Standard 6
Standard 6
Standard 6
2 Reflection
Regularly evaluates and reflects on their professional practice and dispositions to improve and
strengthen their ability to effectively model and facilitate technology-enhanced learning experiences.
This artifact is a collection of my blog entries from some of the courses that I have completed during this
program. The blog includes several reflections for various courses which required me to reflect on the
class as a whole and my ability to apply what I have learned to my own teaching career or classroom.
This artifact demonstrates my mastery because it is evidence of my ability to objectively and regularly
evaluate and reflect on my professional practice and dispositions. The reflections span from my first
semester to last which demonstrates my ability to reflect with regularity. By reflecting on the activities
and opportunities presented throughout my courses, I am able to look at my professional practices from
a wider lens and conduct a true evaluation of my abilities and my dispositions and adjust as needed
based on what I learn from the reflections.
The work that went into creating these reflections taught me the importance on reflecting on everything
you do, especially when it comes to ensuring you are maintaining professional behavior and making
choices that are best for students and teachers. If I were to modify the reflection process I think I would
make the reflections a little more focused by choosing a particular element to reflect upon instead of
broad ideas.
The impact of these reflections pertain to my own professionalism and abilities as an instructional
technology coach. The further I went into the program, the more valuable my reflections became, and I
was able to use them to adjust based on my observations. The impact can be assessed through my
continuous interest in getter better based on what I learn from reflecting.