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Ribeiro et al.

, Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1606376



Application of the single-minute exchange of die
system to the CNC sector of a shoe mold
Received: 21 November 2018 Rodrigo Borges Ribeiro1, José De Souza2*, Alexandre Beluco3, Luciano Volcanoglo Biehl4,
Accepted: 31 March 2019 Jorge Luiz Braz Medeiros4, Frederico Sporket2, Elton Gimenez Rossini5 and
First Published: 16 April 2019 Fábio Augusto Dornelles Do Amaral4
*Corresponding author: José De Souza,
DPPI – Departamento de Pesquisa Abstract: The aim of this work is to present a quantitative evaluation of the benefits
e Produção Industrial, FETLSVC - of applying the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) implemented in a shoe mold
Fundação Liberato, Inconfidentes
Street, 395 - Primavera, Novo company. Based on the application of this methodology, we noticed that real gains
Hamburgo 93340-140, Brazil
E-mail: josesouza@liberato.com.br
were obtained with very little financial investment. The improvements observed in
the sector were the reduction of set-up time by 60%, with an average set-up time of
Reviewing editor:
Yibing Li, Wuhan University of approximately 7 min, and an increase in the productive capacity of the sector by
Technology, Wuhan, China
around 3%. There was a reduction in the incidence of errors in the machined parts
Additional information is available at due to the standardization of the processes performed by the operators. Among the
the end of the article
advantages presented with the new system are reduced material exchange time,
reduced time spent fine-tuning, less chance of errors during exchanges, improved
product quality, greater reliability with respect to reduction of dissociation stocks
and the flexibilization of the production system.

Subjects: Manufacturing Engineering; Manufacturing Technology; Machine Science &

Technology; Production Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering; Manufacturing
Engineering Design

Keywords: Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED); set-up times; production planning; CNC
machining; shoe mold company


SMED research projects are developed by One way to increase efficiency in industrial pro-
Researchers of Production Engineering together duction is to reduce the time required to prepare
with the researchers of manufacturing processes machines and equipment. While this step is
of Mechanical Engineering. The group of unfinished, the process remains stationary, ren-
researchers acts collaboratively. Most of the dering it inefficient. With the reduction of the
researchers in this group work autonomously, preparation time, the size of the production batch
participating in several projects in various insti- is also reduced, thus increasing the productive
tutions in Brazil. Dr. José de Souza has coordi- efficiency. One of the methods of reducing the
nated these projects that have resulted in preparation time of machines is the application of
several publications such as this one. The cur- the Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED). This
rent text is also the result of a work by the method creates conditions that bring good results
engineer Rodrigo Borges Ribeiro in the course of in a short time and with relatively low imple-
Production Engineering. mentation costs. Reducing the tool changeover
time makes the company more competitive due
to more significant gains in agility, flexibility and
rapid response to market changes, reaching spe-
cific previously unreachable market niches.

© 2019 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

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Ribeiro et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1606376

1. Introduction
According to Ferradás and Salonitis (2013), SMED is a system that aims at reducing the setup time
focusing on continuous and cost-effective changes. The SMED system was spread throughout the
world along with the evolution of the Toyota Production System (Tatàno et al., 2012). Assaf and
Haddad (2014) defined the SMED system as a methodology used for analysis and reduction of the
preparation times of machines and equipment. Mohamad and Ito (2012) pointed out that the main
purpose of the SMED system is to convert all internal setup operations possible into external setup.
This makes the machines stay in operation for more extended periods, allowing an increase in
production capacity without the need to invest in new equipment or increase the production line
(Mulla, Bhatwadekar, & Pandit, 2014) (Karam et al, 2018).

A detailed analysis of the setup operation is necessary for the implementation of the SMED
system (Kumaravel, Sathya-Bharathi, & Kavinandini, 2018) (Karasu, Cakmakci, Cakiroglu, Ayva, &
Demirel-Ortabas, 2014). The SMED system can bring numerous benefits to the company, among
which are the reduction of decoupling stocks, the decline of the number of batches produced,
reduction of unnecessary movements and improvements in the final quality of the product, as well
as the flexibilization of the production systems (Costa, Bragança, Sousa, & Alves, 2013) (Mihok,
Kádárová, Demečko, & Ružinský, 2015).

