Task 1 - Initial Activity - Pedagogical Practice I
Task 1 - Initial Activity - Pedagogical Practice I
Task 1 - Initial Activity - Pedagogical Practice I
Anderson Caviedes
codigo 14296751
Astrid Yanira Lemos
Being in the English club makes the practice be done with students aged
16 years and older, English students which makes it a little easier than
with students from last year of school who have another attitude and
another perspective about the language.
1. Topic says.
Only two things are used for this activity: a list of topics and a dice. A
list of topics is adapted to the level and age of your students. A list of
type topics could be:
The weather
Your family
Last weekend
Distribute the class in pairs and explain the dynamics: you will roll the
dice, depending on the number that comes out they will have to talk
about that topic for one minute, 30 seconds each. To make it more fun,
and everyone is more attentive, you can use a dice projected on a
This game is great if, in addition to your students talking, you want
them to move a little. A plastic ball of the typical beach. Fill the ball with
topics and questions, always appropriate to the age of your students.
Play music, in English of course! And throw the ball. Your students
should tie it until the music stops. Whoever has the ball at that moment,
has to see what question or topic he has under the big toe of his right
hand and talk about this topic for as long as you think.
3. Hot potato
This dynamic is super fun, especially because if you are a teacher it will
help your group to integrate, and if you are a student and you
participate in the dynamics, you can interact with more classmates and
have a fun time that you will always remember, for how great it is.
4. Story in a suitcase.
Although the name of the game is based on the fact that the elements
are inside a suitcase, they can be inside a box, surely you will find it
easier to get one!
This game is very good to introduce a topic that we will discuss during
that class. The teacher is the one who is taking out the elements and
the children who are asking.
If, for example, you are going to work for a writer, you can put a pen, a
sheet, letters in the box ... Anything you can think of! The important
thing in this game is that the students get excited and ask many
questions to discover what is or who is the mysterious character that
the class will go that day.
5. Mystery object
First, distribute the class in groups and give each student in the group a
number. If, for example, you have 30 students, you can make 6 groups
of 5 students each. Explain to your students the dynamics: you have a
mysterious image that they will have to decipher among all, how? You
will call each group number.
They will have 30 seconds to see the image, return to their group and
explain what they have seen. A member of the group will have to draw
what the student has seen. You call the next number and perform the
same dynamic: look at the image for 30 seconds, return to your group
and complete the image the first one has seen. Once everyone has
seen, described and completed the image. Together you decide what is
the most complete picture of all.
- Methodological strategies.
- Classroom management.
- Pedagogical advices.
What are the strategies you use in the classroom to motivate student to
learn English?
How do you implement reading in the classroom since students are not
used to read even in their native language?
How do you deal with complex grammar rules in the classroom? What
kind of didactic tools do you use?