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Clinical outcome of low dose contrast during percutaneous

coronary intervention in patients with moderate to severe kidney

Wessam Eldin Elshafey , Walaa Farid Abdel aziz , Ahmed Magdy Kamal Eldin
, Mohamed Mahmoud Khattab

Background Chronic kidney disease patients are at a greater risk for
nephropathy requiring dialysis after percutaneous coronary intervention.
Such patients are usually deferred due to fear of " Renalism ".

Objectives This study assesses the outcome of Low dose contrast

protocol during PCI in CKD patients whose e-GFR < 60 ml/min/1.72 m
and investigates a safety margin for contrast use in these high- risk

.Methods Patients were into three groups according to CV/e-GFR ratio

Group (A) low-dose : CV/e-GFR ratio <2.0
Group (B) medium-dose: CV/e-GFR ratio > 2.0 and < MACD ( 5x
bodyweight \ s.creatinine) .
Group (C) high-dose : CV/e-GFR ratio>MACD.

Results A total of 73 patients were enrolled. Average age was 54 ± 8

years 81.4 % were male and 18.6 % were females and 52 % were
diabetic . Mean baseline e-GFR was 40 ± 8.0 ml/min/1.73 m2. Contrast
Volume used in group A was (58.26 ± 15.05)
(n = 24), in group B (109.42 ± 17.11 )(n = 26) and in group C(304.5 ±
60.30) (n = 23), respectively. The incidences of CI-AKI in the 3 groups
were 0, 11.5 and 35 %, respectively (p = 0.02). All-cause death 0 , 0
,17 % and introduction of maintenance hemodialysis was 0,11.5 and
26 %, respectively (p < 0.01).

Conclusion Low dose contrast protocol is safe, effective and easily

applicable technique without CI-AKI or death. CV /e-GFR < 2 is a safe
ratio and can be achieved without IVUS use with good outcomes.
Keywords Chronic kidney disease(CKD) -Maximum allowed contrast
dose (MACD) – Contrast induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) – Low
dose protocol – contrast volume to E-gfr ratio

1. Introduction
Contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) is one of the
complications following coronary angiography (CAG) and
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), especially among
patients with chronic kidney disease [1]. CI-AKI after PCI have
a poor prognosis and is at high risk for major adverse cardiac
and cerebrovascular events (MACCE) in the long-term clinical
course [2–5].
Prophylaxis against of CI-AKI using drugs such as N-
acetylcysteine, sodium bicarbonate, or atrial natriuretic peptide
remain controversial [6, 7]. Also, prophylactic hemodialysis
does after cardiac catheterization or intervention in patients with
CKD is proved not to prevent CI-AKI. [8]. Although currently,
an evidence-based strategy has been limited to volume hydration
before, during and after the procedure, A New study named
AMACING Trial Challenges the Cornerstone of Prophylaxis i.e
IV hydration. In a randomized trial comparing intravenous saline
to no hydration, patients at high risk for contrast nephropathy
gained no added protection from hydration during elective
procedures that required iodinated contrast. "The AMACING
study found that no prophylaxis is to be not inferior to
prophylactic intravenous hydration in the prevention of contrast-
induced nephropathy, as well as cost-saving,". Moreover, they
add, hydration itself appeared to increase the risk of
complications[9]. Therefore, CKD patients are still deferred
from intervention, due to This fear of " Renalism "[10].
Some literature reported a significant correlation of contrast
volumes with the incidence of CI-AKI, thus techniques to
minimize contrast seems to be the most effective in preventing
CI-AKI especially in patients with moderate and severe kidney
impairment AKI [12–15]. In this study we are trying to prove
that PCI can be done in these patients safely and assessing
incidence of CI-AKI after PCI as well as trying to investigate a
safety margin of contrast below which contrast use can be safe
without need for dialysis or occurrence of CI-AKI these high-
risk patients.
2. Aim of study
To asses incidence of CI-AKI in patients with moderate to severe
kidney impairment undergoing PCI using a contrast minimizing
technique " Low dose contrast protocol " as well as investigating
a safety margin for contrast use in these patients.
3. Patients and methods
This study is a single-center, prospective study aiming to asses
clinical outcome of PCI both elective and primary in chronic
kidney disease patients with moderate and severe degrees using a
contrast minimizing technique. We called the technique " Low
dose contrast protocol ". Also, we are investigating a cut-off
value for safe contrast use in such patients.

