Building Rapport - : Process & Principle An Article by Ken Buist 1
Building Rapport - : Process & Principle An Article by Ken Buist 1
Building Rapport - : Process & Principle An Article by Ken Buist 1
Getting to rapport is a stage process described in the The Rapport Pyramid™ below. All of us will be
at different stages with the different people in our personal and professional lives.
There are common stages and often a specific sequence of communication that people go through in
order to get to that ‘place of rapport’. For some it is intuitive, and they may or may not go through all
of the stages to arrive at rapport. For others it is hard work, and they may have difficulty going
beyond polite conversation.
Stage # 1 – Polite conversation & cliché…
Something the English are very good at, the main topic being the weather. It sometimes doesn’t even
involve eye contact or listening, often expressed via the mouth without troubling the brain. Topics are
‘safe’ and often concluded with a cliché e.g. ‘all's well that ends well!’ Rapport at this stage is far off.
Stage # 2 – Facts & Information…
This usually employs some degree of listening and thought
process but tends to involve ‘reporting’ facts & information
rather than ‘communicating’. These facts can be delivered
quite dispassionately, often via a series of statements with
little need to involve personal conviction. Rapport is still far
off, however we are beginning to reveal the building blocks
of what may be important to us.
Stage # 3 – Ideas & Opinions…
Now we are definitely engaging our brain, we are ‘surfing
our mind’ and then transmitting what we think may be
appropriate to the issue in hand. We are now revealing
where we are coming from by submitting our opinions and interpretations, (positive or negative),
agreement or disagreement. Dependent upon the manner in which we deliver this we may well have
opened the door for rapport to come right in.
Stage # 4 – Feelings & Emotions…
Now we are involving our ‘soul’ which is our ‘Thinker’, ‘Chooser’ & ‘Feeler’. By expressing how we
feel and displaying our emotions via the words we use, our tone of voice, our body language and pace,
we are signaling: “this is how I really feel; these are the choices I have made and conclusions I have
come to. I am hearing and responding to what you say (although my perception may be something
different and I may be reacting rather then responding).” If this matches the depth of your conviction
we are connecting at a deeper level then the door is even wider open for rapport to occur.
Stage # 5 – Authenticity & Congruence…
I am now prepared to accept and be myself, not who I think everyone else thinks I should be. I am
comfortable and at peace through being myself. I am displaying honesty and sincerity because I am
displaying The Authentic Self™.
The Rapport Builder™ is a unique on-line solution which will instantly equip you to
rapidly build both professional & personal rapport. After answering 12 questions
on line about yourself and 12 questions about the person you wish to influence or
connect with, you will receive a detailed profile of that person, based on your
The profile will contain powerful information comparing you both and describing
how you should adapt your behaviour in order to improve communication, as well
as enhance relationships and develop connection strategies which will rapidly build rapport and
significantly reduce the potential for conflict. Profiles are completed on-line and instantly available,
when armed with this information you will be amazed how influential you become by simple
behavioural adaptability.
You can try The Rapport Builder™ free of charge at:
“The Rapport Builder™ is a fascinating communication tool; I'm finding it extremely useful!”
Katie Melleresh
Editor - Oxford University Press
Written by Ken Buist who is an author, speaker and the founder of The Trusted
Adviser™ - Leaders In Personal Transformation. He and his specialist team work
globally and in the UK with clients such as: HVS International, DHL, LogicaCMG,
AIG, Reuters, Dow, Topshop Topman. The team are dedicated to transforming
individuals and teams into both internal and external Trusted Advisers. He is also a
published author on topics such as, Emotional Maturity, Behavioural
Transformation, Personal Gifting, Character Development and his latest book
‘Trust Me’.
You can download several of Ken’s recent articles, eBooks or White Papers from the Trusted Adviser
or other websites listed below, – they include:
We have a number of unique solutions which enable and equip individuals to ‘be better’, as well as to
‘do better’. If you would like to experience some of these solutions free of charge you can do so by
emailing the author at