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Durable, robust and extremely

reliable under the toughest of conditions.

Schenck Process Group – Competence in Mining Industries.

Experts in screens and beyond.
Schenck Process – Experts in bulk material handling.

Schenck Process vibratory screening equipment can handle the bulk materials used in Mining – whether large
lumps or fine particles, wet or dry, for iron ore, coal and all kinds of base metal ores.

Solving technological problems is our speciality.

Our application-specific solutions include heavy-duty weighing technology as well as static weighing
technology – from conveying, screening, drying and cooling to de-watering. We assist in all processes from
planning through to the construction of plant sections and reliable controls to the connection to data systems.

Every year our coal preparation plants help to free around 10 million tons of raw coal from impurities –
our contribution to environmentally friendly energy production.

Exploration and preparatory work in mines requires outstanding technology and materials.
Schenck Process solutions are used where others fail.

Schenck Process offers applications and solutions including

modular coal preparation plants
screening and separating systems
filter and train loading systems
scales and exploration systems for the coal, iron ore and precious & base metals industries
Experts in Screening Media Solutions
Screenex – Leaders in Modular Screening

Screenex offer a vast range of polyurethane and rubber proucts for your screening requirements.
Screenex are also able to provide fixing systems and accessories to meet your individual needs.

At Screenex, we manufacture our patented range of Screenex modular panel systems by injection moulding
process. Our quality polyurethane and rubber screening media are specially designed for maximum durability
and simple maintenance. Our philosophy that each Screenex system is designed to each customer‘s individual
requirements ensures that our customers are buying a world class product. Our unique system allows damaged
sections to be easily replaced, rather than the entire screen. This revolutionary design cuts time and maintenance
costs and increases screening efficiency.

Screenex‘s technicians and consultants are all expert problem solvers with over 100 years of combined
screening experience. They can design and create a solution to any of your screening requirements.

The Screenex Difference:

individual screen panel systems designed to give the optimum performance for each individual application
a customer first philosophy
a co-operative relationship to improve the profitability of both parties, working with site personnel to achieve
the best solutions and results
Market Leading Technological Leadership and Capabilities

In 2008, Screenex Pty Ltd (“Screenex”) joined the Schenck The combined capabilities and product offerings
Process Group, a global market leader of solutions in of Schenck Process and Screenex now enables the
measuring and process technologies in industrial weighing, mining industry to purchase both their capital
feeding, screening and automation. The Schenck Process equipment vibratory screening machines and the
Group develops, manufactures and markets a full range of integral process critical screening panels from the
solutions, products and turnkey systems on the basis of one knowledgeable group of companies – the
combining process engineering expertise, reliable Schenck Process Group.
components and field-proven technology.

Application Example:
Iron Ore Site
Process Steps Covered
by Schenck Process ROM Bin Rock Breaker

Apron Feeder

Grizzly Screen


Process step covered by the

Schenck Process Group
Rock Breaker

Customers in more than 100 countries rely on the quality of To offer the highest level of pre and after sales service to the
our technology and applications to improve their process Australian mining industry, The Schenck Process Group has
and results. Over 2,200 employees, 27 subsidiary companies a combination of Sales, Engineering, Production and Service
and more than 130 agencies around the global are working facilities located in Brisbane, Mackay, Melbourne, Perth,
in full co-operation in order to maintain our position of Rockhampton, Thornton and Sydney.

Vibrating Feeder

Scalping Screens Vibrating Feeder




Vibrating Feeder
Product Screens


Sample Beltweigher
Sample Vibrating

Beltweigher Beltweigher
Train Loading
Fines Stockpiles System Lump Stockpiles


Founded in 1881, Schenck Process' products have been

sold in Australia for more than 25 years. To better serve

the expanding Australian market, Schenck Process

Australia was formed in 1996.

Schenck Process Australia comprises of a team of

experienced personnel well established in the highly

specialised field of weighing, feeding, screening and

loading automation as well as the related systems

engineering and design. The combination of design,

engineering and manufacturing coupled with an

experienced sales & marketing team and backed up with

excellent service support allows Schenck Process to work

with the customer to provide an exceptional solution.

LinaClass® LinaClass® LinaClass®

Flat vibrating screens Banana-screens De-watering Screens

Directed-Force Exciters MULTIBELT® Train Loading Systems

Belt Weighers

Vibrating Discharge Feeders Centrifuges MULTIRAIL®

Founded in 1983, Screenex has a long and rich history of

customer service excellence in delivering custom designed,

quality modular screening media solutions to the mineral

processing markets.

Screenex’s designs and solutions are innovative, simple to use

and deliver notable customer benefits. Screenex is committed to

constantly evaluating material formulations, panel designs and

manufacturing processes in order to improve both the quality

and service life of our screen panels and frame configurations.

