Category 1
Category 2 (iii)
Category 4.
(ii) Some A are B also indicates that – All A are B. (ii) No A are B.
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Note: ‘All A are B’ & ‘Some A are not B’ are also complementary 4. Statement:
pairs. 1. No animals are plants.
It is important to note that, in complementary pairs, one of the 2. All sheep are animals.
two conclusions is true and other will be false simultaneously. Therefore,
(a) All sheep are plants.
For example –
(b) All animals are sheep.
Statement: All A are B. Some B are C.
(c) Some Sheep Are Plants.
Conclusion: I. All C are A. II. Some C are not A. (d) None of the above.
5. Statements:
1. Some actors are singers.
2. All the singers are dancers.
Here we can make conclusion, either I or either II follows. I . Some actors are dancers.
II. No singer is actor.
Possibility cases in Syllogism – In possibilities cases, we have
(a) Only I conclusion follows
to create all possibilities to find whether the given conclusion is
possible or not. If it is possible and satisfies the given statement (b) Only II conclusion follows
then given conclusion will follow otherwise conclusion will not (c) Either I or II follows
follow. (d) Neither I nor II follows
Exercises: (e) Both I and II follow
Directions for Q1 and Q2: State whether the given conclusion 6. Statements:
is True or False: 1. All states are towns.
2. Some villages are not towns
1. Statement:
1. All A are B. I. All states are villages
2. Some B are C. II. Some states are villages
Conclusion: III. Some villages are not states
All A being C is a possibility. IV. Some states are not villages
(a) True (b) False (a) None follows
2. Statements: (b) Only III
1. Some mouse is cat. (c) Only II and III follows
2. All mouse are pets. (d) All follows
3. No pet is animal. 7. Statements:
Conclusions: 1. Some mangoes are yellow.
All mouse being animal is a possibility. 2. Some tixo are mangoes.
(a) True (b) False Conclusions:
Directions for Q3 to Q17: Which of these is a logical I. Some mangoes are green.
conclusion. II. Tixo is yellow.
(a) Only I conclusion follows
3. Statements:
(b) Only II conclusion follows
1. Some Red Boxes are Green Boxes.
(c) Either I or II follows
2. All Red Boxes are Yellow Boxes.
(d) Neither I nor II follows
(e) Both I and II follow
I. Some Yellow Boxes are Green Boxes.
8. Statements:
II. All Green Boxes are Red Boxes.
1. All the trucks are flies.
(a) Only I can be true always
2. Some scooters are flies.
(b) Only II can be true always
(c) Both I and II can be true always
I. All the trucks are scooters.
(d) Both I and II cannot be true always
II. Some scooters are trucks.
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16. Statements: 20. The below question consists of six statements followed by
1. No navies are air forces. options consisting of three statements put together in a
2. All armies are navies. specific order. Choose the option, where the third
statement is a conclusion drawn from preceding two
3. All air forces are combats.
A. Six is five. B. Five is not four.
I. No air forces are navies
C. Some five is ten. D. Some six is twelve.
II. Some combats are air forces
E. Some twelve is five. F. Some ten is four.
III. Some combats are not navies
IV. No armies are air forces (a) ABC (b) ADE (c) AEF (d) EDC
III. No flower is plant Shopkeeper Number 3 said: "The dog had white hair and
no collar."
(a) Only I and II follow
Based on the above statements, which of the following
(b) Either II or III follows
could be a correct description?
(c) Only I follows
(a) The dog had white hair, short tail and no collar.
(d) I and III follows
(b) The dog had white hair, long tail and a collar.
(e) I, II and III follow
(c) The dog had black hair, long tail and a collar.
Directions for Q18 and Q19: Each question contains six (d) The dog had black hair, long tail and no collar.
statements followed by four sets of combinations of three.
2. Out of three people X, Y and Z, one is a knight, one a knave
Choose the set in which the statements are most logically and the third a spy, who can either speak the truth or lie.
related. X says: “Y is not a spy.” Z says: “X is a spy.” Which of the
following statements is definitely true?
18. A. All roses are fragrant.
(a) X is a knave (b) Y is a knave
B. All roses are majestic.
(c) X is a spy (d) Y is a knight
C. All roses are plants.
3. Shahrukh speaks truth only in the morning and lies in the
D. All roses need air.
afternoon, whereas Salman speaks truth only in the
E. All plants need air. afternoon. A says that B is Shahrukh. Is it morning or
F. All plants need water. afternoon and who is A - Shahrukh or Salman?
(a) CED (b) ACB (c) BDC (d) CFE (a) Afternoon, Shahrukh (b) Afternoon, Salman
(c) Morning, Shahrukh (d) Morning, Salmon
19. A. Some mammals are carnivores.
4. Five college students met at a party and exchanged
B. All whales are mammals.
gossips. Uma said, “Only one of us is lying”. David said,
C. All whales are aquatic animals.
“Exactly two of us are lying”. Thara said, “Exactly 3 of us
D. All whales are carnivores. are lying”. Querishi said, “Exactly 4 of us are lying”. Chitra
E. Some aquatic animals are mammals. said “All of us are lying”. Which one was telling the truth?
F. Some mammals are whales. (a) David (b) Quershi
(c) Chitra (d) Thara
(a) ADF (b) ABC (c) AEF (d) BCE
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9. Three persons give these statements. 14. David says, “According to John. I always speak the truth”.
P says either Gandhi or Nehru wins the elections. Which of the following is a correct conclusion?
R says neither Gandhi nor Nehru wins the elections. (b) David has to be of type Y.
In these statements only one is wrong. Who wins the (c) John has to be of type X.
elections? (d) John has to be of type Y.
