Course objectives:
1. To enhance the students understanding of the marketing research industry.
2. To develop skills required by the researcher and understand different applications of
Marketing Research
3. To explore different approaches of marketing research
4. To be able to exploit Marketing Research data for management decision making
5. To identify marketing problems faced by companies and provide solutions that are
supported by good marketing research
Pre Requisites:
The Students should have knowledge about the functional areas of management such as
Marketing, Finance, Operation and Human Resources etc. The student should be well acquainted
with all the basic concepts of marketing, which will be helpful for generate clear understanding
of marketing research.
Course Description:
Marketing Research is a prerequisite at all stages and phases of business operations. By
conducting Marketing research the organization ascertain what its customer want and take steps
to prepare a product meeting those desires. Marketing Research also helps to determine whether
the product is accepted in the market. Marketing Research aids expansion into new market.
Marketing Research is imperative for staying competitive in the market.
(d) The Marketing Research Industry & criteria for selecting Research suppliers
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(b) Process of defining the problem and developing an approach
(d) Syndicated Services for Customer and Institutional Data, MR and Social Media
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(d) Classification of Experimental Designs
Class Test –I (20 Marks): (It covers from topic no 1 to 6 of the syllabus)
11. Data collection and Preparation and Data Analysis (7.5 Hours)
(b) Data Preparation Process – Editing, Coding, Cleaning One Way Two way
(c) Correlation
(d) Regression
(e) Cross-Tabulations
Reference books:
1. “Marketing Research: Text and Cases”; Author: Rajendra Nargundkar; Publisher: Tata
McGraw Hill; Edition: 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-07-052805-5) or later
2. Essentials of Marketing Research; Author: Silver R., Stevens R., Wrenn B. & Loudon D.,
3 edition, Routledge
3. Marketing research: Tools & techniques; Author: Nigel Bradley; 2nd edition; Oxford-
Indian edition
4. Marketing Research; Author: G.C. Beri; 5e, McGraw Hill Education
5. Research method for Business Students; Authors: Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill; FT
Prentice Hall
Software Pre-requisite:
SPSS, PASW, and Microsoft Excel: Software must be available for use by students.
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