Section B Feb 2016

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Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


Instructions : 1. Answer any five questions
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Please be concise, quality of answers will count
4. Assume suitable data if necessary.

Q1. a) Explain the different factors influencing the selection of

plant location. (10)

b) Discuss the different types of plant layout in detail. (10)

Q2. a) State and explain environmental aspects for good plant

layout (10)

b) Describe the different factors consider for the machining

plant layout and Assembly plant layout. (10)

Q3. I.M. Engineering is planning to start new factory. They consider

three locations Pune, Kolhapur and Bangalore. The associated
cost at three locations is as follows. (10)

Particular Pune Kolhapur Bangalore

Cost of Machinery (Rs.) 4.3 Million 4.74 Million 4.8 Million
Cost of construction of factory(Rs.) 12 Million 10 Million 11 Million
Labor (Rs. Per unit) 100 160 140
Cost of Material (Rs. Per Unit) 900 1000 840
a) Factory will have annual production capacity of 11000
units & in initial year will operate 75% efficiency. Find
the best location option.

b) List out and explain any four type of MH Equipment's

with their applications. (10)

1 Set-1 (37)
Q4. a) Explain the Computer aid Approach in Warehousing. (10)

b) Explain the Concept of line balancing in detail with their

objectives. (10)

Q5. a) Explain the Concept of group technology in detail. (10)

b) List out different types of assembly line and explain

flexibility in assembly line with example. (10)

Q6. Write a short note on the following (20)

a) Production flow analysis

b) Automats in Material handling system

Q7. Write a short note on the following (Any Four) (20)

a) Computer Aided plant layout.

b) Plant Services.

c) Unit load concept.

d) Safety considerations for plant layout.

e) DCF Technique.

f) Technical and economic considerations for Equipment


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2 Set-1 (38)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


Instruction : Answer Any Five Questions.

Q1. a) What are the drivers of supply chain performance? (10)

b) What do you understand by Inventory control? (10)

Q2. a) Explain the factors affecting transportation decisions in a

supply chain? (10)

b) Define SCM? Explain the role of it in determining the

competitiveness of a business? (10)

Q3. What do you understand by Network design in a supply chain?

What are the factors influencing network design decisions? (20)

Q4. Define Materials Management? Explain the various functions

of it? (20)

Q5. Explain the role of information technology in a supply chain? (20)

Q6. Write notes on: (20)

a) Role and impact of e-business in a supply chain

b) Multimodal Transportation

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1 Set-1 (39)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


Instructions : 1) Answer any Five questions.
2) Assume suitable data if necessary.

Q1. a) Explain the functions of Production and Operation

Management? (10)

b) Why Operation Management is important in all types of

organization? (10)

Q2. a) Define forecasting? Describe any two methods of

forecasting with suitable examples? (10)

b) State the applications of forecasting? (10)

Q3. a) Define Aggregate Planning? How it helps to Operation

Manager? (10)

b) What is Master Production Scheduling? Discuss its

applications? (10)

Q4. a) Explain the Importance of sequencing problems? State

the various method of solving Sequencing problems? (10)
b) The information regarding jobs to be scheduled through
one machine is given below

Job A B C D E F G
Process time in Days 4 12 2 11 10 3 6
Due date in days 20 30 15 16 18 5 9
Find : i) First come first serve (FCFS) schedule
ii) Shortest Processing Time (SPT) (10)

Q5. a) Explain the essential element involved in the Project

Planning Process? (10)

1 Set-1 (40)
b) Explain the various Project Planning and Control
techniques? (10)

Q6. a) Define Cellular manufacturing? Explain the elements of

cellular manufacturing? (10)

b) Define JIT? Explain its relevance in manufacturing

system in India? (10)

Q7. a) What are the benefits of FMS and explain the need of
FMS in modern manufacturing environment? (10)

b) Define Group technology? Explain its advantages? (10)

Q8. a) Define MIS? Explain its significance for an Operation

Manager for decision making? (10)

b) State the different methods of performance evaluation?

