Norms Not Available For Certain Skus, For Which Norms Are Required Norms Not Required For Skus, For Which Norms Available
Norms Not Available For Certain Skus, For Which Norms Are Required Norms Not Required For Skus, For Which Norms Available
Norms Not Available For Certain Skus, For Which Norms Are Required Norms Not Required For Skus, For Which Norms Available
Background: CEAT ltd is one of the largest manufacturers and distributor of tyres across various
categories such as truck tyres, light commercial vehicles, car tyres, motorcycle and scooter tyres
and speciality tyres, which includes farm tyres both front and rear tyres. Each category has many
SKUs to serve the changing demand of the current market. The distribution chain of CEAT ltd
looks after establishing DCs along with CFAs to reach to final customers through deals, although it
has its own established OEM market separated from the after sales market. The after sales
demand varies based on many variables that include macroeconomic as well as microeconomic
factors. The problem in hand is about the after sales market where CEAT ltd is not able to fulfil its
final customers’ demand through its CFA. The problem is not restricted to any one CFA, yet to
make the solution simpler, we have decided to restrict our studies to Nagpur CFA, where
representative from CEAT ltd is finding an issue with the CFA space. There are many vehicle
manufacturing companies and each company uses different tyre specifications for their
vehicle. CEAT ltd needs to cope up with this uncertainty and has to produce those many
number of SKUs to win the customers and be competitive amongst the competitors.
Space and demand unfulfillment problem at a particular CFA is happening due to two
major aspects. First, demand for more than 200 SKUs is uncertain and forecasting
demand for particular SKU becomes difficult. Due to large variation in forecasted demand
and actual sales, certain SKUs remain in the CFA for more than the predicted period and
that leads to inappropriate space management. If demand for SKU A, for example,
increases over SKU B, then norms cannot be changed for SKU A as the space is already
occupied by SKU B until sales happen for SKU B. Second, farm tyres are not considered
while forecasting demand for categories. Farm tyres are placed in the CFA based on
intuition, which leads to high degree of uncertainty in sales of these tyre, which further
enhances the space issue in CFA. Farm rear tyres are four-five times bigger than the
regular car tyres and if sales do not happen as per the intuition, these tyres take a lot of
space in the CFA.
Project Objective: CFA Stock Norm Analysis: Study of current norms at category level and
identifying possibility of improvement. Project needs us to find the existing inventory
norms are sufficient from space point of view. The existing norms are defined based on
demand forecast by CEAT ltd. As the demand fluctuation is high in after sales market, the
demand forecast changes every month, which in turn changes the inventory norms.
Work on Nagpur CFA can be replicated to check the need of space enhancement in the
respective CFA.
2) Conceptual Framework:
3) Methodology
Problem statement was divided into two parts. Part one, checking whether the existing stock norms
are adequate for the CFA or not. Part two, Defining norms for farm tyres.
Part one involved visit to Nagpur CFA to cross verify the inventory norms and the actual stock. Based
on the norms vs actual stock details, space requirements were calculated for the CFA. It was equally
important to check whether the given norms are matching with my own calculations. For this purpose,
ABC-FSN analysis of the inventory was carried out which allowed me to select A-F SKU in two
different categories. SKU 100014 and 100226 were selected for norm calculations. SKU sales vs
customer analysis for these fast-moving SKUs was done to find out the final customer demand, which
led to important recommendation to reduce inventory.
Part two
53002991 50005930
35% 5%
51000058 2%
10% 50008722
50017513 50016408
3% 1%
50004374 50004424
May Customers 4% 1%
51000260 50005930
5% 15%
50019919 50005933
6% 2%
50016408 50017513 50008722
1% 2% 9%
April Customers 2%
8% 50004424
53002991 2%
31% 50005381
51000260 2%
1% 50005930
50019380 50008722
9% 12%
5) References
a. Operations and Supply chain management by Richard chase, Ravi Shankar and F.
Robert Jacobs.
6) Declaration
I hereby declare that the data presented above is solely my own work and does not involve any