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An Overview On Effective Employee Training Systems of Private Sector Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

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ISSN: 2308-5096(P) ISSN 2311-620X (O)

[International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences

Vol. 2, No. 1, June 2014]

An Overview on Effective Employee Training Systems of

Private Sector Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
Md. Azmir Hossain1


This study attempts to analyze the importance of effective employee training systems
of private sector commercial banks in Bangladesh. This paper is both a theoretical
and empirical exploration, aimed to explore previous training systems analysis with
some suggestions of new thoughts, methods, techniques and applications. Various
private banks in the field of HRM provide different types of training with different
systems and aims. A methodology for formulating training systems effectiveness from
primary and secondary source was developed by 5 point Likert Scale in this study.
HRM has been, and remains one of the most powerful and influential ideas to have
emerged in the field of business and management. Effective training can ensure long-
term benefits to the employees of the private banks and it also increases quality,
performance, values, and commitment to future ethical need. Training is the way of
enlarging executive’s performance and job satisfaction in their organizations at
global level with ethics. The data of this study was collected via practical survey,
email and over telephone interview of 50 respondents of 10 private banks of
Bangladesh. The findings addressed that the effective training prerequisite for
organizational growth and development.

Keywords: Training, Effectiveness, Systems, Commercial Banks, Private Sector

Field of Study: Human Resource Management
Abbreviations: HRM = Human Resource Management; TSE = Training systems
effectiveness, SFT = successful feedback of training

1. Introduction
The banking sector of Bangladesh has been playing a very important and most significant role
in the economic and social development of the country. The banking history of our country is
more than half a century old in modern sense and there are four state own banks, five
specialized banks, nine private foreign banks, thirty one private commercial banks and eight
Islamic banks are operating in the country (Bangladesh Bank Report, 2013). The Government

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Dhaka International University, Contact:
01915352491, E-mail: azmirdu@gmail.com
34 International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Vol.2, No. 1, June 2014

of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh established training and development policy by

formulating National Training Council in 1983. Banking is a prime mover in the economic
and social development of a nation and banking growth research study is very essential to
improve its success. Private sector commercial banks in Bangladesh should have a clearly
defined strategy, policy, techniques and objectives that direct all the decisions made
especially for effective training decisions. Private commercial banks should plan their training
process to be more successful than those that do not. Most private banks want to succeed, but
do not engage in effective training design that promise to improve their opportunities of
success. Effective training helps to achieve banking goals and targets. Training makes
employees reach their goals. The study based on the previous successful training literatures by
providing a detailed examination of effective systems of training, training needs assessment,
importance, evaluation practices, and comparing those practices with perceived levels of
organizational effectiveness. The question of the amount of learning of training and the effect
of training is answered through evaluation process. Therefore, the purpose of training need
assessment is to add value to an organization. Hence, evaluation measures the progress in
achieving this goal by purposefully improving training programs and measuring their worth.
The evaluation model and the training program are established by the needs assessment of
training. The importance of employee
In addition, the research will focus on emphasizing new developments and trends in the
application of training needs assessment. The study further will review the literature
pertaining to the identification of employee training needs and conclude by proposing a set of
recommendations about the importance of effective training to facilitate organizations in the
Banking sector of Bangladesh.

2. Rationale of the Study

During the last two decades training of the private banking sector has increased to a greater
extent. There are limited studies in the area of training in the private commercial banking
sector in Bangladesh. Therefore, this research has become an important issue to both the
researcher and the bankers willing to increase efficiency of the employees in Bangladesh.
Some of the most common reasons for Training are as follows:
1. Training needs as part of a professional development plan or as determined in a
performance appraisal of employee.
2. To help guide and prepare the private banks for a new technology or tool of the
employees of private sector commercial banks in Bangladesh.
3. To ensure better career planning and development.
4. To reduce employee turnover.
5. To ensure organizational development through effective training system.
An Overview on Effective Employee Training Systems of Private Sector Commercial .... 35

