Automated Recognition of 3D Cad Objects in Site Laser Scans For Project 3D Status Visualization and Performance Control
Automated Recognition of 3D Cad Objects in Site Laser Scans For Project 3D Status Visualization and Performance Control
Automated Recognition of 3D Cad Objects in Site Laser Scans For Project 3D Status Visualization and Performance Control
This paper presents a new approach that allows automated recognition of three-dimensional
(3D) Computer-Aided Design (CAD) objects from 3D site laser scans. This approach pro-
vides a robust and efficient means to recognize objects in a scene by integrating planning
technologies, such as multi-dimensional CAD modeling, and field technologies, such as 3D
laser scanning. Using such an approach, it would be possible to visualize the 3D status
of a project and automate some tasks related to project control. These tasks include: 3D
progress tracking, productivity tracking, and construction dimensional quality assessment
and quality control (QA/QC). This paper provides an overview of the developed approach,
and demonstrates its performance in object recognition and project 3D status visualization,
with data collected from a construction job site.
In the last decades, the exponential increase in computational capacities has allowed
laser scanning (also referred to as LADAR and LIDAR scanning) on the field side. The most
recent and a promising technology is 3D laser scanning. It is already used in several appli-
cations, but the authors show below that it has a major limitation that limits the industry
practitioners’ abilities to fully take advantage of it.
Indeed, many project performance control tasks require 3D as-designed and as-built in-
formation organized at the object level (e.g beam, column, floor, wall and pipe). These
tasks include: (1) construction progress tracking, (2) productivity tracking, (3) construction
quality assessment and quality control (QA/QC), and (4) life-cycle 3D health monitoring.
On one side, multi-dimensional CAD software, and more recently building, infrastructure
and industrial facility information models (e.g. BIM, BrIM, ISO 15296) are being developed
for project and facility life-cycle management. They are typically built upon a project’s 3D
model, which is a 3D representation of the as-designed project dimensional specifications,
and which organizes 3D as-designed information at the object level. On the other side,
laser scans capture comprehensive and detailed 3D as-built information. It, thus, provides
an opportunity to correspond 3D as-built and as-designed spatial models of a project and
support the project performance control tasks stated above. However, it is currently too
complex to organize (or segment) laser scanned data at the object level. Approaches, which
are currently available in point cloud processing software, can be considered as computer-
aided manual data segmentation tools. More generally, limited progress has been made in
the robust automated recognition of 3D CAD objects from range data, in particular in the
AEC&FM context. The work presented herein makes this automated object recognition
A first version of the approach presented here has been published in (Bosche and Haas
Aggarwal 1990; Reid and Brady 1992; Johnson and Hebert 1999). One characteristic of
these approaches, which were mainly developed for robotics applications, is that the pose of
the objects in the scanned data is assumed to be unknown a priori. While this constraint
reflects the most general situation for developing very robust approaches, in the context of
the search model objects in the scanned data can be assumed known a priori.
While the approaches referenced above could still be applied, they would remain limited,
particularly because they are generally not robust with cluttered scenes with high levels of
occlusion, such as construction site scanned scenes. This is particularly due to the fact that
The approach proposed here searches the entire 3D CAD model of a project at once
in order to recognize each of its 3D objects, so that occlusions of model objects due to
other model objects are taken into account. It consists of a series of five consecutive steps:
(1) Convert the 3D CAD model into STL format; (2) Register the 3D model in the scan’s
spherical coordinate frame; (3) Calculate the as-planned scan; (4) Recognize the as-planned
In order to use the 3D information contained in the 3D CAD model, full access to the
model description is required. However, 3D CAD models are generally stored in protected
proprietary 3D CAD engine formats (e.g. DXF, DWG, DGN, etc.). The authors have thus
chosen to convert the 3D CAD models into the open-source STereoLithography (STL) format,
which approximates the surface of 3D objects with tessellations of triangular facets. There
are two main reasons why this format was chosen: (1) Conversion of 3D CAD models
into STL format is faithful because any surface can be accurately approximated with a
tessellation of triangular facets. Flat surfaces are exactly represented, but curved surfaces
are approximated using a user-defined tolerance, the maximum chord height that is typically
set to very low values to ensure faithful conversion (3D Systems Inc. 1989); and (2) This
Scan-model registration information, that can be obtained in practice using facility tie
points (also referred to as benchmarks), is used to reference the STL-formatted project 3D
For each original scanned range point, referred here to as as-built range point, a cor-
responding as-planned range point is calculated. It is first assigned the same pan and tilt
angles as the ones of the as-built range point. Then, its range is calculated by performing the
virtual single point scan defined by this direction and the 3D model as the virtually scanned
world. The closest intersection point of this scanning direction with an object STL facet
is the as-planned range point and thus defines its range. The as-planned point is addition-
ally assigned, as an IDobject feature, the name or ID of the object to which the intersected
facet belongs. Once the as-planned points corresponding to all the as-built points have been
calculated, they can be sorted by their IDobject feature, so that each object is assigned an
as-planned range point cloud.