Explain any one method of performance evaluation? (10)

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2 Set-1 (41)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Answer any Five questions.
2) Marks are equal for all questions.
3) Please be concise, quality of answers will count.

Q1. a) Construct a Pareto diagram & discuss the results for

following machine shop data.

Type of Defect Frequency Rupee Value (Rs.)

Non-conforming Ream 60 2500
Non-conforming Length 20 1000
Non-conforming Diameter 40 3000
Rough Surface Finish 80 7000
Warped Flange 50 2000

If management has an allocation of Rs. 10,000, which problem

areas should they tackle & why. (10)

b) State whether True or False (Give justification in one

sentence only) (10)

(i) Check sheet is an effective tool of data analysis.

(ii) Fishbone diagram is useful in prioritizing problems.
(iii) Risk priority number is a concept used in fault tree
(iv) Improved quality leads to higher costs.
(v) Kaizen is a philosophy for continuous improvement.

Q2. a) Write detailed note on quality circles. (10)

b) What is Correction, Corrective action & Preventive action

with suitable example? (10)

1 Set-1 (42)
Q3. a) Explain with suitable example the concept of "Vendor
quality rating". (10)

b) What is six sigma? Explain the DMAIC methodology. (5)

c) What is management review & its significance? (5)

Q4. a) How to determine system reliability & mean time to

failure when components are

i) in series.
ii) In parallel. Explain with the help of example. (10)
b) What are various costs of quality? Explain with the help
of diagram. (10)

Q5. a) Explain the concept of process capability? Explain the

procedure to determine the process capability & what is
Cpk? (10)

b) What is the purpose & objective of quality information

system? (10)

Q6. a) What do you understand by the term filed complaints?

What is significance of field complaints in quality
assurance function? (10)

b) What are various problem solving tools? Explain in

details. (10)

Q7. Differentiate between (20)

a) Variable Gauge & Attribute gauge.

b) Single Sampling plan & double sampling plan.

c) Consumer's Risk & Producer's Risk.

d) 100 % inspection & Sampling inspection.

e) Maintainability & Reliability.

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Section - B February 2016
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 100


Instructions :
1. Q1 is compulsory and solve Any Four questions from
Q2 to Q7.
2. Assume Suitable data if necessary.
3. All sub-questions must be written together.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1. a) What is FAST diagram? Explain customer oriented

FAST diagram. (10)

b) What is innovation? Why innovation is considered as

a built in feature in nature? (10)

Q2. a) Explain the technique of FEMA with the help of suitable

example. (10)

b) Explain the technique of quality function deployment

with the help of suitable example. (10)

Q3. a) Define Value Engineering and discuss history of it? (10)

b) Explain in brief management by objectives. (10)

Q4. a) What do you understand by Management of Objectives?(10)

b) Explain VE job plan with the help of suitable example. (10)

Q5. a) State the difference among the following function with

suitable example: (20)
i) Basic function and secondary function
ii) Use function and aesthetic function
iii) Higher order function and lower order function
iv) Work function and sell function

1 Set-1 (44)
Q6. a) What do you understand by Team dynamics? (10)

b) What are the different types of values? Explain. (10)

Q7. a) Compare the traditional verses modern approaches to

product development. Give the merits and demerits of
both the approaches to product development. (10)

b) Consider an organisation providing road transport

service. What are the key challenges that the organization
could face in its survival and its path to excellence. (10)

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2 Set-1 (45)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Notes : 1) Answer any Five Questions. Each question carries equal
2) Answer must be crisp and to the point.