3. Scope of the Study

This research covers the effective training system of private commercial banking sector of
Bangladesh. Private commercial banks have partners in all organizations and training can
bring in experts employees to make sure that get the best results. As mentioned throughout
the course of this research, the benefits of continuous and ongoing training applied in private
banks are given in the below:
i. Training improves customer satisfaction.
ii. It enhances employee motivation.
iii. It increases job satisfaction and morale.
iv. It improves efficiencies in processes.
v. It encourages knowledge of new technologies and methods.
vi. It increases in productivity.

4. Objectives of the Study

This study is an attempt for achievement of two major objectives of the private sector
commercial banks in Bangladesh.

A. General Objective
To analyze the importance of effective training systems of some selected private commercial
banks in Bangladesh.

B. Specific Objectives
The specific objectives are:
a) To analyze and evaluate the training plans and policies of selected private commercial
banks in Bangladesh.
b) To analyze the training needs assessment practices of selected private commercial banks
in Bangladesh.
c) To evaluate the execution of training programs of selected private commercial banks in
d) To identify the weakness in training practices of selected private commercial banks in
e) To provide suggestions with a view to improve the training systems of selected private
commercial banks in Bangladesh.
5. Literature Review
36 International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Vol.2, No. 1, June 2014

Training has specific goals of improving employee's capability, capacity, and performance. It
forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of
technology (Wikipedia). Moyeen and Afreen (2001) found a positive relationship between
training programs and employee’s job involvement. Hughey and Mussnug (1997) found a
positive correlation between the employee training and employee & job satisfaction. In
addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession, observers of the
labor-market recognize the need to continue training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain,
upgrade and update skills throughout working life. People within many professions and
occupations may refer to this sort of training as professional development (Rahman, M.A,
2012). The instructional design process revolves around four basic steps: organizational
objectives, needs assessment, training design, and training evaluation. Garavan et al. (2003)
found that training process is more job oriented that can change employee attitudes and
behaviors. The banking sector of Bangladesh is playing a significant role and playing as a
leader in the financial, industrial and commercial activities. Debnath (2003) indicates that
productivity of manpower in the banking sector of Bangladesh will have to be increased by
proper training both on the job and off the job. Moreover, Decenzo & Robins (2003) state
“training brings about the changes in ability, awareness, approach and behavior”. Besides,
Griffin (2003) supports training usually in human resources management perspective refers to
teaching operational and technical employees as to how to do the job for which they were
hired. Furthermore, Mathis & Jackson (2004) state ‘training as a procedure whereby people
obtain capabilities to assist in the accomplishment of organizational objectives’. Besides,
McGehee and Thayer (1999) support training as, “the formal procedures a company uses to
facilitate employees’ learning so that their resultant behavior contributes to attainment of the
company’s goals and objectives”. More specifically, training is a systematic approach to skills
and knowledge acquisition or attitudinal enhancement that improves performance (Goldstein,
2001). Therefore, Rothwell, (2002) indicates effective training as systematically designed
learning, based on a complete analysis of job requirements and trainee compatibility. This
clarification implies a definite training process, one highly regarded model for describing the
systematic development of training programs is the instruction design process (Hossain &
Islam 2012). This model states that there should be a logical flow in training practice moving
from planning to implementation to evaluation. Dowswell (1998) concluded that lack of time,
growing age and other practical constraints demotivated the employees during the training.
Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching
of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies
Physical training concentrates on mechanistic goals: training-programs in this area develop
specific skills or muscles, often with a view to peaking at a particular time. Some physical
An Overview on Effective Employee Training Systems of Private Sector Commercial .... 37