Since the number of scanned range points and the number of objects (and consequently
facets) in a 3D model can be very large, some means to reduce the complexity of the calcula-
tion of the as-planned range point cloud must be identified. It is observed that the problem of
calculating each as-planned range point is similar to a problem faced in first-person shooter
video games (e.g. “Doom” by Id Software). In such games, the surfaces of 3D objects con-
stituting the environments (including the characters) are approximated with tessellations of
triangles, and, at the moment when the player “shoots”, it must be identified which object
is hit by the ray defined by the shot direction. A typical approach used to solve this video
game problem is to pre-calculate the minimum bounding sphere of each object’s facet, and
similarly of each object. These spheres present three advantages: (1) Their referencing with
respect to a given referencing frame (in the case of the video game, the coordinate frame of
the user who is moving in the environment) is very simple since only the center point needs
to be referenced; (2) If a ray does not intersect the sphere, it cannot possibly intersect the
here aims at finding the closest intersection point for a potentially very large number of
scanning directions. As a result, a different pruning technique was developed. This technique
works as follows: (1) The bounding pan and tilt angles of each object’s facet (and object)
are calculated in the scan’s spherical coordinate frame; and (2) For each as-planned point
scanning direction, its intersection is only calculated with the facets, whose bounding pan
and tilt angles surround it. It is demonstrated, in Section Computational Performance, that
this technique performs here better than the sphere-based one.
For each object, each as-planned point can be matched to its corresponding as-built
point. This requires a point recognition metric. Since they share the same pan and tilt
angles, only their ranges need to be compared. The chosen point recognition metric is thus
the comparison of the difference between the as-built and as-planned point ranges, Δρ, with
a pre-defined maximum threshold, Δρmax . If |Δρ| is smaller than or equal to Δρmax , then
the point is recognized. The problem is then to effectively and automatically estimate a
value of Δρmax leading to good recognition results. It is suggested to calculate Δρmax as a
function of the mean registration error, Reg , and a bounding value of the maximum expected
By taking into account both the error resulting from the construction process and the error
resulting from the registration, Δρmax values, which are estimated with this formula, enable
robust point recognition results. A value of Const must, however, be defined a priori. The
authors have chosen a value of 50 mm, which they think is an acceptable bounding value
of typical construction errors. The performance of this automated estimation of Δρmax is
demonstrated in Section Performance Analysis. Here, it is necessary to highlight that this
automated estimation of Δρmax is an improvement from the approach presented in (Bosche
and Haas 2008) that used a manual estimation.
For each object, once all of its as-planned cloud points have been matched to their
corresponding as-built points, it is possible to infer whether the object is recognized or not.
