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Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of greenhouse gases and global warming
Jacob Møller, Alessio Boldrin and Thomas Højlund Christensen
Waste Manag Res published online 11 September 2009
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X09344876

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Waste Manag Res OnlineFirst, published on September 11, 2009 as doi:10.1177/0734242X09344876

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ISSN 0734–242X
Waste Management & Research
2009: 00: 1–12
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X09344876

Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of

greenhouse gases and global warming contribution
J. Møller, A. Boldrin, Thomas H. Christensen
Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Anaerobic digestion (AD) of source-separated municipal solid waste (MSW) and use of the digestate is presented from a global
warming (GW) point of view by providing ranges of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are useful for calculation of global
warming factors (GWFs), i.e. the contribution to GW measured in CO2-equivalents per tonne of wet waste. The GHG account-
ing was done by distinguishing between direct contributions at the AD facility and indirect upstream or downstream contribu-
tions. GHG accounting for a generic AD facility with either biogas utilization at the facility or upgrading of the gas for vehicle
fuel resulted in a GWF from –375 (a saving) to 111 (a load) kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 wet waste. In both cases the digestate was used
for fertilizer substitution. This large range was a result of the variation found for a number of key parameters: energy substitu-
tion by biogas, N2O-emission from digestate in soil, fugitive emission of CH4, unburned CH4, carbon bound in soil and fertilizer
substitution. GWF for a specific type of AD facility was in the range –95 to –4 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 wet waste. The ranges of
uncertainty, especially of fugitive losses of CH4 and carbon sequestration highly influenced the result. In comparison with the
few published GWFs for AD, the range of our data was much larger demonstrating the need to use a consistent and robust
approach to GHG accounting and simultaneously accept that some key parameters are highly uncertain.

Keywords: Global warming, greenhouse gas accounting, anaerobic digestion, digestate, municipal solid waste

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a waste management process and digestate use is shown in Figure 1. Thus AD is important
for organic waste materials producing biogas and a stabilized from a global warming point of view, and a consistent and
residue, called digestate, that under certain conditions can robust way to do the GHG accounting for the technology
be used on agricultural land. This paper focuses on anaero- should be employed.
bic treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW). This includes According to the Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gas emissions
source-separated organic household waste and garden waste; should for each nation be reported annually, and the 4th
anaerobic digestion of farmyard manure is not addressed. Assessment Report (Solomon et al. 2007) provides general
AD contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, guidelines on how annual greenhouse gas emissions from
mainly from use of fossil energy at the facility, emissions from AD facilities can be estimated. In the present paper, we take
the bioreactor and combustion of biogas, and emissions from a more in-depth approach and assume that data is available
the digestate when applied to soil. Equally important, AD on the waste entering the anaerobic facility and that the deg-
also has a large potential for global warming savings, espe- radation of organic carbon follows our general understand-
cially from substitution of fossil fuel by the biogas, but also ing of anaerobic processes.
from carbon storage in soil and inorganic fertilizer substitu- The GHG accounting is done per tonne of wet waste (ww)
tion through use of the digestate as a fertilizer. Soil-improv- received at the AD facility and according to Gentil et al.
ing effects reducing the need of fossil energy for ploughing, (2009). We distinguish between direct contributions at the
tilling and irrigation may also occur, but quantification of facility and indirect upstream (e.g. provision of energy to the
these effects is difficult and they are therefore not included AD facility) or downstream contributions (e.g. energy substi-
in this paper. A conceptual overview of anaerobic digestion tution by biogas) from processes that are associated with

C orresponding author: J. Møller, Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
E-mail: jam@env.dtu.dk
Received 5 April 2009; accepted in revised form 13 July 2009

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J. Møller, A. Boldrin, T.H. Christensen

Fig. 1: Conceptual overview of anaerobic digestion (AD) and digestate use. Squares represent processes, ovals represent material flows and
octagons represent substituted processes and avoided emissions.

waste management, but are not taking place at the AD facil- or sludge). Anaerobic digestion plants have different designs;
ity. We also distinguish between fossil and biogenic CO2 in no single type dominates.
the GHG accounting, and include carbon binding in soil from Regardless of the specific technology, the operation of an
farmland application of digestate. From the GHG accounts anaerobic digestion facility includes the following main
we calculate the aggregated global warming factor (GWF) stages: pre-treatment of the waste typically (for dry digesters)
for anaerobic digestion and digestate use, namely the total including grinding, shredding, screening and mixing; diges-
contribution to GW measured in CO2-equivalents tonne–1 tion of the waste including feeding and mixing in the reactor;
wet waste. gas handling including collection, treatment, storage and uti-
In this paper only advanced large-scale anaerobic facilities lization and, finally, management of the digestate.
are assessed. The data is based mainly on AD facilities situ- An anaerobic digestion (AD) facility can be characterized
ated in Europe because of lack of public data from other according to the following options.
regions. The technologies can be arranged into a number of
categories, e.g. one-step/two-step, wet/dry and mesophilic/ • Dry/wet digestion.
thermophilic digestion and combinations thereof. We are not • Thermophilic/mesophilic digestion.
able to go into detail with all the possible combinations, but • One-stage/two-stage digestion.
will provide ranges of data covering a generic anaerobic • One-phase/two-phase digestion.
facility as well as an example of GHG accounting for a spe-
cific type of ‘dry’ thermophilic facility based on public availa- Whether the process is dry or wet depends on the moisture
ble data supplemented with data from the generic facility. content in the reactor (dry: less than 75%, wet: more than
The purpose of this paper is to describe anaerobic digestion 90%) and is to some extent a result of the moisture in the
of waste from a global warming point of view and provide infor- waste: processes treating garden waste tend to operate as dry
mation about data that is useful in GHG accounting and subse- processes. The biogas process can proceed at different temper-
quent estimation of GWF (in CO2-equivalents tonne–1 ww). We atures, but are most often run at approximately 35 °C (mes-
provide likely ranges for the contributions from the technol- ophilic) or at 53–55 °C (thermophilic) temperature. The main
ogy point of view and in this way identify the most important technological difference results from the need to supply heat
parameters and sub-processes contributing to global warm- to the reactor to keep the correct operating temperature.
ing from anaerobic digestion of MSW. Biogas production takes place in two microbiologically dis-
tinct stages: acidification and methanogenesis, with different
Overview of anaerobic digestion technologies optimum process conditions. The separation of these two
At present more than 200 AD facilities (in size from 2500 to stages increases methane yield, but also requires more tech-
100 000 tonne year–1) processing different types of organic nically complicated solutions. A further development is the
waste are in operation worldwide; many of them situated in separation of the reactor content into a solid and a liquid
Germany (IEA 2008). Figures reported in the literature vary phase. Here, the solids left from the acidification process are
depending on which types of waste are considered: Many routed back to the main reactor tank and the liquid phase
facilities are co-digestion plants (e.g. with manure, slurries, undergoes methanogenesis separately.

