Chemopshere Patel Et Al 2019
Chemopshere Patel Et Al 2019
Chemopshere Patel Et Al 2019
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Article history: The study attempts to understand arsenic (As) mobilization in a shallow aquifer with depth variation
Received 26 July 2018 while focusing on the potential co-occurrence of As with priority metals (zinc and lead), using a pilot
Received in revised form scale multilevel groundwater monitoring system (MGWS). Groundwater samples (n ¼ 72) were collected
12 February 2019
bi-weekly (every 15 days) from the multilevel sampler (4.6, 9.2 and 13.8 m depths), installed at Tezpur,
Accepted 15 February 2019
Available online 18 February 2019
Sonitpur district of Brahmaputra floodplain (BFP), Assam, India, for a period of 1 year (August 2013eJuly
2014). Both geogenic and anthropogenic influences were found to affect the studied unconfined aquifer.
Handling Editor: X. Cao At 4.6 m, weathering dominated due to interaction with CO2 and infiltrating water. Prevalent high pH (7.9
e8.6) at all three depths in association with strong oxidizing condition (at 4.6 m) during the drier months
Keywords: seem to play a crucial role in desorption based As release. Multivariate analyses revealed that redox
Arsenic potential (ORP) remains the primary controller of As release at all three depths. With depth, stronger
Zinc anoxic conditions resulted in the dominance of reductive hydrolysis leading to a co-occurrence scenario
Lead of As (max 4.6 mgL1) with Zn (max 2514 mgL1) and Pb (max 740 mL1) with influences of anthropogenic
Brahmaputra flood plain
modes of activities like agriculture and dry deposition from a brick kiln. Multi-element enrichment is an
emerging concern but the bigger picture would be to understand the peculiarities of individual aquifers,
as a generalization can lead to missing a ton of information. In this regard, long-term multilevel
0045-6535/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.K. Patel et al. / Chemosphere 224 (2019) 140e150 141
monitoring can help in the predictive understanding of the vertical stratification and co-occurrences of
multi-metals that can subsequently be applied for water production at the safer depths.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Co-occurrences of As and fluoride (F) (Das et al., 2018, 2017, 2016;
Kumar et al., 2016a, b) as well as reports of metal pollution of
Arsenic (As) release is governed by a number of different factors anthropogenic origin (Buragohain et al., 2010; Haloi et al., 2010;
like redox conditions, pH, presence of organic matter, the microbe Chakrabarty and Sarma, 2011; Haloi and Sarma, 2012) in the
profile etc. (Acharyya, 2005; Bhattacharya et al., 2009; Kumar et al., groundwater of the BFP, has already been discussed in a number of
2010; Nickson et al., 2000; Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002; Kim recent studies. However, both As hydrogeochemistry and co-
et al., 2012). Most of the initial research on As were case studies occurrences perspectives along with their seasonal changes need
and reports followed by a gradual shift of focus on understanding to be discussed from the vertical variation point of view using
the release mechanism, interactive behavior with other contami- MGWS.
nants and health risks (Alam et al., 2002; Das et al., 1996, 2018; Under the light of above discussion, a pilot scale MGWS study
Neumann et al., 2010; Radloff et al., 2011; Borah et al., 2018; Kim was conducted in an unconfined shallow aquifer of the BFP to gain a
et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2017). Several studies have shown that greater understanding of the mechanism/governing factors of As
aquifer depth can clearly impact availability of As free water mobilization and its co-occurrences at different aquifer strata. A
(Warren et al., 2005; Berg et al., 2008; Becker et al., 2010; Burgess brief stepwise breakdown of the methodology for realizing this
et al., 2010; Radloff et al., 2011), as in many parts of the world, As objective is as follows: I) Observation of biweekly seasonal varia-
levels are higher in shallow unconfined aquifers, owing to favorable tion in As and other dissolved ions in the groundwater at different
conditions like recent sedimentation, higher organic matter and depth of the MGWS well; II) identification of the governing
interference of anthropogenic activities (Smedley and Kinniburgh, hydrogeochemical processes that control the process of As release
2002). Previous studies like Smedley and Kinniburgh (2002) and at three different depths of shallow aquifer; III) Generation of a
Kim et al. (2012) have proposed that with depth reducing condi- vertical profile for As and co-occurring metals in the MGWS with
tions become more extreme resulting into re-precipitation of As possible future scenario simulation using saturation state calcula-
sulphides. However, As has also been detected in some deeper tions and IV) Discussion on the environmental implications of the
aquifers (Erban et al., 2013; Mukherjee et al., 2011; Rina et al., 2012; MGWS studies for safe drinking water perspectives.