training programs focus on raising overall physical fitness. For psychological or physiological
reasons, people who believe it may be beneficial to them can choose to practice relaxation
training, or autogenic training, in an attempt to increase their ability to relax or deal with
stress. Some commentators use a similar term for workplace learning to improve
performance: training and development. There are also additional services available online for
those who wish to receive training above and beyond that which is offered by their employers.
Some examples of these services include career counseling, skill assessment, and supportive
services. One can generally categorize such training as on-the-job or off-the-job. On-the-job
training takes place in a normal working situation, using the actual tools, equipment,
documents or materials that trainees will use when fully trained. On-the-job training has a
general reputation as most effective for vocational work. Off-the-job training takes place away
from normal work situations — implying that the employee does not count as a directly
productive worker while such training takes place. Off-the-job training has the advantage that
it allows people to get away from work and concentrate more thoroughly on the training itself.
This type of training has proven more effective in inculcating concepts and ideas. In religious
and spiritual use, training may refer to the purification of the mind, heart, understanding and
actions to obtain a variety of spiritual goals such as closeness to God or freedom from
suffering. Training needs assessment is traditionally regarded as a diagnostic process that
occurs before training. The purpose of formal needs assessment is to identify the training
targets (Huselid, M.A, 1995). In the past, there has been disagreement about the appropriate
terminology to describe this process. Some authors choose to distinguish needs assessment
from needs analysis. For example, Kaufman & Valentine (1999) refers to needs assessment as
the process for identifying and prioritizing gaps in performance. In contrast, they define needs
analysis as the process for attributing cause to identify performance gaps. Hence, the entire
process will be referred as needs assessment. So, once training has been conducted, a
comprehensive evaluation should follow. In recent years, this taxonomy has been expanded to
include additional evaluative criteria such as return on investment (ROI) and cost/utility
analyses (Phillips, 2002). Training evaluation is concerned with the achievement of a desired
level of proficiency and the attainment of requisite knowledge and skills (Goldstein, 2001).
Hence, training effectiveness is a broad construct that identifies situational or contextual
factors impacting learning, retention and transfer (Ford, 2006). Goldstein (2001) claims that,
of all of the best practices, needs assessment is probably the most important part of the
Generally training is split into two very broad categories – Internal (provided by the company
and utilizing existing internal resources and tools) and External (paid for by the company but
provided off site through a 3rd party training firm). Most often external training is utilized
when the skills are not already present in the organization and/or it is a senior level course
requiring specialist knowledge and certification. In addition, External Training might be
utilized if there is an urgent need for a specific skill set in the business. Both types of training
38 International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Vol.2, No. 1, June 2014

have value however and the reasons for choosing one type over another are somewhat
dependent upon budget and time. While some technical courses are very specific to the
technology that is being trained, there are some commonalities in training that should be made
clear as many courses will emphasize these areas quite extensively. The primary purposes of
effective training evaluation are to examine the viability, success rate and utility of
implemented training programs. Without this information, no clear conclusions about the
effectiveness of programs can be made. Nor can organizations make informed decisions
regarding where to make revisions or updates to current programs (Dressler, G, 2007). To
truly be effective or successful, training programs must incorporate more of the established
best practices. All of the steps in the process are important (Brown, J, 2002). Although the
terms training evaluation and effectiveness are sometimes used interchangeably, several
authors have noted slight differences between the two (Ahmed, J. U, 2005).

6. Methodology
Data Collection
This study was conducted rely on both primary and secondary data. Primary data has obtained
through a sample survey via face-to-face and email questionnaires to 55 respondents of
different private commercial banks of Bangladesh, from which 50 responds properly and
response rete was 90 percent. The respondents were the trainers and trainees of the selected
banks. Besides, structured and semi-structured interviews had conducted with the concerned
personnel of banks. The questionnaire designed with some questions to fulfill research
requirements. The participants were the Mangers, Assistant Managers, Executive Officers,
Senior Executive Officers, Officers, Junior Officers, and external and internal trainers of
different private commercial banks.
The secondary sources of information has collected from various publications of Bangladesh
Bank, journals, books, newspapers, magazines and websites about training systems of the
selected private commercial banks. The data analyzed by applying statistical formulae.
However, the information of banks has a great confidentiality as a result the participants
ignored to disclose some information. Therefore, the researcher has tried to maintain
confidentiality in the data analysis section.

