Fungi Complete Notes
Fungi Complete Notes
Fungi Complete Notes
Fungi structure and reproduction
Section "A"
The fungi are a group of eukaryotic, non-vascular organism. Which are of diverse
forms, sizes, physiology and reproduces both by sexual (meiotic) and asexual
(mitotic) spores. Examples of fungi :-Mushrooms, yeasts, molds, Penicillium- the first
of the wonder drugs, penicillin, was isolated from this fungus and crop parasites.Fungi
are most often associated with the roots of some plant species, and this type of
symbiotic associations is known as mycorrhizae.
The other two phyla Ascomycotina and the Basidiomycotina( higher fungi)the
hyphae have cross walls that break them up into cells. A cross wall in fungi is called
a septum ( plural septa).The septum has a central pore which enable exchange of
nuclei and most organelles within the cytoplasm between adjacent compartments.
Septum formation is a simple process. Wall ingrowth towards the centre of the
compartment results in a complete or incomplete blockage of the hypha. Inward
growth may be followed by modification of the outer wall. The septum also
increases rigidity of the hypha as it can function as a structural support to the
turgor pressure within the compartment.
Ultrastructure of fungal thallus:-
Rigid cell walls are strengthened with chitin, a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine
(except oomycetes where cellulose present).
Food reserves are in the form of glycogen
Hyphae contain nuclei, mitochondria, ribosomes, golgi and membrane-bound
vesicles within a plasma-membrane bound cytoplasm. The sub-cellular structures
are supported and organized by micro-tubules and endoplasmic reticulum. The
cytoplasm and most organelles and inclusions of fungal cytoplasm are typical of
eukaryotic organisms. However, chloroplasts or plastids are absent.
Reproduction :-
At the time of reproduction when entire cell asin case of unicellular fungus may be
converted into reproductive structure. Such a condition is known as holocarpic. But
if only a portion of thallus is converted into reproductive structure , it is called
Some fungi are unicellular and are termed as yeasts. These grow by binary fission
or budding, creating new individuals from the parent cell.
Members of the Ascomycotina produce asexual conidiospores and sexual
ascospores in sac-shaped cells called asci.
Fungi from the Basidiomycotina rarely produce asexual spores, and produce their
sexual spores from club-shaped basidia in complex fruit bodies
Classification of Fungi
Over 60,000 species of fungi are known. Fungi are classified primarily by their method of
reproduction (both sexual and asexual) and fruiting bodies (asexual or sexual spores
surrounded by highly organised protective structures). In the earliest classification, there
were only two recognized kingdoms:- Plants and Animals.This two kingdom system was
used until Whitaker (1969) proposed that organisms be classified into five kingdoms :-
Monera (=Bacteria), Protista (=Mostly Algae and Protozoans), Plantae (=Plants), Mycetae
(=Fungi) and Animalia (=Animals).
The more recent systems of classification that is based, in part, on molecular research
are :-
Section "B"
The organisms included in this division are commonly known as the plasmodial or
acellular slime molds. The exact systemic position of the Myxomycota is not clear. Olive
(1975) classified them in the Kingdom Protista. Ainsworth (1973) classification is most
accepted in which Division Myxomycota belong to Kingdom Mycetae (=Fungi).
Within the Myxomycota, the class Myxomycetes, known as the acellular slime molds.
Class: Myxomycetes There are approximately 71 genera and 500 species of
Reproduction :-
Life Cycle of Myxomycetes:- Bi-phasic life cycle with a haploid and a diploid phase.
The diploid stage is a naked coenocytic protoplast (that is, it consists of a
multinucleate mass of cytoplasm that is enclosed only by a plasma membrane and
does not have a cell wall).When the sporangia matured and turned grey. Normally
globose, with a definite, rather thick cell wall,unicellular, uninucelate and haploid spores
are released by rupture of the sporangial coat.The spore surface may range from almost
smooth to reticulate. Spores of myxomycetes are small (4-20 µm) and are easily picked
up by air currents, arthropods and other animals On germination a spore produces one
or four myxamoebae or flagellate cells known as swarm cells- that have one or two
anterior flagella, all of which are of the whiplash type. In most cases swarm cells possess
one long prominent flagellum and a second shorter, inconspicuous flagellum that is
directed backward and appressed to the cell surface. Myxamoebae and swarm cells can
be interconverted. When food is abundant and environmental conditions are favorable,
myxamoebae divide repeatedly, giving rise to a large population of cells. The nuclear
divisions are centric and open (the nuclear membrane breaks down during prophase
and is reconstituted after telophase.) Under unfavorable conditions myxamoebae round
up and secrete a galactosamine wall to form microcysts (sclerotia). When favorable
conditions return, the microcysts germinate and either a myxamoeba or swarm cell
emerges from each wall.
