AC To AC Conversion
AC To AC Conversion
AC To AC Conversion
Taniya Manzoor
Electrical Engineering, GNDEC, Ludhaina, India
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3407070
Single Phase AC to AC conversion finds various applications in domestic drive systems, street- light dimmers
and fan regulators. Conventionally, this conversion is done by using thyristor based power electronic circuits
such as AC Voltage Controllers and Cyclo-Converters. However, these devices provide either no frequency
control as in AC Voltage Controllers or limited frequency control as in cyclo-converters. For unrestricted
frequency control AC-DC-AC conversion is usually undertaken. It is proposed to use fully controlled devices
such as IGBT’s (insulated gate bipolar transistor) in direct single phase AC to AC power conversion. Matrix
Converters are power electronic converters that facilitate direct AC-AC conversion without any intermediate DC
stage. Matrix converters make use of self-commutating devices like IGBTs thus eliminating the frequency
constraints of cyclo-converters. The additional attractive features include sinusoidal input and output current,
improved power factor and regeneration capabilities.
A cyclo inverter is a type of power control in which an alternating voltage at supply frequency is converted
directly to an alternating voltage at load frequency without any intermediate d.c stage. The cyclo inverter is
controlled by controlling the firing pulses so that it produces an alternating output voltage. By controlling the
frequency and depth of phase modulation of the firing angles of the converters, it is possible to control the
frequency and amplitude of the output voltage[5]. Thus, a cyclo-inverter has the facility for continuous and
independent control over both its output frequency and voltage. The quality of output voltage wave and its
harmonic distortion also impose the restriction on this frequency. The distortion is very low at low output
frequency. Here, a cyclo-inverter is suggested where the IGBT switch is self commutated and hence eliminates
the need for a commutation circuit.
Half-Bridge Topology
The figure shows the detailed circuit topology of a half bridge IGBT based cyclo-converter.
It consists of a single phase transformer with mid tap on the secondary winding and four thyristors, without any
flow of circulating current two of these thyristors P1, P2 are for positive group and the other two are for negative
group. Load is connected between secondary winding and terminal A as shown. Output is obtained through
proper conduction of IGBTs in the two input cycles. The IGBTs are fired according to a cycle depending on the
integer multiple with which the supply frequency is to be multiplied. Thus, the output of converter will have a
frequency, fo= fi .Nr where Nr is an integer and fi is the source frequency.
The matrix converter has several advantages over traditional rectifier-inverter type power frequency converters.
It provides sinusoidal input and output waveforms, with minimal higher order harmonics and no subharmonics;
it has inherent bi- directional energy flow capability; the input power factor can be fully controlled.
as shown in Figure. Diodes are in place to provide reverse blocking capability to the switching module. The
IGBT were used due to its high switching capabilities and high current carrying capabilities desirable
amongst researchers for high power applications.
This topology promises minimal energy storage requirements, which allows to get rid of bulky and lifetime-
limited energy-storing capacitors. But the matrix converter has also some disadvantages. First of all it has a
maximum input- output voltage transfer ratio limited to = 87 % for sinusoidal input and output waveforms[3]. It
requires more semiconductor devices than a conventional AC- AC indirect power frequency converter, since no
monolithic bi-directional switches exist and consequently discrete unidirectional devices, variously arranged,
have to be used for each bi-directional switch.
Output voltage and current waveforms for R load Output voltage and current waveforms for RL load
Output voltage and current waveform for RL load Output voltage and current waveforms for R load
Deduced from three phase matrix converters, the above mentioned matrix converter topology is able to carry out
Single Phase AC to AC conversion without frequency restrictions successfully. The simulation results have been
supported by experimental results. It is also found that the quality of output as well as input current improved by
making use of self-commutating devices like IGBT’s, besides ensuring unity power factor operation.
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