With over 100 years of combined mining experience, as part of

the Schenck Process Group, Screenex’s ultimate aim continues

to be offering customers the most efficient and effective

screening solutions available - custom designed to suit your

individual application requirements.

Polyurethane Rubber Woven Wire

Modular Modular
Cross Tension Cross Tension
Sieve Bends

Screen Openings
Screen Openings offer the ability to customise your screen deck(s)
to accommodate particular production specifications or operational needs.

Polyurethane/Rubber Panels Rider Bar Modules Double-Dex & Triple-Dex Systems

Maxi/Flexi (Zig/Zag) type
Integrated feed box
Schenck Process machines feature an
integrated feedbox eliminating the
extra cost of a high wear bolt-on unit

LinaClass® Linear vibrating screens –

Universal application, high performance

Accurate classification of different materials:

Do you need to classify ore, coal, coke, base metals or
rock reliably in large quantities? Then you need solutions
which can be specially adapted in order to achieve the
high quality required.

Our solutions:
Schenck Process linear vibrating screens fulfil all these
requirements perfectly. They can handle the largest
quantities of materials and classify them to a high level of
accuracy. Driven by robust DF force exciters, they are
specially adapted to the widest range of requirements.

Flat-deck screen machine:

The classic version for the classification of all bulk solids
suitable for screening. All common screen panels can be
used. Available as a single or multiple-deck machine.

Banana-type screen machine:

This machine takes its name from the banana-like
arrangement of the screen panels. This enables the
screening of larger quantities of material with a high
content of fine particles. The advantage in comparison
to the conventional screening machine: a much larger
feed quantity with the same screen area. Available as a
Performance tested and checked
single or double-deck screen machine.
in the Schenck Process workshop
Longevity and performance assured.
Scalping screens/product screens: Each and every screen is test run in the
For the automatic charging and unloading of crushers. workshop and tuned using Schenck Process
vibration analysis technology and proprietary
testing procedures to confirm it's built
Drainage screen machine: properly and to performs to specification
A variant of the single and double-deck linear vibrating
screen machine for the washing, drainage, cleaning,
preliminary classification, wet screening or screening
out of foreign bodies.

Further benefits:
Ease of maintenance, long working life, maximum
availability, reliable and consistent quality.
Huckbolted construction Economical, smooth running Tuned for optimum
Over 1000 huckbolts in the sideplates but no The directed force exciter ranges from productivity
welds, the sideplate has no residual welding Schenck Process make the ideal Schenck Process drive systems
stress and no material discontinuities to drivers for linear vibrating screens. are dsigned to allow us to tune
compromise the fatigue strength of the Oil lubrication and optimised roller the run speed of your machine
machine. This important feature contributes bearing and gear pairing ensure for optimum performance
to the exceptionally long service life typical smooth running, long exciter working
of Schenck Process machines. life, resulting in outstanding economy.
Thicker deck rails
Schenck Process machines designed to
Maintenace free
carry the weight of ultra heavy duty deck
Maintenance free shafts
media with extra high sideliners. This means
between exciters mean more
longer service life, less maintenance and
production less downtime.
lower production cost per tonne.

Screenex screening media solutions

Screenex’s modular screening panels –
custom designed to suit customer’s
Increase production with larger, not more machines individual application requirements.
Vibration isolation technology second to none
Using fewer yet larger machines reduces upfront plant
Countermass isolation frame ensures the minimum
build cost, lower greenhouse gas emmissions and
of vibration in the plant structure for a more people-
shorter leadtime resulting in lower power consumptions
friendly environment and as the support structure
less maintenance and fewer wear parts.
needs less material there is lower cost plant and less
3 m, 3.6 m 4.3 m or even 5 m wide machines are the
greenhouse gas for the plant constuction
basis of the Schenck Process range of widebody
vibrating screening machines that can be supplied with
matched vibrating feeders to optimise material
withdrawal from bins and feed presentation onto the




02.10 di · All information is given without obligation.

All specifications are subject to change.
BV-P 2078 GB
The Schenck Process Group is the global market leader of solutions in measuring and process technologies in industrial
weighing, feeding, screening and automation.

The Schenck Process Group develops, manufactures and markets a full range of solutions, products and turnkey systems
on the basis of combining process engineering expertise, reliable components and field-proven technology.
© by Schenck Process GmbH, 2010

Schenck Process GmbH Schenck Process Australia (Pty) Ltd.

Pallaswiesenstr. 100 Unit 1, 47 Epping Road
64293 Darmstadt, Germany North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia
T +49 61 51-15 31 23 32 T +61 2-98 78 41 00

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