Ekincioğlu and Boran (2018) point out that the SMED system, initially, for environments of
repetitive production of large amounts of batches, where, then, the production of smaller quan-
tities was made possible. Before the development of the SMED methodology, the industry worked
with the concept that large batches of production absorbed huge setup times, which, then, was
diluted in the number of parts produced (Moreira & Pais, 2011) (Rosa et al., 2017).

Moreira and Pais (2011) point out the disadvantages of large-scale production: (i) the need for
clients with higher production demand, (ii) more extended deadlines, (iii) higher inventory, pallet
and forklift costs, (iv) quality problems, (v) money loss due to inventory depreciation, (vi) higher
number of workers linked to transport and inventory activities and (vii) frequent returns due to the
more significant amount of probable defective products.

The SMED system has two main advantages, the increase in productive capacity and the
flexibilization of equipment. These advantages allow organizations to work with smaller amounts
of production batches, creating a better material flow due to the elimination of waiting time
(Chiarini, 2014).

Ferradás and Salonitis (2013) pointed out that one of the problems of the SMED system is that it
analyzes the setup times performed by a single operator on a single equipment. This method does
not generate uniformity when put into practice, considering the differences between the numerous
operators, whether these differences be physical or technical.

The SMED system enables the reduction of equipment preparation times, allowing a more
economical production as well as smaller batches. The system also provides for the reduction of
lead times, making the company more competitive in the labor market. Another critical factor in
the SMED system is its capacity for economic production of small batches without the need for
high investment in the productive process, which, in turn, does not add value to the final product
(Oliveira, Sá, & Fernandes, 2017) (Pautsch, 2018).

According to Ani and Shafei (2013), the production of large batches has the objective of
achieving the shortest time possible, in percentage, of machine idle intervals per unit produced.
By reducing the unit cost of preparation through the SMED system, the equipment’s operation time
increases and, therefore, the incidence of errors when adjusting the equipment is decreased
(Harmon & Peterson, 1991) (Dias & Santini, 2018).

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Ribeiro et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1606376

Matarrese, Fontana, Sorlini, Diviani and Maggi (2017) stress that to achieve a more productive and
useful system, the flow of materials throughout the operations has to be agiler. Lead time reduction
grants lower operation costs, adding benefits to the consumer. As a result, the complexity of setups
and manufacturing costs are reduced, which can be considered an investment in consumer satisfac-
tion (Simões & Tenera, 2010) (Tekin, Arslandere, Etlioğlu, Koyuncuoğlu, & Tekin, 2018). The time
required to prepare the operators and the equipment for the manufacture of another product
belonging to the global production mix is called setup (Kutschenreiter-Praszkiewicz, 2018).

The SMED system is essential to the competitive strategy of the company about its clients, whether
the clients be internal or external (León-Cabezas, Martínez-García, & Varela-Gandía, 2017). To achieve
a Just in Time production, lead time must be decreased progressively, and, to that end, there must be
a reduction in decoupling stocks, production must be synchronized, and the company must have the
capacity to manufacture small batches of product. To achieve this reduction in batch size without
much loss with idleness, the setup must be reduced, which, in turn, depends directly on the
implementation of a SMED system (Cheung et al., 2017) (Reddy., Panitapu, 2017).

There are two types of standard operations within the SMED system: internal setup an external
setup. The internal setup is characterized by processes that can be performed while the machine is
idle; the external setup is characterized by actions that can be performed while the machine is
running (Chiarini, 2014) (Suganyadevi., Malmurugan, 2014).

A possibility for improving the setup time of machinery is to convert the internal setup into the
external setup. According to Díaz-Reza et al. (2017) any machinery setup can be performed in less
than 10 min, which characterizes the SMED system.

