for the
Science Investigatory 11
Submitted by:
Bolante, RoshanDorotea T.
Maboloc, Julian C.
Submitted to:
Date Submitted:
This research study was made possible with the help of God Almighty, and to those people
behind this successful outcome. In line with this, we would like to give our sincere gratitude to
these following people:
To Almighty God, who guided us while we are making this investigatory project, and helped
us to have courage in finishing our product;
To Mr. & Ms. Aquino, who let us use their humble abode for the methodology of the product;
To Mrs. Carmela Sun, our class adviser, for the undying support and for encouraging us to
accomplish this Investigatory Project;
To Sr. Ma.Nelsa P. Guevarra TDM, our School Directress for letting us have this Science
Invastigatory Project
And to Mr. German Sipot Jr. LPT, our Earth and Life Science Professor, who guided us in
making this investigatory project, for letting us enhance our communicating and researching
skills and for helping us to accomplish this Science Investigatory Project.
Insecticides are substances used to kill insects. They include ovicides and larvicides used
against insect eggs and larvae, respectively. Insecticides are used in agriculture, medicine,
industry and by consumers. Insecticides are claimed to be a major factor behind the increase in
the 20th-century's agricultural productivity. Nearly all insecticides have the potential to
significantly alter ecosystems; many are toxic to humans and/or animals; some become
concentrated as they spread along the food chain.
Davao City has one of the most enormous lands in the Philippines. The city is widely famous
for the abundant harvest on food crops, fruits and vegetables. Davao City is known for their
famous fruit Durian (Durio) and Mangosteen (GarciniaMangostana). Davao City is also known
for the continuous success regarding crops, plants and fruits. But sometimes we cannot avoid
those pesky and peeky bugs that loves to surround around our beloved plants. We should think
of a way on how to avoid these sneaky insects, in a healthy way and in a way that we cannot
harm nor kill our plants, and produce a pulchritudinous fruit and crops. Of course, in an organic
That is why we, the researchers think of a better way on how to eliminate these insects that
keeps on pestering our beautiful plants without harming them; we have noticed that Chili
(Capsicum frutescens) is an effective way in killing insects, that is why we needed to think of a
product that has chili on it that would help us to do away with them, in an organic way and,
safer way.
Title Page ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..i
Abstract ……….………………………………………………………….….……….................................iii
CHAPTER I.…………………………………………………………………………………………….……..….....1
Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………..………………………..8-9
CHAPTER III.……………….…………………………………………………………………………………
Procedure ………………………………………………………………………………………………..15-16
CHAPTER IV.…………………….……….………………………………………………………………………..18
A Natural Insecticide is a Chemical or biological substance designed to kill or retard the growth
of pests that damage or interfere with the growth of crops, shrubs, trees, timber and other
vegetation desired by humans. This is the bestsubstitute to synthetic insecticides that can harm
our planet. A synthetic insecticide can contain poisons and toxins that are not found in a natural
insecticide. These can be harmful to living things other than the insects they were intended for.
Syntheticchemical insecticides often contain ingredients that kill beneficial insects. Theseinsects
may be bees that pollinate fruits and vegetables.
Pests is any animal or plant detrimental to humans, or human concerns, including crops,
livestock and forestry. Pests are very dangerous to humans, specially plants because it has a
very huge risk for destroying and damaging the plants, causing foodcrops, plants and
vegetables not to produce and bear properly. Exotic plant pests are capable of damaging our
natural environment, destroying our food production, and agriculture industries, and some
could change our way of life. Although insecticides and pesticides are highly recommended to
eliminate the growth of insects and other destroying organisms, it will take a huge risk to use
insecticides because it contains strong chemicals that could possibly harm and kill your plants.
Yes, insecticides are highly in demand in agriculture, but farmers and people do not frequently
use it because it might kill the plants and harm the environment. As a Grade 11 students who is
concerned with the good harvest and bountiful agriculture of Davao City, We need to come up
of a plan regarding of eliminating these annoying bugs and pests without the use of CFC
(ChloroFlouroCarbon) that is the main cause of Ozone Layer destruction. We looked for certain
data and information that could help us make an Organic Insecticide.
Our group had found out that Chili, a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used
chopped (and often dried) in sauces, relishes, and spice powders have a certain use and benefit
to agriculture too. rld. It gives a sizzling hotness of any food which makes people crave for it.
Chili pepper has health sustaining properties as well and had been found to have rich in Vitamin
A and C contents ( Aguhob et al., 2015). Due to this, We have noticed that it could kill insects
that keeps on pestering our plant together with pepper, due to it's strong and deadly smell.
