Parent Pack Faqs About The Myp
Parent Pack Faqs About The Myp
Parent Pack Faqs About The Myp
Do IB teachers receive special training? Have studies been done on the impact of
the MYP?
All MYP teachers receive professional development
in the IB’s approaches to teaching and approaches to The IB places great value on external validation of
learning from certified IB workshop leaders. This is a re- its programmes, curriculums and professional de-
quirement for IB World Schools implementing the MYP. velopment. A recent study found that Middle Years
Programme students in a US public school district
Are IB programmes considered “gifted” were more likely to achieve a proficient or advanced
programmes? performance level on state mathematics and science
assessments than their counterparts in five comparison
In most cases, the MYP requires schoolwide imple- schools. Additional studies on programme impact, qual-
mentation and therefore encompasses all students. All ity assurance, programme development and assess-
teachers who teach in MYP classrooms are required to ment research are available at
participate in collaborative planning and reflection to
make their teaching practices consistent and to foster a Are there external assessments in the MYP
holistic approach to education. A growing body of evi- like in the Diploma Programme?
dence suggests a positive relationship between teacher
collaboration and student achievement. In the final year of the programme, the optional MYP
eAssessment provides a balanced and age-appropri-
Students who complete the MYP are well-prepared to ate strategy that schools can use to validate student
undertake the IB Diploma Programme or Career-related achievement: Students demonstrate their understand-
Programme. ing and skills through classroom performance, onscreen
final examinations and a personal project conducted
Does implementing an IB programme mean over an extended period of time. Students who un-
my child’s school will not teach local or na- dertake external assessment are eligible for IB Course
tional standards such as the Common Core? Results and the IB MYP Certificate. Find out more about
MYP assessment.
The IB is committed to making sure that students in IB
programmes meet and exceed local or national stand- How can I learn more about the IB and MYP?
ards. With the implementation of any IB programme,
schools are required to examine their curriculum care- • Visit the IB website at
fully to ensure that there is alignment with local, state or • Attend school meetings and events
national standards. More information on the IB and the • Speak with your school’s MYP coordinator
Common Core is available at • Speak with your child’s MYP classroom teacher.