Study population
Inclusion Criteria:

A-Patients eligible for PCI according to European Society of

Cardiology (ESC) guidelines :
1- Acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI)
2- Non–ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS)
3- Unstable angina
4- Chronic Stable angina
5- Anginal equivalent (eg, dyspnea, arrhythmia, or dizziness )
6- Evidence of myocardial ischemia on non invasive stress testing

B- CKFD Patients with moderate to severe renal impairment

(e-GFR < 60 ml / min/ 1.72m) .

Exclusion criteria:
1- End stage renal disease (patients on
regular dialysis) or very severe
impairment of renal functions GFR<
15 ml/min/1.73m
2- Severly impaired systolic function
(EF < 35%)
3- Decompensated heart failure
symptomps and signs e.g congested
neck veins , lower limb oedema and
pulmonary venous congestion.
4- Hypersensitivity or allergy to
contrast material
5- Recent exposure to contrast material
within 7 days .

Endpoints :
Primary endpoints is occurrence of death due to any cause or
hemodialysis after procedure and during in-hospital course.
Secondary endpoints include development of CIN with rise of ,5
mg/dl of serum creatinine or 25 % of baseline, occurrence of
stroke, MI and death.
Laboratory examination :
Serum creatinine was measured pre and post procedure and then
estimated glmoerular filtration rate was calculated for all
patients using the Japanese Modification of Diet in Renal
Disease (MDRD) study equation released by the Japanese
Society of Nephrology in October 2008 .
Estimated GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) = 186 x (Creat / 88.4)-1.154 x
(Age)-0.203 x (0.742 if female) x (1.210 if black) [17]
Patient subgroups :
Patients are divided according to contrast volume to e-GFR ratio
into 3 groups :
1- Group A : 24 patients had PCI using low dose contrast
protocol, CV/e-GFR ratio< 2 .
2- Group B : 26 patient had PCI with moderate amount of dye,
CV/e-GFR > 2 and less than MACD .
3- Group C : 23 patient had PCI using large amounts of dye

Pci procedure :
Use small diameter catheters (i.e., 5–6 French) without side-
Limit the volume of contrast injected from the catheter to 1–2
cm3 per injection using a 3-cm syringe.
Procedures were done using low osmolar contrast.
All contrast injections require simultaneous cine angiogram, i.e
"no dye without the cines eye."
During PCI, before the exchange of devices such as balloon
catheters, remove contrast from the guide catheter by back
bleeding contrast out of the "Y" connector.
If available, display previous angiographic images (including
angiography from past procedures) alongside active fluoroscopy
screen as a reference to use as guidance during guidewire,
balloon, stent.
Absolutely no contrast "puffing" during the procedure.
Minimizing contrast during procedure by using CV/gfr ratio < 2
Mixing saline with dye although it decreases lesion
IVUS using to maximize contrast restriction was not available,
hence we targeted a reasonable ratio cv/eGfr < 2 and we called
this approach low dose contrast.
Statistics :
Continuous variables were expressed as mean ± SD Categorical
variables were expressed as counts and percentages, and the Chi-
square test & Annova test & student t-test & Kruskal Wallis
test and Whitney man u test was used for comparison. ROC
curve analysis was done to predict cut off value for CIN incidence
using cv/e-GFR ratio and ( sensitivity & specify ) for all patients as
well as diabetic and non-diabetics and All analyses were performed
with the SAS 9.