Usually, chili peppers are either finely powdered or soaked in solvent to extract their capsaicin -
- the active ingredient that causes the burn. This powder or liquid is then sprayed on crops to
prevent them from being eaten by mammals and insects. Capsaicin is a broad-spectrum
pesticide. That means that while it will deter, or even kill, noxious insects, it will do the same to
beneficial insects. If you're counting on honey bees to fertilize your crop, using chili extract will
not be helpful. In fact, it will kill honey bees. Thus, we have to make a product that has pepper
and chili as the main ingredient to eliminate and kill these certain pests.
According to Ring, D. & Wilson, G. (2016), termites cause more damage to homes than all
other natural disasters combined. Termites are often referred to as the “white ant” because of
their size and colour. Nicknames such as “the little white thing” or “little white ant” come up in
discussing this insect. This termite is also known as the Philippine milk termite
(Coptotermesgestroi). Modern houses make extensive use of concrete slabs, and for most
effective termite proofing much of the chemical barrier needs to be put under these slabs
(Aguhob et al., 2012). Insecticides kill by affecting the physiology of the insect. It abrades the
skin of the insects (roughens the skin or wear it away), causing them to lose water. Insecticides
are helpful, but they can also be dangerous. Some insecticides, called broad spectrum poisons,
kill a variety of organisms. Besides killing pests, they kill harmless and helpful organisms such
including wasps, spiders and other natural enemies of pests.
This study aims to help Mother Nature and the restoration of it's beauty, specially help the
country to be free from insects and bugs that keeps on pestering our plants and foodcrops. This
study also wanted to help farmers from rural places that needed a lot of insecticides to protect
their farm, plants, vegetables and food products. This is also to promote an eco-friendly society
because this product disregard the use of CFCs that is very dangerous to both human and
animal health, but also the food crop's health and quality.
CFCs are toxic chemical that harms and destroys the quality of the plant, it's beauty, leaves and
being. Some farmers consume insecticides that contains CFCs in it not knowing that it can
harm their food crops, especially the Ozone Layer. We researchers used natural and effective
plants in order to eliminate and kill these insects. In order to bring back the nature's beauty and
a.) Is there any toxic substances in your product that could possibly harm the plants, fruits and
a.) There is no such toxic substances in our product that could possibly harm the plants,
b.) The product is effective and truly useful because some of the gardeners have used chilis and
garlic as an alternative source for insecticides. Thus, we can say that the product is effective.
d.) The researchers tested it to plants and insects to prove that it is effective.
The importance of this study mainly circulates on gardeners, farmers and simply people who
takes care of plants. In order to restore the beauty of the nature, we must use products that its
Non-CFC in order for the environment to be safe. The usage of products containing CFCs in it
has a huge possibility that the environment might get damaged, and not only plants and food
crops can be harmed but also our physical health. As a young students concerning the youth
and environment, we have come up with a helpful product that everyone can use to eliminate
these small organisms, pests and insects that keeps on bothering our plants, causing it to
Natural insecticides can be chemical, mineral, or biological. The common goal of all three is to
kill, repel, or otherwise interfere with the damaging behavior of insect pests. Because this
purpose corresponds with the legal definition of a pesticide, all natural insecticide products must
comply with federal and state regulations for registration, sales, transport, use, storage, and
disposal. Some natural insecticides are allowed for use in certified organic systems if additional
Plants are very important to our daily lives because it gives us daily consumption. Most of the
people plant fruits and vegetables even outside their houses in order to provide their everyday
meal. In addition to this, plants are very important especially to farmers because it gives them
profit and business, and in order for the products to be sold, they must be in good shape,
content and quality. But because of these peeky pests, our foodcrops have been damaged and
destroyed. The significance of this study is to eliminate these bugs and pests that keeps on
bothering our food crops and also help the environment by using products that doesn't contain
As students of Holy Cross of Agdao, our task is to help the environment regain it's good quality
In this study we have gathered some statistics, problems and objectives on how to solve
pollution and earth especially on how to permanently stop it and stop pests from attacking
man’s needs for survival. We have also observed that we are lacking of contributors and
members to help us in this project and we have difficulties in making the projects in no less
than 3 days.
Insecticides-Insecticides are substances used to kill insects. They include ovicides and
larvicides used against insect eggs and larvae, respectively. Insecticides are used in agriculture,
Chili (Capsicum frutescens)-a small hot-tasting pod of a variety of capsicum, used chopped
Pepper (Piper Nigrum) - a pungent, hot-tasting powder prepared from dried and ground
Garlic ( AlliumSativum)- Garlic is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives
include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion. Garlic is native to Central Asia and
northeastern Iran, and has long been a common seasoning worldwide, with a history of several
fluorine, typically gases used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants. They are harmful to the
ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere owing to the release of chlorine atoms on exposure to
ultraviolet radiation.
