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Lecture-1 (CE&CD)

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Estimation is the scientific way of

working out the approximate cost of
an engineering project before
execution of the work.

 It is totally different from calculation of

the exact cost after completion of the
 Estimation requires a thorough Knowledge
of the construction procedures and cost of
materials & labour in addition to the skill ,
experience, foresight and good judgment.
An estimate of the cost of a construction
job is the probable cost of that job as
computed from plans and specifications.

 For a good estimate the, actual cost of the

proposed work after completion should not
differ by more then 5 to 10 % from its
approximate cost estimate, provided there
are no unusual, unforeseen circumstances.
1. It help to work out the approximate cost of the
project in order to decide its feasibility with
respect to the cost and to ensure the financial
resources, it the proposal is approved.

2. Requirements of controlled materials, such as

cement and steel can be estimated for making
applications to the controlling authorities.

3. It is used for framing the tenders for the works

and to check contractor’s work during and after
the its execution for the purpose of making
payments to the contractor.

4. From quantities of different items of work

calculated in detailed estimation, resources are
allocated to different activities of the project and
ultimately their durations and whole planning
and scheduling of the project is carried out.
1 Each type of work requires a different method
of construction. Construction may be of an
ordinary house or office and it may also be of a
Dam, Tunnel, Multistory building, Airport,
Bridge, or a Road, already in operation. Each of
these works requires totally different
construction techniques, type of machinery,
and formwork.

2 Quality of labor and labor output varies in

different localities.

3 Weather conditions greatly affect the output

and, hence, the overall cost.

4. Ground conditions vary and change

the method of construction. For
example, excavation may be dry, wet,
hard, soft, shallow or deep requiring
different efforts.

5. The work may be in open ground such

as fields or it may be in congested
areas such as near or on the public
roads, necessitating extensive
watching, lightening, and controlling
efforts, etc.

6. The source of availability of a

sufficient supply of materials of good
quality is also a factor.

7. The availability of construction

machinery also affects the method of

8. Access to the site must be

reasonable. If the access is poor,
temporary roads may be constructed.

• In preparing an estimate, the Estimator must

have good knowledge regarding the important
rules of quantity surveying.

• He must thoroughly understand the drawings

of the structure, for which he is going to
prepare an estimate.

• He must also be clearly informed about the

specifications showing nature and classes of
works and the materials to be used because
the rates at which various types of works can
be executed depend upon its specifications.
A good estimator of construction costs should possess the
following capabilities, also:-

1 A knowledge of the details of construction work.

2 Experience in construction work.

3 Having information regarding the materials required,

machinery needed, overhead problems, and costs of all

4 Good judgment with regard to different localities, different

jobs and different workmen.
5 Selection of a good method for preparing an estimate.

6 Ability to be careful, thorough, hard working and accurate.

7 Ability to collect, classify and evaluate data relating to


8 Ability to visualize all the steps during the process of

 Before preparing the estimate, the estimator should visit
the site and make a study of conditions, there. For
example, if the construction of a large building is
planned, the estimator or his representative should visit
the site and:

 Note the location of the proposed building.

 Get all data available regarding the soil.
 Make a sketch of the site showing all important details.
 Obtain information concerning light, power, and water.
 Secure information concerning banking facilities.
 Note conditions of streets leading to railway yards and to
material dealers, and
 Investigate general efficiency of local workman.

 There are two main types of estimates:-

1 = Rough cost estimate.
2 = Detailed estimate.

 Depending upon the purpose of estimate,

some types of detailed estimate are as
a) Contractor's estimate
b) Engineer's estimate
c) Progress estimate
I = Rough cost estimate

• Estimation of cost before construction from

plans or architectural drawings of the
project scheme, when even detailed or
structural design has not been carried out,
is called Rough cost estimate.

• These estimates are used for obtaining

Administrative Approval from the
concerning Authorities.

• Sometimes, on the basis of rough cost

estimates, a proposal may be dropped
Rough cost estimate (-ctd-)
• Unit cost is worked out for projects similar to the project
under consideration carried out recently in nearly the same
site conditions.

• Unit cost means cost of execution of a unit quantity of the

Rough cost estimate (-ctd-)
• To find rough cost of any project, this worked
average unit cost is multiplied with total quantity
of the present work in the same units.