This requires an object recognition metric. A basic metric might consider the number of
recognized points. However, such a metric, which was originally proposed in (Bosche and
Haas 2008), is not robust with different angular resolutions of scans and scanner-object
Another metric, based on the object’s recognized surface, is preferred. For each object, its
recognized surface, SurfR, is calculated as the weighted sum of its recognized points, where
each point’s weight is its covered surface. The covered surface of a point is roughly defined as
the area delimited by the equidistant boundaries between it and its immediate neighboring
points. It is calculated as a function of the scan’s angular resolution, the as-planned point
range and the as-planned point reflection angle — the angle between the point scanning
direction and the normal to the surface from which it is obtained. The object’s recognized
facet is thus essentially invariant with these scan and point parameters.
metric to remain invariant with this factor, Surfmin must also be automatically adjusted
with it. It is suggested that Surfmin be calculated as a function of the maximum range
between the scanner and the 3D model (Model.ρmax ), the scan’s angular resolution (Resϕ
and Resθ ), and a pre-defined minimum number of points (n), using the following formula:
In Equation 2, n can be interpreted as the minimum number of points that must be rec-
ognized so that, at the range Model.ρmax , their total covered surface is larger than Surfmin .
Since all the objects in the model are located at ranges inferior or equal to Model.ρmax , this
ensures that, for each of them, at least n of its as-planned points will have to be recognized
so that its recognized surface, SurfR , is larger than Surfmin . The value of n must however
be defined a priori. The authors have chosen for their experiments a value of n = 5 points.
It is expected that this value be: (1) high enough to avoid Type I recognition errors that
may result from the recognition of too few range points (n < 5) and (2) low enough to avoid
Type II recognition errors that may result from the recognition of not enough range points
(n > 5). While the choice of a larger value of n could be argued, the performance of this
automated estimation of Surfmin is demonstrated in section Performance Analysis.
Experimental Data
Experiments with real-life data are conducted to investigate the performances of the
proposed approach in terms of: (1) object recognition quality and computational complexity;
and consequently (2) project 3D status visualization. The data used here was obtained from
steel structure. The 3D model contains 612 objects with a total of 19, 478 facets. The
as-built data used in the experiments presented here consists of three scans, acquired with
the TrimbleT M GX 3D laser scanner, that uses time-of-flight technology. Table 1 provides
relevant information about each of the three scans.
In this section, we investigate the object recognition performance of the developed ap-
proach, and more particularly of the automated estimations of the thresholds Δρmax and
Surfmin .
First of all, the problem investigated here is an object recognition problem. The per-
formance of the developed approach can thus be analyzed by using the common object
recognition performance measures that are: the recall rate (or true positive or sensitivity
rate), the specificity rate (or true negative rate), and the precision rate. In the investigated
problem, these are defined as follows:
Recall: The number of properly recognized model objects divided by the total number of
search model objects that are in the investigated scan.
Specificity: The number of properly not recognized model objects divided by the total
number of model objects that are not in the investigated scan.
Precision: The number of properly recognized model objects divided by the total number
of recognized model objects.
It must be noted that the calculations of these performance metrics require the manual
estimation by visual inspection of which model objects are actually present in each scan.
Experimental Results
It has been suggested that the value of Δρmax be automatically estimated using Equation
1. Figure 2 shows the scan mean registration error Reg , the automatically estimated value of
Δρmax (here,Δρmax = 29.6 + 50 = 79.6 mm) and the recognition performances for different
Δρmax values, for Scan 1 (presented in Table 1). In these experiments, Surfmin is set to its
automatically estimated value (here Surfmin = 0.0109 m2 ), which will be shown later in this
section to be an appropriate value.
The results in Figure 2 first show that, overall, the developed approach, with automati-
cally estimated Δρmax and Surfmin thresholds, achieves high recall, specificity and precision
rates. This demonstrates that the overall approach performs well in general.
Then, Figure 2 shows that, for values of Δρmax lower than Reg , the recall rate is very
low, although the precision and specificity rates are very high. But, for values of Δρmax
higher than Reg , the recall rate is very much higher with not significantly lower precision
and specificity rates. Therefore, using Reg as a minimum for Δρmax is appropriate. The
value of Const of 50 mm also appears to be generally adequate. Similar results were obtained
with other scans, and, overall, this automated estimation of Δρmax appears to lead to a good
compromise between high recall rates on one side, and high specificity and precision rates
on the other.