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Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of GHG and GW contribution

Two-stage and two-phase systems are few due to technical tant though, is intentional release of methane through valves
difficulties as well as economical reasons. Most anaerobic due to over-pressure in the reactor.
digestion systems are characteristically one-stage, in which On-site gas-utilization results in GHG emissions from the
the whole digestion process takes place under the same process gas engine mainly in the form of unburned methane and
conditions, and one-phase, in which the entire process takes nitrous oxide (N2O) produced during the combustion process.
place in the same reactor. Consequently, the majority of anaer- Emissions during the combustion of biogas, and especially the
obic digestion facilities are adequately described as dry or wet emission of methane, are dependent on the type of gas
and thermophilic or mesophilic AD facilities. engine: lean-burn gas engines that are commonly used at AD
facilities have the highest emission factors (EFs) for methane
Greenhouse gas emissions from anaerobic (Nielsen et al. 2008).
digestion and digestate use
The GHG emissions are grouped in terms of the following Indirect upstream emissions
characteristics. Upstream contributions to GHG emissions from anaerobic
digestion facilities are related mainly to the provision of
• Direct emissions: these are emissions directly linked to energy in the form of diesel oil and electricity. We here
activities at the anaerobic digestion facility including com- define ‘provision’ as all emissions from extraction, transpor-
bustion of fuel, fugitive gas losses from the reactor, emis- tation and refining of crude oil to diesel oil (transportation
sions from utilization of biogas in a gas-engine at the AD of diesel oil to the AD facility is not included), and all emis-
facility or upgrading of biogas to motor vehicle fuel. sions from extraction/mining and transportation of the fuel
• Indirect emissions: these are emissions or avoided emis- to the power plant and subsequent production of electricity.
sions associated with the anaerobic digestion facility, but GHG emissions from provision of water are of minor impor-
actually taking place outside the facility. Indirect emis- tance, but are included.
sions can be subdivided into the following two catego- Provision of electricity for machinery for the treatment of
ries. waste and digestate, such as pumps and other equipment, are
• Upstream emissions derive from the provision of energy included, although provision of electricity for administration
in the form of fuel, electricity and heat, and production buildings is not. The amount of electricity used at the AD
of materials used on the facility and for the construction facility can vary, depending on the digestion technology in
of the facility. consideration.
• Downstream (avoided) emissions derive from the off-set Few data is available on use of other materials at AD
of energy production (substitution) by the energy recov- facilities (e.g. oil, detergents, lubricants, etc), but the contri-
ered at the facility, emissions from treatment of rejects, bution is considered small and the provision of these materi-
emissions from use-on-land of the digestate including als is not included in the GHG accounting. Likewise, we do
transportation and application on land, emissions not include emissions related to the construction of the AD
from the digestate itself, carbon sequestration in the facility.
soil and fertilizer substitution.
Indirect downstream emissions
Direct emissions at the AD facility These can be divided into two main categories: avoided
Direct emissions from anaerobic digestion can be divided emissions from offsetting energy production by the energy
into three main categories: emissions from fuel combustion, recovered at the AD facility, namely energy and/or fuel sub-
fugitive gaseous emissions from the reactor and pipes and stitution, and emission from the use of the digestate after it
emissions associated with combustion of the biogas for energy leaves the AD facility. Emissions from use of the digestate
recovery or emissions associated with upgrading biogas to include provision of diesel oil and combustion of diesel in
motor vehicle fuel. Within this paper we are assuming that trucks for transportation and land application, emissions
the AD facility has its own biogas-engine for energy pro- from the digestate during degradation in the soil, avoided
duction or biogas upgrading. In the case that biogas is emissions from carbon sequestration in the soil and avoided
exported from the AD facility the emissions from utiliza- emissions from substitution of inorganic fertilizers (the savings
tion of the gas should be categorized as indirect downstream from substituting inorganic fertilizers comes from avoided
emissions. emissions from fertilizer production).
Direct emissions from fuel combustion are mainly from Regarding substitution of energy production, the electricity
trucks and mobile machinery and other equipment for waste is most often delivered to the grid. Gas engines at AD facilities
and digestate handling, such as shredders and dewatering are usually not larger than a few megawatts and are often of
equipment. the CHP-type, that is, producing combined heat and power.
Fugitive losses of GHGs at the AD facility occur when the In most cases the heat generated by the biogas engine is used
reactor is opened for maintenance, but also from pipes, internally at the AD facility, for example, to heat the reactor,
valves and fittings in the system that lead the produced office areas and other facilities. This is not counted as an
methane to the gas-engine or storage facility. Most impor- indirect downstream saving, but may appear in the GHG