Winkel et al., 2011). Overall, the literature on vertical profiling of As
concentration is much more inconspicuous than that on spatial 2. Materials and methods
variation and thus need to be further explored.
It is evident that understanding the depth dependency of As 2.1. Study area
release in an aquifer and ultimately across a larger region like a
floodplain is imperative for safe drinking water production per- The study area is a shallow unconfined aquifer located (26 410
spectives. However, it calls for a methodology that can enable the 25.9100 N 92 500 26.2700 E) about 7.5 km north of the river Brah-
access to the different aquifer strata, with a provision for simulta- maputra and 1.5 km west of river Jiya Bharali in Napaam village,
neous sampling. The multilevel groundwater monitoring system Sonitpur district, Assam, India (Fig. 1a and b). The confluence of the
(MGWS) can be a great tool in regards to studying the in-situ depth Jiya Bharali River and the Brahmaputra River is quite close to the
variation of individual aquifers. MGWS has been used by Kim et al. site (Fig. 1a), and form a part of the greater BFP. The Bharali River
(2009) to explain for As hydrogeochemistry, but in general, such has significantly changed its course over time leading to a number
studies are too limited, especially the one carried out in India. A of dead channels formation close to our study area (Fig. 1a and b).
number of disadvantages associated with sampling from boreholes The aquifer under study is formed of new Alluvial sediments and
and tube wells like: fixed sampling region and depth due to fixed shallow in nature (30e50 mbgl) (CGWB, 2008; MWR, 2009).
length of the screen as well as mixed nature of samples due to Agricultural activities, mainly rice cultivation is dominant and the
multiple screens placed at different depths of the same tube well, aquifer itself lies in close proximity to the rice fields (Fig. 1b). A
can be negated using MGWS (Guha et al., 2005). A combination major anthropogenic disturbance could be the location of a fully
with other currently available technologies like isotope tracing operational brick kiln close to the study site (Fig. 1b). The climate of
could be used to trace the pathways of vertical mobilization along the greater Sonitpur district being subtropical and humid is char-
the depth, while a network of such systems in a region can generate acterized by a strong monsoon with high rainfall rates (CGWB,
a flow path, recharge, discharge, and probable location of sources 2008; MWR, 2009). The average annual rainfall recorded in the
and sinks in the floodplain. Other crucial factors like the involve- district is about 2173 mm, while the relative humidity is around 65
ment of anthropogenic activities and environmental deposition can to 85 percent. The temperature is also quite variable, with a sum-
also be deciphered using an integrated approach of MGWS and mer maximum of around 38 C and a winter minimum of around
isotopic studies. Applying a similar strategy to sediment samples 7.6 C (CGWB, 2008; MWR, 2009).
can even reveal microbial diversity in the different strata, and
felicitate the identification of those species which are involved in
2.2. Setup of multilevel groundwater sampler
the As release mechanism (Fan et al., 2008; Holden and Fierer,
2005; Xiong et al., 2012).
MGWS was installed at the site, using polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
Presence of As in the BFP, India is a known fact, and previous
pipes of two different diameters. A larger pipe acting as a casing
studies in the region have revealed the presence of a predominantly
with an internal diameter of 4 inches was used for housing three
reducing condition and the involvement of reductive hydrolysis of
PVC pipes each of 1 inch in diameter to sample groundwater from
Fe (hydr)oxides (Das et al., 2018, 2017; 2016; Kumar et al., 2016).
three different depths (4.6, 9.2 and 13.8 m) (Fig. 1c). The depth of
142 A.K. Patel et al. / Chemosphere 224 (2019) 140e150
Fig. 1. Map of the study area a) Location in India and distance from rivers and b) presence of river meandering and brick kiln at the monitoring site, c) schematic diagram of the
multilayer sampling unit and d) lithology of the sampling area.
the well was selected on the basis of the local water table and the set was bottled in 500 ml polyethylene bottles without filtering for
thickness of the aquifer at the installation site. Side by side pre- anion analyses. Headspace was avoided while sample storage to
sentation of the lithology (Fig. 1d) reveals that the top 0.5 m con- avoid interference from air. The samples were stored at 4 C until
sists of clay followed by fine sand till 6.62 m and finally coarse and analyses to prevent degradation and all analyses were completed
boulders till 15.12 m. Each of the sampling pipes had a nylon mesh within three months of sampling in batches.
