Pba Rubric Adv

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PBA Rubric


demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates suggests lack of demonstrates lack merit
excellence command competence competence of competence a1

Score 5 4 3 2 1 0

Task Completion Fully addresses and Appropriately Addresses and Partially addresses Does not
and Topic completes the task addresses and completes most of the and completes the complete the task.
Development with enriched and completes most of task; most details are task.
relevant detail. the task with relevant relevant. Mostly irrelevant.
detail. Not entirely relevant.
Very well organized. Organized. Disorganized.
Well-organized. Inadequate
Exceeds with ease Meets the approximate organization. Response is much
the expected length Meets the expected length requirements but shorter than the
requirements. length requirements response may be Response is expected length
with ease. forced. somewhat shorter and/or contains
than the expected almost no
length and/or contains substance.
little substance.

Vocabulary and Uses more Uses variety of Uses variety of Uses some irrelevant Uses some
Cultural specialized relevant vocabulary, relevant vocabulary, vocabulary, repetitive. irrelevant
References vocabulary and no repetition. may include some vocabulary,
culturally authentic repetition. Somewhat dependent repetitive.
idiomatic Generally accurate on native language.
expressions. social and/or cultural Generally accurate Highly dependent
references included. social and/or cultural Inaccurate social on native
Accurate social references included. and/or cultural language.
and/or cultural references may be
references included. included. Inaccurate social
and/or cultural

Language Use Creative use of Use of complex Control of simple Limited control of Frequent errors in
language. structures (i.e. those structures with few simple structures use of structures.
structures currently errors; may use with errors.
Control of complex being evaluated); complex structures with
structures (i.e. those may contain more little or no control (i.e.
structures currently than a few errors. those structures
being evaluated); currently being
very few errors with evaluated).
no patterns.

Comprehensibility High level of Very good fluency. Good fluency with Labored expression; Little to no
fluency. occasional hesitance; minimal fluency. fluency.
Conveys intended some self-correction.
Conveys intended meaning with Intended meaning is Intended meaning
meaning with minimal Conveys intended sometimes lost is often lost
minimal interpretation by meaning with some despite some despite some
interpretation by sympathetic interpretation by interpretation by interpretation by
non-sympathetic listener/reader. sympathetic sympathetic sympathetic
listener/reader. listener/reader. listener/reader. listener/reader.

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