Q1. How has the MNC's operation impacted the strategic

management of Indian companies? Give examples. (20)

Q2. What are financial and non financial benefits of strategic

management? How strategic management helps for
successfully running of organization? (20)

Q3. What do you mean by Resource based view of a firm? Discuss

how organization can identify key success factors for
themselves. (20)

Q4. Why technical forecasting is needed? When it required and

what are the impacts of this? Explain by means of examples. (20)

Q5. Write briefly about following:

a) Business forecasting
b) Gap analysis
c) Management controls-information system
d) Government policies & strategic management (5×4)

Q6. Explain in detail about impact of Government policies on

strategic management of organizations. (20)

Q7. Write short notes on following : (20)

i) Capital Budgeting

ii) Investment evaluation

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1 Set-1 (46)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions :
1) Answer Any Five questions.
2) Clearly state the assumed data.
3) Figures to the right of questions indicate full marks.
4) All questions carry equal marks
5) Use of non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed
6) Necessary calculations must be shown in the answer paper.

Q1. a) Find the optimum integer solution to the following linear

programming problem n-using Gomory's cutting plane
method. (14)
Minimize, Z = –3X1 – 4X2
Subject to; ≤

3X1 – X2 + X3 = 12
3X1 + 11X2 + X4 = 66
Xi 0, i = 1 to 4 all Xi are integers.
b) What is degeneracy problem in L.P.P.? Explain method
to resolve degeneracy. (06)

Q2. a) Find the minimum valve of f(x) = x2 + 2x with in the

interval [-3, 4] by the Fibonacci method using n = 6. (10)

b) Use the Kuhn - Tucker Conditions to solve the following

NLPP (10)

Maximize; Z = 2X12 – 7X22 + 12X1 X2

Subject to; 2X1 + 5X2 98
X1, X2, 0

1 Set-1 (47)
Q3. A company makes two kinds of leather belts, belt A and belt B.
Belt A is a high (2 quality belt and belt B is of lower quality. The
respective profits are Rs. 4 and Rs. 3 per belt. The production
of each of type A requires twice as much time as a belt of type
B, and if all belts were of type B, the company could make
1000 belts per day. The supply of leather belt is sufficient for
only 800 belts per day (both A and B combined). Belt A requires
a fancy buckle and only 400 of these are available per day.
There are only 700 buckles a day available for belt B. What
should be the daily production of each type of belt? Formulate
this problem as an LP model and solve it using the simplex
method. (20)

Q4. A company has factories at F1, F2 and F3 that supply products

to warehouses at W1, W2 and W3. The weekly capacities of
the factories are 200, 160 and 90 units, respectively. The weekly
warehouses requirements are 180, 120 and 150 units,
respectively. The shipping costs (in rupees) are as follows:

W1 W2 W3 Supply
F1 16 20 12 200
Factory F2 14 8 18 160
F3 26 24 16 90
Demand 180 120 150 450
Use VAM to obtain initial basic feasible solution and test the
optimality using MODI method. (20)

Q5. a) A research and development department is developing

a new power supply for a console television set. It has
broken the jobs down into the following (15)
Job Immediate Time Job Immediate Time
predecessors (days) Job predecessors (days)
A – 5 E C 1
B A 7 F D 2
C B 2 G C 1
D B 3 H E,F 3
I G,H 10

2 Set-1 (48)
Draw the network diagram find the critical path and also
compute the minimum time for completion of the project.

b) Explain the conjugate gradient method (05)

Q6. Write notes on (20)

a) Hooks Jeeves method

b) Simulation

Q7. Write notes on (20)

a) Geometric programming.

b) CPM and PERT

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3 Set-1 (49)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


Notes : 1. Solve any Five questions.
2. Draw Neat Diagrams if applicable.

Q1. a) Explain different types of organizational knowledge

management. (10)

b) Discuss data information and organizational knowledge

progression. (10)

Q2. a) Discuss organizational capture implementation

methodology. (10)

b) Explain organizational knowledge indexing and

processing. (10)

Q3. Explain the following phases: (20)

a) Awakening Phase

b) Actionable Phase

c) Implementation Phase

d) Support Phase.