fabric to prevent the mixing of the groundwater during sampling. A multi-parameter probe, HANNA HI9828 was used for onsite
The slugging method consisting of raising and lowering an open measurement of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen
pipe in a water-filled hole was employed for digging the well. The (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) and total dissolved solids
three pipes of different depths were attached by individual ports to (TDS). Sodium (Na), potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) were analyzed
the motor for abstraction of groundwater. by flame photometry (Systronics Flame photometer 128, Ahme-
dabad, India). An inductively coupled plasma optical emission
2.3. Sampling and analyses spectrometer (ICP-OES, Perkin Elmer Optima DV2100, Waltham,
MA, USA) was utilized for analysis of magnesium (Mg) and the trace
Seventy-two groundwater samples (n ¼ 72) were collected bi- elements iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn).
weekly on every 15th and 30th days of the month from the multi- Arsenic was analyzed using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS,
level sampler for a period of one year (August 2013eJuly 2014). The Thermo Fisher Scientific ICE 3000, Waltham, MA, USA), the method
groundwater samples were collected after purging for at least detection limit (MDL) for which was 0.05 mgL1. Ultra-violet
5 min with an electric pump. Samples were collected from all three spectrophotometry (Shimadzu, UV-1700, Kyoto, Japan) was uti-
depths in duplicates, one set stored in 125 ml polyethylene bottles lized for analyzing sulphate (SO2 3
4 ), phosphate (PO4 ), nitrate
was filtered (0.45 mm Millipore) and acidified to pH 2 using 16 N (NO3 ) based on the methods prescribed by the American Public
HNO3 for cation and trace element analyses including As. The other Health Association (APHA) guidelines (APHA, 2005). Chloride (Cl)
A.K. Patel et al. / Chemosphere 224 (2019) 140e150 143
and bicarbonate (HCO 3 ) were analyzed by argentometric titration drawdown influences the Eh (Klimas and Gregorauskas, 2002; Berg
and potentiometrically (APHA, 2005). et al., 2008; Winkel et al., 2011), while drawdown gets stabilized
In order to ensure precise and reliable results several QA/QC during the rainy months due to recharge.
protocol has been implemented viz. use of National Institute of pH and HCO 3 of the groundwater remain uniformly high during
Standards and Technology (NIST) certified standard reference ma- both the wet and dry seasons (Fig. 2b and c). Alkaline pH appears to
terials (SRM 1640) for metals in natural water [recovery ranges be attributed to the anthropogenic origin, mostly due to a high
between ±9% to ±15% of the certified values of Cu, Pb and Zn], influx of soaps and detergents, as the aquifer under observation is
quantification of instrumental detection limit (DLs) in solution unconfined and highly disturbed (Goel and Kaur, 2012). Washing
matrix [0.02, 0.05 and 0.01 mgL1 for Cu, Pb and Zn respectively], powder which is used exclusively in the study area has a much
reagent blank run with each sample batch, use of internal standards higher potential for increasing water pH due to the presence of
[Y, In and Bi], triplicate analyses and use of at least seven standard excess filling materials (Goel and Kaur, 2012). NO 3 exhibited high
solutions for generating calibration curve for each chemical analyte. variability and increase in its concentration (Fig. 2e), during the wet
Furthermore, HCO 3 was analyzed in-situ and in lab with both season (Supplementary Table. 1) mainly due to leaching of
filtered and unfiltered samples. anthropogenic sources viz. septic tanks, fertilizers like NH4NO3 and
Statistical analyses were done using the software package SPSS Zn(NO3)2 especially at 4.6 m. With the dry season, NO 3 values went
21 (IBM Corporation, New York, USA). Bivariate relationship be- down progressively due to a gradual decrease in leaching (Fig. 2e).
