Final Assigment m3
Final Assigment m3
Final Assigment m3
School : SMA Negeri 1 Cipeundeuy
Final Assignment
1. Write a biography of a famous person. Start with an orientation, describe the
events, and finish it with the reorientation. Write at least 150 words.
Souce :
• Follow the rhetorical steps of spoof texts: orientation, events, and twist.
Orientation : On Sunday, I spend time with my boy. While watching our
TV, while eating snacks. My boy ate some ice cream and I ate some
Events: I really want to taste the ice cream, so I immediately asked for the
ice cream from my boy. Then he said, “I don’t want to.”
I advised to my boy that we should do well and not be stingy with other
Then my boy said, “Mami, can I taste your chocolate?”, I said, “No”.
Instead you say we can’t be stingy
Twist : ff Then my boy said, “Mami, can I taste your chocolate?”, I
said, “No”. Instead you say we can’t be stingy. So, you should give a
chocolate, as soon as I gave the chocolate. Hmm.