DWI-100C Agency Manual1

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DWI-100C Weighing Indicator Setting


1、Capacity and Division Setting

①Hold on 【M+】 key for 3 seconds to enter parameters setting.
②Press 【MR】 key to circularly select parameters till the screen displays
“ PN_”
③Input password keys “【UNITS】-【UNIT】-【TARE】-【UNIT】”
④Press 【MODE】key to confirm
⑤Press 【MR】 key to circularly select parameters again, till it shows “ P5
C****” (C means capacity)
⑥Press 【UNIT】key to shift the digits, press 【TARE】key and 【ZERO】
key to add or deduct the value.
⑦Press 【MODE】key to save your setting and enter to next parameter setting.
⑧Press 【MR】key to circularly select parameter till it shows “P5_D****” (D
means division)
Go back to ⑥ & ⑦ to finish division setting.
⑨press 【MODE】 key to enter next parameter setting or press 【ZERO】 key
to finish setting and return to weighing mode.

2、Single point calibration

①Hold on 【M+】key for 3 seconds to enter parameters setting.
②Press 【MR】 key to circularly select parameters till the screen displays
“ PN_”
③Input password keys “【UNITS】【UNIT】【TARE】【UNIT】”
④Press【MODE】key to confirm
⑤Press 【MR】 key to circularly select parameters again, till it shows “ P7 CA
**** (CA means calibration, ****stands for value of weight)
⑥Press 【MODE】key to confirm and enter calibration mode. It shows “0000
⑦Press 【UNIT】 key to shift the blinking digits, press 【TARE】key and
【ZERO】key to add or deduct the calibration weight value.
⑧Press 【MODE】 key, it shows *****CAL (**** means zero point count value)
⑨press 【MODE】 key, it shows “***LOD”.
⑩Load test weight on weighing pan,then screen shows “*****LOD ( ****means
related count value)
Press 【 MODE 】 , it shows “PASS LOD”. Calibration is finished. It
automatically returns to weighing mode.

3. Easy calibration
Simple calibration, in order to use more convenience, this product have
simple calibration function.
① In weighting mode, take the weights down
② Press[TARE] key for 3 seconds, the display will show –CAL-, then show the
③ Amend the value to be same as calibration weight via keys [UNITS]&
[TARE] & [ZERO],
④ Put the test weight on weighing pan, after 3 seconds, press [MODE] to
finish calibration.
Attentions: when calibration, if the result of easy calibration compares against internal calibration, 
differs 100%, the easy calibration can not pass. For example: if put 10kg weight, the internal 
calibration is 10kg, the internal    calibration had passed, in easy calibration ,value setting is over 
20kg or less then 5kg, the easy calibration will not pass.

4. Internal parameters functions and setting

① The functions will be effective after you press and release the key.
② Under the weighting mode, Press [M+] key for 3s to enter the parameters
setting mode,it will show the frist parameter “P1 UNT”. Circularly press [MR]
key to enter the next main-item. Pree [MODE] key to enter the current
sub-item which in main item, saving and enter to next sub-item setting. [UNIT]
key is use to modify one digit parameter,or shift the blinking digits. [TARE] key
is add up, [ZERO] key is reduce.
③ Password is keys “【UNIT】【UNIT】【TARE】【UNIT】
④ Detailed description as follows:
Main-item Sub-item Function Setting Method
P1 UNT(units) Kg XXX Units setting. Press [MODE] to circularly
g XXX stands for choose the parameter.
Lb ON or OFF. Press [UNITS] key to open
OZ or close the present unit.
P2 TRA(data transmission) Mod X Data Press [MODE] to circularly
1 transmission choose the parameter.
2 mode, Press [UNITS] key to
3 1:continueous circularly choose data
sending , transmission mode.
sending,3: pres
key to send data
ADD XX Communication Press [MODE] to circularly
address, used choose the parameter.
only for many Press [UNITS] key to
scales circularly set the address.
BPS XXXX stands for Press [MODE] to circularly
XXXX baud rate choose the parameter.
Press [UNITS] to
\circularly choose the baud
rate you need.
XXX For example: Press [UNITS] to choose
N81 Parity: 0; Word the mode. Press [MODE]
071 length: 7 ; to enter next parameter
E71 Stopbits: 1 setting.
CHK XXX Open or close Press [UNITS] to open or
XOR checking close this function.
P3 FUN(other parameters PWR XX Backlight auto Press [MODE] to enter
setting) off setting. setting. Press [UNITS] to
OFF mode= circularly choose the
backlight not backlight mode, press
auto off [MODE] to enter next
Or set after 6 parameter setting.
second ~60
second backlight
auto off
BL XX ON or OFF or Press [UNITS] to open or
ON auto, backlight close backlight function,
OFF function setting press [MODE] to enter
AUO next parameter setting.
Hd XXd Dynamic Press [UNITS] to amend
AUO weighing the parameter, press
PET setting( hold [MODE] to enter next
OFF function) parameter setting.
Set OFF to close
this function.
Or set 10d-70d
hold.( for
example, weight
fluctuates within
10d, software
auto hold on
average value
with long beep. If
the weight
fluctuates over
10d, the sofware
give up hold
function with
short beep.
MLE XX Check weighing Press [UNITS] to amend
setting function the parameter, press
ON or OFF when [MODE] to enter next
the weight is parameter setting.

