Perineal Rupture
Perineal Rupture
Perineal Rupture
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Literature review current through: Aug 2019. | This topic last updated: Jun 05, 2019.
After vaginal delivery, the vagina, perineum, and anorectum are examined to
identify and repair significant injuries. In particular, occult injury to the anal
sphincter complex may occur at the time of an otherwise uncomplicated delivery
and, if neglected, can contribute to anal and fecal incontinence [1]. Even when
recognized and repaired, persistent sphincter dysfunction is considered to be the
most common cause of postpartum anal incontinence [2,3].
Evaluation and repair of perineal and other obstetric lacerations, such as labial,
sulcal, and periurethral lacerations, will be reviewed here. Repair of episiotomy,
although relative uncommonly performed, is also discussed. Postpartum perineal
care, management of complications, and the evaluation and management of
traumatic vaginal lacerations are discussed separately.
The muscles of the female pelvic floor and perineum are shown in the following
figures (figure 1 and figure 2). The perineal body is the central point of the
perineum and separates the urogenital triangle from the anal triangle. Within the
perineal body are the interlacing fibers of the superficial transverse perineal
muscles, bulbocavernosus, and fibers of the external anal sphincter (EAS). The
anorectal sphincter complex is comprised of two structures with different, but
overlapping, roles for maintaining continence (figure 3). The EAS is a thick, circular,
predominantly striated muscle that surrounds the anal orifice, and is responsible
for continence of solid and liquid stool, as well as flatus, both at rest and at times
of rectal distension. The internal anal sphincter (IAS) lies between the external
sphincter and the anal canal and represents a thin condensation of the
longitudinal smooth muscle fibers of the colon submucosa (figure 3). The IAS
extends more than a centimeter above the cephalad margin of the external
sphincter [4]. It is entirely under involuntary control and contributes to maintaining
anal continence at rest [4]. The puborectalis portion of the levator ani complex
also plays an important role in continence of solid stool. The EAS is innervated by
the pudendal nerve, which may be susceptible to injury during delivery.
In 1999, Sultan proposed refining the traditional classification system for obstetric
perineal lacerations [5]. The revised system provided a subclassification for third-
degree lacerations [6]:
● Fourth-degree lacerations involve the perineal structures, EAS, IAS, and the
rectal mucosa.
The key initial task is to assess both the extent of bleeding and injury to the
perineum, vagina, and anorectum [4]. This assessment should include both visual
inspection and palpation. Adequate exposure, lighting, and analgesia are essential
for a thorough examination. Some studies have suggested that a significant
number of sphincter injuries go undetected at the time of delivery [8].
A thorough visual inspection of the distal vagina, perineum and anorectum should
be performed following a vaginal delivery to identify and evaluate the extent of a
vaginal tear. The apex of the vaginal laceration should always be identified. The
clinician can place four fingers into the perineal laceration, and then spread the
fingers to increase visualization of the laceration apex. After inspecting the vagina,
a rectal examination is performed to exclude injury to the anorectal mucosa and
anal sphincter. Palpation is important to determine whether the rectal mucosa and
anal sphincter are intact. The rectovaginal examination is accomplished by placing
an index finger in the rectum and the thumb over the anal sphincter and using a
pill-rolling motion to assess the sphincter. Of note, the anal sphincter may be
disrupted by shearing forces produced by descent of the fetal head, and this can
occur in women with an otherwise intact perineum [2,9].
The surgeon should also make sure that the uterus is properly contracted
following the delivery of the placenta. Although delivery of the placenta is not
mandatory before beginning the repair, sutures can be disrupted by manual
removal of the placenta and other intrauterine manipulations if such interventions
become necessary after the perineum has been reapproximated. In general, we
suggest placental delivery before repair of the laceration unless the tear needs
immediate attention because of profuse bleeding.
Lacerations can usually be repaired in the delivery room with the patient in the
lithotomy position; however, third- and fourth-degree lacerations may require an
operating room for ready access to appropriate equipment and lighting,
anesthesia support, and maintenance of aseptic conditions.
