntactic tree of
source code.
For ex- syntax tree of 4 * 5 + 9 will be like as -

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

3. Assembly Phase
This phase develops object code with the help of
instructions received from assembly level, an object
code is a kind of machine code.
4. Linking
This code generated from this phase is actually binary
code but still computer is not able to execute the code
because the important libraries required for execution
are still not linked with the code. This work is carried
out by linker.
In this phase, operating system resolve all memory
references and develops executable (.exe file) file.
Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift
5. Loader
– Loader is a part of compiler which loads an
executable file in memory.
– Now computer can run this executable file without
the help of any additional software.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

The Interpretation Process
– Working of an interpreter is like Compiler. It also
converts source code to machine understandable
code but it is different from compiler in some definite
– It converts a program line by line by adding required
– Meaning, before the conversion of second line, first
line gets completely executed.
– Interpreter follows same manner of conversion and
execution for the whole program.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Compiler Vs Interpreter

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Compiler Vs Interpreter
Aspects Compiler Interpreter

Input It takes the whole program for It takes one line as input.
Output It develops a middle object code It does not create middle object
of the program. code.
Memory This process requires much This process does not require much
memory. memory.
Errors It shows all errors together with It continues by showing error from
line number. one line at a time.
Always After sucessful compilation of a For every run of the prgram
Required program, compiler is not further interpreter is needed even after
needed. successful interpretation.
Workload It decreases workload because It’s continues requirement increases
compiler is not needed again workload.
and again for a program.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Role of Operating System in program running
– As we know that exceution of an .exe file is free from
any requirement for a computer system.
– This excecutable file executes with the help of
operating system.
– Now a days, importance and complexity of operating
system has been increased much because of multi-
user and multi-processing concepts.
– Operating system works an as interface between a
user and hardware.
– Also, operating system provides plateform to a
program to run.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

OS as a Resource Manager
– A program, in its static state is known as a program and in
running state it is known as process.
– When many program executes at the same time, OS
improves or enhabnce the capacity or cabability of system by
managing resources. Which is to be measured in the terms of
– Throughput= Number of jobs done
Time taken
– For Multiple Processing, OS provides following function:-
• Process Management
• Process Scheduling
• Memory Management
• I/O Management
Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift
Process Management
– A program for execution reaches to operating
– Then, process scheduler of OS loads this program
into memory. Now, the program becomes process.
Which executes as per instructions.
– For a program, memory is distributed into following blocks-
This block contains all local variables, This block
parameters, return addresses of provides memory
function calls along with CPU state. for dynamic
This block is also known as Stack. memory

This block contains all Global variables. This block

Thses variables remains in the memory contains
till the end of program. compiled code
of program.
Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift
Process Management
– When a program gets ready for execution then it is
transferred into memory and becomes process. Now, this
process follows following states.-
 Start State: This state comes when a program first time transferred to
 Ready State: This state comes when process gets ready for execution
and waits for CPU as per its turn .
 Running State: This state comes when CPU takes the process for
 Waiting State: This state comes when process waits for some resource
for execution for ex- input from user.
 Terminated OR Exit: Whn CPU follws all instructions of a process, its
exceution gets completed and now it is terminated by OS. This terminated
process now gets removed from memory.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Process Management
– OS process manager develops a data structure to manage a
process which is known as Process Control Block (PCB).
– OS develops PCB for every process.
– When a process loads into memory, it gets an ID which is known
as Process ID or PID and then its PCB is created.
– PCB keeps imprtant information about process to keep track of
process.PCB keeps following information-

Process ID Stores Process ID.

State State -> ready, running, waiting ….etc
Pointer Stores address of sub-processes
Priority Data of higher or less priority processes
Program Counter It stores the address of next instruction
CPU Registers It stores information for execution
Etc . . . Etc . . .

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Process Scheduling by OS
– As we know that many programs loads together in the
computer memory for execution. It is very difficult to manage
these processes. Following points are important to know for
• Which process will get CPU time?
• Which process will be deleted from CPU?
• Which process is to be shifted for I/O?
• How to handle an interruption?
– Here interruption is signal for CPU from a high priority
process to get CPU time.
– This completes task is of OS process scheduler.
– Process scheduling is an activity of process manager in
which process manager removes the running processes from
CPU and selects the next process.
Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift
Process Scheduling by OS. . . .
– There are some strategies for selection-
• First come first serve (FCFS)
• Round robin scheduling (Round Robin Scheduling)
• Smallest job first (Shortest Job Next ) etc
– There are other strategies too. Process scheduler also prepares
some Process Scheduling Queues.
– Job Queue : All lines of process in a system.
– Ready queue: Line of process with read state.
– Device Queues : like I/O line

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

Memory Management
Because anything to be processed, needs to load in the memory
therefore Memory Management part of OS is also very important.
Memory manager perform following tasks-
• Stores address of every memory location.
• It keeps track of allocated memory to a process and required
memory also.
• It decides that when the memory is to be released to a process.
• Responsibility for the safety of data in allocated memory.
Some memory management techniques are-
– Single Memory Allocation
– Partitioned memory allocation
– Paged Memory Management
– Segmented Memory Management

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

I/O Management

– When a process requiring an input or output, OS takes its

– I/O Manager sends a request to CPU which creates an
interrupt for CPU.
– CPU sends running process for I/O meanwhile CPU
completes another process. As soon as I/O of first process
gets over, CPU again takes it for completion.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

– At the time of invention of computers, there was only one processor
in a system which could perform only one job at a time. It
performed one task after previous task. With the improvement in
technique and development, processors became more able and
multi-prossesor computers were also developed.
– Multi-processor system can perform more than one task at a time,
which is known as PARALLEL COMPUTING .
– In a parallel computing system -
• A problem is distributed into several individual units.
• Every unit executes its own instructions.
• Instructions of each unit is completed by separate processor.
– For this, either multi-processor system is to be used or multiple
systems are to be used in network.
– This saves time, makes a complex problem easy, makes full use of
hardware and use peripherals optimally.
Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift
• Cloud Computing is actually an internet based process which
uses computer application.
• Google apps is an example of cloud computing which provides
business applictions online.
It is of two types-
• Public Cloud like Google Drive, iCloud etc.
• Private Cloud like KVS Shaala Darpan.

Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

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Neha Tyagi, KV 5 Jaipur II Shift

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