Then, it has been suggested to automatically set Surfmin with Equation 2. Figure 3
shows, for Scan 1 too, the automatically estimated Surfmin value (here Surfmin = 0.0109m2)
and the object recognition performances for different values of Surfmin (note the logarithmic
scale of the x axis). In these experiments, Δρmax is set to its automatically estimated value
(here Δρmax = 79.6 mm), which has already been shown to be appropriate.
The results in Figure 3 show that, for values of Surfmin higher than the automatically
calculated one, the recall rate is very low, although the specificity and precision rates are very
Computational Performance
First of all, note that the conversion of the 3D model into STL format (Step 1) only
needs to be performed once whatever the number and locations of investigated scans. The
complexity of this step is thus not important, so that it is discarded from the rest of this
Then, a set of three experiments is conducted to investigate the impact of the different
approach process steps on the overall computational complexity. These experiments, Ex-
periment 1, Experiment 2 and Experiment 3, are conducted with the three scans, Scan 1,
Scan 2 and Scan 3 respectively, and by considering the search of the entire 3D model. The
computational times obtained for each of them for the steps 2, 3 and 4 and 5 combined
are presented in Table 2. Note that these were obtained by running a VB.NET developed
algorithm on a computer having a 2.41 GHz processor and 2 GB RAM memory.
It first appears in Table 2 that it takes, for instance in Experiment 1, overall only about
three minutes to recognize the as-built point clouds of all the objects constituting the 3D
model of the project (here 612 objects) from the original scan containing 810, 399 points.
Considering the size of the model and scanned data sets, as well as the object recognition
performances presented in the previous section, these computational times can be argued to
be relatively short.
Table 2 also shows that Steps 2 and 3 are the most critical ones in terms of compu-
tational times. Their relative impact must however be further discussed. First of all, the
computational time of Step 2 is strongly correlated with the value of a parameter, Incr.
The parameter Incr is used to approximate each facet’s edge by a series of evenly spaced
of Step 2 being an order of magnitude smaller. This indicates that the value of Incr could be
adjusted to different situations. In fact, Incr could be adjusted automatically for each facet
as a function of the facet’s bounding pan angles, the distance of the facet to the scanner,
and the scan angular resolution. This automated estimation of Incr has however not been
investigated at this point, and the small value of 10 mm is used to ensure a good estimation
of the bounding tilt angles of any facet, despite its negative impact on the computational
time of Step 2.
Besides, it is expected that scanned range point clouds investigated in real life applications
contain far more points than the scans used here. In fact, laser scanners of new generation
already enable the acquisition of scans with angular resolutions down to about 150μrad,
which is four to ten times denser than the scans used here. As a result, it is expected that,
in practice, the computational time of the Step 3 becomes much longer than the one of Step
2. Furthermore, if it is decided to place a laser scanner for long periods or even the entire
duration of a project at a fixed location and conduct many scans from that location, then
the Step 2 only has to be conducted once for all those scans, reducing even more its impact
on the overall computational complexity.
It is then of interest to compare the combined computational times of Steps 2 and 3 for
the proposed method, with those that would be obtained using other pruning techniques,
such as the sphere-based technique that is used in first-person shooter computer games, as
described earlier.
A new experiment, Experiment 3’, is thus conducted with Scan 3 and the developed
object recognition approach, but using a sphere-based pruning technique implemented as
1. The center of the minimum bounding sphere of each STL facet and each STL object is
calculated off-line (prior to conduct scans). The calculation of the bounding spheres
of a set of n 3D points has been a very intensively investigated problem. In the
experiment conducted here, the approach presented in (Ritter 1990) is used for the
calculation of the bounding sphere of each STL object. Note that this approach does
not calculate the exact minimum bounding sphere, but is a computationally efficient
approach to accurately estimate it. The calculation of the minimum bounding sphere
of a STL facet is a special case of the problem solved in (Ritter 1990), and for which
for which the minimum bounding spheres intersect the scanning ray.
while the sphere-based technique is specifically developed for dealing with one ray. While the
proposed method requires more time for Step 2, it has a significantly lower computational
time for Step 3.