Setup time consists of four functions: (i) preparation of the raw material, assembly devices,
accessories, etc.—30%; (ii) allocation and removal of matrices and tools—5%; (iii) centering and
determining the tools dimensions—15% and (iv) initial processing and adjustments—50% (Díaz-
Reza et al., 2017).

The advantages of implementing the SMED system are: fast and easy setup operations and
product exchanges, cost reduction, increase in productive capacity, increase in the utilization rate
of machines and equipment, decrease of idle time, easy production of a varied mix of products in
a short span of time, flexibility in product alteration, reduction of production batches, reduction of
response time, decrease of decoupling stocks, reduction of lead times, increase in quality gain, cost
reduction due to the elimination of rework and waste of material, among others (Neumann
e Ribeiro, 2004, Shingo, 2000).

Ferradás and Salonitis (2013) consider that the methodology applied by the SMED system
created by Shingo focuses mainly on the improvement of processes, worrying about changing
the concepts of how people work and often forgetting about the developments in equipment
designs and intermediate devices.

2. Material and methods

This case study was carried out in the CNC milling sector of the company Matrizaria, which works
with precision machining of molds and components for molds. The setup operations analyzed were
the ones of CNC machines that run in three daily shifts from Monday to Friday, reaching approxi-
mately 22 working days per month. Considering this information, was noticed that approximately
one service day per month is lost in one machine alone, according to the historical data collected
by the production scheduling area. The CNC machines sector has the biggest production bottleneck
in the company’s production system.

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2.1. Definition of the process to be addressed

In the company analyzed, the setup process is divided into three types: (i) probe setup, (ii) part
setup and (iii) tool setup.

The CNC programmer and operators so named probe setup due to being the type of setup that
requires a probe clock for the part to be placed in the CNC machine. That means that this part has
already undergone a machining process before this step and needs to be in accordance with what
was planned. Without this auxiliary equipment, the part would not have its final quality guaran-
teed. Probe clocks have the technical function of aligning elements and checking measurements
based on the absolute values of the CNC machine.

Part setup, so named by the CNC programmer and operators, constitutes the setup process in
which the part is placed in the CNC machine, whose absolute zero is its center. It is not necessary
to use a probe clock to align this part since it has no previous machining process.

Tool setup, so named by the CNC programmer and operators, consists of the setup in which the
addition of a tool, at any point of the machining process, to the CNC machine is necessary to
produce the part according to the specifications determined in the initial design.

In the study of the types of setup addressed by the analyzed sector, the following data were
observed in Table 1.

Based on an analysis of the data in Table 1, was decided to work with probe setups. During the
months of study, the minimum time found for this operation was 18 min.

2.2. Application of the SMED system

The application of the SMED system was based on the methodology proposed by Meirelles (2004),
who sought to follow the conceptual stages proposed by Shingo (2000).

The application started on the strategic stage. In this stage, we had to persuade the senior
managers. The data collected in Table 1 served as proof for the managers to allocate human and
financial resources to implement the system.

When organizing the work teams, it was decided that half the operators of each shift would be
relocated to work on the application of the SMED system. We arranged a meeting with the
operators for them to get involved with the project and, later, a training of the SMED methodology

Table 1. Historical data of setups in the CNC sector.

Month/year Nov/2014 Dec/2014
Type of Time (min) Number of Average Time (min) Number of Average
setup Setups time (min) setups time (min)
Probe 782 42 19 642 31 21
Part 188 11 17 60 7 9
Tool 556 59 9 225 17 13
Month jan/15 fev/15
Type of Time (min) Number of Average Time (min) Number of Average
setup setups time (min) setups time (min)
Probe 1013 56 18 881 48 18
Part 468 33 14 216 20 11
Tool 139 13 11 106 21 5

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Ribeiro et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1606376

was carried out in loco. According to Mohamad and Ito (2012), the instruction on the SMED system
will only be practical if performed in real situations of manufacturing processes.