tween the parameters was observed using Pearson's correlation A positive correlation was observed between As and NO 3 (Fig. 2a
coefficient. Among multivariate analyses, principal components and e) probably due to enhanced redox potentials during June and
analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were con- September lead to higher NO 3 levels in the aquifer. Thus, the high
ducted to observe effective hydrogeochemical processes operating ORP not only maintains elevated NO 3 level but also leads to the
at different depths. Varimax rotation with Kaiser normalization was development of a positive correlation with As. In case of SO2 4 a
used for the PCA (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2007). sudden and very prominent peak was found in November (Fig. 2f)
owing to the assistance from the strongly oxidized condition and
2.4. Speciation calculation of aquatic phases dilution effect and the lowering of the existing ORP due to varia-
tions in the monthly precipitation. A positive correlation was also
The saturation indices (SI) of the selected aquatic phases in the observed between As and SO2 4 during the post-monsoon. Owing to
groundwater were calculated to deduce the relative availability of evapotranspiration, there is a gradual increase in Cl levels during
these different fractions using MINTEQA2 version 3.1. Using inbuilt rest of the year. It seems that weathering and evapotranspiration in
THERMO.DBS, TYPE6.DBS, REDOX.DBS, and GASES.DBS databases, the aquifer is completely governed by the seasonal disparity.
SI were calculated after grouping the whole year of data into three Overall, Monthly variation of arsenic seems highly dependent on
groups i.e. averages of four months for each parameter at all three ORP change, which in turn is greatly determined by recharge
depths. The scheme of the three sections were: 1) Period P1: amount and recharge water quality. Anthropogenic influence and
August-September-October-November, 2) Period P2: December- rainfall leading to runoff affect the levels of NO 2
3 , SO4 and PO4 .
the Gibbs plots (Gibbs, 1970) (Supplementary Fig. 2). Gibbs plot precipitates (Paulson et al., 1989). Fluctuation in SI of hydrozincite
indicates a gradual increase in ion exchange with depth and from P1 to P3 is primarily a function of the seasonal variability
dominant rock-water interaction. Effect and role of weathering on where during wet season (P1) leaching and concentration of
the overall hydrogeochemistry are further investigated through anthropogenic Zn occurs. During the dry season (P2), there is a
saturation state calculations for all the important minerals (Fig. 4) drastic reduction in Zn influx to the aquifer which continues till the
and scatter plot discussed in next section. latter half of the P3, after which the wet season starts again. A
similar change is also observed in the SIs of calcite and dolomite
3.3. Speciation modeling (Fig. 4) which can again be explained by the dependence of car-
bonate weathering on precipitation level.
Fig. 4 depicts saturation status of different mineral phases pre- Like hydrozincite, hydroxyapatite [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2] also re-
sent in the groundwater at 4.6 m, 9.2 m and 13.8 m in different mains highly saturated at all depths accounting for the common
periods (P1, P2 and P3 representing data of August to November, source of Ca2þ and PO3 4 . SI indicates that precipitation of hy-
December to March and April to July respectively). Throughout the droxyapatite is higher at 9.2 m depth in the drier season (Fig. 4).
year, at all the three depth, low levels of As is reflected through Non-conservative behavior of Fe was also observed as siderite
highly unsaturated state (SI) of As bearing mineral phases like (FeCO3) was found to be saturated at 4.6 m during P1 but remains
arsenolite (As4O6). Interestingly, samples were found supersatu- slightly undersaturated state at all other depths. Infiltration
rated with Zn containing mineral hydrozincite [Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6] appeared to play an important role in the saturation of Fe(OH)2,
throughout the year and the level of saturation was observed to be which followed a pattern similar to siderite at all depths
decreasing from period P1 to P3. Hydrozincite is a common mineral throughout the year (Fig. 4). This could happen due to the gener-
found along with carbonate minerals like calcite in the aquifer ation of Fe(OH)2 during the precipitation of siderite. Overall, the
which under alkaline conditions, prevalent in the studied aquifer, aquifer appears to be vulnerable from geogenic As pollution as
A.K. Patel et al. / Chemosphere 224 (2019) 140e150 145
Fig. 3. Box plots representing the depthwise variation of cations a) Naþ, b) Mg2þ, c) Kþ, d) Ca2þ; anions e) NO 2
3 f) SO4 g) Cl , h) HCO3 and metals i) Fe, j) Pb, k) Zn and l) As. Star (*)
sign depicts the significant difference among three depths [** 0.01 level and * 0.05 level].