If feces are obviously present, it should be removed and the tissues irrigated
thoroughly. We perform a gentle scrub with chlorhexidine under such conditions
The choice of sutures for repair of perineal lacerations is largely one of personal
preference. In most institutions, chromic catgut has been largely replaced by
synthetic, delayed-absorbable materials, such as polyglactin 910 and polyglycolic
acid, as use of chromic catgut appears to be associated with more postpartum
discomfort [17-19]. A 2010 systematic review of randomized trials concluded that,
compared with catgut (plain, chromic, glycerol impregnated), standard absorbable
synthetic suture for perineal repair following childbirth was associated with less
pain in the first three days postpartum (odds ratio [OR] 0.83, 95% CI 0.76-0.90),
less need for analgesia in the first 10 days postpartum (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.59-
0.87), and less resuturing for dehiscence (OR 0.25, 95% CI 0.08-0.74), but no
difference in long-term pain or dyspareunia [19]. However, the need for removal of
unabsorbed synthetic suture material was almost twice as common; this problem
is significantly diminished by using rapidly-absorbable synthetic sutures [19].
When catgut and glycerol-impregnated catgut were compared, results were similar
for most outcomes, although the latter was associated with more short-term pain.
The aim of reconstructive surgery is to restore the continuity of both the external
and internal anal sphincters [4]. In addition, a thick perineal body and rectovaginal
septum should be created to provide muscular and structural support in the thin
area between the anterior anorectum and vagina. Proper reconstruction will also
result in lengthening of the anal canal and restoration of a functional high pressure
zone within it.
● The external sphincter is then identified and repaired. The repair begins by
identifying and grasping the two severed ends of the dark red EAS muscle
with Allis clamps. It may be necessary to push the Allis clamp deep into the
surrounding connective tissue to locate the sphincter since one or both ends
typically retract when it ruptures.
We typically place at least four or five interrupted sutures, but we are not
opposed to placing more if it is possible. It may be necessary to sharply
mobilize either sphincter end to achieve a better anastomosis and minimize
After the sphincter repair is completed, the next task is to rebuild the distal
rectovaginal septum and perineal body. This layer helps to maintain the proper
spatial distance between the anus and vagina, and may prevent suture erosion
from the deeper layers. Another goal of this layer is to help take the tension off of
the underlying sphincter repair. We typically use an interrupted 2/0 polyglactin
suture on a cutting needle.
The remainder of the repair is as described below for first- and second-degree
tears (figure 7).
● Less pain for up to 10 days postpartum (RR 0.76, 95% CI 0.66-0.88; nine
trials), especially when used for all layers.
● Less need for analgesia for up to 10 days postpartum (RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.59-
● Less need for suture removal (RR 0.56, 95% CI 0.32-0.98), but no significant
differences in the need for resuturing of wounds or long-term pain.
The differences in pain between the two techniques may be due to increased
suture tension with interrupted stitches, which may lead to edema and pain. With
continuous sutures, the tension is transferred along the length of a single suture
and the subcuticular layer is placed well below the skin surface, thus avoiding the
nerve endings.
The vaginal epithelium is reapproximated first, and should include any underlying
divided tissue in order to build up the rectovaginal septum. Care should be taken
to identify and incorporate the apex of the episiotomy in the repair. If the apex of
the episiotomy extends out of the field of vision, a suture can be placed below the
apex and the suture tail used as a purchase to pull the apex into view. An
absorbable suture (typically a 2/0 polyglactin 910) is usually used for the repair.
The anatomical landmarks, such as the vermilion border and hymenal ring, should
be identified and reapproximated. Theoretically, use of a locking stitch will prevent
pulling the suture too tight and shortening the vagina; we do not use a locking
stitch, as there is no evidence to support this theory. We prefer to close with a
loose, continuous nonlocking technique to reduce the risk of narrowing the vagina,
and make sure that the sutures are not placed too wide of the edge.
Following closure of the vaginal portion of the laceration down to the level of the
hymenal ring, the perineal body and bulbocavernosus muscle are then
reapproximated. The same suture is usually passed through the vaginal layer
above through to the deep perineal layer, in what is commonly referred to as the
"transition stitch." The suture is then placed through the superficial
bulbocavernosus muscle on each side in a "V" configuration, commonly referred to
as the "crown" stitch. Some surgeons prefer to close this layer with three to four
interrupted sutures to approximate the deep and superficial perineal muscles. The
critical point is to realign the muscles so that the skin edges can be
reapproximated with minimal tension.