Note that, the computational time of Step 2 being far smaller for the sphere-based tech-
nique (and it could actually be reduced even more), this technique remains significantly more
efficient for solving the first-person shooter video game problem where the intersection of
only one ray has to be calculated.
The recognition results obtained for any given scan with the developed approach can be
used to display accurate information about the current 3D status, and consequently the 3D
progress, of the project at the time of the scan, to the user, who is typically the project
management team. For instance, Figure 4 displays the object recognition results obtained
in Experiment 1. In this figure, the scanner is represented at the location from which the
investigated scan was conducted for a proper interpretation of the results. Also, each of the
3D model objects is colored in one of three colors with the following meanings:
Red: The object is expected to be recognized, but is not recognized in the scan. This must,
however, not lead to the conclusion that the object is not built. Several situations
must in fact be distinguished.
The object is in the scan. It is then colored in red because it is built, but at the
wrong location.
The object is not in the scan. This may occur in three different situations:
• The object is occluded by another object that is not part of the 3D model
(e.g. piece of equipment).
Since, an object colored in red may mean different things, it must be interpreted as a
warning, or flag, implying that this particular object requires further analysis. Note
3D model that would better reflect the true state of the project at the time of the
scan. Then, external occlusions (occlusions to non-model objects) can be avoided by
cleaning the scanned site prior to conduct any scan and locating the scanner so that
external occlusions due to objects that cannot be removed are minimized. If these best
practices are implemented, an object colored in red will then indicate either that it
is built at the wrong location, or that construction is behind schedule, the first case
being easily identifiable by investigating the scan manually.
In the example in Figure 4, it can first be seen that most of the 3D model objects (exactly
466 objects) are expected to be recognized in the investigated scan. Out of these, a majority
of them (exactly 280 objects) is actually recognized in the scan. While it can be noted
that the main structural elements are well recognized, 186 elements still are not recognized
(colored in red). But, as mentioned above, these objects may not be recognized for several
reasons. For instance, the 131 objects constituting the small inner structure at the back
of the building, and the six purlins colored in red in the ceiling of the structure, were not
expected to be built at the time of the scan. Therefore, they are not recognized because
the entire project 3D model was searched in the scan, instead of a more realistic 3D model
that would be extracted from the project’s 4D model. Then, the small elements around two
of the door frames in the front long wall are not recognized because they were occluded by
other non-model objects, such as a set of portable toilets.
Next, the three door frames colored in red in the front long side (6 objects) are in the
scan, but not recognized. It was thus concluded that they were built at the wrong location,
which has been confirmed visually.
to be recognized in the scan, and their recognized surfaces often simply fell short of the
Surfmin threshold. Another important reason for failing to recognize objects is registration
error. The impact of registration error on the proposed approach is discussed in more detail
in the section Impact of Registration Error, below.
Further than the simple binary recognition of objects, the results provided by the de-
veloped approach enable a more detailed analysis of the matching between the as-built and
corresponding as-planned object. First of all, the differences between the as-planned and
as-built ranges of each object’s point can be mapped to display some potential small location
and orientation issues for each object to the user. Figure 5, for instance, displays (1) the
designed 3D representation of a column part of the 3D model used in the experiments pre-
sented in this paper, as well as (2) the recognized point cloud of that column automatically
recognized in Scan 1 (Experiment 1 ). Each recognized range point is colored with respect to
the difference between its as-planned and corresponding as-built ranges, Δρ. This mapping
of the Δρ values obtained for all the recognized points enables the user visualizing whether
the object is generally correctly positioned. For instance, if all the points have colors in the
yellow-red ranges, such as in the example in Figure 5, then it may be concluded that the
object generally has a proper orientation, but is built slightly too close to the scanner. On
the contrary, if all the points have colors in the yellow-red ranges, then it may be concluded
that the object generally has a proper orientation, but is built slightly too far from the
scanner. Finally, if the points have colors that significantly vary from one end of the object
to the other end, then it may be concluded that the object’s orientation (e.g. plumbness) is
not correct. Overall, note that the developed approach being rapid, it could be used with
fitting algorithms exist and some are already available in point cloud management software.