Fig. 4. Saturation status of mineral phases present in the groundwater at 4.6 m, 9.2 m and 13.8 m.
observed from the low SIs of As-bearing phases which imply that associated samples (Fig. 5c), where for both 9.2 m and 13.8 m,
these minerals are liable to get dissolved in future. carbonate weathering takes precedence (Fig. 5c). Ca2þ/Mg2þ 1 in
nearly half of the samples derived from 9.2 m to 13.8 m, exhibit
3.4. Tracing hydrogeochemical processes and associated arsenic dolomite dissolution. It further gets substantiated from HCO 3
mobilization versus Ca2þ plot (Fig. 5d) as number of samples fall along the 1:1
line indicating calcite weathering, while those to the left of the line
Fig. 5 presents various scattered plots of a) TZþ vs (NaþþKþ), b) are mostly due to dolomite weathering. Reverse ion exchange was
TZþ vs (Ca2þþMg2þ), c) Ca2þ/Mg2þ vs sample number d) HCO 3 vs
found at 9.2 m and the highest concentrations of Cl, SO2 4 and NO3
Fig. 5. Scattered depiction of governing hydro-geochemical processes operating at the monitoring site; a) Tzþ vs (NaþþKþ), b) Tzþ vs (Ca2þþMg2þ), c) Ca2þ/Mg2þ vs sample number
d) HCO 2þ 2þ 2
3 vs Ca , e) As vs pH, f) As vs HCO3 , g) As vs ORP, h) As vs Cl , i) As vs Fe, j) As vs Ca , k) As vs NO3 and l) As vs SO4 at three depths.
release is being influenced by the prevalent alkaline pH, especially oxyanions and SO2 4 on positively charged surfaces like Fe (hydr)
since the environment in the aquifer is oxidizing. This alternatively oxides could result in an inverse relationship between the two in a
means that As is probably predominantly occurring in the form of few samples collected at 4.6 and 9.2 m (Fig. 5l) which during the
arsenate at 4.6 m As(V) remain adsorbed on Fe (hydr)oxides at dry season with the development of a stronger oxic condition could
acidic and neutral pH which gets desorbed as the pH (~8.5) in- result in a positive correlation. Under a highly oxic condition, SO2 4
creases due to the low point of zero charge (PZC) for Fe (hydr)oxides reduction will be effectively hampered, while the prevalent high pH
(Bundschuh et al., 2012; Kim et al., 2012). Lack of a distinct corre- could stimulate its desorption along with As from Fe (hydr)oxides.
lation between As and HCO 3 (Fig. 5f) implies the absence of Correlation analysis further revealed the importance of ORP as
competition between these two oxyanions for sorption sites on Fe/ the primary trigger of As release (Supplementary Table. 2), the
Mn-(hydr)oxides (Anawar et al., 2003). However, observed high As importance of which increases with depth. Weathering is quite
with corresponding higher HCO 3 could arise due to precipitation- dominant at 4.6 m depth as can be observed from the positive
induced weathering and dissolution of carbonates, while As at correlation between EC, Naþ and Mg2þ. EC, TDS and Naþ also show
the same time could be released due to the weathering of As- positive correlation with NO 3 at this depth due to the mobilization
containing mica (Dowling et al., 2002). A significant correlation of anthropogenic NO 3 with the influx of water during rainy season.
was found between As and ORP (Fig. 5g) which substantiate the High cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the top soil layer is reflected
ORP based explanation of As mobilization. However, evaporation or in the positive correlation observed between Zn, TDS, Kþ, Mg2þ and
salt enrichment due to irrigation return flow seems not to be a Mn. The upper layer at 4.6 m is also the most likely to be exposed to
significant process as evident from the lack of any relationship organic matter originating from dumping of domestic waste
between As and Cl (Fig. 5h). (Helling et al., 1964). The involvement of reductive hydrolysis is
The observed negative correlation in a number of samples be- observed in the correlation between Fe and Mn.