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J. Møller, A. Boldrin, T.H. Christensen

counting in terms of a reduced import of energy to the facil- Indirect downstream emissions associated with incinera-
ity. In the case that the AD facility is connected to a dis- tion or landfilling of rejects from screened residues and the
trict heating system or provides heat for nearby industries, use of digestate in landscaping works are not considered in
the system is credited for substitution of other heat pro- this paper. Generally, these emissions will be of minor impor-
duction. tance, but if source separation of the waste is inadequate rela-
An alternative for biogas utilization is its use as a propel- tively large amounts of reject could be generated at the AD
lant in motor vehicles. To achieve this, the biogas must be facility. In this case estimation of GHG emissions from treat-
cleaned and upgraded, i.e. CO2 removed, to obtain a biogas ment of the reject by landfilling or incineration could be car-
with low levels of contaminants and enriched in methane ried out according to Manfredi et al. (2009) and Astrup et al.
(> 95%). The typical processes for upgrading of biogas include (2009).
compression, desulphurization, decarbonization and removal
of halogens with activated carbon (Greater London Author- Estimation of global warming factors for
ity 2008). The upgrading process can be performed within anaerobic digestion and digestate use
the anaerobic digestion facility or somewhere else: It is We define the global warming factor (GWF) as:
assumed in this paper that it is carried out at the AD facility.
The upgrading sequence needs energy inputs and can result GWF = emission factor (EF)
in some fugitive emissions of gas. × global warming potential (GWP) (1)
Provision and combustion of diesel for transportation and
application of the digestate to farmland are dependent on Thus the GWFs are obtained by multiplication of the emission
the distance to the fields from the facility and, especially, if factor for each emission by the GWP for that emission
the digestate is from a wet or dry technology AD facility. according to the IPCC and is used to characterize, in CO2-
Substantial amounts of digestate must be transported and equivalents, the potential contribution to global warming by
applied to the land where dilute digestate is used on farm- each sub-process of anaerobic digestion and digestate use per
land without dewatering. characteristic unit, for example, kg CH4 lost by fugitive emis-
Indirect downstream emissions resulting from agricultural sion tonne waste–1. When added together the aggregated glo-
use of digestate as soil conditioner and fertilizer are difficult to bal warming factor represents the total potential contribution
predict based on the composition of the digestate alone. In to global warming by anaerobic digestion and digestate use
addition knowledge of soil type, crop rotation and climate is per tonne of wet waste (ww).
required and the emissions can best be calculated by the use of Our approach to the estimation of the GWF for anaerobic
an agricultural nutrient management model. Based on pub- digestion systems is based on the above definition of direct
lished data from such a model we supply emission coefficients and indirect emissions associated with the anaerobic digestion
for specific geographical areas regarding N2O and CO2 (Bruun technology and the subsequent use of the digestate. Since the
et al. 2006). If the application of digestate contributes to an GHG emissions depend on the waste type, the digestion tech-
increase of the carbon level in the soil at the end of the consid- nology and the use of the digestate, the emissions will cover a
ered time frame (e.g. 100 years), it will represent an actual rather large range, but in all cases the influence of the fol-
‘long term’ removal of carbon from the carbon cycle. This ben- lowing emissions will be considered and included in the cal-
efit is credited to the system as an avoided CO2-emission culation of GWF.
(Marmo 2008, Boldrin et al. 2009). We include this effect, car-
bon storage, in the downstream (avoided) emissions and use • Emissions from fuel combustion at the AD facility.
the numbers provided by Bruun et al. (2006) to estimate it. The • Fugitive gaseous emissions from the anaerobic reactor
digestate will to some extent substitute the use of inorganic fer- and pipes.
tilizer depending on the availability and amount of nutrients. • Emissions associated with combustion of biogas.
The present paper follows Hansen et al. (2006) in assuming • Emissions from provision of energy in the form of fuel.
that the farmer will act rationally and comply with national • Emissions from provision of energy in the form of elec-
legislation when using digestate as fertilizer substitution. tricity.
Beside savings of inorganic fertilizers and carbon binding, • Emissions from provision of water to dilute the waste.
spreading of digestate on land can result in soil improvement • Avoided emissions from substitution of energy production
(Boldrin 2009), which leads to increased water retention of or use of upgraded biogas as vehicle fuel.
the soil (reduced irrigation), reduced herbicides/biocides • Emissions from combustion of diesel oil in connection
requirements, improved soil structure, and reduced erosion. with transportation and land application of digestate.
All these aspects could implicate some GHG savings, which • Emissions from digestate applied to land.
are not quantified in this paper because of lack of data or of • Binding of biogenic carbon in soil (C-storage).
the high uncertainty related to that (i.e. local conditions, use, • Avoided emissions from substitution of inorganic fertilizers.
agricultural methods, etc). However, it is worth noticing that
some estimates allocate an important part of benefits for In the following sections GWFs from direct and indirect
GW coming from these induced effects on soils. emissions of GHGs are estimated per tonne of ww received

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Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of GHG and GW contribution

Table 1: Emission factors (EFs) relevant in GHG accounting for anaerobic digestion and use-on-land of digestate.

Type of process/emission Emission factor Reference

Provision of diesel oil 0.4–0.5 kg CO2-eq. L diesel Fruergaard et al. (2009)
Combustion of diesel oil 2.7 kg CO2-eq. L diesel Fruergaard et al. (2009)
Provision and combustion of natural gas 2.4–2.5 kg CO2-eq. Nm–3 Fruergaard et al. (2009)
Combustion of Danish biogas in lean-burn 83.6 kg CO2 GJ–1 Nielsen et al. (2008)
gas engine < 25 MW 323 g CH4 GJ–1
0.5 g N2O GJ–1
Provision of electricity NORDEL: 0.1 kg CO2-eq. kWh–1 Fruergaard et al. (2009)
CENTREL: 0.9 kg CO2-eq. kWh–1
Germany: 0.35 kg CO2-eq. kWh–1
Provision of heat (EU25) 0.075 kg CO2-eq. MJ–1 Fruergaard et al. (2009)
Provision of water from waterworks 0.15 kg CO2-eq. m–3 EDIP (2004)
Production of N fertilizer 8.9 kg CO2-eq. kg N Average value calculated from Bold-
rin et al. (2009)
Production of P fertilizer 1.8 kg CO2-eq. kg–1 P Average value calculated from Bold-
rin et al. (2009)
Production of K fertilizer 0.96 kg CO2-eq. kg–1 K Average value calculated from Bold-
rin et al. (2009)