4. Results
Patient characteristics
This study included 73 patients presented to the National Heart
Institute with coronary artery disease either stable or ACS patients
with CKD whose e-GFR were less than 60 m/min/1.73 and were
treated with either primary or elective PCI, and they were
investigated for the occurrence of contrast-induced nephropathy
(CIN) ), defined as an increase of 25% or more or an absolute
increase of 0.5 mg/dl or more in serum creatinine level from
baseline value (measured on admission) within 48-72 hours of
radio-contrast administration .

Table (1): Distribution of the studied cases according to
(n = 73)
No. %
Low-dose (group A) 24 33.3
Medium-dose (group B) 26 37.7
High-dose (group C) 23 29.0

Table (2):Comparison between the three studied groups

according to demographic data
Group A Group B Group C Test of
(n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23) p
No. % No. % No. %
2 MC
Male 18 78.3 21 80.8 17 79.8 = p=
Female 6 21.7 5 19.2 6 20.2 0.383 0.925
Age (years)
Min. – Max. 36.0 – 70.0 40.0 – 75.0 36.0 – 80.0
Mean ± SD. 52.70 ± 10.03 55.81 ± 8.12 55.50 ± 9.67 F=0.802 0.453
Median 54.0 54.0 55.50
Weight (kg)
Min. – Max. 70.0 – 105.0 66.0 – 105.0 74.0 – 101.0
Mean ± SD. 84.0 ± 8.80 83.88 ± 9.95 86.25 ± 7.26 F=0.485 0.618
Median 82.0 85.0 86.0

( 18 %) 17 patients were females and 57 patients were males

(81.4% ) and mean age among the total patients was 54±8 and
mean body was 85±6 kg among patients.
There was no statistically significant difference between the 3
groups as regards to age , sex or body weight .
Table (3): Comparison between the three studied groups
according to risk factors
Group Group Group
A B C 
(n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23) p
No. % No. % No. %
Smoker 17 73.9 21 80.8 12 60.0  0.289
DM 12 52.2 14 53.8 12 50.0 0.067 0.967
HTN 10 43.5 10 38.5 13 65.0 3.452 0.178
Dyslipidaemia 6 26.1 5 19.2 3 15.0 0.846 MCp=0.700
2: Chi square test MC: Monte Carlo
p: p value for comparing between the three groups
*: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05

Group A 17 patients were smokers (73.9% ) , 12 patients were

diabetic (52.2%) , 10 patients were hypertensives (43.5%) and 6
patients were dyslipidemics (26.6%) .
Group B 21 patients were smokers (80.8% ) , 14 patients were
diabetic (53.8%) , 10 patients were hypertensives (38.5%) and 5
patients were dyslipidemics (19.2%) .
Group C 12 patients were smokers (60% ) , 12 patients were
diabetic (50.0%) , 13 patients were hypertensives (65 %) and 3
patients were dyslipidemics (15 %) .
Overal incidence of dyslipidemia 18 % , 52% Diabetes , 45.2%
hypertension and 68.4% smokers .
There is no statistically significant difference as regard risk
factors ( HTN, DM , Smoking and dyslipidemia ) .

Table (4): Comparison between the three studied groups to


Group A Group B Group C
EF F p
(n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23)
Min. – Max. 30.0 – 65.0 35.0 – 65.0 30.0 – 70.0
51.43± 51.46 ± 47.25 ± 1.533 0.223
Mean ± SD.
9.43 8.02 9.80
Median 50.0 51.50 45.0

The mean ejection fraction was 51.43±9.43 in group A , while in

group B was 51.46 ± 8.02 and in group C was 47.25 ± 9.80. There
was no statistically significance between the 3 groups (p 0.223) .