When free water is available myxamoeba can differentiate into flagellated swarm cells
Swarm cells and myxamoeba may function as gametes (both in homothallic or
heterothallic strains).The compatible gametes fuse in pairs (two swarm cells, two
myxamoebae) to form a diploid zygote.As the zygote grows, its nucleus undergoes
successive synchronous mitotic divisions without cytokinesis. And the cell becomes
transformed into a multinucleate, amoeboid structure, the plasmodium.
Plasmodium:-The plasmodium is a diploid structure.Plasmodium is a naked,
multinucleate, motile mass of protoplasm; no cell wall around it. However, in most
species, the plasmodium is enveloped by a gelatinous slime sheath that contains
microfibrils. Just inside the slime sheath is the plasma membrane that surrounds and
confines the cytoplasm Plasmodia are of various colors. Examples- Physarum
polycephalum it is a bright yellow, slimy structure and Didymium iridis the plasmodium
is colorless In nature plasmodia probably feed on bacteria, spores of fungi and plants,
and possibly on protozoa and even on bits of nonliving organic matter Growth is
accompanied by successive mitotic divisions of the nuclei embedded in the cytoplasm. In
growing plasmodia of P. polycephalum, nuclear division occurs almost simultaneously
every 8-10 hours throughout the plasmodium and requires 20 to 40 minutes for
completion. There are three types of plasmodia :- protoplasmodium - microscopic
throughout its existence; gives rise to only a single sporangium when it fruits.
aphanoplasmodium - resembles a protoplasmodium in its initial stages, but soon
elongates, branches, and becomes a network of very fine, transparent strands;
Stemonitales. phaneroplasmodium - characteristic of Physarales, also resembles a
protoplasmodium at first; it grows larger and becomes more massive. Its protoplasm is
very granular, and the plasmodium is visible even at an early stage of development. The
gelified and fluid portions of the veins are easily distinguishable and the rhythmic,
reversible streaming is very conspicuous
Under favorable conditions, the plasmodium will migrate and feed for a period of
time before being converted to one or more sporophores.Sporophores posses
brightly coloured sporangia.
Entire plasmodium of a myxomycete usually is converted into one or more
sporophores so that the somatic and reproductive phases seldom coexist in the
same individual.
Sporangium consists of the following parts: -
1. Peridium (persistent or evanescent):- The fragile, outer layer of the
sporangium is the peridium (pl.=peridia), which may be persistent or
degenerate by the time the sporangium is ready to disperse its spores.
2. Hypothallus - The hypothallus is a plasmodial remnant forming the base for
one or more fruiting bodies. The hypothallus connects the stalk or stipe to
the substrate. It may be dull or brightly colored, thin and delicate or
coarse.The hypothallus may be composed of calcium carbonate
3. Stalk :- Basal portion of sporangium, may or may not be present, may be
hollow or filled with material Stalks formed from secretions of plasmodium
and are acellular (in contrast to cellular slime molds
4. Columella and Pseudocolumella :-The columella appears as an extension of
the stalk into the spore mass, although it may not resemble the stalk. In a
sessile fruiting body, the columella may be an area on the inside of the
peridium where it contacts the substrate or appears as a dome-shaped
structure. A pseudocolumella (pseudo=false) is a columella that does not
attach to the stalk. The pseudocolumella is found only in the order
Physarales, existing as a lime mass within the spore mass. Capillitial elements
may be attached to the columella or pseudocolumella.
5. Capillitium and Pseudocapillitium :-The capillitium consists of threadlike
elements inside the sporophores, intermingled with the spores.Some
elements of capillitium may be elastic, allowing for expansion when the
peridium opens, while other types are hygroscopic and capable of dispersing
spores by a twisting motion. A pseudocapillitium is present in some aethalia
and pseudoaethalia producing species. Pseudocapillitial elements are highly
variable in size and shape, and may appear as bristles, threads or perforated
6. Spores.
Section "C"
One large group of the Mastigomycotina is aquatic. While another group of the
Mastigomycotina are primarily terrestrial, although the organisms still form motile
zoospores when open water is available
The members of Mastigomycotina produce flagellated zoospores in their life cycle.
Most of them are filamentous and have coenocytic mycelium. However, unicellular
form are present, and some genera show the pseudosepta (false cross wall)
Rhizoids are present in some of unicellular forms.
They show centric nuclear division. Their centrioles remain functional during
nuclear division.
Live either as saprophytes or parasites.Due to presence of haustoria in a majority
of Mastigomycotina , the mode of nutrition is typically absorptive.