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15. Mike says, “Albert and I are of the same type”. Which of 19. With reference to the previous question, what type is the
the following is a correct conclusion? Advisor?
(a) Mike and Albert are necessarily of the same type. (a) Awaker
(b) Albert has to be of type X. (b) Asleeper
(c) Mike and Albert cannot be of the same type.
(c) Could be either of the two types
(d) The given statement is infeasible.
(d) Data inconsistent
16. Rolly says, “Soni and I are of different types”. Which of the
following is a correct conclusion? 20. At one time, and inhabitant believed that he was both
(a) Rolly and Soni are of Type Y and Type X respectively. asleep and awake, what was he really?
(b) Rolly and Soni cannot be of the same type. (a) Awaker
(c) Soni has to be of Type Y. (b) Asleeper
(d) Rolly has to be of Type Y. (c) Could be either of the two types
17. Mike says, “At least one person among Albert and I always (d) Data inconsistent
lies”. What types are Mike and Albert respectively?
(a) Y, X
(b) Y, Y CUBES
(c) X, Y
Directions for Q1 and Q2: The sheet of paper shown in the
(d) It is not possible to deduce figure (X) given on the left hand side, in each problem, is folded
to form a box. Choose from amongst the alternatives (1), (2), (3)
Directions for Q18 to Q20: Refer to the passage below and
and (4), the boxes that are similar to the box that will be formed.
answer the questions given below it.
1. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the
The inhabitants of the Island of Middle Andaman Island have given sheet of paper (X).
very bright and interesting lives. Just as we earthlings have
continuity in our routine lives, the inhabitants of the Island of
Middle Andaman Island have continuity in both their waking
lives, as well as their dreams. As result, the inhabitants of the
Island of Middle Andaman Island have great difficulty in
knowing whether they are awake or asleep at a given time. (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 4 only
However, the inhabitants can be classified into two broad types (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1 and 4 only
– Awakers and Asleepers. 2. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the
given sheet of paper (X).
An Awaker is characterized by the fact that everything they
believe while they are awake is true, and everything they
believe while they are asleep is false. An Asleeper on the
other hand, has the characteristic that everything he believes
while asleep is try, and everything he believes while awake is
false. (a) 1 and 4 only (b) 3 and 4 only
(c) 1 and 2 only (d) 2 and 3 only
18. The island has a King, an advisor and a Doctor. At one
3. How many dots lie opposite to the face having three dots,
point, the Doctor believed that his bosses were of different when the given figure is folded to form a cube?
types. Twelve hours later, he changed his state (from sleeping to
waking or from waking to sleeping), and he then believed that
the King was an Awaker and the Advisor was an Asleeper. What
type is the King?
(a) Awaker
(b) Asleeper
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6
(c) Could be either of the two types
4. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the
(d) Data inconsistent given sheet of paper (X).
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(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 and 4 only (a) 2 and 3 only (b) 1, 3 and 4 only
(c) 2 and 4 only (d) 3 and 4 only (c) 2 and 4 only (d) 1 and 4 only
5. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the 11. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the
given sheet of paper (X). given sheet of paper (X).
9. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the 15. Choose the box that is similar to the box formed from the
given sheet of paper (X). given sheet of paper (X).
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16. Observe the dots on a dice (one to six dots) in the 22. A dice is numbered from 1 to 6 in different ways.
following figures. How many dots are contained on the If 1 is adjacent to 2, 3 and 5, then which of the following
face opposite to that containing four dots? statements is necessarily true?
(a) 4 is adjacent to 6
(b) 2 is adjacent to 5
(c) 1 is adjacent to 6
(a) 2 (b) 3 (d) 1 is adjacent to 4
(c) 6 (d) Cannot be determined
23. If the total number of dots on opposite faces of a cubical
17. Three different positions of a dice are shown below. How block is always 7, find the figure which is correct.
many dots lie opposite 2 dots?
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6 24. A dice is numbered from 1 to 6 in different ways.
18. The six faces of a dice have been marked with alphabets A, If 2 is opposite to 3 and adjacent to 4 and 6, then which of
B, C, D, E and F respectively. This dice is rolled down three the following statements is necessarily true?
times. The three positions are shown as: (a) 1 is opposite to 5
(b) 4 is opposite to 6
(c) 4 is adjacent to 2 and 6
(d) 1 is adjacent to 2 and 3
Find the alphabet opposite A. 25. A dice is numbered from 1 to 6 in different ways.
(a) C (b) D (c) E (d) F If 1 is opposite to 5 and 2 is opposite to 3, then
(a) 4 is adjacent to 3 and 6
19. Three positions of a dice are given. Based on them find
out which number is found opposite the number 2 in the (b) 2 is adjacent to 4 and 6
given cube. (c) 4 is adjacent to 5 and 6
(d) 6 is adjacent to 3 and 4
26. A cube has six different symbols drawn over its six faces.
The symbols are dot, circle, triangle, square, cross and
arrow. Three different positions of the cube are shown in
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 1 figures X, Y, and Z.
20. A dice is thrown four times and its four different positions Which symbol is opposite the dot?
are shown below. Find the number on the face opposite
the face showing 2.
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28. A cube has six different symbols drawn over its six faces.
The symbols are dot, circle, triangle, square, cross and
arrow. Three different positions of the cube are shown in
figures X, Y, and Z.
Which symbol occurs at the bottom of fig.(Y)?
30. Four usual dice are thrown on the ground. The total of
numbers on the top faces of these four dice is 13 as the
top faces showed 4, 3, 1 and 5 respectively. What is the
total of the faces touching the ground?
(a) 12 (b) 13
(c) 15 (d) Cannot be determined
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