Plants- a living organism of the kind exemplified by trees, shrubs, herbs, grasses, ferns, and
mosses, typically growing in a permanent site, absorbing water and inorganic substances
through its roots, and synthesizing nutrients in its leaves by photosynthesis using the green
pigment chlorophyll.
Food Crops- plant product that can be grown and harvested extensively for profit or
subsistence. Crop may refer either to the harvested parts or to the harvest in a more refined
This research study cited articles which are relevant to the present investigation. It is composed
of related literature and studies both local and foreign, which contain facts and information on
the research problem at hand. It also provides explanations and logical connections between
Insecticides have been used for centuries to fight unwanted pests. There are several natural
(plant) insecticides that have been widely used, although compared with modern synthetics the
plant substances are relatively weak. One benefit of a plant insecticide is that many of them are
biodegradable. More than 1500 species of plants have been reported to have insecticidal value,
and many more exist, but two products, rotenone and pyrethrin, have been economically
important. Rotenone. Before World War I, agricultural nations were ignorant about the plants
that contain rotenone. Rotenone was a mysterious and an unidentified fish poison (barbasco) of
the deep forests of Sounth America were natives collected roots of a viney shrub,
Lonchocarpusnicou, and threw the crushed roots into small streams and pools. The chemical in
the root stunned the fish and caused them to float to the surface, where the fish were easily
collected. Humans were not poisoned by consuming rotenone, which is only toxic in very large
doses. Use of rotenone as a fish poison became widespread in the 20th century, and it was
immortalized in 1954 when a boat captain just happened to have a rotenone on board to
The South American rotenone-bearing, leguminous plant is not known now from the wild.
Nowadays, Lonchocarpus is cultivated by hand labor in tropical regions of Brazil and Peru. In
the Far East, particularly in Java and Sumatra, a closely related legume, Derris elliptica, which
also contains rotenone, was used as an arrow poison. Derris, which has been grown
commercially in Puerto Rico, has lower yields of rotenone than does Lonchocarpus. Rotenone
also occurs in the legume genus Tephrosia. Rotenone is found in resin ducts, which occur in the
phloem and xylem. The root is dried to 20% moisture content and then shipped to buyer
countries. Rotenone is a terpene; it was applied as a spray on fruits and row crops, even
several times before harvest time, because the chemical residue do not linger. It is a potentially
lethal toxin for aphids, cockroaches, houseflies, corn borers, Mexican bean beetles and
cultivated mum). The biologically active chemicals are esters, which occur in the flower heads.
Action of a Pyrethrin is a contact poison, which paralyzes the insect victim, usually with 90
seconds. Normally the poison is administered in emulsion or dust form; as a dust it can be used
as a diatomaceous earth. The primary physiological reaction of the toxin is that ventral vagus
ganglion shows vacoulization. Acute toxicity in mammals is relatively low, because the pyrethrin
Green Pesticdes. Green pesticides, also called ecological pesticides, are pesticides derived from
organic sources which are considered environmentally friendly and causing less harm to human
In agroecology, pesticides are evaluated for minimal adverse environmental effects. Biocides
The use of insecticides is believed to be one of the major factors behind the increase in
agricultural productivity in the 20th century. The classification of insecticides is done in several
Mode of action.
Systemic insecticides are incorporated by treated plants. Insects ingest the insecticide while
feeding on the plants. These are absorbed by plants or animals and move to untreated tissues.
Systemic or translocated herbicides move within the plant to untreated areas of leaves, stems
or roots. They may kill weeds with only partial spray coverage. Systemic insecticides or
fungicides move throughout treated plants and kill certain insects or fungi. Some systemic
insecticides are applied to animals and move through the animal to control pests such as warble
grubs, lice, or fleas. Some pesticides only move in one direction within the plant, either up or
down. Knowing what direction the pesticide moves will help guide your decisions. For example
some insecticides only move upwards in plants. If applied to the root zone, it will travel
throughout the plant, but if applied to the leaves it will not move throughout the plant. Some
pesticides are considered locally systemic. These will only move a short distance in a plant from
Contact insecticides are toxic to insects brought into direct contact. Efficacy is often related to
the quality of pesticide application, with small droplets (such as aerosols) often improving
performance. Insects are killed when sprayed directly or when they crawl across surfaces
treated with a residual contact insecticide. Weed foliage is killed when enough surface area is
covered with a contact herbicide. Natural insecticides, such as nicotine, pyrethrum and neem
Nicotine-based insecticides are still being widely used in the US and Canada though they are
barred in the EU. Natural pesticides are pesticides that are made by other organisms usually for
their own defense, or are derived from a natural source such as a mineral. Most people believe
that natural pesticides are safer and more eco-friendly than man-made pesticides and while this
is mostly true it is not always so. For example, nicotine is a natural pesticide in tobacco leaves,
and the highly addictive component of cigarette smoke, but is in fact much more toxic than
genetic modification. For instance, a gene that codes for a specific Baccilusthuringiensisbiocidal
protein is introduced into a crop plant's genetic material. Then, the plant manufactures the
protein. Since the biocide is incorporated into the plant, additional applications, at least of the
Inorganic insecticides are manufactured with metals and include arsenates, copper compounds
and fluorine compounds, which are now seldom used, and sulfur, which is commonly used.