Q4. a) What is Enterprise Knowledge Portal and what are its

characteristics. (10)

b) How does technology enable the organizational KM? (10)

Q5. a) Explain the term intangible asset monitor. (10)

b) Discuss organizational implementation barriers. (10)

Q6. a) Explain various steps in data mining. (10)

b) Discuss knowledge acquisition tools. (10)

1 Set-1 (50)
Q7. a) Explain balanced score card with diagram. (10)

b) Describe the terms integrative and interactive

applications. (10)

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2 Set-1 (51)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions.
2) Answer neat and clean and to the point.
3) Assume suitable data.

Q1. a) State principles of material handling. Write about

characteristics and applications of material handling
equipment. (10)

b) Classify material handling equipment. State types of wire

ropes and chains with their applications. (10)

Q2. a) Compare hydraulic, mechanical and pneumatic

conveyors. (10)

b) Compare gantry and jib crane. (10)

Q3. a) Explain arresting gear mechanism with neat sketch. (10)

b) Classify cranes. State principal of operation and

applications of each cranes. (10)

Q4. a) Explain with neat sketch different types of belt

conveyors. (10)

b) Explain bucket conveyors with neat sketch (10)

Q5. a) Explain screw conveyor with neat sketch (10)

b) Explain different travelling and lifting mechanism in

material handling. (10)

Q6. a) Write types and working of lifts and elevators. (10)

b) State the detail procedure for lifting, handling and

erecting a typical hydraulic press machine (10)

1 Set-1 (52)
Q7. Write short notes (Any Four) (20)

a) Block brakes and Band brakes

b) Modern trends in material handling

c) Computer aided system for material handling

d) Types of Hitches

e) Hoisting Mechanisms

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2 Set-1 (53)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1. Attempt Any Five questions.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Assume additional data if required
5. Use of non programmable scientific calculator is allowed

Q1. a) Write short notes on (i) types of automation

(ii) automation on machining processes. (10)

b) Draw the symbols and briefly explain the following

elements: (10)
(i) Combined actuation by solenoid or pilot line,
(ii) compressor
(iii) 5/2 way valve.

Q2. a) Draw a PLC ladder logic diagram for the following

Boolean equations (10)
A+B+CD+E = Y1 F.G.H+I = Y2, Y1.Y2 = Q.

b) Draw a hydraulic circuit to explain the regenerative

function. Write the specifications of the elements used. (10)

Q3. a) Simplify, Y = abcVabcVabcVabcVabcVabc = 1 and

draw electrical circuits and logic circuits using NAND
gates. (10)

b) The door connecting two warehouses is to be controlled

in such a manner that the door may be opened and
closed from either warehouse. Furthermore, it must be
possible to open the door from one warehouse and close
it from the other. Find the Boolean equation and Simplify
using Karnaugh map. Draw electrical circuits, pneumatic
circuits and logic circuits using NAND gates. (10)

1 Set-1 (54)
Q4. a) Draw a electro pneumatic circuits for A+delayA-.
use single or double solenoid valves. (10)

b) Explain the functions of electrical timers and counters

with reference to the types of contacts used. (10)

Q5. a) With suitable example, explain drill canned cycle(G81)

and deep hole peck drill canned cycle(G83). (10)

b) Draw the symbols and briefly explain the following

elements: (i) linear and rotary actuators (ii) hydraulic
accumulators. (10)

Q6. a) Draw a PLC ladder diagram for the following cycle of

operations (10)

(i) The start button is pushed

(ii) A fill valve opens and fills a vat
(iii) The liquid in the vat is mixed for 3 minutes by a mixer
(iv) Drains the tank
b) With symbols explain the pneumatic logic gates, AND,
OR, NOT, NOR & NAND. (10)

Q7. a) Write the principles and working of coordinate

measuring machine. (10)

b) Draw a hydraulic circuits for A+, (B+with speed control),

(AB)- Do not use electrical signal. (10)

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2 Set-1 (55)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions :
1) Answer any Five questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1. Discuss the historical development of industrial safety and

role of government in industrial safety. (20)

Q2. Discuss the significance of housekeeping, First Aids and Fire

fighting equipments in accidents prevention. (20)

Q3. Write short notes on following: (20)

a) Safety in Sewage Disposal and Cleaning.

b) Safety in Dock

Q4. Discuss the significance of industrial psychology in accident

prevention. Also discuss safety trails and safety audit. (20)

Q5. Write brief about following: (20)

a) Explosive Act

b) Occupational Safety and Occupational diseases.