Sampling (Population)
The convenience sampling method used which involves the selection of a group from the
population on the basis of available information. This sampling is used in this study because
knowledge of the researchers can be best used in this technique of sampling and this
technique of sampling is also economical. The design of the questionnaire involves a
combination both open and close ended questionnaires. To conduct this research study 10
An Overview on Effective Employee Training Systems of Private Sector Commercial .... 39

selected from the total private commercial banks in Bangladesh. These banks are Arab
Bangladesh Bank Limited, Dutch Bangla Bank Limited, Southeast Bank Limited, Export
Import Bank Limited, One Bank Limited, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, First Security
Islami Bank Limited, The City Bank Limited, Jamuna Bank Limited and National Bank
Limited. These banks have been selected on the basis of general, Islamic, export-import,
foreign transaction and retail banking characteristics. Besides, structured and semi-structured
interviews have been conducted with the 50 trainers and trainees of those private banks.

Variables/ Indicators Covered

Independent and dependent variables have been used in this research. This study tried to
examine the effectiveness of training systems (dependent variable) that was dependent on
some independent variables (indicators). Those independent variables were proper training
plans and policies, training needs assessment practices, appropriate design of training
process, evaluation of the execution of training programs, better appraisal of training
facilities, good contents & frequency, information system of training, best skills and quality
of trainers, competitiveness of training system and successful feedback of training. This
research equation has developed as-
TSE = Training systems effectiveness and
TMS = Proper Training management systems,
TPP = proper training plans and policies,
TNA = training needs assessment practices,
ETP = evaluation of the execution of training programs,
IST = information system of training,
BQT = best quality of trainers,
CTS = competitiveness of training system and
SFT = successful feedback of training.

Preparation of Questionnaire
On the basis of the objectives of the study a draft questionnaire has prepared to conduct a
pretest with the trainers and trainees of the selected banks. The questionnaire finalized after
necessary corrections, modifications and adjustments.
Data Analysis
40 International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Vol.2, No. 1, June 2014

Employee Survey and HR Executives Interview: The following major questions on

employee survey and interview with HR executives was asked the respondents whether their
respective department or their banks support effective training systems.
1. Management’s Support on Training.
2. Information on Training Programs.
3. Skill & Knowledge Suited Programs from training.
4. Fairness in the Approval of Training systems.
5. Employee Satisfaction on Content & Frequency of training systems.
6. Banks Training Effort for employee.
7. Levels of training analysis and System of Training Evaluation.
8. Adequate Evaluation of Training procedures.

The questionnaire prepared for the information of effectiveness of training systems of private
sector commercial banks in Bangladesh was developed by using a five point Likert scale,
whereas- 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree.
In this study, some statistical measures such as Z-test mean and proportion analyses have
been used to examine employee’s, employers, trainers and trainees satisfaction. On the basis
of HRM practices, the following 08 hypotheses of training dimensions developed for
application of training systems in the private sector commercial banks in Bangladesh:-
H1: Effectiveness of training systems depend on Proper Training management systems,
H2: Effectiveness of training systems depend on proper training plans and policies,
H3: Training needs assessment practices influence the effectiveness of training systems,
H4: Evaluation of the execution of training programs provides effectiveness of training
H5: Effectiveness of training systems depend on better information system of training,
H6: Best quality of trainers can enhance more effectiveness of training systems,
H7: Training systems effectiveness based on competitiveness of training system and
H8: Effectiveness of training systems depend on successful feedback of training.
7. Results
An Overview on Effective Employee Training Systems of Private Sector Commercial .... 41

To find the results from the research all data received from the survey entered into an Excel
file for summarization and then imported into the SPSS statistics database. Descriptive and
exploratory data analysis carried out first to determine the normality of the distributions of the
variables. Descriptive statistics, such as, means (M), standard deviations (SD), frequencies
(N), and percentages (%) has generated for relevant variables. In addition, inferential
statistics, such as, correlation analysis used to investigate the effectiveness of training,
problems and prospects in the private sector commercial banks in Bangladesh (Table:1).

