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NAME: Arceo, Sunshine C.




Inventor When and Description of the Picture of the invention Purpose and how it works
Where invention

According to, the improvised incubator

was made up of two native laundry baskets of different
sizes placed one inside the other. Hot water bottles
It was It is used to grow and
were placed all around between them to provide
introduced in maintain microbiological
Fe Del Mundo warmth. There was also a makeshift hood over the
1941. creatures or cell Medical Incubator overlapping baskets to allow oxygen to circulate within.
creatures. I is also an
It was created to address the needs of rural areas with
apparatus which is made
no electricity that is needed to regulate newborn babies’
of bamboo.
body temperature.
According to the The SALAMANDER is a It can transform from traveling on land to traveling in
website that I tricycle reimagined. This water in a matter of seconds which would allow it to
searched he amphibious tricycle can serve as a rescue in the event of flooding.
introduced his sit six people on land
invention in his and four on water. Its
place which is powered by a 5KW
Manila in 2015. electric engine or a
250cc gasoline motor.

Atoy Llave SALAMANDER Amphibious tricycle

She introduced The IBus system According to the inventors the IBus is a traffic invention
the Salamander features machine system that allows buses to.
amphibious readable tags (Installed
tricycle in 2011 in each bus) to digitally 1. Load and unload in their designated areas.
and won an identify a vehicle based 2. Use real time location system to track buses
award in the 11th on these tags the time of departure and arrival
British invention system groups the 3. Lessen bus stoppage duration.
award in buses and assigns them 4. Customized the bus doors to open and close
London. particular bus stops to only in their allocated designation.
use. 5. Trace and monitor buses via machine readable
IBus tags.

Elma Alborelas
For many years there has been an interest in
transmitting two way video signals over telephone
circuits in order to facilitate communication between
He introduced or It is a device that two parties. Two way video communication systems
invented simultaneously transmits employ a videophone at each end. The video phone
videophone in and receives both audio and incorporates a personal camera and display, a
1955. video signals over telephone microphone and speaker and a data-convension
lines. device. It was introduced in order to make the
communication much easier.


Gregorio Y. Zara

Fluorescent lamps work by Fluorescent lamps also do not produce as much

ionizing mercury vapor in a heat as traditional lighting options. They make about
The florescent glass tube. This causes 75% less heat compared to an
light was electrons in the gas to emit incandescent bulb because
invented during photons at UV frequencies. they are not using resistance to emit light. That also
1901. The UV light is converted results in an energy savings, and also helps to keep
into standard visible light whatever room they are in at a cooler temperature.
using a phosphor coating on
the inside of the tube.
Agapito Flores Florescent Light
It was It was an innovative ink
introduced in at that time and was
1931. further developed to It is used for dip pens and fountain pens, it is also a
work with Parker Pens. beautiful medium to use for illustration and painting. It is a
Aside from being quick non-waterproof ink and as a result can be used in many
drying, it was also water- interesting ways that are different to how
resistant, did not clog waterproof ink can be used.
the pen opening, does
not blot and will not fade.
It is considered as one if
Francisco Quisumbing
the bestselling ink for
fountain pens. Quick Ink

It was Erythromycin belongs to It is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It

discovered the class of medicines may also to prevent certain bacterial infections. It works by
during 1949 known as macrolide stopping the growth of bacteria.
using soil in his antibiotics.
hometown which
is Ilocos.

Abelardo Aguilar Erythromycin

Water gas is a combustion fuel It would be beneficial to drivers who
containing carbon monoxide (CO) particularly operate Jeepneys and
He discovered water and hydrogen gas (H2). Water gas is tricycles, since hydrogen fuel has around
gas at his hometown “three times the power as standard
made by passing steam over
which is Rizal in petrol or diesel.”What’s more, it’s cleaner
heated hydrocarbons. The reaction and more powerful compared to diesel or
2016. between steam and hydrocarbons gasoline. And since it fully ignites
produces synthesis gas. The water- standard fuel going inside the engine, it
gas shift reaction can be used to has better improved power that needs
reduce carbon dioxide levels and less fuel to produce the same speed as a
enrich hydrogen content, making standard gasoline or diesel engine.It also
produces a lot of steam, which will cool
water gas.
the engine and get rid of old carbon
Noli Dazo deposits inside.
Water Gasoline

He developed HTPS It is a fuel-saving emission cleaning HTPS works just like a power booster
with his patent gadget for vehicles. It is a small that allows a car to run faster without
partner device installed in a vehicle to boost adding more fuel. It “converts
encouragement. In its fuel consumption. atmospheric air into ozone and
addition he hydrogen/nitrous oxide before it enters
developed the it in the engine to enhance fuel burning
his hometown which efficiency.” The result: less fuel
is Nueva Ecija And consumption.
later he finally
introduced it in the De Jesus added that GPS isn’t needed to
market in 2010. trace a car, since the owner also has the
Junior de jesus Highmax Turbo Power added option of installing a video camera.
A conventional electric vehicle can A long distance vehicle is
travel 200 miles until it has to stop for provided with an onboard energy
After working in his four hours to recharge its exhausted converter and an onboard
invention he later onboard battery. The electric vehicle energy recycler that will store
introduced it in the companies are spending millions of large quantities of electric
market in the year dollars to increase the travel range of current Into an onboard battery
2013. the onboard battery without much during transit thereby enabling
success. Careful analysis reveals that said electric vehicle to travel
large quantities of electric current from 1,000 miles without exhausting
the onboard battery are consumed of the electrical charge of said on
during long distance trips and large board battery.
quantities of electric current are
dissipated by the wheels to the ground
in the form of friction heat.
Dr. Leonardo Gasendo
Long Distance Electric Vehicle

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