at the facility and ranges of the emissions are provided when decision-making or the planning phase of a new AD facility,
available. The GWF for each sub-process is calculated accord- methane production can be estimated using representative
ing to equation (1). For fuel and energy the amount used per data on biogas production and the percentage of methane in
tonne of ww is multiplied by the EF (see Table 1) to give the the biogas from existing AD facilities.
GWF. For the emission of greenhouse gases other than CO2 Biogas production from different types of waste varies,
the amount per tonne of ww is multiplied by the GWP accord- but for household waste, alone or mixed with garden waste, it
ing to Solomon et al. (2007). is commonly in the range 80–130 Nm3 tonne–1 ww received at
Regarding GWP of biogenic and fossil CO2 we adopt the the AD facility (Smith 2001, Bjarnadottir et al. 2002, Hogg et
convention that GWP of CO2,biogenic is 0, GWP of stored bio- al. 2002, Jansen & Svärd 2002, European Commission 2006).
genic carbon is –44/12 and GWP of CO2,fossil is 1 (Christensen Biogas is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. The distri-
et al. 2009). bution of the carbon content in the waste into methane and
carbon dioxide is dependent on process parameters such as
Estimation of GWF from direct emissions temperature, pH and retention time in the reactor, but is
usually in the range of 45–65% methane and 55–35% carbon
Fuel combustion dioxide (volume-based percentage). If data on methane con-
A typical value for fuel consumption for handling the waste at tent in the produced biogas is missing, values of 65% methane
anaerobic digestion facilities is 1.3 kg or approximately 1.6 L and 35% CO2 can be used; this is representative for biogas
diesel tonne–1 ww (Fisher 2006). The EF for combustion production in Denmark (Nielsen et al. 2008). Methane pro-
of diesel oil is 2.7 kg CO2-eq. L–1 (Table 1) resulting in a duction is thus often in the range of 50–85 Nm3 tonne–1 ww
GWF of fuel combustion at the facility of 4.3 kg CO2- received at the AD facility.
eq. tonne–1 ww. Another approach is to estimate methane production
from anaerobic facilities based on pilot-scale experiments
Estimation of methane production assuming that these data will be representative for full-
Fugitive losses of methane as well as emissions from combus- scale operations as well. In this way Davidsson et al. (2007)
tion of biogas are proportional to the amount of methane measured methane production (methane yields) of 300–
produced per tonne of ww. This is also the case for avoided 400 Nm3 CH4 tonne–1 of volatile solids (VS) fed to the reactor
emissions from substitution of energy production and to from 17 different types of source-separated organic household
some extent carbon storage both described below under indi- waste in pilot-scale wet thermophilic digestion with a 15-day
rect downstream emissions. The amount of methane pro- retention time. Methane production (Nm3 tonne–1 ww) can
duced per tonne of ww is therefore a key parameter in order be calculated as:
to estimate the GWF of anaerobic digestion.
If the amount of biogas produced and the percentage of CH4, production = VSinput × CH4, yield (2)
methane in the biogas is known this can easily be converted
to Nm3 of methane per tonne of ww received at the AD facil- The amount of biogenic CO2 (Nm3 tonne–1 ww) produced by
ity. In case these data are not available, for example, during anaerobic digestion is most conveniently calculated from the

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J. Møller, A. Boldrin, T.H. Christensen

percentage of methane in the biogas (% CH4), obtained by from fugitive methane loss during anaerobic digestion is
direct measurements or from average data as reported above, therefore in the range of 0–1.9 kg CH4 equal to 0–48 kg CO2-
as the ratio of methane to carbon dioxide in the produced eq. tonne–1 ww received at the AD facility.
biogas is difficult to predict directly from other parameters:
Combustion of biogas
CH 4, production
CO2, biogenic = ------------------------------- × 100 – CH 4, production (3) The EF for biogenic CO2 from combustion of biogas in Den-
%CH 4
mark is 83.6 kg CO2 GJ–1 (Nielsen et al. 2008). This value
Data for methane production in batch experiments with opti- depends on the percentage of methane in the biogas. Assuming
mized process parameters and extended incubation periods an energy content of biogas (CH4 and CO2) of 23 MJ Nm–3
may also be available. In this type of experiment maximum (Nielsen et al. 2008) and a production of biogas of 80–
methane production, namely the methane potential, can be 130 Nm3 tonne–1 ww the biogenic CO2 emissions from com-
achieved. In thermophilic wet batch-incubations of 50 days bustion of biogas at the AD facility are in the range 154–
duration Davidsson et al. (2007) found methane potentials 250 kg CO2 tonne–1 ww received at the AD facility.
for source-separated organic household waste in the range of During combustion in the biogas engine methane is con-
298–573 Nm3 CH4 tonne–1 VS fed to the batches. As the verted to energy and CO2, but as the combustion process is not
process conditions are not always optimal in full-scale pro- 100% efficient some methane is left unburned and in this way
duction and as there is restriction on the retention time from contributes to the GWF. On average the EF for lean-burn
economical considerations the methane production is never biogas engines (smaller than 25 MW) is 323 g CH4 GJ–1 biogas
100% of the potential, but a lower value (%potential_reached). On based on measurements at 13 Danish facilities (Nielsen et al.
average the methane yield mentioned above corresponded 2008). The EF for N2O determined in the same investigation
to 70% of the methane potential. Using this approach meth- was 0.5 g N2O GJ–1 biogas. Assuming an energy content of
ane production (Nm3 tonne–1 ww) can be calculated as biogas of 23 GJ 1000 Nm–3 (Nielsen et al. 2008) and a produc-
tion of biogas of 80–130 Nm3 tonne–1 ww the emissions from
CH4, production = VSinput × CH4, potential × %potential_reached (4) combustion of biogas at the AD facility are 0.60–0.97 kg meth-
ane and 0.92–1.50 g N2O tonne–1 ww, respectively. Thus GWF
Methane production per tonne of ww received at the AD facil- from unburned methane is 15–24 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 and
ity can, therefore, be estimated in the following ways. from N2O 0.3–0.5 kg CO2 eq. tonne–1 ww (GWP factor for
N2O: 298, Solomon et al. (2007)) received at the AD facility.
• Directly from the actual biogas production, percentage of
methane in the biogas and the amount of waste received Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel
at the AD facility. The energy for treatment, upgrading and compression of
• From existing full-scale AD facilities; often in the range biogas to be used as vehicle fuel is reported as 0.09 MJ
50–85 Nm3 CH4 tonne–1 ww household waste mixed with MJ–1 fuel produced (Greater London Authority 2008), i.e.
garden waste. 0.025 kWh MJ–1 fuel produced. The upgrade of 1.8–3.0 GJ of
• From pilot-scale experiments; representative methane biogas produced per tonne of ww will therefore require 45–
yields for household waste are 300–400 Nm3 CH4 tonne–1 75 kWh tonne–1 ww of electricity. Using EFs for electricity
VS fed to the reactor. production as reported in Table 1, the upgrading procedure
• From batch experiments – representative methane poten- will result in emissions of 4.5–68 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww.
tials are 300–600 Nm3 CH4 tonne–1 VS fed to the batches. Fugitive emissions of CH4 during upgrading are estimated
Seventy percent of this can probably be achieved in very to be 0.2%; this corresponds to 0.1–0.17 Nm3 or 54–91 g CH4
well-operated full-scale AD facilities. lost, i.e. 1.4–2.3 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww.

