Narrative Report On School In-Service Training
Narrative Report On School In-Service Training
Narrative Report On School In-Service Training
Balele National High School hold its first session In- Service Training last October 28,2016 9:00 in the morning. It
was attended by the faculty members of Balele National High School, the Junior High School teachers and Senior High
School teachers. The learning resource provider, Joel H. Villegas presided the said training. The following were the
highlights of the training:
This INSET marks the start of the self-fulfilling challenges on how to create output that can be used to develop and
enhance the way on how technology can be integrated in the ecosphere of teaching. This also teaches one on how to be
more creative, “techy” and to be enthusiastic on lay-outing and using of online classroom just to aid teaching and impart
knowledge on the students while showing them the real representation of the concept they get from different instructions.
This seminar work-shop aims to provide and assist the faculty with the following:
One of the fundamental skills that a teacher should possess is the knowledge and the ability to use different tools,
software and online application in order to be productive in the teaching-learning process. Using this software and
applications will lessen the burdens in making of such a good, interactive and attractive instructional materials.
Because of this training the teachers are now equipped with knowledge of using Adobe Photoshop and have been
familiarized with the usage of EDMODO and creating a tarpaulin/tarpapel for their classes. They are now
knowledgeable and creative in using online classroom and lay-outing that will be useful on their respective classes.
The learning resource provider, Joel H. Villegas as he discussed the Adobe Photoshop, its parts and functions and
how it works.
The Balele National High School teaching force who are actively listening to the discussion of Adobe Photoshop.
The teacher who are doing their task to make something creative on Adobe Photoshop to be presented afterwards.
The speaker showing all the outputs of the teachers. The speaker showing how EDMODO works.
The BNHS school head, Julius Rhyan M. Quine Awarding of certificate of participation to one of the
giving the certificate of appreciation to the learning JHS teachers of Balele National High School.
resource provider.
This training aims to classify the teachers capability on using the technology. The two classifications are as
DIGITAL NATIVES and DIGITAL IMMIGRANTS are terms used to describe where people fall on the technology
timeline based on when they were born, before or after 1980. The term has nothing to do with how tech literate people are,
just when they were born.
The Digital Natives are defined as those born after 1980 following the introduction of digital technology. In other
words, they are "born into it." In many parts of the world, Digital Natives are surrounded by technology, often from their early
childhood, and their daily activities include learning and using digital technology. Digital Natives are savvy to smartphones,
iPads, xBox, Facebook and other technology. Whether or not they embrace it, they can't remember a time when technology
as it is today did not exist.
While the Digital Immigrants are those born prior to 1980. According to the definition by Mark Prensky, these are
the people who grew up reading newspapers, playing board games and cards, know what a record is, and watched the
news and weather on television. A large portion of Digital Immigrants still do so and are quite content with their lives, often
mixing "older" ways of doing things with newer digital technologies. It's just that Digital Immigrants didn't grow up in with
today's "always-on" technology.
The learning resource provider differentiate the two classifications above by elaborating some facts and giving
scenarios that is relevant to the topic.
The learning resource provided, Julius Rhyan M. Quine, explaining the difference between digital natives and digital
Balele National High School teaching force (JHS, SHS) who are actively listening to the learning resource provider.
The teachers who are actively doing the activity given by the speaker.
Awarding of certificate of participation to the teachers of JHS and SHS of Balele National High School for
participating on the said training.