STEP 1 - Relating To The Research Proposal
STEP 1 - Relating To The Research Proposal
STEP 1 - Relating To The Research Proposal
Code: 518019
Code: 41959245
Beyond being a sporadic or episodic phenomenon, school violence is a systemic problem that
affects the social dynamics on which the educational activity should provoke and, therefore,
constitutes an obstacle to the improvement of educational quality, the achievement of learning
and the healthy development of students and teachers.
d) How will you collect data? Describe the kind of activities that will be used.
I will collect data with a standardized questionnaire (same questions with the same answers), the
latter represented in three different types.
The analysis of the data and the results will be presented, under a scheme of the variables that
were the object of study.
f) When will you complete the different phases of the study? For this consider the following
steps of the course during the academic term.
g) What are the tasks you must develop to be able to complete this research?
Step 4- Results.
3. Based on the answers given to the answered questions in step 2, analyze if the project will be
something doable and realistic. For this analysis present, a list of all the tasks you will have to
develop to achieve the objectives proposed to give an answer to the Research question.
Step 5- Timeline
Step 6- support
4. Update your proposal and the plans for the proposal (timeline). This means you must check the
objectives considering the information provided in the VLO “Setting the Objectives for your
Research”. Remember you must present an updated version of the whole research proposal as
Develop a questionnaire to apply to the students' school and teachers of the Camacho Carreño
Educational Institution, detecting students in a situation of risk, bullying and/or abuse in a timely
1.Sensitize the educational community about the importance of respect each to other.
2. Highlight the role that the school plays in mitigating social problems.
3. Value the importance of collaborative work to move towards a just and equitable society.
Beyond being a sporadic or episodic phenomenon, school violence is a systemic problem that
affects the social dynamics on which the educational activity should provoke and, therefore,
constitutes an obstacle to the improvement of educational quality, the achievement of learning
and the healthy development of students. and teachers.
- Research question.
The education of children and their protection from any form of violence that threatens their
dignity and physical integrity, are part of the fundamental rights that the different levels of society
are constitutionally called to preserve. between the purposes of the National School Coexistence
System and the results achieved so far, leads to questioning about the barriers that stop the
materialization of its purposes. The lawyers Mg. Olga Morcote and Mg. Héctor López, professors
of the Law and Political Science program at the University of Boyacá, together with the PhD. Karla
Rodríguez, professor at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León of Mexico, who analyze the
implementation of Law 1620 of 2013 in Colombia and its impact on the phenomena of school
violence and the teaching and learning processes, taking as a case study the Educational
Institutions of the city of Tunja.
5. Review the “Acuerdo de Reglamento de Prácticas Pedagógicas” In the forum post, according to
your own opinion which are the most important aspects to consider while developing your
Pedagogical Practice.
Behavior that meets the expectations that the academic community has set in its practical exercise
is expected.
The teacher in training will favor assertive, purposeful, and respectful dialogue when there are
discrepancies with a member of the educational community where he carries out his practice.
They will exercise their practices with respect to the levels of training and human development of
people and strict adherence to the law and the regulations of the UNAD
It will base its practices on a constant dialogue with its program leaders, course directors,
accompanying teachers, and the educational community to improve and make its practices
5. Excellence in service.
The practitioner must be aware of the enormous responsibility that the exercise of teaching
includes, for this reason from the pedagogical practices it is expected that the teacher in training is
an example of work, dedication, and respect for the profession.