With the analysis of the process, products, production cycle, setup times and numbers, it was
decided that the setup time should conform to the Single Minute Exchange of Die (or SMED)
concept (tool exchange in less than 10 min). Thereby, we would reach a reduction of approxi-
mately 45% in setup time. With the historical data and the goal to be reached in hands, we started
the preparatory stage. In this first moment, we analyzed the setup processes that were taking
place in the CNC sector. We filmed a setup that frequently occurs in this sector—the probe setup.
The total time of this setup was 21 min and 25 s.

The video recording of the setup process analyzed has an essential educational and motivational
role, and with it, one can make detailed analyses of the process under study. A recording should be
made before and after the implementation of the SMED system (Karam et al., 2018) (Chen, Fan,
Xiong, & Zhang, 2017). Chart 1 shows the results collected during the first filming.

Based on this information, we can notice the difference between what Shingo proposed and the
situation of the setup time in the machine analyzed.

One of the results that most generated concern was the discrepancy between the setup time
found in the video and the setup times found in the notes of the months from November 2014 to
February 2015. In these notes, the operators indicated an average time, for this type of setup, of
approximately 18 min, meaning a difference of 3 min concerning the time found in the film. Some
of the details observed were the incorrect handling of tools, unnecessary movements during the
setup process, excessive time spent on centering the part and on final adjustments.

When analyzing the milling process, it was found that the operators erroneously perform several
setup processes in a single setup. The machine remains idle while the operators adjust the tools so
that the part continues in the milling stage. In one of the processes, in single milling, the machine
was interrupted 10 times, each interruption lasted 2 min for the adjustments to be made. If we
add the time of these interruptions to the initial setup time, we can say that the setup time is close
to 30 min.

With the first footage and the subsequent critical analysis of the activities under observation, we
showed the operators the improvements that could be employed immediately in their actions. We
separated internal and external setup operations and converted all internal setup operations
possible into external. The tools must be placed close to the CNC machines, the next material to
be milled must be affixed to the milling device and be close to the CNC machine, and the material
that is removed from the machine must only be taken to its next step after the milling of a new
part starts.

Through this analysis, the operators themselves suggested the assembly of a car to transport
the tools—this car has the function of assisting the operators, leaving them with the tools they
need as close as possible to the CNC machines. Changes in equipment designs and the addition of

Chart 1. Analysis of the first

footage of the setup process. Initial processes and
Centering and setting the part
Placement of a new part in the
0:00 4:48 9:36 14:24 Tempo (min)

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intermediate devices combined with methodological improvements can generate acceptable

results with moderate investment (Ferradás e Salonitis, 2013). The car costs R$ 1.725,23.

Something that called our attention during the analysis of the first video was that there was no
standard checklist for the operators to follow. Some tools were arranged on the panel of CNC
machines, others were in the car used to transport parts, and others were stored in tool cabinets.
Thus, we created a checklist in the form of cards that were affixed to the panel of CNC machines. We
tried to synthesize in these cards the steps of the SMED system, as well as the items to be observed
during the setup process. The elements that compose the checklist cards can be seen in Table 2.

On top of the practices adopted to make the setup process faster, we also analyzed the organization of
the sector. Through this analysis, we observed that, because some identifications in the places destined
for tool storage were lacking, the operators took more time than should be necessary to find what they
were looking for.

After the implementation of these improvements—the standard processes for the employment
of the Single-Minute Exchange of Die system, the pre-established methods and processes and the
conversion of internal setup into external setup—we made second footage of the setup process,
similar to the one recorded initially. The total setup time found this time was of 6 min and 46 s.
Chart 2 presents the results found in the second video.

Based on this analysis, we can see the real gain obtained in the sector with the techniques
proposed to implement the Single-Minute Exchange of Die system. In the operational stage of the
application of the SMED system, we analyzed the results obtained in comparison to the goals and
indicators previously established. Table 3 shows the comparison of the first and second footages.

The initial goal was to lower probe setup time from 18 min (average time found in historical
data) to less than 10 min (SMED standard time), as established by Shingo (2000). Already in
the second footage, the setup time fell to less than 7 min, that is, approximately 40% of the
average time found initially.

Table 2. Checklist cards affixed to CNC machines.

