Management Science r16 Oct 2018

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Code No: R1631011 R16 SET - 1

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Common to Civil Engineering and Petroleum Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define Organization. [2M]
b) Give significance of Quality Control. [2M]
c) What is Performance Management? [2M]
d) Explain the concept on PERT. [3M]
e) Discuss Corporate Planning Process. [3M]
f) Define MIS. [2M]
2. a) Explain the importance and the principles of Taylor’s Scientific Management. [7M]
b) What is Motivation? Explain Abraham Maslow’s needs Hierarchy theory? [7M]

3. a) Define EOQ. Write about the factors that influence in determination of EOQ? [7M]
b) What are the objectives of Work Study? [7M]

4. a) What is Merit Rating? How it is useful for Job Evaluation. [7M]

b) State the functions of channels of distribution. [7M]

5. a) Following data relates to a certain project. [7M]

Activity Optimistic Time Most likely Time Pessimistic Time
1-2 2 5 14
1-3 3 12 21
2-4 5 14 17
3-4 2 5 8
4-5 1 4 7
3-5 6 15 30
Find out: i) Construct the network. ii) Identify the critical path and duration
of the project.
b) What do you mean by crashing a network? State the step by step procedure of [7M]

6. a) Define strategic management. Describe the process of strategic management. [7M]

b) What is Mission? What are the characteristics of a good Mission statement? [7M]

7. a) Explain the concept of Balanced Score Card. [7M]

b) Define Supply chain Management. Explain its functions. [7M]


Code No: R1631011 R16 SET - 2

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Common to Civil Engineering and Petroleum Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain the functions of a manager. [2M]
b) What is ABC analysis? [2M]
c) What is meant by Merit Rating? [2M]
d) Define HRD. [3M]
e) Explain Mission statement. [3M]
f) Explain about Business Process Outsourcing. [2M]
2. a) Define Management. Explain Henry Fayol’s Principles of Management. [7M]
b) Explain theory X and theory Y of motivation. [7M]

3. a) What do you mean by Statistical Quality Control? Explain its importance in [7M]
quality control.
b) Define work study and explain the need for work study in an enterprise. [7M]

4. a) Explain the concept Job Evaluation. Discuss its significance. [7M]

b) Discuss the different stages in Product Life Cycle. [7M]
5. a) Explain how you determine the probability of meeting the scheduled date of [7M]
completion of project.
b) A project consists of 10 activities as detailed below. Draw the network. Identify [7M]
the critical path and duration of the project.
Job Immediate Predecessors
A -
I E, F, G
J H, I

6. a) Explain various elements of Corporate Planning Process. [7M]

b) Define Environmental Scanning and how is it useful to business organizations? [7M]

7. a) Explain the concept on Total Quality Management. [7M]

b) Describe the process of Six Sigma. [7M]

Code No: R1631011 R16 SET - 3

III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018

(Common to Civil Engineering and Petroleum Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain about Decision Making Process. [2M]
b) Define Economic Order Quantity. [2M]
c) Define the term Marketing. [2M]
d) Explain Project Crashing. [3M]
e) What are genetic Strategies? [3M]
f) What is the importance of balanced Score card? [2M]
2. a) Explain Hertzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Motivation. [7M]
b) Discuss the various types of organization structures. [7M]

3. a) Explain briefly the scope of operations management. [7M]

b) What methods can be adopted to reduce the inventory costs? [7M]

4. a) Explain different methods of training in an organization. [7M]

b) What do you mean by marketing? Explain various functions of Marketing. [7M]

5. a) Discuss the guidelines for constructing a project network. [4M]

b) Draw the PERT network for the following activities and determine the probability
of completing the project in 48 days. [10M]
Jobs Optimistic Time Most likely Time Pessimistic Time
1-2 5 8 1
1-3 1 3 5
2-4 4 6 7
3-4 3 7 9
4-5 10 20 30
4-6 14 18 23
4-7 3 6 10
5-7 5 9 12
6-8 1 4 6
7-8 2 5 9

6. a) Define Vision. Explain the characteristics of a Vision. [7M]

b) Define Strategy. What are steps involved in formulating a strategy? [7M]

7. a) Explain the concept of Just-In-Time. [7M]

b) What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)? Explain the process of ERP? [7M]


Code No: R1631011 R16 SET - 4
III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, October/November - 2018
(Common to Civil Engineering and Petroleum Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answer ALL the question in Part-A
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain the Principles of organization. [2M]
b) What is R- Chart? [2M]
c) List out the different Training Methods. [2M]
d) Define Project Management. [3M]
e) What do you mean by Strategy Evaluation? [3M]
f) Define Total Quality Management. [2M]
2. a) Define Management. Describe functions of Management. [7M]
b) Explain process of Decision Making. [7M]

3. a) Define the term Inventory? Explain the need and importance of Inventory [7M]
Management in an organization.
b) Explain the functions of materials manager. [7M]

4. a) Suggest various strategies based on various phases of Product Life Cycle. [7M]
b) Describe various functions of HR Manager. [7M]

5. a) From the activity details given below, determine the optimal project duration [10M]
and optimal project cost. Indirect Cost is Rs.150 per day.
Activity Normal Time Normal Cost Crash Time Crash Cost
(Days) (Rs.) (Days) (Rs.)
1-2 8 200 6 400
1-3 4 300 2 700
2-4 2 100 1 180
2-5 10 200 5 800
3-4 5 200 1 200
4-5 3 160 1 200
b) Distinguish between PERT and CPM [4M]

6. a) State the significance of corporate planning. [7M]

b) Explain the role of SWOT analysis in strategy formulation. [7M]

7. a) What is bench marking? How is useful? [7M]

b) Explain the concept Business Process Outsourcing. [7M]



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