Q6. Discuss engineering methods of controlling chemical hazards

also discuss safety and the physical environment. (20)

Q7. Discuss safety committees structure. Also discuss the role of

Government in industrial safety. (20)

Q8. Discuss safety in handling of portable power tools, Hand

Grinder and safety in welding. (20)

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1 Set-1 (56)
Section-B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Answer any Five Questions. Each question carries
20 marks.
2. Assume suitable data if required.
3) Answer must be crisp and to the point.

Q1. a) Explain the concept of muiti-skiliing in maintenance staff

with example. What are the advantages of multi-
skilling? (10)
b) Write a detail note on maintenance job manual. (10)

Q2. a) A certain type of electrical component has a uniform

failure rate of 0.00001 per hour. What is its reliability for
a specified period of service of 10000 hours? (10)

b) What is root cause analysis? Give its importance in

maintenance. (10)

Q3. a) Explain Overall Equipment Effectiveness in detail. (10)

b) What for the concept of 5'S is used. Give its' advantages.


Q4. a) Differentiate between FMEA and FMECA (10)

b) What is TPM, explain pillars of TPM in detail. (10)

Q5. a) Define static spares, insurance spares with and without

salvage value. (10)

b) Explain individual replacement and Group replacement

policy. (10)

Q6. a) Explain various elements of costs in maintenance

budget. (10)

1 Set-1 (57)
b) Cost of a machine is Rs. 15000/- and the scrap value of
it is Rs. 300/-. The maintenance cost is as follows:

Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maintenance Cost 300 500 900 1300 1900 2500 3300 4500

When the machine should be replaced? (10)

Q7. Write short note on Any Four. (20)

a) Economics of overhaul

b) Opportunistic maintenance

c) Kaizen in maintenance

d) Manpower Planning

e) Resource allocation

f) Autonomous maintenance

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2 Set-1 (58)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Attempt ANY FIVE questions
2) Assume suitable data wherever missing

Q1. a) Explain the factors influencing working capital

requirements of business enterprise. (10)

b) What are different types of short term financing?

Explain any two with examples. (10)

Q2. a) Explain any two forms of corporate business

organizations regulatory frame work. (10)

b) Write a note on leverage ratios and list them down.

Explain any two ratios in detail with formula. (10)

Q3. a) Mr X wishes to determine the present value of the annuity

consisting of cash inflows of Rs 1000 per year for 5 years.
The rate of interest he can earn from his investment is
10% . (10)
b) Mr. A plans to diversify his business after 5 years. He
expects the cost of this business to be Rs. 7500000/-
How much should he save monthly to have a sum of
7500000/- at the end of 5 years, if the interest rate is
13% ? (10)

Q4. a) Explain Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in the context of

commercial taxes applicability on manufacturing industry
located in SEZ . (10)
b) What is operating cycle of business and what are its
effect on inventory. Explain (10)

Q5. a) What is the present value of Rs 1000 receivable 20 years

hence if the discount rate is 8 % ? (5)

(PVIF 8 %10 Years = 0.463)

1 Set-1 (59)
b) Write note on the following

(i) Various types of risk in Debt Financing (any 4) (5)

(ii) Liberalization in capital markets in India? (5)
(iii) Explain Tax framework and its effect on business
policies (5)

Q6. a) Explain the following sources of long term finances : (10)

(i) Equities
(ii) Mutual Funds
(iii) Long term loan financial Institutions
(iv) Debentures
b) List out constituents of current assets and current
liabilities and explain each constituent briefly. (10)

Q7. a) Explain the following (Any Two) (10)

(i) Excise duty and custom duty

(ii) Economic comparisons of alternative investments
(iii) Future and present values of single cash flow and
b) What are types of Financial Ratios- Liquidity ratio,
turnover ratio, profitability ratio and leverage ratio. (10)

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2 Set-1 (60)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: 1) Answer Any Five questions.
2) All Questions carry equal marks.