Fugitive emissions Estimation of GWF from indirect upstream emissions

The fugitive loss of methane is difficult to establish by meas- The emission from provision of diesel oil is assumed to be
urements and probably highly variable from facility to facility. 0.4–0.5 kg CO2-eq L–1 (Table 1). The amount of diesel oil used
IPCC gives ranges between 0 and 10% of the produced meth- at the AD facility is estimated to be approx. 1.6 L tonne–1 ww,
ane, but also states that ‘Where technical standards for biogas therefore the GWF from provision of diesel oil is in the region
plants ensure that unintentional CH4 emissions are flared, of 0.6–0.8 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww received at the AD facility.
CH4 emissions are likely to be close to zero’ (Eggleston et al. The GHG emission from provision of water to dilute and
2006). Others have estimated the average fugitive loss to be mix with the waste is small. Data from Danish waterworks
about 3% of the produced methane (Reeh & Møller 2003). suggest it is approx. 0.15 kg CO2-eq. m–3 (EDIP 2004).
With methane production of 50–85 Nm3 tonne–1 a fugitive loss Data on GHG emissions from provision of electricity are
between 0 and 3% corresponds to 0–2.6 Nm3 methane highly variable from country to country since they are depend-
tonne–1 ww received at the AD facility. At standard tempera- ent on the fuel mix and whether electricity has been pro-
ture and pressure methane weighs 0.718 kg Nm–3 and the duced in combination with heat or not. Data for electricity
GWP for methane is 25 (Eggleston et al. 2006). The GWF provision is in the range 0.007–1.13 kg CO2-eq. kWh–1 (Fruer-

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Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of GHG and GW contribution

gaard et al. 2009). The high value represents rather ineffi- tonne–1 ww, the energy recovered from the waste in the
cient coal-based electricity production and the low value rep- biogas is 1.8–3.0 GJ tonne–1 ww. Assuming that biogas sub-
resents hydro-power production or some other non-fossil stitutes natural gas in vehicles 1 : 1 (on an energy basis)
fuel-based production. We do not use these extreme values, the amount of natural gas (with lower heating value of
but have instead chosen representative data on low and high 0.0395 GJ Nm–3 (Fruergaard et al. 2009)) replaced is 46–
CO2-emission electricity, respectively. The low value of 76 Nm3 tonne–1 ww. This corresponds to 110–190 kg CO2-
0.1 kg CO2-eq. kWh–1 and the high of 0.9 kg CO2-eq. kWh–1 eq. tonne–1 ww.
are representative of NORDEL (and hence average electric-
ity in the Nordic countries) and CENTREL (average elec- Transportation and application of digestate to agricultural land
tricity in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and the Slo- In a wet anaerobic process with addition of water to the reac-
vak republic), respectively (Fruergaard et al. 2009). tor to ensure complete mixing, the digestate may constitute
Electricity consumption for machinery, pumps etc. is typi- several cubic metres per tonne of ww, but on average the
cally in the range from 20 (Fisher 2006) to 50 kWh tonne–1 ww amount may be in the range of 0.5 tonne of digestate pro-
(Bjarnadottir et al. 2002). The provision of electricity, there- duced per tonne of ww (e.g. Bjarnadottir et al. 2002, Crowe et
fore, corresponds to a low range of 2–5 and a high range of al. 2002, Luning et al. 2003). Assuming that transportation
18–45 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww received at the AD facility. takes place with large trucks a fuel consumption of approx.
0.03 L diesel tonne–1 km–1 would be a typical value (Eisted et
Estimation of GWF from indirect downstream emissions al. 2009). If the average transportation distance to the farmland
Emissions avoided by substitution of energy production is 20 km the diesel consumption will be 0.3–0.6 L tonne–1 ww.
Export of electricity to the grid result in GHG emission sav- Fuel consumption for the application on land of the diges-
ings by avoiding emissions from substitution of other elec- tate was estimated in Berglund & Börjesson (2006) to be
tricity production. The amount of electricity produced from between 0.67 and 0.75 L diesel tonne–1 digestate. We have
the biogas is dependent on the energy efficiency of the gas adopted a value of approx. 0.5 L diesel used for application
engine. Modern lean-burn gas engines can reach high total of digestate per tonne of ww.
efficiencies for combined electricity and heat production of Including combustion as well as provision of diesel oil, the
more than 80% of the lower heating value of the biogas. GWF of transportation will be in the range 0.9–1.9 kg CO2-
Electricity production is reported in the range of 23.5–40.2% eq. tonne–1 ww. Regarding application of the digestate to soil
with an average of 36% of the lower heating value of the we estimate the GWF to approx. 1.5 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww.
biogas (Nielsen & Illerup 2003).
With a biogas production of 80–130 Nm3 tonne–1 ww and Use on land of digestate
an energy content of that biogas of 23 GJ 1000 Nm–3, elec- Following land application biodegradation of the digestate
tricity and heat production will be in the range 184–299 kWh will commence resulting in emissions of biogenic CO2 and
and 810–1316 MJ tonne–1 ww for engine efficiencies of 36 N2O. Emission coefficients for these processes were taken
and 44%, respectively. from Bruun et al. (2006). To assess the full impact of a single
Using the two EFs for electricity production of 0.1 and application of digestate, emissions were modelled for a 100-
0.9 kg CO2-eq. kWh–1 the GWF is in the range 18–30 or 166– year period and the emission coefficients, therefore, reflect
269 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww for avoided electricity produc- the sum of emissions in that time-frame. It should also be
tion. In comparison with electricity, data on heat production noted that the emissions coefficients in Bruun et al. (2006)
are fewer due to the fact that heat production in many coun- represent the difference between normal agricultural prac-
tries is of only minor importance. We, therefore, employ a tice only using inorganic fertilizers and use of digestate sup-
single representative EF for the heat production substituted plemented with inorganic fertilizers according to Danish leg-
by biogas utilization of 0.075 kg CO2-eq. MJ–1 representing islation. Emission coefficients for CO2–C and N2O–N were
EU25 mixed heat production (Table 1). The amount of heat in the range 0.86–0.96 of the C and 0.013–0.017 of the N
used internally is facility-specific and very variable. For applied to the soil, respectively, depending on climate, soil
mesophilic digestion it is reported to be in the range 70– type and various other parameters related to agriculture. Car-
180 MJ tonne–1 ww (Berglund & Börjesson 2006), but for bon sequestered, namely the carbon applied with digestate
thermophilic digestion it could exceed 25% of the heat pro- and not released as CO2 during the 100-year period, is thus in
duction (Anon. 2004) corresponding to 303 MJ tonne–1 ww; the range 0.04–0.14 of the applied amount of carbon. Con-
this should be subtracted from the heat production to esti- cerning N2O it is worth noticing that emissions were assumed
mate the net heat export. Thus if the AD facility is exporting to occur due to release of N from organic fertilizers during
heat the maximum savings will be in the range 61–99 kg CO2- periods in which vegetation is not able to take up N. Some
eq. tonne–1 ww for heat production. authors, though, reports the possibility of an overall reduction
of N2O from farmlands where compost is used, for example,
Substitution of natural gas as vehicle fuel by upgraded biogas Favoino & Hogg (2008), but this is not included here.
If the energy content of biogas is 23 GJ 1000 Nm–3 (Nielsen The C, N, phosporus (P) and potassium (K)-content of
et al. 2008) and the production of biogas is 80–130 Nm3 pre-treated organic source separated household waste are in