Inorganic insecticides are of mineral origin, mainly compounds of antimony, arsenic, barium,
boron, copper, fluorine, mercury, selenium, sulfur, thallium, and zinc, and elemental
phosphorus and sulfur. It is sometimes used as the toxic agent in ant poisons and for the
control of thrips.Organic insecticides are synthetic chemicals which comprise the largest
numbers of pesticides available for use today. An organic insecticide is a pesticide that uses
only natural components to kill bugs. In many cases, organic materials used to repel insects are
also called organic insecticides. This is not a true insecticide, but rather a repellent. Organic
insecticides can be made from a number of different materials, but what many people most
appreciate about them is that they are a relatively safe form of pest control in most cases. It is
possible to buy them commercially. It should be noted that many organic insecticides are meant
to only target a certain species or a few different species. Therefore, those who have a variety
of insect species they wish to treat will likely need more than one type of organic insecticide.
Mode of action—how the pesticide kills or inactivates a pest—is another way of classifying
Although the pesticides and particularly insecticides used in organic farming and organic
gardening are generally safer than synthetic pesticides, they are not always more safe or
environmentally friendly than synthetic pesticides, both can cause harm. The main criterion for
organic pesticides is that they are naturally derived, and some naturally derived substances
have been controversial. Controversial natural pesticides include rotenone, copper, nicotine
sulfate, and pyrethrums. However, restrictions on natural pesticides have tightened and as of
2005 rotenone, a dangerous natural pesticide, was not allowed for US organic farmers, and
rotenone was not allowed under the California Organic Foods Act of 1990.
Phytoalexin elicitor glucohexatose has been called a green pesticide, as has a new class of
insecticides called spinosad which shows "remarkable selectivity" in destroying harmful pests
This are the ingredients on how to make the organic insecticide. What you will need is:
2. Pepper (100g)
3. Garlic (113g)
4. Liquid Soap
5. Water (320ml)
Other materials:
7. Spray Bottle
8. Pan
Now these are the ways on how to make the organic insecticide:
4. Add Garlic into pan and let it boil for about 1-2 minutes.
5. After making sure that the garlic is soft and you can already smell it’s odor.
6. After this, add the chili and pepper on the pan and let it boil for 5-6 minutes.
7. Make sure that you could smell the strong odor coming from the chili and pepper before
In summary, this organic insecticide provides a very huge help not only for farmers but only
in the society. It is because it is free from any other toxic substances that could harm and
destroy the environment. We have decided to come up with this product because we the
researchers wanted to use our knowledge in helping the agricultural fields in Davao City.
The study determined that with the help of the Chili, Pepper, Garlic and Liquid Soap, we can
provide a pest killing agent that is CFC free, and can cause no damage to the environment.
In addition to this, this organic insecticide could be used in our everyday lives instead of
synthetic insecticides that could possibly harm and provide low quality plants and food
Therefore, we conclude that Chilis, Garlic and Peppers do not only give satisfaction to our
food by cooking, but also it can provide satisfaction in terms of agriculture. By means of
making an organic insecticide that effectively kills and eliminates pests and other plant
destroying insects. Our study showed that there are alternative ways on how to eliminate
the country from insect diseases, low quality food crops and harming our Mother Nature.
We have concluded that the use of synthetic insecticide provide huge environment
complications such as destroying of the environment, and the destroying of Ozone Layer.
Thus, we researchers have come up with a plan of using organic insecticide that could be an
As me and my co-makers are making the said project we recommended that we better
prepare for a new and 100% successful product that could help Earth from different mistake
made by man and for man also to survive Earth’s and nature’s forces like natural disasters
We highly recommend to use this product for the promotion of a safe environment. Because
the world is slowly getting hotter and hotter, bigger and more dangerous thus, the usage of
products containing CFCs in it might damage and destroy the Ozone Layer and could harm
the plants due to it’s toxicity. While using this product, we can promote for a safe
environment. And we can produce a better and high quality food crops, fruits and
vegetables because these sneaky little pests would not bother them anymore.
We can not only give satisfaction to people but we can also promote a CFC-free country in
this world.