The sexual reproduction takes place by different methods , oospores formation
are common in almost all Mastigomycotina
Three classes are included in this sub-division, on the basis of zoospore and oospore and
comprise 204 genera and 1160 species:-
Lagenidiales (Salilagenidiales)
Peronosporales :- This order has some of the most well known pathogens (fungi
cause diseases) cause diseases to many a crop plants. Peronosporales:- divided
into three families :-
1. Pythiaceae - Pithium,Phytophthora
2. Peronosporaceae-Plasmopara
3. Albuginaceae -Albugo.
Peronosporales differs from the Saprolegniales in producing only secondary
zoospores in a zoosporangium
That is differentiated from hyphae (eucarpic) and one oosphere (egg) per
Zoosporangia often deciduous
However, although members of Mastigomycotina are morphologically similar, they share
no close phylogenetic relationships to fungi. The combination of cellulose cell wall,
biflatellated zoospores, one flagellum of the tinsel type and the other of the whiplash
type, and gametangial copulation are characteristics that are shared with some
members of the algal divisions Phaeophyta and Chrysophyta. This has recently led to
recognition of yet another kingdom, Stramenopila, which includes the divisions
Bacillariophyta, Chrysophyta, Phaeophyta, Hyphochytridiomycota and Oomycota. These
divisions are now thought to be derived from a common ancestor .
Section "D"
Sub-division : -Zygomycotina
Most of the Zygomycotina are present in soil and dung, occurring mostly as
saprophytes; few are parasitic on plants and animals. About 1000 fungal species
belong to Zygomycotina.
Vegetative ( somatic) body is Haploid .
Thallus is usually mycelial, hyphae coenocytic.
Cell wall is made up of chitin and chitosan.
Asexual reproduction occurs most commonly by the formation of nonmotile,
unicelled sporangiospores in uni- or multispored sporangia or merosporangia. In
addition, arthrospores, chlamydospores, and yeast cells can be formed by some
These characteristics are shared with the divisions of flagellated fungi
Spores are dispersed either violently or passively by wind, rain or animals.
Flagellated spores and gametes are absent in this division as well as in the
remaining taxa of terrestrial fungi.
Sexual reproduction occurs with the fusion of two multi-nucleate isogametangia or
anisogametangia to produce a zygote.
The zygote later develops into a thick-walled zygospore, the diagnostic feature of
this division.
Because of this the fungi of the class zygomycetes are also known as conjugation
Two classes are recognized in this division :-
1. Trichomycetes
2. Zygomycetes.
Order :- Mucorales
Internal structure The hyphae cell wall are made up of chitin lined by a thin plasma
membrane. The protoplasm includes typical cell organelles like nuclei, mitochondria,
ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum etc.
Rhizopus stolonifer Life cycle includes both asexual reproduction and sexual.
Asexual reproduction :- Asexual reproduction during favourable condition.
Asexual reproduction takes place by the formation of sporangiophores with
terminal uni-to-multispored sporangia.
Sporangiophores arise from mycelium.
Each sporangium begins as a swelling into which a number of nuclei flow, and it is
eventually cut off from the sporangiophores (Aplanospores) by the formation of a
The protoplasm within is cleaved, and a cell wall is in the sporangium. Which
divides sporangium into an outer fertile sporiferous zone and a central sterile
columella.The protoplasts of the sporiferous zone cleave mitotically to form dark-
coloured multinucleate spores.
In this process, nonmotile, single-celled, haploid sporangiospores are formed.
The sporangium becomes black as it matures, giving the mold its characteristic
colour. Each spore, when liberated, can germinate to produce a new mycelium.
Section "E"
Members of the Ascomycotina are known as the Sac Fungi. The majority of fungi that
lack morphological evidence of sexual reproduction are placed here. Examples of sac
fungi are yeasts, morels, truffles, and Penicillium. This includes the salmon-coloured
bread mold Neurospora sp., which has played an important role in the development of
modern genetics. Important features of Ascomycotina:-
These fungi posses well-developed, profusely branched mycelium except the
unicellular yeasts.
Hyphae with regular cross-walls called septa and haploid.Which are centrally
perforated to allow movement of cytoplasm, and sometimes nuclei, between
The hyphal cells of the vegetative mycelium may be either uninucleate or
Cell walls are composed mostly of chitin.
All produce an ascus (sac-like structure) that contains haploid (n) ascospores after
meiosis .
Plasmogamy is separated from karyogamy in time so that a dikaryotic phase is
produced – the ascogenous hyphae represent the dikaryotic hyphae(or at least in
those which produce a teleomorph).
Sexual life cycle is basically similar – haploid-dikaryotic life cycle.