The suture is next passed through the deep perineal tissue from side to side in a
vertical direction until the edge of the perineal tear is reached. At this point, the
suture is brought back up in the reverse direction along the perineal body in a
subcuticular manner and tied at, or just inside, the introitus with a loop knot.
Some authors have proposed leaving the perineal skin open, to heal by secondary
intention, because avoiding suture material has been associated with better skin
sensation when assessed one year postpartum [29]. Two randomized trials
attempted to evaluate whether suturing or nonsuturing of first- and second-degree
perineal lacerations improved outcome [30,31]. There was a similar degree of
postpartum discomfort with both approaches, but one study described better
wound healing when subcuticular closure was performed [31]. A meta-analysis of
the two trials concluded there was insufficient evidence to recommend surgical
repair over nonsurgical management, and more data were needed [32].
The comparative outcomes of women who undergo episiotomy and repair versus
those who do not undergo episiotomy are reviewed separately. (See "Approach to
episiotomy", section on 'Advantages of restricted use of episiotomy'.)
Third- and fourth-degree lacerations are associated with symptoms of pelvic floor
dysfunction such as incontinence and prolapse. These symptoms may vary with
the repair technique, but more data are needed for definitive conclusion [25]. The
impact of episiotomy and perineal laceration on pelvic floor function is reviewed in
detail separately. (See "Effect of pregnancy and childbirth on urinary incontinence
and pelvic organ prolapse" and "Fecal and anal incontinence associated with
pregnancy and childbirth: Counseling, evaluation, and management".)
Early repair of episiotomy breakdown has replaced the traditional approach and
has overall success rates of 87 to 100 percent [39-44]. Disadvantages of an early
procedure include:
Early secondary repair is performed when the wound surface is free from exudate
and covered by pink granulation tissue. If cellulitis was present, it should be
resolved. On average, it will take six to eight days of aggressive wound care before
the repair can be attempted.
In contrast, women with third- and fourth-degree lacerations and breakdowns are
similar to patients undergoing colorectal surgery. As such, they receive antibiotic
prophylaxis with aerobic and anaerobic coverage, such as a second generation
cephalosporin or cephazolin plus metronidazole (table 1) [45]. There is no
evidence on which to base a recommendation for a preoperative bowel regimen
before anal surgery. In secondary closures that involve re-repair of the anal
sphincter and/or rectal mucosa, we feel the use of an enema the night before
surgery to remove the potential for perioperative fecal contamination is sufficient
preparation of the lower colon and anorectum. The use of a mechanical bowel
prep is unnecessary. (See "Antimicrobial prophylaxis for prevention of surgical site
infection following gastrointestinal procedures in adults", section on 'Colorectal
UpToDate offers two types of patient education materials, "The Basics" and
"Beyond the Basics." The Basics patient education pieces are written in plain
language, at the 5th to 6th grade reading level, and they answer the four or five key
questions a patient might have about a given condition. These articles are best for
patients who want a general overview and who prefer short, easy-to-read
materials. Beyond the Basics patient education pieces are longer, more
sophisticated, and more detailed. These articles are written at the 10th to 12th
grade reading level and are best for patients who want in-depth information and
are comfortable with some medical jargon.
Here are the patient education articles that are relevant to this topic. We
encourage you to print or e-mail these topics to your patients. (You can also locate
patient education articles on a variety of subjects by searching on "patient info"
and the keyword(s) of interest.)
● Basics topics (see "Patient education: Maternal injuries from childbirth (The
● Initially, the key task is to examine the perineum and vagina thoroughly to
determine the extent of injury and severity of bleeding. This assessment
should include a rectovaginal examination of the anal sphincter complex and
rectal mucosa. Unrecognized injury to the anal sphincter complex is common
after vaginal delivery. (See 'Preoperative preparation' above.)
● The anal sphincter can be disrupted even though the perineum is intact. (See
'Classification' above.)
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26. Farrell SA, Flowerdew G, Gilmour D, et al. Overlapping compared with end-to-
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year follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 2012; 120:803.
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35. Williams MK, Chames MC. Risk factors for the breakdown of perineal
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