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics and Z score

Descriptive Statistics
N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Variance
Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Statistics Std. Statistics Statistics
Gender 50 1 1 2 1.12 .046 .328 .108
Age 50 3 1 4 2.40 .146 1.030 1.061
Proper training 50 3 2 5 4.16 .100 .710 .504
proper training 50 3 2 5 4.16 .100 .710 .504
plans and policies
training needs 50 4 1 5 4.20 .114 .808 .653
evaluation of the 50 3 2 5 4.20 .095 .670 .449
execution of
training programs
information 50 4 1 5 4.12 .113 .799 .638
system of
best quality of 50 4 1 5 3.98 .129 .915 .836
competitiveness 50 4 1 5 4.00 .114 .808 .653
of training
successful 50 4 1 5 4.06 .108 .767 .588
feedback of
Valid N 50
42 International Journal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Vol.2, No. 1, June 2014

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Male 44 86.3 88.0 88.0
Female 6 11.8 12.0 100.0
Total 50 98.0 100.0
Missing System 1 2.0
Total 51 100.0

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid 20-30 10 19.6 20.0 20.0

30-40 20 39.2 40.0 60.0

40-50 10 19.6 20.0 80.0
50-60 10 19.6 20.0 100.0
Total 50 98.0 100.0
Missing System 1 2.0
Total 51 100.0
Z - score
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative

Valid -0.365563077506964 44 86.3 88.0 88.0

2.68079590171775 6 11.8 12.0 100.0

Total 50 98.0 100.0

Missing System 1 2.0

Total 51 100.0

(Source: SPSS analysis)

8. Limitation of the study
Researcher was really unable to collect enough information due to proper guidance and
relevant information. To the best of knowledge of the research very little study was conducted
on this specific area, that’s why there is lack of guidance. This study was based on
effectiveness of training in private commercial banks, so information was designed on the
basis of the specific area of SHRM only.
9. Findings and Recommendations
The banking sector of Bangladesh is well known as a principal financer of the country and
playing key role by contributing in the national economy. Banks play key role for the
economy of the country as a member of financial institution. However, several lack of
importance is still found of training in this area. Therefore, in order to accelerate the success
of this area, the following lines of actions are suggested:
An Overview on Effective Employee Training Systems of Private Sector Commercial .... 43

1. It would be beneficial to the overall development of employees in the banking sector of

Bangladesh should establish their own training institutes.
2. Modern training methods such as online training, overseas training and digital training
program should follow for employees training and giving importance of needs assessment
before training programs.
3. Some bank is still found informal training need assessment procedure. It is important to
involve most of the training staff in needs assessment and evaluation procedure.
4. It would be most beneficial to adopt the same organizational strategy, structure and
context, and be as close to the ideal of each as feasible and fruitful.
5. If the organizational effectiveness focus is on cost, banks should allocate a significant
percentage of training budgets to needs assessment; possibly take the performance
improvement philosophy of training.
6. The feedback analysis of employees training would be compared with need assessment
analysis and its importance basis.
7. The authority of both public and private banks in Bangladesh would evaluate the training
needs assessment in the banking sector with developed countries on a regular basis.

10. Conclusion
The main goals of this research is to build upon the previous training literature by providing a
detailed examination of needs assessment, its importance, evaluation practices, and
comparing those practices with perceived levels of training program success and
organizational effectiveness. This research proposed urgently adjustment of training that is
followed by world top most banks that will bring a positive change in the private banking
sector in Bangladesh.

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