Some species of Ascomycota can self-fertilize and produce sexual structures from
a single genetic strain; others require a combination of + and - strains.
Nutrition and Symbioses :-Ascomycotina are heterotrophs and obtain nutrients from
dead or living organisms :- As saprotrophs they can consume almost any carbonaceous
substrate such as cellulose (found in plant cell walls), lignin (found in wood) and recycled
dead plant material .
Asexual reproduction :-
Yeasts reproduces by budding or fission.
Asexual reproduction in the majority of the Ascomycetes occurs by the
formation of specialized spores, known as conidia.
Which are formed on tips of modified hyphae called conidiophores.
Conidia are formed in longitudinal chains on the conidiophores.
Each conidium contains one or more nuclei.
Conidia form on the surface of conidiophores in contrast to spores that form
within sporangia in Rhizopus.
When mature, conidia are released in large numbers and germinate to
produce new organisms.
Sexual reproduction :-In these fungi sexual reproduction occurs by the formation
of multinucleate gametangia called :-
Male gametangia may be an antheridium or conidium-like structure –
Female gametangium - ascogonium, may have a long projection, the
Asci formation occur on the same mycelia that produce conidia.
The male nuclei of the antheridium pass into the ascogonium or an ascogonium
and a spermatium ,through the trichogyne.
Plasmogamy or the fusion of the two cytoplasms, has now taken place.
The male nuclei then pair with the genetically different female nuclei within the
common cytoplasm but do not fuse.
Hyphae now begin to grow out of the ascogonium.
As the hyphae develop, pairs of nuclei migrate into them and simultaneous mitotic
divisions occur in the hyphae and ascogonium -dikaryotic cells.
The pairing of two genetically (+ and -) different types of nuclei followed by
septation results in the formation of a number of dikaryotic cells (i.e. containing
two haploid nuclei, one from each strain).
Sterile haploid hyphae known as peridium envelope the ascogonium to form the
multicellular ascoma or ascocarp(fruiting body).
Many ascogenous hyphae produced inside the developing ascoma.
Tips of ascogenous hyphae form croziers (hooks) before developing into an ascus.
Ascoma contains two types of hyphae :-
Ascogenous hyphae – dikaryotic, form asci through crozier formation.
Sterile hyphae – haploid, form bulk of ascoma.
The two nuclei in the terminal cell (ascus) of the dikaryotic hyphae then fuse into a
single diploid nucleus ("karyogamy"). The zygote is only diploid phase in life cycle.
The ascus then elongates and the diploid nucleus divides by meiosis, forming 4
haploid nuclei.
Each haploid nucleus usually divides again by mitosis, generally resulting in a total
of 8 haploid nuclei but this may vary.
These haploid nuclei are then cut off in segments of the cytoplasm to form
In most Ascomycotina, the ascus becomes turgid at maturity and finally bursts,
sending its ascospores explosively into the air.
Within the ascocarp, there is usually a layer containing the asci, and sterile cells
known as paraphyses. This layer is the hymenial layer.
This sub division shares many features in common with the Ascomycotina:-
General characters of Basidiomycotina :-The mycelium of the Basidiomycotina in
most species have three distinct phases during the life cycle of the fungus:-
These are loop-like hyphae which connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells and through
which nuclei move during cell division.
During cell division, one nucleus divides directly into the newly formed cell. The other
nucleus divides inside the clamp connection and the two daughter nuclei migrate
through the clamp connection in opposite directions to the two daughter cells,
reestablishing the dikaryotic condition.
The tertiary mycelium which is also dikaryotic, arises directly from the secondary
mycelium forms the fruiting bodies -basidiocarps.
Reproduction and life-cycle of Basidiomycotina :- Like all fungi, Basidiomycotina can
undergo both asexual and sexual reproduction.
they will burst the epidermis, exposing the characteristic, rusty-colored
urediospores on the surface of the plant . The urediospore can infect other
wheat plants throughout the spring and early summer.
4. Spore Stage III: Teliospores in telia (sing.=telium) :- During late summer, the
uredium gradually converts into the telium and begin to produce the two-
celled, thick-walled teliospores a fourth spore type . The rusty-brown uredium
becomes black as the teliospores are borne.The teliospore stage, with its
thick wall is the over winter stage and will remain dormant for the winter.
5. Spore Stage IV: Basidiospores on basidia (sing.=basidium) :- Under favorable
condition, each cell is capable of germinating to produce basidia and
basidiospores.In the Pucciniales, the basidia are cylindrical and become 3-
septate (four celled) after meiosis, with each of the 4 cells bearing one
basidiospore each. The basidospores disperse and start the infection process
on host first again.
On the basis of life cycle patterns, the rusts are of three types :-