PN_ Input password, if you put the right code you can enter into
Password: 【UNIT】 【UNIT】 the follow parameter setting. Otherwise, it will return to
【TARE】【UNIT】 main-item setting of units(P1 UNT). Input password then
press [MODE] to confirm.
P4 FIL FIL X Filter intensity Press [MODE] to enter
{ Filter range } parameter , the setting mode. Press
greater the X [UNITS] to modify the
value, the parameter. Press [MODE]
greater the to enter next sub-item to
intensity, but less set the detailed parameter.
ZEO X Zero tracking Press [MODE] to enter
parameter, when setting mode. Press
zero is easy to [UNITS] to modify the
move, you can parameter. Press [MODE]
set the to enter next sub-item to
parameter be set the detailed parameter.
greater. this
greater, the zero
is more
stability,but the
small weigh
value is dificult to
ZTR X Creep tracking Press [MODE] to enter
parameter, when setting mode. Press
load cell’s output [UNITS] to modify the
creeps,you can parameter. Press [MODE]
set this to enter next sub-item to
parameter. the set the detailed parameter.
greater the effect
better, but the
small weigh
value is difficult
to identify.
P5 C-d{capactity&division} XXXXcCA XXXX is weigh Press [MODE] it shows
P capacity, when “00000CAP” Press
weigh is more [UNITS] to shift the
than +9 d, it will blinking digit, press
alarm over load. [TARE] and [ZERO] to
modify the value of the
digit,.when finished, press
[MODE] to enter the next
parameter setting.
XXXX Division Press [UNITS] to shift the
DIV setting,is the blinking digit, press
minimum [TARE] and [ZERO] to
resolution. modify the value of the
digit,.when finished, press
[MODE] to enter the next
parameter setting.
ON & OFF Dual range open Press [UNITS] to open or
dp or close close this function. Press
[MODE] to save setting
and back to main-item
P6 LX You can enter the multirange Press [UNIT] to open or
{multirange calibration } calibration When X is close this function. If you
1(ON).when X is 0,means open this function, press
OFF.Note::If you don’t want to [MODE] to enter next
enter the multirange sub-item to set the
calibration,please set X off,if detailed parameter.
not it will effect the line
performance of the scale.
LINEX The state of Auto to enter the next
multirange parameter.
calibration, X is
1,2,3, it means
which step
XXXXX Value of test Press [UNITS] to shift the
weight, when blinking digit, press
you finished [TARE] and [ZERO] to
setting, please modify the value of the
put the test digit. Load test weight on
weight. weighing pan. when
Remark: the finished, press [MODE] to
second line of enter the next parameter.
weight vaule is
greater than the
fist one, and the
third line of
weight vaule is
larger than the
000000 XXXX is the Press [MODE] to enter
WEI value of setting. It shows
calibraion “000000WEI”
XXXXX When it is Zero Press [UNITS] to shift the
CAL AD count value, blinking digit, press
it means there [TARE] and [ZERO] to
are not put modify the value of the
anything on the digit, then press [MODE],
pan. it shows “ XXXXX CAL”
XXXXX AD count value Press [MODE] again, it
LOD of zero shows “XXXXX LOD”
XXXXX AD count value Put the test weight on
LOD of the weight on weighing pan.
weighing pan.

PASS Calibration When the display is

LOD finished stable, press [MODE] to
finish calibration.

P8 EC E1 Rul (1s Wait for Press [MODE] to enter

later) 1s,please note setting, it shows E1 Rul
XXXX down the value then automatically
(XXXX is of XXXX.when shows value “XXXX”
calibration the scale need If you want to modify this
value) calibration,and parameter, press[UNITS]
there is no to shift the blinking digit,
weight to press [TARE] and [ZERO]
use,please enter to modify the value of the
the value,then digit.press [MODE] to
the scale can enter the next parameter
return to default setting.
E2 Ld 0
Same as above Same as above
(XXXX is
E3 Ld 1
Same as above Same as above
(XXXX is
E4 Lr 0
Same as above Same as above
(XXXX is
E5 Lr 1
Same as above Same as above
later) Press [MODE] to return to
main-item parameter,
(XXXX is
press [ZERO] to finish
setting and return to
weighing mode.

5. Initialize the indicator:

1. Hold on MR and TARE key to power on the indicator
2. when it displays RST on the right side, release the keys,
3. Hold on MR then press TARE, it shows RESET,
4. Release all keys, it shows ***VAJ
5. Press MR again, the indicator restart automatically

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