Ef3e Int Filetest 08b
Ef3e Int Filetest 08b
Ef3e Int Filetest 08b
8 Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B Intermediate
Pronunciation total 10
READING 3 During this time Belinda says she never went into
1 Read the blog posting and tick (✓) A, B, or C. A charity shops ■ B markets ■
C shopping malls ■
Sara’s blog 4 Belinda sometimes ______ clothes herself.
Welcome to my blog where I talk about other blogs I have
A sewed buttons on ■ B made changes to ■
enjoyed reading!
C made new ■
5 She wanted to make her clothes _____.
This week I have been really inspired by two women who
A look good on her ■ B fit her ■
blogged about their exciting experiments with shopping
C look the same as other people’s ■
and fashion. First of all, there’s the English woman, Belinda,
who didn’t buy any new clothes for a year, and then decided 6 Belinda liked creating clothes that ______ was
to only shop at charity shops. In her blog, Belinda explains wearing.
that she loved fashion but she didn’t like the fashion A nobody else ■ B everyone else ■
industry and that she was fed up with worrying about C someone else ■
whether her clothes were ethically made or not. For a year 7 Jennifer had copies of her dress for each _____.
she didn’t walk into a single shopping mall or department A week of the year ■ B day of the year ■
store. Can you imagine? She was also very good at sewing C day of the week ■
so she was able to adapt the clothes she already had. If she
8 She _______ dressing the way she did for a year.
had something that didn’t suit her or wasn’t fashionable
A was unhappy ■ B felt frustrated ■
any more, she wasn’t afraid to change it and make it look
C didn’t mind ■
different. She says she liked knowing that she would never
meet someone wearing exactly the same thing. 9 Jennifer only wore things that she had _____ or that
she already had.
Another woman, a young American called Jennifer, did
A bought herself ■ B been given ■
something even braver. She actually wore the same ‘little
C borrowed ■
black dress’ for a year (well, she had seven identical dresses
– one for each day of the week). People asked her if it was
10 She used the money she raised to ______.
boring to put on the same style of dress every day but A buy clothes for poor children ■
being so creative, she found it easy and fun to invent 365 B send children to school ■
ways of wearing the same dress. In the photos on the blog C set up a website ■
she looks amazing just by changing accessories (hats, 10
scarves, belts, etc.), but she only used things she already
owned or that people gave her. So, why did she do it? She 2 Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true)
says she wanted to set herself a style challenge, but she or F (false).
also realized that she wanted to do something useful with
her creativity. So she set up the Uniform project and asked
Example: Belinda didn’t spend money on new clothes
people who visited her website to donate money to help
for a year. T
send street children in India to school. She has not only 1 For twelve months, Belinda only bought clothes
given people lots of great fashion ideas, but has also from shops that sold new clothes. ____
succeeded in raising 100,000 dollars and sending over 300 2 Belinda didn’t trust the fashion industry to make
children to school. I think that’s really cool! clothes ethically. ____
3 Jennifer wore a different black dress every day of the
Example: Sara’s blogs are about _____. week. ____
A other people’s blogs ■ ✓ 4 Jennifer started the Uniform project because it was
B current fashion trends ■ important for her to do something useful. ____
C new kinds of shops ■
5 Jennifer’s project gave 100,000 children the chance
1 Belinda decided not to buy any new clothes for _____. of a better education. ____
A a month ■ B one year ■ C two years ■ 5
2 She could do this _____ fashion.
A even though she loved ■ Reading total 15
B because she wasn’t interested in ■
C because she was fed up with ■
Write a blog post about a good / bad / unusual
shopping experience. (140–180 words)
Writing total 10
1 Listen to a conversation. Tick (✓) A, B, or C. 1 Answer your partner’s questions.
1 Lynn applied for a job as a __________. Now make questions and ask your partner.
A manager ■ B shop assistant ■ What would you do if you …
C fashion designer ■
• can do / any job you want?
2 She said she would like to __________. • want / buy a bargain? Where / go shopping?
A get trained ■ B be better qualified ■ • set up / a new project for a year?
C get promoted ■ • can travel / six months / anywhere in world?
3 She has a qualification in __________. • can only go / one shop for a year? Which / choose?
A design ■ B art ■ C sales ■
4 She said that customers prefer to buy __________ in 2 Listen to your partner talking about shopping. Do
stores. you agree with him / her?
A books ■ B computers ■ C clothes ■ 3 Talk about the statement below, saying if you agree
5 Some of her clothes for the interview were bought or disagree. Give reasons.
__________. ‘A good work–life balance is very important.’
A at a department store ■ B online ■
C in a clothes shop ■ Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25
Listening total 10