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J. Møller, A. Boldrin, T.H. Christensen

the range 45–52%, 2.2–3.1%, 0.3–0.6% and 0.8–1.3% of the AD facility) of 20 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww in Table 2 is calcu-
dry matter content, respectively (Davidsson et al. 2007). lated as 0.3 kg CO2-eq. from N2O-emission plus 15 kg CO2-
Assuming a dry matter content of 25% the C-content of the eq. from unburned CH4 plus 4.3 kg CO2-eq. from diesel com-
waste is 113–130 kg tonne–1 and the nutrient content is 5.5– bustion plus 0 kg CO2-eq. from fugitive CH4-loss. Thus the
7.8 kg N tonne–1, 0.075–0.15 kg P tonne–1 and 0.2–0.325 kg K GWF-intervals do not represent any statistical significance,
tonne–1 ww. As no nutrients are lost during the anaerobic but are constructed to demonstrate the hypothetical span of
digestion process itself the total nutrient content of the diges- the worst and best cases, respectively, for the technology in
tate equals the nutrient content of the waste, but some nutri- question.
ent could be lost during storage or aerobic post-treatment of The GWF from direct emissions at the facility is in the
the digestate at the AD facility and with waste water – this is range 5 to 76 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww received at the facility.
not considered here. Fugitive losses of methane, combustion of diesel oil and emis-
The carbon left in the digestate is calculated as carbon in sions from combustion of biogas all contribute to the GWF
the waste minus carbon escaped as biogas. The emission of with fugitive losses of methane being potentially the most
biogenic CO2 from combustion of the biogas was calculated important. Unburned methane from the biogas engine comes
above to 154–250 kg onne–1 ww corresponding to 42–68 kg C second; combustion of diesel at the facility and N2O emission
tonne–1 ww. The carbon content in the digestate is therefore from the biogas engine are less important. The fugitive loss
in the range of 45–88 kg C tonne–1 ww received at the facility. of methane is much smaller in connection with upgrading of
Using EFs of 0.86 to 0.96 of the carbon content, emission of biogas than by combustion in a gas engine at the AD facility.
biogenic CO2 from the digestate is estimated to be 142– The indirect upstream GWFs are in the range 3 to
310 kg CO2 tonne–1 ww. Coefficients for carbon storage of 149 CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww with provision of electricity as the
0.04 to 0.14 of the carbon content in the digestate results in a most important contributor. In most cases indirect upstream
GWF of –6.6 to –45 kg CO2 tonne–1 ww. GWF will be in the same range as GWF from direct emissions
Based on a nitrogen content of 5.5–7.8 kg N tonne–1 ww at the AD facility irrespective of the type of electricity pro-
and an EF for N2O–N of 0.013–0.017 of the N applied to the vided. The relative high electricity consumption for biogas
soil the N2O emission from the digestate is in the range 110– upgrading has the effect that in that case indirect downstream
200 g N2O tonne–1 ww. This corresponds to a GWF of 33– emissions dominate over direct emissions at the facility. In
60 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww. contrast, the downstream GWF covers a much larger range
As in Hansen et al. (2006), we assume that the farmer com- from –47 to –414 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww. Here energy substi-
plies with national regulation regarding use of organic fertiliz- tution is the most important factor. Taken together electricity
ers. In Denmark farmers are allowed to supplement the diges- and heat substitution can provide GWF savings of up to
tate with inorganic fertilizers to a certain level. Thus only 40% 368 CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww. Other savings come from carbon
of the nitrogen in the digestate is actually assumed to substi- storage in soil and fertilizer substitution, but the impact of this
tute inorganic N; regarding potassium and phosphorous the is smaller: maximum savings are 45 and 36 CO2-eq. tonne–1
substitution rate is assumed to be 100%. Avoided GHG-emis- ww, respectively. Nitrous oxide emission from the digestate in
sions from substitution of inorganic fertilizers can then be esti- the soil is a very substantial source to indirect downstream
mated from the nutrient content in the digestate in connection GWF and is much larger than GWF from combustion of die-
with inventories of fertilizer production. Using the average sel fuel for transportation. It was assumed that the distance
values for fertilizer production (Table 1) calculated from of transportation was only 10 km on average, but even if this
Boldrin et al. (2009) the GWF of fertilizer substitution is esti- was changed to 100 km N2O-emission would still be the larg-
mated to be in the range –20 to –28 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww. est indirect downstream contribution to the GWF. However,
as mentioned in the section entitled ‘Estimation of GWF
Results and discussion from indirect downstream emissions’, some authors have
Table 2 shows data for a generic anaerobic digestion facility suggested the possibility of a net reduction of N2O-emisssion
with biogas utilization in a gas engine at the facility or upgrad- by use of digestate in agriculture related to replacement of
ing of the biogas to vehicle fuel. The digestate is transported to mineral fertilizers by means of a slow-release N source.
nearby farms and used as fertilizer substitution. GHG account- These conflicting results highlight the uncertainty associated
ing and calculation of GWFs are divided into three phases: with estimation of GWFs for anaerobic digestion and diges-
direct emissions at the facility and upstream and down- tate use.
stream emissions outside the facility. Results are presented Totalling the indirect and direct emissions the generic
in upstream–operation–downstream (UOD) tables. The anaerobic digestion facility could contribute to GWF in the
ranges provided in the UOD table represent variations of the range –375 to 111 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww received at the facil-
different parameters as explained in the text. The table is ity. If the AD facility has high biogas production, substitutes
constructed by adding the lowest and highest values, respec- CO2-heavy electricity and furthermore exports heat the result
tively, in the ranges for the different emissions. For example, could be a substantial saving in GWF for anaerobic digestion
the lower limit of the GWF-interval for direct emissions at of MSW. On the other hand low methane yield, in connec-
the AD facility (assuming combustion of the biogas at the tion with upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel and high emis-