• For example, in case of a building, plinth area (sq.

ft.) of the proposed building is worked out, which
is then multiplied by the cost per unit area (Rs.
/ft2) of similar building actually constructed in
the near past in nearly the same site conditions,
to find out the rough cost estimate of the

• This cost is sometimes adjusted by the average

percentage rise in the cost of materials and
Rough cost estimate
 The rough cost estimate may be prepared on the
following basis for different types of projects:

1. Cost per square foot of covered area (plinth area) is

the most commonly adopted criterion for preparing
rough cost estimate for most of the residential

2. For public buildings, cost. Per person (cost per

capita) is used. For example,

Students hostel———————-—cost per student

Hospitals————————————Cost per bed

Hotel—————————————Cost per Guest

Rough cost estimate (-ctd-)
3. Cost per cubic foot is particularly suitable for
commercial offices, shopping centers, and
factory buildings, etc.

4. For water tank/reservoir, cost may be worked out

on the basis of capacity in gallons of water stored.

5. For roads and railways, cost may be found out

per mile/kilometer of length.

6. For streets, cost may be per hundred feet/meters of


7. In case of bridges, cost per foot/meter of clear span

may be calculated.

 Calculate the total rough cost

estimate and cost per Flat for a

multi-storey (4-storeyed) block

consisting of 40 residential flats.

Other details are given in the table:

(sq. ft)
Building Sanitory Electric Sui Gas
Works Works Services Services

1 Main Flat Area

(i) Ground Floor 20030 1800 130 100 60

(ii) 1st Floor 20030 1500 130 100 60
(iii) 2nd Floor 20030 1650 130 100 60
(iv) 3rd Floor 20030 1800 130 100 60

2 Park Area at G. Floor 75,800 800 -------- 40 -------

3 Circulation Area in all 1936 1050 -------- 70 -------

4 floors

4 Covered Shopping 920 950 -------- 70 -------

Area at G. Floor

5 Attached Servant 2112 1150 55 70 40

Add the following costs as Lump Sum :
1- Road and Walkways = 15,00,000/-
2- Land Scapping = 12,00,000/-
3- External Sewerage = 7,00,000/-
4- External Water Supply, Overhead and
Underground Water Tanks with pumping
machinery for each set of Flats = 19,00,000/-
5- External Electricity = 3,00,000/-
6- Boundary Wall = 6,00,000/-
7- Miscellaneous unforeseen items
= 8,00,000/-
8- Add 6 % development charges.
9- Add 3 % consultancy charges
 Prepare a Rough-cost Estimate of a residential building
project with a total plinth area of all building of 1500
sq.m. given that:
 plinth Area Rate = Rs: 950.00 / sq. ft.
 Extra for special architectural treatment = 1.5 % of the
building cost.
 Extra for water supply and sanitary installations = 5 %
of the building cost.
 Extra for internal installations = 14 % of the building
 Extra for Electric & Sui gas services = 16 % of building
 Contingencies 3 % overall
 Supervision charges = 8 % overall
 Design charges = 2 % overall
 Prepare a Rough-cost Estimate based on unit costs
of per unit plinth area basis of a four storeyed
office building having a carpet area of 2000 sq.m.
for obtaining the administrative approval of the
Government. It may be assumed that 30 % of the
built up area will be taken by the corridors,
verandas, lavatories, staircase, etc. and 10 % of
built up area will be occupied by walls. The
following data is given:

 Plinth Area Rate = Rs: 1100.00 / sq. ft.

 Extra for special architectural treatment = 0.5 %
of the building cost.
 Extra for water supply and sanitary installations =
6 % of the building cost.
Example 3

 Extra for internal installations = 14 % of the

building cost
 Extra for electric services = 12.5 % of building
 Extra for sui gas services = 6 % of building cost
 Extra due to deep foundations at site = 1.0 % of
building cost
 Contingencies = 2.5 % overall
 Supervision charges = 8 % overall
 Design charges = 2.5 % overall

• Detailed estimates are prepared by carefully

and separately calculating in detail the costs of
various items of the work that constitute the
whole project from the detailed working
drawings after the design has been finalized.

• The mistakes, if any, in the rough cost estimate are

eliminated in the detailed estimate.

• Detailed estimates are submitted to the competent

authorities for obtaining technical sanction.

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