Q1. a) Explain the Government agencies and trade union in

Productivity management. (10)
b) Discuss HRD Strategy - Motivation for Productivity. (10)

Q2. a) Define BPR and also discuss its elements and scope. (10)
b) Explain strategic, corporate and annual productivity
plans. (10)

Q3. a) Explain Qualitative and Quantitative models in

productivity. (10)
b) Discuss Productivity mission & objectives. (10)

Q4. a) How productivity can be improved through value

engineering? (10)
b) Explain productivity monitoring at micro & macro level. (10)

Q5. a) How skill development & training plays important role in

human resource development? (10)
b) Discus productivity policies and strategies. (10)

Q6. a) Explain steps involved in BPR methodology. (10)

b) Write note on sharing gains of productivity. (10)

Q7. Write short note on the following : (20)

a) Waste management
b) Process mapping.

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1 Set-1 (61)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
1. Answer Any Five questions.
2. All questions carry equal marks.
3. Necessary calculations must be shown in the answer paper.
4. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
5. Use of nonprogrammable – scientific calculator is allowed.

Q1. a) Define the method of simulation in solving business

problems and compare it analytical model? (10)

b) Explain important steps involved in Monte Carlo

simulation using a flow chart. (10)

Q2. An automobile manufacturing company, KML, produces around

150 motor cycles per day. The daily production varies from
146 to 154 motor cycles depending upon the availability of
power, subassemblies of 1C engines raw materials and other
working conditions. Daily production and its probability is given
below in tabular form: (20)

Daily production 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
Probability 0.06 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.15 0.11 0.09 0.05
The finished mopeds are transported in a specially arranged a
fleet of lorries that can carry only 150 motorcycles. Using
following 15 random numbers simulate the process to find out:

(i) What will be the average number of mopeds waiting in the


(ii) What will be average number of empty spaces in the fleet

of lorry

Random numbers : 15, 27, 37, 79, 44, 68, 59, 89, 76, 32,
23, 97, 14, 05, 43.

1 Set-1 (62)
Q3. a) Differentiate between true random numbers and pseudo
random numbers. Explain briefly congruence method
of generating pseudo random numbers. (10)

b) What do' you mean by probability distribution? Provide

important characteristics of normal and exponential
distributions. (10)

Q4. A company manufactures 50 units of a product per day. The

daily sale of the product depends on demand which has the
following distribution: (20)

Sales per day 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Probability 0.08 0.12 0.20 0.30 0.15 0.10 0.05
The production cost and selling price of each unit are $ 30 and
$ 50 respectively. Any unsold product is to be disposed off at
loss of $8 per unit. There is a penalty of $4 per unit if the
demand is not met (unsatisfied). Using the following 10 random
numbers, estimate the total profit /loss for the company for the
next ten days: 11,93,67,89,52,01,76,15,42,25

Q5. a) Explain the role of computers in simulation. Why would

an analyst ever prefer a general purpose language such
as FORTRAN or BASIC in a simulation when there are
advantages in using special purpose language such as

b) Simulation is widely used in business applications. Based

on your experience, select a business application of your
choice and write important steps of simulation
application. (10)

Q6. a) Explain any two of the following test

(i) Serial test
(ii) Gap test
(iii) Frequency test
(iv) Poker test
b) Discuss the concept of verification and validation in
context of simulation. Explain Turin test for input-output
validation. (10)

2 Set-1 (63)
Q7. A machine shop of a automotive manufacturing company
having large number of machines maintained a recorded
machine breakdowns for about two years and based on the
record breakdown frequency is given below: (20)

Number of breakdowns per week 0 1 2 3 4 5

Frequency 10 20 30 16 14 10

Find the probability distribution for zero to five breakdowns.