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Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of GHG and GW contribution

Table 2: Greenhouse gas accounting and global warming contribution (GWF’s) for anaerobic digestion and digestate use. Energy production
from the biogas or upgrading takes place at the AD facility. The digestate is used in agriculture and substitutes inorganic fertilizers. Values are
expressed per tonne of wet waste (ww) received at the facility.

Indirect: upstream Direct: waste management Indirect: downstream

–1 –1
GWF (kg CO2-eq. tonne ww): GWF (kg CO2-eq. tonne ww): GWF (kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww):

Combustion of biogas: Combustion of biogas: Combustion of biogas:

High CO2 electricity: 19 to 46 20 to76 High CO2 electricity: –414 to –197
Low CO2 electricity: 3 to 6 Low CO2 electricity: –175 to –49


Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel: Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel: Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel:
High CO2 electricity: 50 to 149 5 to 9 –304 to –47
Low CO2 electricity: 6 to 18
CO2-equivalents (kg tonne–1 ww): CO2-equivalents (kg tonne–1 ww): CO2-equivalents (kg tonne–1 ww):

Provision of electricity: Operation of AD facility: Transportation of digestate

High: 18 to 45 CH4 fugitive loss: 0 to 47 (GWP: 25) CO2-fossil from provision and combustion of
Low: 2 to 5 CO2-fossil from diesel combustion: 4.3 diesel: 0.9 to 1.9 (GWP: 1)
(GWP: 1)
Provision of diesel: 0.6 to 0.8 Land application of digestate:
Provision of water: 0 to 0.5 CO2-fossil from provision and combustion of
Combustion of biogas: diesel: 1.5 (GWP: 1)
Provision of electricity for biogas CO2-biogenic: 0 (GWP = 0) CO2-biogenic from digestate: 0 (GWP = 0)
upgrading: CH4-unburned: 15 to 24 (GWP: 25) N2O from digestate: 33 to 60 (GWP: 298)
High: 31 to 103 N2O: 0.3 to 0.5 (GWP: 298) C bound in soil: –45 to –7 (GWP = –44/12)
Low: 3.5 to 11.5 Substituted fertilizer: –36 to –26

Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel: Energy recovery from biogas:

CH4 fugitive loss: 1.0 to 4.7 (GWP: 25) Substituted electricity:
Low: –30 to –18
Substituted heat: –99 to –61


Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel:

Substituted natural gas: –258 to –77
Accounted (unit tonne–1 ww): Accounted (unit tonne–1 ww): Accounted (unit tonne–1 ww):

Provision of electricity: 20 to 50 kWh Operation of AD facility: Transportation of digestate

Provision of diesel: 1.6 L CH4 fugitive loss: 0 to 2.6 Nm3 Use of diesel: 0.3 to 0.6 L
Provision of water: 0 to 2 m3 Use of diesel : 1.6 L
Use of electricity 20 to 50 kWh Land application of digestate:
Provision of electricity for biogas Use of water 0 to 3 m3 Use of diesel: 0.5 L
upgrading: 35 to 115 KWh CO2-biogenic from digestate: 142 to 310 kg
N2O from digestate: 110 to 200 g
Combustion of biogas: C bound in soil: 1.8 to 12 kg
CO2-biogenic: 154 to 255 kg Substituted fertilizer: N: 2.2 to 3.1 kg, P: 0.075
CH4 unburned: 0.6 to 1.0 kg to 0.15 kg, K: 0.2 to 0.325 kg
N2O from combustion process: 0.9 to 1.5 g
Energy recovery from biogas:
OR Substituted electricity: 184 to 299 kWh
Substituted district heat: 810 to 1316 MJ
Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel:
Use of electricity: 35 to 115 kWh OR
CH4 fugitive loss: 39 to 187 g
Upgrading of biogas to vehicle fuel:
Substituted natural gas: 39 to 131 kg
Not accounted: Not accounted: Not accounted:
Transportation of waste to AD facility Construction of facility Transportation and treatment of reject
Provision of materials for construction of Emissions from stored waste and digestate Treatment of waste water
AD facility
Provision of lubricants etc.
Provision of heat for offices etc.

