Lesson Plan: School of Education

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Year Students’ Prior Knowledge:
6 Time: 1:10 – 3:00pm Date: 25th October
 Understand basic cause and effect relationships
Learning Area: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGIES through exploration of adaptations of living things
and how this links to form and function.

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum  Able to identify stable and dynamic aspects of
systems and look for patterns and relationships
between components of systems.
SCI - Science Understanding
Biological Sciences  Able to develop explanations for the patterns they
The growth and survival of living things are affected by physical observe.
conditions of their environment.
 Understand that phenomena have sets of
(ACSSU094) characteristic behaviours.

TEC – Design and Technologies  Students have explored technologies that

incorporate materials, components, and equipment
Technologies and Society used in the home and wider community.
How people address competing considerations, including
sustainability when designing products, services and  Have an understanding of sustainable practices.
environments for current and future use.  Students are able to identify appropriate data and
(ACTDEK019) requirements.

 Have a toolbox of strategies to communicate

TEC – Digital Technologies information and ideas using agreed ethical
Creating Solutions by: protocols, taking into account the safety aspects of
Identify available resources. working in digital environments.

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Competence Critical and Creative Ethical Personal and Intercultural
Thinking Behaviour Social Understanding

Cross-Curriculum Priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Proficiencies (Mathematics only):

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes on this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Identify the cause and effect relationship between plastic pollution and Australia’s environment.
 Categorise plastic items into recyclable and non-recyclable, identifying deciding factors.
 Formulate mitigation strategies to reduce plastic pollution on local, national and global scales.

Provision for Students at Educational Risk:

Remedial students:
Students who are unable to commence the task will be supported by the class EA or work in a small group closer to the teacher.
These students will also be prompted more significantly during classroom discussions and will be asked knowledge and
comprehension questions, rather than analysis or synthesis questions during discussion time,

Extension students:
Students who exceed teacher’s expectations and complete the task before allocated time will be asked to begin researching
plant pot designs and create a brainstorm in their D&T books based on their research.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation:

 Ensure all students have brought in their plastic item (provide spare just in case)
 Wipe clean whiteboard and ensure markers are working
 Have YouTube video already loaded
 Create plastic pollution questions for class quiz as well as situation cards
 Collect butcher’s paper and artline pens
 Create exit ticket for students and ensure Science journal are readily available

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed after the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc. as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction Resources/References

1:10pm 1. Class sit at their desks in a position where they are able to
(25 minutes) see the SmartBoard and that they are not fiddling with their

2. Teacher begins discussion with students regarding this term.

E.g. “Our key theme for this term, will be Pollution. Across the
term and across all learning areas, we will be completing a
range of investigations to educate ourselves about pollution
and ways in which we can prevent pollution in our local
environment, as well as on a national and global scale.”

3. Teacher then explains to students that they will be working on

a project across the term, with the final product due in Week
10 of term.

4. Teacher brings up the Assignment Weebly. http://plantit4theplanet.we

5. Teacher runs through the different components of the class
Weebly Students have time to ask questions about the
project and suggest ideas to other students.

Time Lesson Steps (lesson content, structure, strategies & key questions) Resources/References

1:35pm 1. Students move to the mat area where they are to sit in a SmartBoard
(70 minutes) circle. Teacher stands outside the circle, ensuring they have
access to use the SmartBoard.

2. The teacher asks students to go around the circle and ask for
reasons why plastic is bad for the environment.
- If answers are incorrect, the teacher will guide students to
reach the appropriate answers.

3. Teacher shows video to the class and asks them to pay Video from YouTube
attention so that they are able to answer questions at the https://www.youtube.com/w
end. atch?v=PZULjkHejNw

4. Once the video has finished, the teacher poses the following
questions to the students and writes the answers on the Whiteboard
- What are the benefits of plastic?
- What impact does plastic have on the environment?
- How much plastic do people in Australia throw away every
- What are the alternatives to using plastic?
- What are some solutions to the plastic pollution problem?

5. Students are then broken into small groups and provided with Cause and Effect
a cause and effect relationship. Students allocate themselves Scenarios
a role within the group out of the following: group leader
(reads aloud the scenario and ensures group stays on track),
recorder (writes down discussion; takes minutes) and
reporter (presents findings to the group).

6. One by one, each group presents their ideas to the rest of the
class. Students from other groups are welcome to contribute
their ideas after the reporter has finished speaking. (Do not
allow this to take more than 20 minutes).

7. Students are asked to collect their plastic item that they have Plastic items from home
brought in from home from the front of the classroom.
8. Students place themselves back into their groups with their
items. Within their groups, students are to analyse the three
items and decide which ones are recyclable, and which are
not. Each group must be able to identify one factor of the
product which assists in deciding whether or not the item can
be recycled.

9. Students come back together in the large circle and sit with
their item in front of them. In the middle of the circle, the
teacher must place a picture of a recycling bin and a picture Recycling and general
of a normal general waste bin. waste bin cutouts

10. One by one, groups stand in their spots within the circle and
hold up their item. Each group member has the following role:
- Group Leader: Tells the class what the three items in their
group are.
- Group Recorder: Places items on top of the appropriate bin
within the middle of the circle.
- Group Reporter: Explains why decisions were made.

11. Teacher asks students to return to their desks and face their
eyes to the SmartBoard where the UN Sustainable
Development goals are laid out. The teacher asks students to
recall back to the introduction where they were able to see
what SDG related best to this unit of work.

12. As the teacher guides the class through the document,

students take turns in reading through the document online
as a class.

13. Students look at the mitigation strategies and UN goals of

Sustainable Development Goal 12 and the teacher creates a
brainstorm of strategies from which the class is able to recall.

14. Students return to their groups with their situation from the
first round of group work and attempt to explore what UN
strategy best fits their situation.

Time Lesson Closure (review lesson objectives with students) Resources/References

2:45pm 1. Students are to complete an exit ticket that asks them to Exit ticket
(10 mins) outline the following:

 Explain one cause and effect relationship of plastic pollution

in the world.
 Outline three (3) strategies, from the UN Sustainable
Development goals, to enhance sustainable production and
consumption of plastic.

2. Once the teacher has stamped the exit ticket, students are to Science journals
glue their ticket into their Science journals and sit at their
desks waiting for further instruction.

Time Transition (what needs to happen prior to the next lesson?) Resources/References

2:55pm 1. Students are to pack and stack away their belongings,

placing their school bags on their desks and waiting for the
teacher to read out the notices.
Assessment (were the lesson objectives met? How will these be

 Objective 1: Group discussion & exit ticket

 Objective 2: Group discussion & activity
 Objective 3: Group discussion & exit ticket

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