Table (5) Comparison between the three studied groups

according to cv. Egfr and Pre GFR
Group Group Group Post hoc test
(n = (n = (n = F p A vs.
A vs. C B vs. C
24) 26) 23) B
Min. – 0.60 – 2.10 – 4.10 –
Max. 1.90 4.20 11.0
Mean ± 1.47 ± 2.83 ± 6.93 ± 118.304* <0.001* 0.001* <0.001*<0.001
SD. 0.38 0.57 2.10
Median 1.50 2.70 6.45
Min. – 22.38 22.90 24.40
Max. – – – 58.0
58.25 58.25
37.69 * * *
Mean ± 39.35 45.07 3.888 0.025 0.797 0.025 0.091
SD. ±
± 8.74 ± 8.06
Median 38.17 40.0 44.80
F: F for ANOVA test, Pairwise comparison bet. each 2 groups
was done using Post Hoc Test (Tukey)

CV/Egfr ratio in group A was ranging between .6 to 1.9 and in

group B was ranging from 2.1 to 4.2 while in group C ranges 4
to 11.

Pre GFR in group A was ranging from 22.38 to 58.25 and in

group B was ranging from 22.9 to 58.25 while in group 3 from
24.4 to 58.0 without any clinical significance [ p 0.091].

Figure (1): ROC curve for CV. E-GFR to predict CIN
cases for total sample (n= 73)
Table (6): Agreement (sensitivity, specificity) for CV.
eGFR to predict CIN cases for total sample (n= 73)
Cut off Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
CV. eGFR >6 70.0 94.92 70.0 94.9

AUC: Area Under a Curve , P value: Probability value, CI: Confidence


ROC curve analysis between contrast volume and Egfr showed

that CV/Egfr > 6 is the cut off value to predict CIN in total
number of patients with sensitivity of 70% and specifity of 94.92
% and 70 % ppv and 94.9 NPV .

Figure (2) : ROC curve for CV. eGFR to predict CIN cases for
non-diabetic cases (n= 35)
Table (7): Agreement (sensitivity, specificity) for CV.
eGFR to predict CIN cases for non-diabetic cases (n= 35)
Cut off SensitivitySpecificity PPV NPV
CV. eGFR >5.2 80.0 96.43 80.0 96.4

CV/Egfr > 5.2 is the cut off value to predict CIN in non diabetic
patients with sensitivity of 80% and specifity of 96.43 % and 80 %
ppv and 96.4 NPV .

AUC 0.761
p 0.064
95% C.I 0.498 – 1.024

Figure (3): ROC curve for CV. eGFR to predict CIN cases
for diabetic cases
(n= 38)
Table (8): Agreement (sensitivity, specificity) for CV.
eGFR to predict CIN cases for diabetic cases (n= 38)
Cut off Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
CV. eGFR >7 60.0 96.77 75.0 93.7
CV/Egfr > 7 is the cut off value to predict CIN in diabetic patients
with sensitivity of 60% and specifity of 96.77 % and 75 % ppv and
93 NPV .

Lesion and procedural characteristics
Table (9): Comparison between the three studied groups
according to procedure
Group A Group B Group C
Procedure (n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23)  MC
No. % No. % No. %
Elective 17 73.9 23 88.5 18 80.0
20.0 
Primary 7 26.1 3 11.5 5
2:iChi square test MC: Monte Carlo
p: p value for comparing between the three groups
overall number of elective PCI procedures was 56 cases and 14
primary PCI procedures. Number of elective procedures in
group A was 17cases ( 73.9%) and 7 primary cases and in
group B elective cases was 23 (88.5%) and 3 primary cases
(11.5%) and in group C 16 elective (80 %) and 4 primary cases
(20 %).
There was no statistically significant difference between the 3

Contrast dye volume and clinical outcomes

Table (10): Comparison between the three studied groups
according to Amount dye
Group A Group B Group C
Amount of dye
(n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23)
Min. – Max. 40.0 – 80.0 90.0 – 150.0 200.0 – 450.0
Mean ± SD. 58.26 ± 15.05 109.42 ± 17.11 304.5 ± 60.30
Median 60.0 105.0 300.0
F: F for ANOVA test, Pairwise comparison bet. each 2 groups was
done using Post Hoc Test (Tukey)
In group A least amount used was 40 ml and maximum amount
was 80 ml with mean 58.26 ± 15.05 ml .
In group B 90 ml contrast was the least amount of contrast used
and 150 ml was maximum amount used with 109.42 ± 17.11 ml.
In group C contrast volume was ranging between 200 and 450
ml with mean 304.5 ± 60.30ml .

