French 6th Grade Syllabus

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Northwestern Middle School

Subject: 6th grade French Syllabus 2019-2020

1.Teacher: Sally Cook

2. Auxiliary Textbook(s): French Is Fun
a. Communication – students will engage in conversations, understand and interpret
spoken and written language, and present information on a variety of topics.
b. Culture – Students will learn about target culture products, practices and
c. Connections – Students will connect aspects of their target language learning with
information acquired in other subject areas such as math, science, social studies,
English and the arts.
d. Comparisons – Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of
language and culture, making comparisons between those of the target language
and their own.
e. Communities – Students will find and engage in the target language outside of the
school environment and show evidence of building a life-long skill for their own
personal enjoyment and enrichment.

4. Fulton County Schools World Language Goal: The goal of Fulton County Schools World Languages is
to guide students in their mastery of the FCS World Languages Prioritized Standards [adopted from the
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) national performance standards] by
providing proficiency-based instruction that is personalized to student needs. Specific proficiency targets
for middle school fall in the Novice and Intermediate-Low levels of the ACTFL Proficiency Scale.
Students work towards the year-end goal of reaching novice mid listening, reading, writing and speaking
levels. (students can communicate using common words and phrases to provide basic information about
themselves and selected topics).

5.Course Description: The course is designed to teach elements of the French language and
culture. Through short dialogues using everyday vocabulary, students will begin to speak, read,
write, and understand conversational French. Students will be engaged in a variety of activities
to foster a better understanding of the language and the culture. Students will be accustomed to
the instruction in the French language. As students continue in their course of study in the
language their level of proficiency increases.
Course Outline
First Semester Second Semester

Greetings, school supplies and class objects Nationalities

Family and descriptions Around town

Calendar Food and drink

ACTFL (American Council Teaching of Foreign Languages) developed “can do” statements that indicate
growing language proficiency. Students work towards the year-end goal of reaching novice mid listening,
reading, writing, and speaking levels. (Students can communicate using common words and phrases to
provide basic information about themselves and selected topics.)

Novice Low Novice Mid Novice High Intermediate Low Intermediate Mid
6. Parent Communication:
Email is the most efficient way to contact teacher.
Conferences may be scheduled based on each student’s needs.
Interim Report Cards come home every 4 ½ weeks.
Please check Infinite Campus frequently for your child’s progress.


Please ensure you are also registered for the Infinite Campus so you can view your child’s grades. Teachers will
post grades within 2 weeks of test dates or project/assignment due dates.

7. Grading First Semester:

Category Grade weights

Summative 50%

Final 15%

Formative 30%

Homework 5%

Assessments: Students are evaluated in a variety of ways including unit tests and quizzes (both teacher-made and
commercially produced). District-wide Final Common Assessments are administered at the end of the school year to
assess overall student performance.
Projects: Will be assigned at teacher’s discretion; announced in class and posted on each teacher’s website.
Classwork: Students will be given daily classwork and are expected to complete all classwork assignments. At the
discretion of the teacher, some classwork may be assigned for homework. All graded assignments must be handed in
prior to the lesson summative assessment for full grade earned. Classwork completed after the summative assessment
for that lesson will be accepted for a grade of 50%.
Homework: Students should be reviewing material covered in class every evening, in addition some homework may
be assigned to reinforce vocabulary and/or grammar. Work sent home for completion must be handed in on the date
specified by teacher. Late work will be accepted for: 1 day late 80%, 2 days late 70%, 3 days or more 50%.
Fulton County Grading Scale:
A: 100-90
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
F: 69 and below

8.Recovery Policy:
Students that wish to participate in the recovery process should engage in a remediation activity in order to recover an
eligible assessment or major assignment*. If a student scores 79% or less on a summative assessment, they are
eligible to request recovery. After a student requests recovery and engages in the remediation activity, he or she
may earn up to 80% on the recovery assessment. If the recovery grade earned is higher than the initial grade, it will
replace the initial grade in the gradebook, but will not exceed 80%. Furthermore, all recovery opportunities expire ten
days before the end of each semester for semester and year-long classes.
9.Rising 7th Grade Requirements:
French 7 - Students earning a passing average and who pass the Fulton County WL Final Assessment in May will be
placed in this class

Help Sessions: By appointment

10. Study Guide Policy:

Students at Northwestern Middle School will be provided a study guide to use when studying for their assessments.
This study guide will include key vocabulary and essential questions to be answered. This guide will be given at least
a week prior to the test and answers will be provided in class and/or online.

11. Absence Make-Up Procedures (FCBOE Policy JBD):

Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teachers to request
make-up work. Make-up work must be completed by the student within the time specified by the teacher. At NMS,
students will be given the same amount of time to make up the work as the student was absent unless other
arrangements are mutually agreed upon. The student will receive the actual grade on the make-up work if the
absence was “excused.”

16. Academic Dishonesty:

Fulton County Board of Education has always expected its students to practice academic honesty.
Adopted March 1998, the Student Academic Integrity policy states: The Board of Education regards academic
honesty as a cornerstone of its educational mission. Cheating will not be tolerated in this school system.
In a World Language classroom, the use of a translator of any kind or asking a peer who may be fluent in the target
language for any help is considered “cheating” and will be considered as such. Additional examples of cheating
include, but are not limited to; copying or “borrowing” from other sources and submitting it as one’s own work; seeking
or giving unauthorized assistance on tests or assignments; altering or forging grades, grade books, progress reports,
report cards, or academic records and using substantially identical work in more than one course without the
instructor’s prior approval. Any plagiarism or other violation of Northwestern’s Academic Honesty Policy will be
documented and result in a grade of zero.

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