Simulate the breakdown for 15 weeks using Monte Carlo
simulation and random numbers of 37, 63, 74, 21, 47, 39, 16,
99, 23, 87, 05, 53, 91, 30, 65. Using the simulation, determine
the mean number of breakdowns and compare this to the
expected number of breakdowns based on the given historical

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3 Set-1 (64)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


Instruction : Answer any five Questions.

Q1. Explain the various sources of finance for a business? (20)

Q2. a) Explain the role of Government in promotion of

industries? (10)

b) List and explain the different factors contributing to the

failure of entrepreneurial ventures? (10)

Q3. Discuss the salient features of present industrial policy of

Govt of India? (20)

Q4. What is Break Even Analysis? What are its applications?

Explain its significance? (20)

Q5. a) Explain the typical procedure for starting the new

industrial unit with the help of suitable example? (10)

b) Define Entrepreneurship? List and explain the desired

characteristics of a successful Entrepreneur? (10)

Q6. Write notes on: (20)

a) Technology Transfer

b) Working Capital

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1 Set-1 (65)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: 1) Answer Any Five Questions. Each question carries
20 marks.
2) Answer must be crisp and to the point.

Q1. a) Define Materials Management. Explain interdepartmental

relationship of the Materials Management with other
functional department. (2+8)
b) How do you justify materials management a profit centre
in Manufacturing Organization. (10)

Q2. a) Explain Time Series Analysis method of Demand

Forecasting. State its merits and demerits. (10)

b) The annual sales of a company are given below:

Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Sales in Rs. 500,000 650,000 750,000 520,000 720,000
By the method of least squares, find the trend values for
each of the five years. Also estimate the annual sales for
the year 2015. (10)

Q3. a) Name the various inventory models and describe

any two of them in brief. (10)

b) A company requires 16000 units of raw materials costing

Rs. 2 per unit. The cost of placing an order is Rs. 45 and
the carrying costs are 10% per year per unit of the
average inventory. Determine: (i) the economic order
quantity (ii) cycle time (iii) total variable cost of managing
the inventory. (10)

Q4. a) Describe the six factors that should be used in selecting

a supplier. (10)

1 Set-1 (66)
b) What is JIT? Describe the problems being encountered
in JIT implementation in Indian environment. (2+8)

Q5. a) Discuss the interaction of various forms in an organization

for effective management with the help of neat diagram.
b) Explain the need and importance of evaluation of the
performance of materials management department. (10)

Q6. a) Explain the objectives of sound purchasing. (10)

b) Discuss the steps to improve store management function.


Q7. Write short notes on any Four only: (20)

a) ABC Analysis

b) Disposal of waste

c) VED Analysis

d) Material handling principles

e) Delphi forecasting method

f) Legal aspects of buying

————— × —————

2 Set-1 (67)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instruction : Attempt any five questions.

Instructions: 1) Answer ANY FIVE Questions

2) All questions carry equal marks

Q1. Write notes on

a) Behavioural dimensions of environmental management(10)

b) Risk analysis (10)

Q2. a) State and explain chemical sensor application with

example. (10)

b) State & explain environmental analysis methods. (10)

Q3. What are the Non conventional and Conventional methods of

power generation? Explain any two methods in brief. (20)

Q4. a) Explain environmental engineering impact assessment.(10)

b) Explain cost effective analysis with example. (10)

Q5. Write notes on

a) Carbon credit (10)

b) Environment preservation & development (10)

Q6. What are the effects of following points on global environment


a) Population growth (5)

b) Economic growth (5)

c) Environment degradation (5)

1 Set-1 (68)
d) Poverty (5)

Q7. a) Explain Environment Management System standards. (10)

b) What do you understand by recycling? Explain it's

benefits. (10)

———— × ————

2 Set-1 (69)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instruction : Answer any FIVE questions.

Q1. What do you understand by performance appraisal? What are

its objectives? Explain the process of performance appraisal?
Also explain the concept of career planning? (20)

Q2. What is succession planning? Explain it's significance? Also

explain comparison between Recruitment and Selection? (20)

Q3. Define Motivation? Explain different theories of motivation? (20)

Q4. What do you understand by Manpower Planning? Explain the

common practices adopted in different organizations for
manpower planning? (20)

Q5. What do you understand by Training and Development?