For instance, Kwon et al. (2004) present approaches to fit parametric primitives (spheres,
cylinders and boxes) to range data, and a general approach for recognizing parameterized
objects in range data is described in (Chenavier et al. 1994; Reid and Brady 1995). Once
the form is fitted to the point cloud, the parameters of the fitted form can be compared
to the parameters of the designed form to infer location and orientation error information
that is suited for comparison with tolerances typically provided in project specifications and
that could be previously automatically extracted for each object (see the investigative work
presented in (Boukamp and Akinci 2007)).
The performance results presented here are generally promising, if not good, but not
necessarily as good as ultimately expected (100% recall rates, and 0% Type I and II error
rates). There is, however, one particular reason for the observed lower performances: the
experiments conducted here use registration data of poor quality. The mean registration
error Reg for the three scans is in average equal to 21.8 mm, which is large and thus likely
has a significant impact on the object recognition results — even if, to a certain degree,
Δρmax takes this error into account. The reason for these high registration error values is
that facility tie points were not scanned when the scans were originally conducted. As a
result, manual point matching had to be used, which typically leads to larger registration
In the industry, scan registration error specifications are far more stringent with values of
a couple of millimeters. With such registration errors, that can be achieved by using facility
tie points, it is expected that object recognition results achieved by the developed approach
This paper presented an automated approach for the recognition of 3D CAD model
objects in 3D laser scans, with a specific emphasis on validation performed using large data
sets obtained from a constructions site. This approach presents significant improvements
to the previously published version in (Bosche and Haas 2008). In this paper, the object
recognition performance of the approach is first demonstrated. In particular, the methods
proposed for automatically estimating the two thresholds, Δρmax and Surfmin , used for
point and object recognition respectively, appear effective as they lead to good compromises
between high recall rates on one side, and high specificity and precision rates on the other
side. It is then shown that this approach demonstrates good computational efficiency, due
to the use of a pruning technique that works well with the investigated problem. Finally, the
object-level results provided by the developed approach can be used to display to the user
the 3D status of a project, and more interestingly of all its components, for faster and better
management decisions. Ultimately, applying this method to problems, such as automated
progress and productivity tracking as well as automated dimensional QA/QC, provides a
tremendous opportunity.
Many questions remain to be addressed. In particular, the impact of registration error
must be further investigated. Fusing recognition results from different perspectives may
lead to better performances. Exploitation of 3D image data not related to 3D CAD objects
(as-built range points corresponding to none of the model objects) may be possible. The
information produced by the as-planned point cloud generation step may be used to plan
scans to achieve maximum efficiency during data collection.
This project is partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation grant
#0409326 and the Canada Research Chair in Construction & Management of Sustainable
to primitives for rapid local 3D modeling using sparse point range clouds.” Automation in
Construction, 13(1), 67–81.
Reid, I. and Brady, M. (1992). “Model based recognition and range imaging for a guided
vehicle.” Image and Vision Computing, 10(3), 197–207.
Reid, I. D. and Brady, J. M. (1995). “Recognition of object classes from range data.” Artificial
Intelligence Journal, 78(1-2), 289–326.
Ritter, J. (1990). Graphics gems, chapter An efficient bounding sphere, 301–303. Academic
Press Professional, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA.
Process Experiment:
Steps 1 2 3 3’
Step 2 - Scan-referencing: 59.0 56.5 57.2 1
Step 3 - As-planned 141.9 109.1 16.8 450.8
point cloud:
Steps 4+5 - Point and 15.5 11.2 3.5 2.9
object recognition:
Total (Steps 2+3+4+5): 216.4 176.8 77.5 454.7
aa %
aa %
aa %
aa %
FIG. 4. (1) Scan 1, and (2) the 3D model object recognition results obtained with the
developed approach.
FIG. 5. (1) Model and (2) as-built range point cloud extracted from Scan 1, of a
structural column.