Table (11): Comparison between the three studied groups

according to type contrast and type lesion
Group A Group B Group C
(n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23)  p
No. % No. % No. %
Type contrast
Low osmolar 24 100.0 26 100 20 100

Type lesion
A 12 52.1 9 39.1 2 8.6 MC
B 9 23.5 18 52.94 7 20.5 12.478
C 2 15.3 1 7.69 10 76.9
2:iChi square MC: Monte Carlo

*: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05

All cases were done using low-osmolar non ionic contrast .
Type A lesions were 23 cases (32.8 %) and type B were 34
cases ( 48.7 % ) , while type C lesions were 13 cases ( 18.5 % )
. There was with no statistically significance ( p 0.006 )between
the 3 groups .
Table (12): Comparison between the three studied groups
according to CIN incidence , dialysis and mortality .
Group A Group B Group C
(n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23)  MC
No. % No. % No. %
Mortality 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 17 5.184* 0.021*
CIN 0 0.0 3 11.5 8 35.5 10.207* 0.003*
Dialysis 0 0.0 3 11.5 6 26 12.309* <0.001*
2: Chi square MC: Monte Carlo
p: p value for comparing between the three groups
*: Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05

In group A incidence of CIN , Dialysis and mortality was 0 %

In group B there was 11.5 % CIN and 11.5 % dialysis and 0 %
In group C incidence of CIN was 35.5 % and 26 % dialysis and
17% mortality .
Overall incidence of CIN was 0,11.5% ,35% ,overall
incidence of dialysis was 0, 11.5% ,26% while overall
incidence of mortality was 0 , 0 ,17% .
There is strong statistically significance between the 3 groups
Table (13): Comparison between the three studied groups
according to syntax score
Group A Group B Group C
Syntax score H p
(n = 24) (n = 26) (n = 23)
Min. – Max. 2.0 – 21.0 3.0 – 22.0 7.0 – 22.0
8.39 ± 9.23 ± 10.15 ±
Mean ± SD. 5.52 4.62 4.28 5.728 0.057
Median 7.0 8.0 8.0
H: H for Kruskal Wallis test
Syntax score was measured for all cases , in group A the syntax
score was ranging between 2 and 21 and in group B range
between 3- 22 , in group C ranging between 7-22 .
There were no statistically significant difference between the 3
groups ( p 0.057 )

5. Discussion
Contrast-induced nephropathy is defined as impairment of renal
function occurring within 48 hours after administration of
contrast medium. It‟s manifested by an increase in serum
creatinine level of 0.5 mg/dl or by a relative increase of 25%
over the baseline value (19).
This study suggests that PCI can be done in moderate and severe
chronic kidney disease patients with elevated serum creatinine
levels and e-GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 safely without
incidence of CIN, dialysis or mortality using low dose contrast
protocol even without IVUS use.
. CKD is defined as kidney damage or glomerular filtration rate
(GFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months or more, irrespective