tween the As and Fe (Fig. 5i) is attributed to the non-conservation of At medium depth of 9.2 m, a negative correlation between As
Fe due to re-precipitation of Fe as siderite (FeCO3) (Kumar et al., and DO becomes stronger with depth. Towards the top of the
2010). A weak positive relationship between As and Ca2þ, espe- aquifer, presence of more air and higher ORP could result in a partly
cially at 4.6 m, is due to weathering and dissolution (Fig. 5j). A desorption based As release. With the increase in depth as the
positive relation between As and NO 3 (Fig. 5k) highlights the condition becomes progressively anoxic, reductive hydrolysis may
importance of the prevalent oxic environment and dominance of become the dominant form of As release. The influence of weath-
anthropogenic sources like NH4NO3 and Zn(NO3)2, especially in the ering also decreases with depth, as we do not observe any corre-
uppermost layer. Oxic condition will also be responsible for arsenic lation between EC, Naþ and HCO 3 at 9.2 m. The high levels of NO3
speciation mainly in the form of As(V), the release of which from Fe in the groundwater (Supplementary Table. 1) and its positive cor-
(hydr)oxides will be stimulated by the high alkaline pH of the relation with Zn (Supplementary Table. 2) indicates the use of
aquifer (Kim et al., 2012). Competitive sorption between As Zn(NO3)2 as a fertilizer for correcting Zn deficiencies in the soil. Zinc
A.K. Patel et al. / Chemosphere 224 (2019) 140e150 147
also exhibits medium correlation with Mn and low correlation with As levels are quite low and, higher Pb and Zn levels were observed
Fe indicating the release during the process of reductive hydrolysis only in some of the samples, especially at depth of 13.8 m.
of Mn and Fe (hydr)oxides. Therefore, the number of pathways for
Zn contamination in the groundwater could be more than one. This 3.6. Multivariate statistical analyses
also brings out the potential co-existence of Zn with As in the
studied aquifer, even though the latter has much lower concen- 3.6.1. Principle component analyses
trations comparatively. At 13.8 m, the trends are similar to 9.2 m Principal components analysis, when performed on the data
with a few differences. The negative correlation between DO and As from the three different depths, yielded four principal components
is strongest at this depth, correlation of As with ORP, and Fe with for each of them with 64.73% of total variance (Fig. 6A1). The var-
Mn remains high. It is however unknown till what depth the iances in some of the PCs are explained by more than a single
strength of reductive hydrolysis will continue to increase and hydrogeochemical process viz. PC1 with high loadings from EC, TDS
mobilize arsenic; as previous studies have stated that continued and Naþ and, medium loading due to Mg2þ represents weathering.
decrease of ORP with depth ultimately leads to SO2 4 reduction and However, NO 3 and Zn are also represented in PC1, along with
re-precipitation of soluble As (Kim et al., 2012; Smedley and medium negative loading from PO3 4 , this is a representation of an
Kinniburgh, 2002). Positive correlation of Zn with Mn and to a anthropogenic factor. After PCA the relationship between Zn and
lower extent with Fe, still showed that reductive hydrolysis played NO 3 becomes clearer, as correlation did not reveal a close rela-
a role in the release of Zn. The fact that reducing condition becomes tionship between the two at 4.6 m. The second PC with positive
more prominent with depth is also visible from the reduction in the loadings due to As and ORP emphasizes the importance of the
correlation between Zn and NO 3 , as the latter is favored under an redox condition on As release. Arsenic release mechanism in the
oxidized condition. aquifer could be a mixture of desorption from Fe (hydr)oxides and
Overall, the key trigger of groundwater chemistry seems to be reductive hydrolysis of Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides. The fact that Zn
the diffusion of lesser oxygen at greater depths, resulting progres- may be released secondarily during the reductive hydrolysis of Fe
sive development of reducing condition with depth, leading to and Mn (hydr)oxides becomes clearer from the positive loadings of
increased intensity of reductive hydrolysis of (hydr)oxides of Fe and Fe, Mn and Zn in PC3. pH, Kþ and SO2 4 alone project their loadings
Mn with depths, which ultimately increases Fe and Mn and trace in PC4. The use of fertilizer potassium sulfate (K2SO4) is the most
elements concentrations like Pb and Zn (that remain adsorbed to likely cause of this observation. However, what is not clear is the
such complexes). pH of the groundwater remains uniformly high at involvement of K2SO4 in influencing the pH, as it is a neutral salt
all the depths which along with the low ORP impart As release formed from a strong acid (H2SO4) and a strong base (KOH).
