Fracture of The Lower Arm

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Delta fitness

Fracture of the lower arm

By: ExorLive Content Publisher

These exercises are an example of exercises that can be performed after a fracture of the lower arm. Consult with
your physiotherapist or doctor to make sure you comply with your restrictions during training. The exercises should
be performed daily, preferably up to 2-3 times.
1. Elbow bend
Allow your arm to hang relaxed by your side. Bend your
elbow and then gently return to the start position and
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2
2. Forearm rotation
Sit on a chair. Bend your elbow to a 90 degree angle and
hold your hand neutrally. While maintaining a steady
elbow, rotate your forearm, first inward so that the back
of your hand faces up, then outwards, so that the back of
your hand faces down.
Reps: 15 , Sets: 2
3. Wrist rotation w/ folded hands
Let your forearms rest on a table surface, with your
hands over the edge. Fold your hands and rotate them
from side to side.
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3
4. Passive rotation of forearm, with bar 1
Keep your upper arms close to the body with bent
elbows. Keep the active hand at the bottom of the bar.
Rotate the bar so that the palm of the hand is facing
downwards. Return to starting position and repeat
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3 8/9/2019 @ 3:37 PM Page 1 of 2 Show video

Delta fitness
Fracture of the lower arm
By: ExorLive Content Publisher
5. Rotation of the forearm, with ball
Keep your upper arms along the body and hold a ball
between your hands. Rotate so that palms swap places
Reps: 10 , Sets: 3 8/9/2019 @ 3:37 PM Page 2 of 2 Show video

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