of cause. This definition is accepted by Kidney Disease Quality

Outcome Initiative (K/DOQI).(20)
The current study includes 73 CAD patients with moderate to
severe kidney impairment with e-gfr < 60ml/kg/1.73min
indicated for percutaneous coronary intervention. The patients
were divided into 3 groups according to the amount of dye:
Group (A): which included (24) whose cv/gfr ratio < 2.
Group (B): which included (26) patients in whom cv/gfr ratio
>2 but still < MACD.
Group(c): which included (23) patients in whom the cv/gfr ratio
has exceeded MACD.
In group (A) PCI was done to 23 patients with e-GFR ranging
between 22.38 – 58.25 with mean 37.69 ± 10.06 using a
minimized amount of dye by low dose protocol and CV was
restricted using cv/e-GFR ratio < 2.
Surprisingly none of the 24 patients of group (A) developed
CIN; which is defined as a rise of serum creatinine level .5
mg/dl or 25% above basal serum creatinine and also 0%
incidence of dialysis and mortality.
Keshav R. Nayak et al described a novel technique to minimize
contrast during PCI in patients with severe kidney impairment
whose e-GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2.
They reported 3 cases of CAD with e-GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73
m2, PCI was done to RCA, LAD, RCA using 7.5, 14, 10 ml
contrast using IVUS. The 4th patient underwent a diagnostic
study and multi-vessel PCI without the use of any contrast
media using previous angiographic images and extensive
intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) employment. None of the 4
patients showed any deterioration of renal function during a 7-
day follow-up period[26].
This is similar to a study by N.Ogata et al PCI was done in 18
patients with e-GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 using ultra low dose
protocol or maximum minimized contrast protocol with cv/e-GFR
< 1, IVUS use has helped in minimizing amount of contrast. The
overall incidence of CIN was 0 % and 0 % in dialysis and mortality

Although cv/e-GFR was different with extreme reduction in the
Japanese study , incidence was the same in our study because
we included patients with e-GFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 i.e
moderate to severe kidney disease, while N.Ogata et al all
patients were e-GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 ml/kg/min and the
relatively small number of patients in both studies .
Mehran et al previously published a simple risk score for CI-
AKI after PCI based on a retrospective large cohort analysis.
According to Mehran et al incidence of CIN in CKD patients
was 30 %[23].
In our study, CIN incidence in group (C) which had relatively
large amounts of dye was 35 %.
According to a study by Zach Rozenbaum et al 30 patients with
stage 3b-5 chronic kidney disease referred for coronary
angiography. The most common indication was NSTEMI (25
patients) followed by stable angina pectoris (5 patients), and 16
patients underwent subsequent coronary angioplasty. CIN
occurred in 3 patients increase in serum cystine level but not on
creatinine levels 48 h following coronary procedure [24].
Safe limit for contrast use has been studied in many studies.
Maximum allowed contrast dose calculated as 5 times body
weight/serum creatinine has been reported.
This formula has been applied retrospectively in 16,592 patients
undergoing cardiac catheterization to determine its utility in
predicting the risk of post-procedural dialysis [18].
Cigorra et al has also validated this formula in 115 patients with
chronic kidney disease (serum creatinine above 1.8 mg/dl)
underwent cardiac catheterization and angiography, after which
the level serum creatinine was measured daily for five days. The
amount of contrast material that was given adhered to the limit
in 86 patients (Group I) and exceeded it in 29 (Group II).
Contrast-induced renal dysfunction (an increase in serum
creatinine greater than or equal to 1.0 mg/dL) occurred in two
(2%) patients in Group I and in six (21%) patients in Group II (p
<0.001) [11] .
In our study PCI was performed on 20 patients with CKD, e-
GFR less than 60 ml\ min\1.72 m using amounts of contrast
exceeding MACD ( 5 bodyweight/ serum creatinine ) without
application of low dose contrast protocol. CIN occurred in 7
patients (35i%) and 30 % required dialysis and 15 % deaths.

The most important risk factor for nephropathy after exposure to

iodinated contrast media is preexisting renal impairment. The risk
of CIN is elevated and becomes clinically important in patients
with chronic kidney disease characterized by an estimated
glomerular filtration rate <60 mL/min/1.73 m [19].

