Tuesday Batch:1,3,5,9,11 Wednesday Batch:1,4,6,7,10 ASSIGNMENT 5 (Traces of Lines)
Tuesday Batch:1,3,5,9,11 Wednesday Batch:1,4,6,7,10 ASSIGNMENT 5 (Traces of Lines)
Tuesday Batch:1,3,5,9,11 Wednesday Batch:1,4,6,7,10 ASSIGNMENT 5 (Traces of Lines)
Wednesday batch:1,4,6,7,10
ASSIGNMENT 5 (Traces of lines)
5.1 The distance between the projectors of the ends of line AB is 70. Point A is 15 in front of
VP and 10 above HP, Point B is 40 in front of VP and 50 above HP. Draw its projections,
determine true inclinations with HP and VP. Locate its traces.
5.4 The ends of a line MN are on the same projector. The end ‘M’ is 25 below HP and 10
behind VP. The end N is 50 above HP and 40 in front of VP. Draw the projections of the
line, find the true length, true inclinations and determine its traces.
5.5 The front view of a line AB is 65 and makes an angle of 450 with xy. The end A is in HP
and VT of the line is 15 below the HP. The line is inclined at 300 to the VP. Draw the
projections of AB and determine the true length and inclination with HP. Also, locate its
5.9 The top view of a line AB is inclined 300 to xy. The HT is 50 in front of the VP and the
VT is 60 below HP. End point B is 10 behind VP. Draw the projections if the other end
point A is 30 above HP.
5.10 The end point P of a line PQ is 10 above HP
and its VT is 15 below HP. The front view of
the line measures 40 and inclined at 600 to xy.
Draw the projections of the line if the end Q is
in first quadrant and the line is inclined at 450 to
VP. Find the true length and inclination of the
line with HP and locate its HT.