Operation to be done while the machine is running
Set apart the Check with the Set apart the Set apart the Set apart the Set apart the
next part CNC dial indicator key needed to screws required clamping
(material) to be programmer and leave it in loosen/secure to secure the wedges
milled by how many and the same the part in the part to the required for the
placing it in the which tools are container trolley machine table machine milling process
trolley close to going to be
the CNC used in the
machine milling process
of the part in
question, set
apart these
tools by placing
them in the
container trolley
Check the operating conditions of the items listed

Improvement in the transport of matrices and components

Check the operating conditions of the items listed
All items used in the setup process must be returned to their storage location only once the machine is running
(external setup)

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Ribeiro et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1606376

Chart 2. Analysis of the second

footage of the setup process. Initial processes and
Centering and setting the part
Placement of a new part in the
0:00 1:12 2:24 3:36 4:48 Tempo (min)

Table 3. Comparison between the first and second footages of the setup process
First footage Second footage Difference
Operation Time (s) % Time (s) % Time (s) %
Time spent 127 9.88% 28 6.90% 99 77.95%
on the
removal of
the previous
Time spent 97 7.55% 39 9.61% 58 59.79%
on placing
a new part in
the machine
Time spent 570 44.36% 257 63.30% 313 54.91%
on centering
and setting
the part
Time spent 491 38.21% 82 20.20% 409 83.30%
on initial
Total 1285 100.00% 406 100.00% 879 68.40%

In the testing stage, the practices were standardized, consolidating the changes into operational
standards, and new rules were disseminated, training the rest of the company’s functional team.
After the probe setup analysis, we also worked on the part and tool setups.

Moreira and Pais (2011) asserted that, for the application of the SMED system to be success-
ful, the company must perform continuous analysis of the actual process. The adoption of strict
procedures has the objective of reducing mistakes during the implementation of the SMED

3. Results

3.1. Setup times

The implementation of the SMED system generated benefits to the CNC sector, such as the reduction in
setup time and the standardization of processes. Meirelles (2004) argues that traditional production
systems become more active with the implementation of setup time reduction techniques. The distance
traveled by the employees in the setup stage was reduced, given that, after the training and dissemina-
tion of the practices adopted, all necessary materials were placed very close to the CNC machine.

The dissemination of the practices adopted to implement the SMED system reduced the time of the
three types of the setup used in the CNC machines of this sector: (i) probe setup; (ii) part setup and (iii)
tool setup.

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Ribeiro et al., Cogent Engineering (2019), 6: 1606376

In the probe setup, there was a gain of approximately 60%. In the part setup, the average
increase was off roughly 80%. In the tool setup, the average gain obtained was of approximately
60%. The basis for calculating the results was the following: we calculated the average times of
setup between the months of November 2014 and February 2015 and compared it to the average
times of setup of the last month in which we advised the application of the SMED methodology in
the company—June 2015, when all techniques had already been disseminated throughout the
company and its employees.

As the process of implementation of the SMED methodology advances, the idleness of machines
and equipment decreases (Moreira e Pais, 2011). Table 4 shows the evolution of the setup times
practiced in the CNC sector during the implementation and consolidation of the SMED system.

3.2. Productive capacity

The application of the SMED system contributed to an increase of 3% in the productive capacity of
the CNC sector. Since this sector produces an average of 300 parts per month, the percentage
represents an increase in milling capacity of approximately nine parts per machine. Moreover,
taking into account that the sector works with five CNC machines, the real increase in milling
capacity reaches approximately 45 pieces.