Explain the significance of Training & Development in
determining the competitiveness of organization? (20)

Q6. Write notes on (any four only) (20)

a) Group Dynamics

b) Job Evaluation

c) System Modelling

d) Promotion and its policies

e) Management of Change

———— × ————

1 Set-1 (70)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Answer ANY FIVE Questions.
2) Each Questions carry 20 marks.

Q1. In a Project, Rs. 1,04,000 was spent and the cash inflow in
next 6 years is given in the table below:

Year Cash outflow (in Rs.) Cash inflow (in Rs.)

0 1,04,000 0
1 – 16,000
2 – 18,000
3 – 21,000
4 – 23,000
5 – 27,000
6 – 33,000
The cost of Capital is 12 %. Calculate the Net Present Value
(NPV) for the Project. (20)

Q2. a) What do you understand by the following terms? (10)

(i) Fixed cost
(ii) Variable cost
(iii) Semi-variable cost
b) What do you understand by Break Even Cost and how
the Break Even Cost is calculated? Explain with the help
of a Diagram. (10)

Q3. Discuss the need for Estimation of a Project Cost. List and
explain the components of Capital cost. (20)

Q4. a) How is Critical Path Method (CPM) useful in keeping a

watch on the execution of a Project? Explain in detail. (10)

1 Set-1 (71)
b) List the guidelines for Network Construction and also
Give the rules for Network construction (10)

Q5. A Project involves an initial outlay of Rs. 35,00,000 and with

the following transactions for the next five years. The salvage
value at the end of the life of the project after five years is Rs.
3,50,000. Check whether the project is financially feasible by
assuming an interest rate of 18% compounded annually. (20)

End of Maintenance & Operating Revenue

Year Expense (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 2,20,000 8,20,000
2 2,52,000 10,10,000
3 3,20,000 11,00,000
4 3,30,000 13,00,000
5 4,10,000 15,00,000

Q6. Explain the following phases of Project Selection and

Execution (20)

a) Planning
b) Analysis
c) Selection
d) Financing
e) Implementation
f) Revenue

Q7. Write short notes on any four (20)

a) Selection of a Project
b) Project Management Software
c) Types of Contract
d) Monitoring of Contracts
e) Trend analysis.

———— × ————

2 Set-1 (72)
Section - B February 2016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100


Instructions : 1) Answer Any Five questions.
2) Answer neat and clean and to the point.
3) Assume suitable data if required.

Q1. a) List the types of steering gear box. Explain rack and
pinion type of gear box with a neat sketch. (10)

b) Explain hydraulic braking system with a neat sketch.

Write its advantages over mechanical braking system. (10)

Q2. a) Explain battery ratings (10)

b) Explain the working of a constant mesh gear box with

a neat sketch. (10)

Q3. a) Explain standard bendix drive with a neat sketch (10)

b) What are the advantages of independent suspension

system over rigid axle suspension system? Explain the
working of leaf spring (10)

Q4. a) Explain the construction and operation of an alternator

with the circuit diagram. (10)

b) What are advantages of petrol fuel injection system?

Explain the working of PFI system. (10)

Q5. a) Explain working of the following with a neat sketch (10)

(i) Idle speed actuator

(ii) Intake air temperature sensor
b) Explain open and integral frame with sketches. (10)

1 Set-1 (73)
Q6. a) Explain tube and tubeless tires in brief with a neat
sketch. (10)

b) Explain the construction and working of a multiplate

plate clutch with a neat sketch. Write its advantages. (10)

Q7. a) Explain the input and output control functions of ECM (10)

b) Explain 1. Drag 2. Lift 3. Rolling 4. Pitching 5. Yawing,

related to aerodynamics (10)

———— × ————

2 Set-1 (74)

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