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J. Møller, A. Boldrin, T.H. Christensen

Table 3: Greenhouse gas account and global warming contribution (GWFs) for a one-step, one-phase, dry, thermofilic anaerobic digestion
facility equipped with a flare. Based on data from Anon. (2004) supplemented with values from Table 2. Values are expressed per tonne of wet
waste (ww) received at the facility.

Indirect: upstream Direct: waste management Indirect: downstream

–1 –1
GWF (kg CO2-eq. tonne ww): GWF (kg CO2-eq. tonne ww): GWF (kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww):
5.7 to 9.2 4.8 to 10.2 –105 to –23.4
CO2- equivalents (kg tonne–1 ww): CO2- equivalents (kg tonne–1 ww): CO2- equivalents (kg tonne–1 ww):

Provision of electricity: 5.3 to 7.7 Operation of AD facility: Transportation of digestate

Provision of diesel: 0.4 to 1.5 CH4 fugitive loss: 0 CO2-fossil from provision and combustion
CO2-fossil from diesel combustion: of diesel: 0.4 to 0.6 (GWP: 1)
2.7 to 8.1
Land application of digestate:
Combustion of biogas: CO2-fossil from provision and combustion
CO2-biogenic: 0 (GWP = 0) of diesel: 1.5 (GWP: 1)
CH4-unburned: 1.8 (GWP = 25) CO2-biogenic from digestate: 0 (GWP = 0)
N2O: 0.3 (GWP = 298) N2O from digestate: 33 to 60 (GWP: 298)
C bound in soil: –51 to –7 (GWP = –1)
substituted fertilizer: –36 to –26

Energy recovery from biogas:

substituted electricity: –52.5
Accounted (unit tonne–1 ww): Accounted (unit tonne–1 ww): Accounted (unit tonne–1 ww):

Provision of electricity: 15 to 22 kWh Operation of AD facility: Transportation of digestate

Provision of diesel: 1 to 3 L CH4 fugitive loss: 0 Use of diesel: 0.14 to 0.18
Use of diesel : 1 to 3 L
Use of electricity 15 to 22 kWh Land application of digestate:
Use of diesel: 0.5 L
Combustion of biogas: CO2-biogenic from digestate: 158 to
CO2-biogenic: 187 348 kg
CH4 unburned: 0.7 kg N2O from digestate: 110 to 200 g
N2O: 1 g C bound in soil: 2 to 15.8 kg
Substituted fertilizer:
N: 2.2 to 3.1 kg, P: 0.075 to 0.15 kg, K:
0.2 to 0.325 kg

Energy recovery from biogas:

Substituted electricity: 150 kWh
Not accounted: Not accounted: Not accounted:
Transportation of waste to AD facility Construction of AD facility Transportation and treatment of reject
Provision of materials for construction of facility Emissions from stored waste and Treatment of waste water
Provision of lubricants, detergents etc. digestate
Provision of heat for offices etc.

sions of N2O from the digestate, could turn anaerobic diges- European AD facilities (Anon. 2004). From this data, sup-
tion into a net GWF load. This is partly in contrast to Smith plemented with data from Table 2, we have estimated the
et al. (2001) that estimated GWFs from anaerobic diges- GWF of a dry, thermophilic, single-stage anaerobic digester
tion of MSW in Europe. They included carbon sequestra- treating a mixture of municipal biowaste and garden waste.
tion, but not losses of methane and N2O-emissions and The facility treats 40 000 tonne of waste per year and pro-
depending on the energy mix the GWFs were in the range duces digestate used for agricultural applications. Methane
–246 to –51 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww treated. Fisher (2006) production is 60 Nm3 tonne–1 ww received at the facility. The
supplies GWFs for anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste in biogas is combusted at the AD facility in a CHP gas engine
the UK. They divide the emissions geographically into and the generated electricity is exported to the grid; heat is
6.9 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww in the UK and savings of 2.3 kg not exported, but used internally. Finally, we assume that the
CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww taking place outside the UK; in total a energy from biogas utilization substitutes an electricity mix that
GWF of 4.6 kg CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww. This value falls in the is representative of the country where the AD facility is situ-
range calculated in the present paper, but may represent ated, in this case Germany (see Table 1). The total GWF from
only a number of possible outcomes of an estimation of this type of facility is in the range –95 to –4 CO2-eq. tonne–1 ww
GWF from anaerobic digestion of organic waste. received at the AD facility. The ranges of uncertainty of vari-
Table 3 shows GHG accounting and GWF of anaerobic ous parameters especially carbon sequestration highly influ-
digestion based on publicly available data of a survey of ence the results and demonstrate that even using facility-spe-

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Anaerobic digestion and digestate use: accounting of GHG and GW contribution

cific data it may not be possible to determine whether the tution by biogas or substitution of natural gas in vehicles,
total environmental impact per tonne of wet waste, i.e. the N2O-emission from digestate in soil, fugitive emission of
aggregated global warming factor, from an AD facility con- methane at the AD facility, unburned methane during com-
stitutes a saving or is almost CO2 neutral. bustion, carbon bound in soil and fertilizer substitution.
The ranges of GWF from the different technologies in
Conclusion question are so extensive that knowledge of the specific facil-
GHG accounting and calculation of GWF for anaerobic ity is a precondition for estimating the GWF, but even in this
digestion in this paper have demonstrated that irrespective case it may not be possible to determine the GWF of the
of the employed technology, as long as the produced biogas facility with sufficient certainty. We suggest that GWF for
is utilized for energy substitution, the indirect downstream anaerobic digestion should be carried out according to the
emissions are the most important factor. Direct emissions at scheme laid out in this paper, i.e., by collecting data at least
the AD facility and indirect upstream emissions play less of the above-mentioned key parameters for direct as well as
important roles. Furthermore, we have identified a number indirect emissions. In this way, comparable and consistent
of key parameters influencing GWF from anaerobic diges- GHG accounting and calculation of the GWF for anaerobic
tion in the form of savings or loads. These are: energy substi- digestion and the use of digestate can be ensured.

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