Approximately 5% of the total capacity hour/machine available in the sector used to be spent on
setup times. With the implementation of the SMED system, the setup time spent in the sector
became equivalent to approximately 2% of the total time hours/machine available. Chart 3 shows
the time spent with setup, hours/machine per month, during the implementation of the SMED

Table 4. Evolution of the setup times practiced in the CNC sector during the implementation
and consolidation of the SMED system.
Month Mar/2015 Apr/2015
Setup time Time (min) Number of Average Time (min) Number of Average
setups time (min) setups time (min)
Probe 843 47 18 978 73 13
Part 355 23 15 198 35 6
Tool 178 22 8 334 36 9
Month Mai/15 Jun/15
Setup time Time (min) Number of Average Time (min) Number of Average
setups time (min) setups time (min)
Probe 530 78 7 480 60 8
Part 90 35 3 75 29 3
Tool 87 17 5 68 17 4

Chart 3. Time spent with setup, 600

hours/machine per month. 528 528 504 528
480 480 480
400 360 Available Hours

Time spent on
setup (hours)
25 15 27 20 23 25 12 10
Nov/14 Dec/14 Jan/15 Feb/15 Mar/15 Apr/15 May/15 June/15

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Analyzing Chart 3, we can see a significant reduction in setup times. The time reduced is
equivalent to approximately R$ 680,00 per month for each machine, which corresponds to an
annual savings of about R$ 40.000,00. We reached these numbers considering an hour/machine
cost of R$ 45,00.

4. Conclusions
The application of the SMED methodology brings benefits in a fast and organized manner and at a low
implementation cost. With the implementation of the method, the sector reduced the time spent with
setups in 60%, lowering the average setup time to 7 min. There was also an increase of approximately
3% in productive capacity. The investment applied to the sector was of R$ 1.725,23, for the construc-
tion of the tool transport car, added to the time spent on training the operators, a relatively low cost
when compared to the gain obtained in the sector in the first month alone with the methodology in
full operation. Considering only the first month of operation of the SMED methodology, the sector
saved approximately R$ 680,00 per machine. There was also a gain in commitment in what regards
the operators involved in the implementation process of said methodology.

We noticed that, with a more critical analysis of the productive environment, improvements
could be made by just adjusting the way the processes are executed. Creating a standardized
checklist has brought a rapid return on setup time reduction. Many of the activities performed by
the operators would end up being repeated merely because there was no organization in the
disposition of tools and materials. Based on the application of this methodology, we noticed that
real gains were obtained with very little financial investment. What another detail saw in this
analysis was how unaware the operators were of how long they would take to execute the setup:
each operator believed they were performing the process within a specific time, which differed
from the times of the other operators. The operators became more confident after the adoption of
the SMED methodology, as it helped reduce the likelihood of errors during the setup process.
Besides, there was the flexibilization of the productive system.

The SMED methodology opens the way for the application of other management tools, among
them is the Lean Manufacturing system, which works with the continuous analysis of setup
processes. Further studies can be developed, working primarily with the cultural issue of the
productive environment as well as employing simultaneously the 5S system.
Funding DPPI – Departamento de Pesquisa e Produção Industrial,
The authors received no direct funding for this research. FETLSVC - Fundação Liberato, Novo Hamburgo, Brazil.
IPH - Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas, UFRGS -
Author details Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre,
Rodrigo Borges Ribeiro1 Brazil.
E-mail: ribeiro.rbr@gmail.com.br PPMEC - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia
José De Souza2 Mecânica, FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande,
E-mail: josesouza@liberato.com.br Rio Grande, Brazil.
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5888-840X Engenharia de Energia, UERGS - Universidade Estadual
Alexandre Beluco3 do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
E-mail: lexf143@gmail.com
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1507-9519 Citation information
Luciano Volcanoglo Biehl4 Cite this article as: Application of the single-minute
E-mail: lucianobiehl@furg.br exchange of die system to the CNC sector of a shoe mold
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5415-5863 company, Rodrigo Borges Ribeiro, José De Souza,
Jorge Luiz Braz Medeiros4 Alexandre Beluco, Luciano Volcanoglo Biehl, Jorge Luiz
E-mail: jorge.braz@furg.br Braz Medeiros, Frederico Sporket, Elton Gimenez Rossini &
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3468-7632 Fábio Augusto Dornelles Do Amaral, Cogent Engineering
Frederico Sporket2 (2019), 6: 1606376.
E-mail: frederico.sporket@liberato.com.br
Elton Gimenez Rossini5 References
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