mechanism of the aquifer (Kim et al., 2012; Smedley and PCA of the variables at 9.2 m, yielded a total variance of 60.27%
Kinniburgh, 2002). Finally, As release seems highly ORP regu- (Fig. 6A2). With an increase of just 5.6 m in depth we could observe
lated, while the absence of any relationship with Fe indicates its a notable difference. First of all, the presence of weathering be-
non-conservation. The oxic environment results in weak positive comes relatively weaker as its representation is relegated to PC3
relationship between As and NO 3 . The negative correlation be- from a previously higher position at PC1 at 4.6 m. This happens as
tween As and SO2 4 arising due to competitive sorption is reversed with depth, the influence of diffusing CO2 and infiltrating water
due to the development of a strong oxic condition in the dry season. becomes lower. Here PC1 has positive loadings from ORP, PO3 4 and
Ca2þ, and negative loading from Pb, signifying the gradual domi-
3.5. Multimetal co-enrichement nance of ORP with depth. Also, the use of monocalcium phosphate
(Ca(H2PO4)2) as a phosphate fertilizer which can be masked due to
It is a matter of fact that reductive hydrolysis alone is not likely the dominance of weathering in the upper layer seems to be
to result into higher than their permissible limits of Pb and Zn another process represented in PC1. Nitrate, Fe, Mn, and Zn are the
(10 mgL1 and 5000 mgL1 respectively (WHO, 2017) as observed in species imparting significant positive loadings on PC2. This PC ap-
this study (Supplementary Table. 1). A brick kiln in the vicinity of pears to be quite interesting in the fact that it could represent the
the study area (Fig. 1b), the use of substandard coal and other dual origin of Zn due to the application of Zn(NO3)2 as a fertilizer,
combustibles like used tires, maybe the probable sources of trace and partly from Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides. As already explained,
elements found in the monitored aquifer (Ishaq et al., 2010; silicate weathering is weaker at this depth as shown by the loadings
Kaushik et al., 2012; Sikder. et al., 2016; Zhou et al., 2015). Co- of EC, TDS, and Naþ in PC3. The last component PC4 has maximum
occurrences of As, a major geogenic pollutant, with anthropo- variance due to DO, ORP, SO2 4 and As, and thus represent the
genic trace elements like Pb and Zn found over the permissible process of As release. Negative loading of DO along with positive
limit in this study is alarming. Previously co-occurrences of As with loadings of As and ORP clearly indicates the dominance of reductive
several other geogenic contaminates like F, U and NO 3 , as well as Fe, hydrolysis with depth. The decrease in ORP with depth lead to the
Mn and Al, have been reported (Kumar et al., 2016; Das et al., 2018 reduction of SO2 4 to sulfides resulting in gradually diminishing
Smedley and Kinniburgh, 2002), however, our study probably for concentrations of SO24 (Kim et al., 2012).
the first time exhibits high Pb and Zn with As in a rural settings. The Reductive hydrolysis is strongly represented at 13.8 m as seen
primary source of Pb seem to be a brick kiln in the vicinity though from the positive loadings of As and ORP, and negative loading of
owing to Pb content of coal used in the brick kiln (Oboirien et al., DO in PC1 (Fig. 6A3). Dissolution of minerals still remain important
2014; Raask, 1985). Apart from the brick kiln, used tires contain- as signified by the positive loadings of Ca2þ, Mg2þ and Cl in PC2.
ing Pb (San Miguel et al., 2002) is also believed to be contributed to Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2 dissolution could be a probable cause of Ca2þ
it. Both of these sources are also known to have Zn apart from Zn and Mg2þ loading. Anthropogenic influence due to the use of
containing agrochemicals like Zn(NO3)2. With depth, the concen- Zn(NO3)2 and K2SO4 can be observed in PC3. Reductive hydrolysis of
trations of both Pb and Zn was found to increase which coincides Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides could also be responsible for the release of
with the decrease in ORP of the aquifer. This implies that Fe and Mn adsorbed Pb to some extent as observed from the positive loadings
(hydr)oxides are likely to be involved as secondary sources of these of Pb, Mn and As.
two elements through reductive hydrolysis. Thus the gradual The overall gist of the hydrogeochemistry, irrespective of the
development of a reducing condition with depth results in a co- loading strengths of the different variables has been presented
release of Pb, Zn and As. Despite the observed co-occurrence, the separately in Supplementary Table. 3. We classify the combinations
148 A.K. Patel et al. / Chemosphere 224 (2019) 140e150
Fig. 6. Results of multivariate analyses at different depths i.e. A) 3-Dimensional representation of the principal components at A1) 4.6 m, A2) 9.2 m and A3) 13.8 m and B)
Dendrogram obtained from hierarchical clustering at different depths.