As a result contrast volume to creatinine clearance has been
studied [21]. Altmann DB et al studied contrast volume to
creatinine clearance in 152 CKD Patients and found that cut off
value of 6 is predictive of CI-AKI [25].
This is similar to our results: ROC curve for CV/eGFR to
predict cut-off value for CIN for total number of cases (70 ) was
done with cut-off value >6 and sensitivity 70 %, specificity
94.92 % and PPV 70.0 % and NPV 94.5% .
The cut-off value to predict CIN was calculated for both
diabetics and non-diabetic patients using ROC- curve analysis
for CV/e-GFR.
.For non-diabetic patients a cut-off value > 5.2 is predictor with
Sensitivity 80% and specificity 96.43iand PPV 80%iandiNPVi
For diabetic patients, a cut-off value > 7 is predictor with
Sensitivity 60% and specificity 96.77 and PPV 75%i and NPV
93.7 %.
According to a study by Laskey et al on 3179 patients, cv/ cc
over 3,7 was a strong and independent predictor of CI-AKI [12].
Also cv/ e-gfr ratio < 1 was used in a study by N.ogata et al on
18 patients with severe kidney impairment e-GFR < 30
mL/min/1.73 m2 and 0 % incidence of CIN, Dialysis, and
mortality. According to these investigators cv/e-GFR < 1 was a
safe margin in severe CKD and should be a target of IVUS
guided PCI [15].
According to our study cv/e-GFR < 2 was safe and reasonable
margin for contrast use especially in moderate CKD and in absence
of IVUS as a tool to minimize contrast as none of our patients
developed CIN, Dialysis or mortality.

6. Study limitations:
The current study had the following limitations:
1-The sample size was rather small and the follow-up time was short-term.
2- Selection bias towards a more simple lesions.
3- Application of low dose contrast in complex bifurcation
and CTO needs further research and expert operators

4-Rational of minimized contrast in this study i.e CV/e-GFR < 2 was

relatively small as its single-center study and rationale of low dose contrast in CKD patients is still
underutilized in real-world practice due to fear of renalism.
5- Future prospective large study needs to be done.

7. Conclusion
1- PCI can be done in moderate to severe kidney impairment e-GFR
< 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 using low dose contrast protocol
without CIN or dialysis .
2- Low dose contrast protocol is easy and applicable approach in
CKD pts during pci especially in simple pci and coronary
angiography group
3- CV/e-GFR <2 is safe limit to minimize contrast in CKD pts
mainly moderate to severe disease .Further studies needs to
be done on severe CKD e-GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 .
4- CV/ e-GFR is one of predictors of CI-AKI in CKD pts during
pci with cut-off value > 6 to predict CIN .
5- CV/e-gfr < 1 can be achieved and may be a target of ivus
guided PCI .
6- Complex pci i.e bifurcation and CTO in CKD pts can be done
using low dose contrast protocol but needs expert operator
and IVUS guidance .
8. Recommendations :
1- CKD patients needing PCI shouldnt be deferred due to fear of
renalism especially who needs primary PCI with
contraindication or failed thrombolytic therapy .
2- Such kind of patients PCI can be done with low dose contrast
protocol .
3- CV/e-gfr ratio < 2 is accepted ratio to minimize contrast
especially in moderate to severe kidney disease and absence
of IVUS and in primary PCI .
4- Further reduction to CV/e-GFR < 1 should be targeted to
IVUS guided PCI .
5- CKD with e-GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 and complex anatomy
i.e bifurcation or CTO should be performed by expert
operator in such techniques and in ivus use .
6- Potentially nephrotoxic drugs, including aminoglycoside
antibiotics, anti-rejection medications, metformin and non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be
withheld before the procedure which is also not applicable
during emergent situations.
7- Dehydration should be avoided; hydration has been proven to
be safe, cheap, effective and rapid method that can be easily
applied to all patients and during emergency (e.g; primary
PCI). Therefore prophylaxis is crucial, especially in patients
considered to be at high risk for CIN.
8- Using low or iso-osmolar contrast agents in patients at risk for
development of CIN.

9. References
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