of these variables representing regulatory hydrogeochemical pro- weathering and dissolution of Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides are repre-
cesses into three classes, viz., most prominent, second regulatory sented together in the most prominent set by the grouping of
process and third regulatory process. At 4.6 m, ORP-AseSO4 have CaeMg-ECeHCO3eFeeMn. Again the release of arsenic due to
been grouped together (Supplementary Table. 3) as the most desorption from Fe (hydr)oxides under the influence of high pH is
prominent regulatory set. This group represents the involvement of clearly seen in the grouping of pH-As-ORP. The last group consisting
ORP based mobilization of arsenic by the microbes. The second of ZneNO3-DO represents another instance of anthropogenic in-
regulatory set at 4.6 m is represented by the group CaeHCO3eP- fluence in the form of agrochemical based Zn and NO3 leaching
beNO3-TDS, which is clearly influenced by anthropogenic activities along with the regulation of the DO by NO3.
and the seasonal rainfall recharge. Carbonate weathering is well
represented in this group, while the sources of Pb and NO 3 have 3.6.2. Hierarchical cluster analyses
already been discussed previously. Lastly, pH-FeeMnePO4 repre- Hierarchical clustering of the data at all three depths corrobo-
sent the desorption of As and PO4 from Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides rated the findings of the PCA along with some new observations. At
under high pH. 4.6 m (Fig. 7b), weathering and dissolution are represented by the
At 9.2 m, agricultural inputs affect the grouping of FeeZneNO3 clustering of EC, TDS and Na, however, this cluster also contains
as the most prominent regulatory set (Fig. 7a, Supplementary Table. NO 3 . This observation which was not represented in the PCA, could
3). Microbe-induced oxidative arsenic mobilization acts as the next arise due to mobilization of sewage at the top layer. At the top layer
important regulatory set which is represented by Ase- þ
clustering of SO24 , pH, DO and K represents the conservation of
SO4eHCO3eK. The last regulatory mechanism is driven by the ORP SO2
4 released from anthropogenic sources like K2SO4 due to the
fluctuation of the aquifer by the chemical species of agricultural prevalent high oxidizing conditions. The exact nature of the rela-
origin like phosphates, as can be seen from the grouping of Ca-PO4- tionship between Pb and Cl is not clear even though they are
ORP. At 13.8 m (Fig. 7a, Supplementary Table. 3), carbonate clustered together. High levels of Pb in the groundwater can only
A.K. Patel et al. / Chemosphere 224 (2019) 140e150 149
originate from some anthropogenic source and the most probable Pb enrichment and agrochemicals like Zn(NO3)2 for high Zn
mode of origin appears to be dry deposition from the nearby brick levels. Reductive hydrolysis seems to be also responsible for
kiln using coal high in Pb content and other combustibles like tyres. secondary release of these two metals implying multiple path-
Pairing of Fe and Mn together close to another cluster with Zn and ways of co-contamination.
Mg lays the importance of Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides as the probable Last but not the least, MGWS can be very insightful in under-
sources of adsorbed species like Zn and Mg. The use of phosphate standing As mobilization in relation to the peculiarities of in-
fertilizer can be observed from the clustering of Ca2þ, HCO 3 and dividual aquifers at different depths which can be further aided
4 . The grouping of Ca
and HCO 3 is representative of fresh with analyses of the microbial profile and isotopes.
water towards the surface.
At 9.2 m depth, ORP still remains the primary control on the Acknowledgements
release of As in groundwater as seen from the clustering of As and
ORP again (Fig. 7b). At this depth, Pb is clustered with Fe, Mn and We would like to thank the Department of Science and Tech-
pH. The most plausible explanation could be the release of Pb due nology (DST)- Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) (Grant
to reductive hydrolysis of Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides, indicating a dual number SR/FTP/ES-32/2012), awarded to the first author. We also
release mechanism for Pb. Thus, a key discovery that came to our like to thank Asia Pacific Network (CRRP 2016-06MY-Kumar) for
attention is the co-occurrence of As with Zn and Pb. The arsenic partially funding the work in the quest of understanding similar
levels at this aquifer is low, however, a similar co-occurrence in an problem in Guwahati.
aquifer with high As level could have had very high hazard impli-
cations for the local population. We also observe that Naþ and Appendix A. Supplementary data
HCO 3 and, Mg
and Cl are clustered close to each other, this
cluster could depict a transitional state depicting the change of Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
Ca2þeHCO-3 type water to NaþeHCO-3 water due to ion exchange.
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Ca and PO3 2
4 and, DO, SO4 and K are clustered together for similar
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